MONTHYEARML20210N7891999-08-0303 August 1999 Ro:On 990802,licensed RSO Was Not Readily Available During Operation of Reactor IAW TS 6.1.5.Caused by SRO on Duty Leaving Site Boundary & Not Informing RO in Reactor Cr. Licensee Will Initiate Two Administrative Procedure Changes ML20154S1131998-10-22022 October 1998 Special Rept Re Portion of Rs Sys Contained in New Power Measuring Instruments Purchased from Sorrento Electronics & Received in Mar 1996,that Does Not Appear to Meet Single Failure Criterion.Will Make Mods to Linear Power Channels ML20133P5981997-01-21021 January 1997 Ro:On 961220,designated Valve E Would Not Close on Signal Introduction.Reactor Core Alteration & Low Power Neutron Flux Measurement Was Planned 961227 ML20003C4801981-02-0909 February 1981 Ro:On 810130,emergency Generator Failed to Maintain Proper Operating Voltage & Generator Cycled Radically. Caused by Improperly Positioned Voltage Regulator manual-auto Switch.Warning Label Added to Panel 1999-08-03
[Table view] Category:TEXT-SAFETY REPORT
MONTHYEARML20210N7891999-08-0303 August 1999 Ro:On 990802,licensed RSO Was Not Readily Available During Operation of Reactor IAW TS 6.1.5.Caused by SRO on Duty Leaving Site Boundary & Not Informing RO in Reactor Cr. Licensee Will Initiate Two Administrative Procedure Changes ML20211H3501999-06-30030 June 1999 Operating Rept for Univ Ma Lowell Reactor for Period 980701-990630. with ML20154S1131998-10-22022 October 1998 Special Rept Re Portion of Rs Sys Contained in New Power Measuring Instruments Purchased from Sorrento Electronics & Received in Mar 1996,that Does Not Appear to Meet Single Failure Criterion.Will Make Mods to Linear Power Channels ML20151S9921998-06-30030 June 1998 Operating Rept for Univ of Ma Lowell Reactor for Period of 970701-980630 ML20203A1581998-02-0505 February 1998 SER Re Gamma Cave Facility at Univ of Ma at Lowell,License R-125.Staff Finds Existing Uml Configuration for Controlling Access to High & Very High Radiation Areas Adequately Addresses Requirements of 10CFR20.1601 & 20.1602 ML20211L2221997-09-30030 September 1997 Informs Commission of Conversion Order Issued Under 10CFR50.64,which Requires That non-power Reactors Convert from high-enriched U Fuel to low-enriched U Fuel & Status of HEU to LEU Conversions ML20198E8141997-07-31031 July 1997 SER Supporting Amend 12 to License R-125 ML20216H6571997-06-30030 June 1997 Operating Rept for Univ of Ma Lowell Reactor for Period 960701-970630 ML20133P5981997-01-21021 January 1997 Ro:On 961220,designated Valve E Would Not Close on Signal Introduction.Reactor Core Alteration & Low Power Neutron Flux Measurement Was Planned 961227 ML20117J8411996-06-30030 June 1996 Operating Rept for Univ of Mass Lowell Reactor for Period 950701-960630 ML20091N2251995-06-30030 June 1995 Operating Rept for Univ of Ma Lowell Reactor for Period Jul 1994 - June 1995 ML20072G2181994-06-30030 June 1994 Operating Rept for University of Mass Lowell Reactor,For Period 930701-940630 ML20056G3501993-06-30030 June 1993 Operating Rept for Univ of Ma Lowell Reactor for Jul 1992 - June 1993 ML20114C0611992-06-30030 June 1992 Operating Rept for Univ of Massachusetts,Lowell Reactor for Jul 1991-June 1992 ML20137M3311985-11-30030 November 1985 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the Renewal of the Operating License for the Training & Research Reactor at the University of Lowell.Docket No. 50-223.(University of Lowell) ML20136J1621985-06-30030 June 1985 Operating Rept for Univ of Lowell Reactor, Jul 1984 - June 1985 ML20107K7351985-02-14014 February 1985 Requalification Program for Licensed Reactor Operators & Licensed Senior Reactor Operators ML20107K6871985-02-14014 February 1985 Updated SAR for Univ of Lowell Research Reactor ML20066B8711982-10-21021 October 1982 Operating Rept for Univ of Lowell Reactor,Jul 1982-June 1982 ML20027D0271982-10-21021 October 1982 Monthly Operating Rept for June 1982 ML20040C5331982-01-15015 January 1982 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 5 to License R-125 ML20003C4801981-02-0909 February 1981 Ro:On 810130,emergency Generator Failed to Maintain Proper Operating Voltage & Generator Cycled Radically. Caused by Improperly Positioned Voltage Regulator manual-auto Switch.Warning Label Added to Panel ML19253A8821979-08-29029 August 1979 Annual Operating Rept, Jul 1978-June 1979 ML19207C3811979-06-30030 June 1979 Operating Rept for Jul 1978-June 1979 ML19246A9431979-05-29029 May 1979 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 3 to License R-125 1999-08-03
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452-5000 x2232 February 9, 1981 f
Director, Regional Operations Office U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission King of Prussia, PA
Dear Sir:
During a power outage on January 30, the emergency generator failed to maintain proper operating voltage (480V) and the generator cycled radically.
At approximately 1211, January 30, external power was lost to the entire University and the surrounding area.
The emergency generator started and power was restored; however, the voltage was low and soon began to cycle radically.
A senior operator went to the emergency generator room but was not able to discern the cause. To prevent damage to the generator, he secured the generator.
(At the time of the outage, the reactor was secured.) Some of the larger loads were removed from the bus and the emergency generator restarted.
The voltage was still low, however, there was no radical voltage swings. Normal power was restored at 1413.
A manufacturer's representative was called in to investigate.
He arrived later that afternoon and traced the problem to an improperly positioned switch (the voltage regulator manual-auto switch).
The voltage regulator acts as an automatic field rheostat which precisely controls the field current in order to maintain a constant output voltage of the generator.
With the switch in the manual position, the generator was not capable of responding to various load conditions.
On February 2, a test was run to verify that this switch was actually the cause.
Conditions were duplicated and a load test run with the voltage regulator switch in manual. The generator responded as it did on January 30.
With the switch in auto, the generator responded properly.
A review of the logs indicate that the generator was operating properly on January 23.
The switch (a simple toggle type switch) must have been inadvertently or accidently positioned in the manual mode between January 23 and January 30.
{ 8103 060 Q3$
Page Two Director, Regional Operations Office U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission February 9, 1981 To minimize the. probability of this reoccurring, the following steps have been taken:
1) all personnel responsible for the operation and/or maintenance of the equipment have been advised of the importance of this switch being in the auto position; 2) a warning label has been added to the generator panel stating that this switch should be in the " auto" position;
- 3) plans are being made to either change the type of switch or remove it completely during the next manufacturer's maintenance period.
A report of this incident will be made to the Reactor Radiation Safety Subcommittee for.further evaluation.
Sincerely yours, w(
CC g-Thomas J. h 11 ace Nuclear Reactor Supervisor f