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Completes Original Response to NRC 810108 Ltr Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Repts 50-460/80-16 & 50-513/80-16. Corrective Actions:Reviewed All Subj Support Deficiencies & Corrective Action Request Issued to Increase Hanger Insp
Person / Time
Site: Washington Public Power Supply System
Issue date: 03/05/1981
From: Mazur D
To: Spencer G
Shared Package
ML20003E002 List:
GO-1-81-58, NUDOCS 8104020035
Download: ML20003E006 (4)


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LJ lP W shington Public Power Supply System A JOINT OPER ATING AGENCY 5 _ . . . . . . , _ . . . . . . _ _ _ . , .._ ._ ..._. _ ...., . _ . . . . . . . . . . _

fluclear Regulatory Comission March 5, 1981 Region V GO- 1 58 Suite 202, Walnut Creek Plaza 1990 fl. California Boulevard Walnut Creek, California 94596 fA%5Djb'g Y

j Attention: Mr. G. S. Spencer n .% g m34 ..

Chief Reactor Construction Gi g and Engineering Support Branch E,_p g g ~e 5 Gentlemen: ?g


WPPSS fluclear Projects flos. 1/4 flRC Inspection - Wr4P-1/4 Dates of Inspection - December 16 thru 19,1980 Docket flos. 50-460 and 50-513 Construction Permit fios. CPPR-134 and -174


1. Letter from G. S. Spencer to R. L. Ferguson, fiRC Inspection at Wf1P-1/4 Site, dated January 8,1981.
2. Letter from D. W. Mazur to G. S. Spencer, G01-81-031 Response to flRC Inspection at Wf4P-1/4 Site, dated February 3, 1981.

Reference one (1) of the correspondence delineated the results of the December 16-19, 1980 inspection of activities authorized by f1RC Construction Permits flos. CPPR- 134 and -174. Further, reference one (1) of the corres-pondence identified certain activities which were not conducted in full compliance with PSAR requirements set forth in the flotice of Violation enclosed as Appendix A. These items of noncompliance have been categorized into a level as described in Supplement II of the Federal Register dated October 7,1980 (45 FR 66754) as the Interim Enforcement Policy.

This letter is submitted to complete our original response as indicated in reference two (2) above. The specific finding, as identified, and the Supply System response is provided herewith as Appendix A.

Very truly yours,


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W. M ur WNP-1/4 Program Director pm


Appendix A & Oath Sheet cc: CR Bryant, Bonneville Power Administration /399 V. Stello, Director, f1RC Office of Inspection & Enforcemer t V. Mani, United Engineers & Constructors, Philadelphia B10.4 02 0 38 - R.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region V Suite 202, Walnut Creek Plaza 1990 N. California Boulevard Walnut Creek, California 94596 Docket No. 50-460 and 50-513 Construction Permit No. CPPR-134 and -174 APPENDIX A Finding B B. 10CFR50, Appendix B, Criterion V, as implemented by Section 17.1.5 of the quality assurance program documented in the PSAR and the WPPSS QA Program Manual Procedure QAP-2, Paragraph 3.1 states, in part, that

" Activities affecting quality shall be prescribed by documented instruc-tions, procedures and drawings, of a type appropriate to the circum-stances and shall be accomplished in accordance with these instructions, procedures or drawings..."

Drawing No. 9779-LL-417652 for support no. CCW-54-SG-106, a WPPSS Quality Class 1 ASME III, Subsection NF Class 3 support in Section A-A depicts the shop welding configuration for the upper beam to wall attachment plate joint.

Contrary to the above, as of December 18, 1980, the as installed shop weld configuration for the upper beam to wall attachment plate joint did not conform to that specified by the drawing in that the joint configuration was rotated 180 from drawing orientation require-ment. The support was inspected and accepted by the material supplier on April 24, 1979.

This is a severity level IV violation (Supplement II of Federal Register Notice 45 FR 66754, dated October 7,1980).

Sunnly System Response B. As described in our February 3, 1981 response, the WPPSS/UE&C site QA group has performed an additional inspection encompassing a larger pop-ulation of supports (66 supports) in an attempt to ascertain whether or not the subject condition could be considered an isolated case. It was determined that, of the additional supports inspected, three (3) exhibited similar type orientation deficiencies. However, in all cases, the deficiency was associated with incorrect orientation on the web portion of the beam

. rather than on beam (flange) to wall attachment plates.

Project Engineering has examined the subject support deficiencies and concluded that the design departures are of no consequence to the original design intent and as such are acceptable as is. It has been determined by reviewing the design calculations that the sectional properties of the weld are independent of the sida of the web on which the weld is made.

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,Page 2 The incorrect flange weld identified during the regional inspection likewise has been determined to be acceptable as is and by virtue of the additional site inspections considered to be an isolated case.

Project Engineering has assessed the results of the aforementioned site QA inspection, and concluded that further reinspections of that type are not warranted based on the magnitude and severity of the deficiencies fou nd . In reaching this conclusion, the following points were carefully considered; there were relatively few additiormi discrepancies found, all discrepancies were of Lue same type, and the design significance of the discrepancies were such .that there is no degredation of the original design intent. Future misorientation of flange welds will be reviewed by Engineering on a case-by-case tesis when identified.

All of the deficier..tes identified to date have been reviewed by Project Engineering and determined not to have posed a threat to the safe operation of the plant.

Action Taken to Preclude Recurrence Recognizing that the inspection program for completed hangers needs bolstering, a Corrective Action Request, number H.O. 23-3 has been issued to Huico, the fabricator of the subject supports, to increase the degree and amount of inspection on completed hangers prior to release to preclude further instances of this nature. They have been further directed to conduct training sessions for inspection personnel designed to assure accurate interpretation of the AWS welding symbols utilized on the pipe support details in inspection activities.

In addition, UE&C vendor surveillance has been alerted of the problems and directed to increase their surveillance in this area.

Date of Full Compliance It is . anticipated that full compliance will be achieved by April 1,1981.




D. W. MAZUR, Being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the Program Director, WNP-1/4, for the WASHINGTON PUBLIC POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM, the applicant herein; that he is authorized to submit the foregoing on behalf of said applicant; that he has read the foregoing and knows the contents thereof; and believes the same to be true to the best of his knowledge.

DATED 3, I , 1981 I

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/ ]NMk D N . MAZi


On this day personally appeared before me D. W. MAZUR to me known to be the individual who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that he signed the same as his free act and deed for the uses and pur-poses therein mentioned.

GIVEN under my hand and seal this d day of ///g4 & , 1981 Andkl$e#/

Nota Public in and for the State esdnD62//,wre/