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Addl Response to FOIA Request for Info Re Correspondence & Communications Between NRC & T Madden.Forwards NRC 810804 Transmittal Ltr & Apps.Documents Subj to FOIA Request 80-555 Will Be Available in Pdr.W/O Encl
Person / Time
Issue date: 08/10/1981
From: Felton J
To: Stewart G
FOIA-80-623 NUDOCS 8109230779
Download: ML20010H169 (1)


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.C WASW NG TO N. D. C. 20555 E

' UC 171981 m. E~g


v.s. g y ron 3


August 10, 1981



M s

M Geoffrey S. Stewart, Esquire Davis Polk & Wardwell 1575 I Street, N.W.

IN RESPONSE REFER Washington, DC 20005 TO F01A-8')-623

Dear Mr. Stewart:

This is in further response to your letter dated December 16, 1980 in which you requested, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, copies of all correspondence and all documents relating to correspondence or conmunications between the NRC and Thomas Madden of Kaye, Scholer, 1

Fierman,liays & liandler (FOIAs80-515, 80-516, and 80 555).

You agreed in a telephone conversation on January 7,1981 with Ms. Sarah N.

Wigginton, of my staff, to accept copies of our transmittal letters and appendices.

Please find enclosed our transa.ittal letter dated August 4, 1981 with its appendices. With that letter, FCIA-80-555 has been completed.

All documents subject to F0IA-80-555 will be placed in the NRC Public Document Room,1717 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC, by August 13, 1981.

This completes action on your request.



(/ f-J i.

elton, Director

, ivision of Rules and Records Office of Administration


As stated l

l l

l 8109230779 810010 PDR FOIA STEWARTOO-623 PDR

.s D AV i s POLK & WARDWELL Q,0 1

15 75 I STR E ET, N. W.

WAS HIN GTON, D. C. 20 o 0 5 702-789 7800 4 CHAS E Ma#M Af Y4M PLA2A, ht w 7088, h V.10009 TELEX:4<4 0 62 6 wu -440626 4, Pt.Act oE LA cc=ccact,7scos ramis Tf L EPHoseg:33 530 4000 Y r L LPa= GN E: 265. 64 01 TE Lt e: 817-eds34e ww.sr69 34 Y r L E x. 290485 0 wi tT S FThe AT#EET, fstw vope, N f 60 089 H COPTH4LL Avt ssVE, LONDON EC2R 7LU Tf LEPMont. asp. g30 4000 T EL L Pac as t - Os - 618 - 9 H6 T & L LE:IT T - 42 e 3 4 wo.iE6 8 34 YtLEs:Sa6238 December 16, 1980 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT.REQUESI,

Office of Administration Fo.TA -po - 6 2d United States Nuclear Regulatory A,y,, g jd, j7, gg Commission Washington, D.C.

20555 Re:


Dear Sirs:

I herewith request that the following identifiable records in the possession of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission

("NRC"), its contractors and its subcontractors be made available to me for inspection and copying pursuant to the provisions of 10 C.F.R. Part 9 Subpart A:

(1) All correspondence and all documents relating to correspondence or to verbal communications be.wcen the NRC and Thomas J.

Madden, Esq. of the firm of Kaye, Scholer, Fierman, IIays & IIandler.

(2) All documents and other materials that either have been or will be ma le available to Mr. Madden by the NRC pursuant to Mr. Madden's several Freedom of Information Act Requests made of the NRC on October 16, 1980.

Copies of those requests are attached to this letter.

This letter does not request that any of these documents or materials be copied for me at this time.







United States Nuclear December 16, 1980 Regulatory Commission


If you deny al1 or any portion of this Request, please provide me with a detailed statement of the reasons for withholding eitch document or any portion of any document, together with an index or similar stat ent specifically describing the documents or materialr, or portions of documents or materials, withheld.

See Vaughn v. Rosen, 484 F.2d 820 (D.C. Cir. 1973), cert. denied, 415 U.S. 977 (1974).

To ex-pedite this Request, I would be glad to discuss with you specific instances of deletion or claims of exemption by the NRC in advance of a final decision on these deletions or exemp-tions by the NRC.

I agree to pay all reasonable charges incurred under NRC regulations in c'anection with the NRC's search for the foregoing documents, upon presentation of an invoice accompanying the furnished documents.

If the total of such charges will exceed $100.00, however, please advise me of the estimated expense before it is incurred.

Very truly yours, 4

Geoff ey IS.

Stewart l

l l
