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Responds to NRC 801121 Ltr Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Repts 50-460/80-13 & 50-513/80-13.Corrective Actions:Qa Personnel Will Provide Procurement Controls for Matl Substitutions
Person / Time
Site: Washington Public Power Supply System
Issue date: 12/12/1980
From: Mazur D
To: Spencer G
Shared Package
ML19341B284 List:
GO-1-80-381, NUDOCS 8101300588
Download: ML19341B288 (4)



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Nuclear N u11 tory Co ,icsinn December 12, 1980 Reaion " GC-1-80-381 Suite 20 . 'hinut Creek D1 7:3 1920 . iiifornia Boulened

'la i r.u : C r u . ralifor ia 9396 Attention: ttr. G. S. Spencer Chief Reactor Construction and Enaineerino Succort Branch Gentlemen:

Subjac;: ..' P P 5 5 .CCLEAR PROJECTS N05. 1/4

.-- ..m.n., ,,

....m.itu.. ,,..a.a -1/4

' T:5 CF I:;SPECTION - October 20-23, 1980

~::EET .05. 50 u60 AND 50-S13

. .:T7CT:0M PEB11T NOS. CPPR-124 AND -174 P.e ' aran c e. te;cac feca G. 5. Spencer to R. L. Ferguson, URC Inspection

. , 2 - 1, - aita, catec novemoer 21, 1930.

Tb r " en es corre.;punaunce uei ineateu cne resui ts of the October 20-23, 1_^

-:t c m . v. a. i a -s aucaorizea ay ;.RC Construction Pen:n ts

.n . .. i a 1, , . e .m e r , coa rererenced corresponaence identified .

no c conduc teo. ia rul,i compliance wi th PSn.R cm : ii. - . . . :i e s ,.o ica .!cre re :uir . .a z .ic;a la ;a .;0tica of "iclation enclosed as Appenoix A.

This ; v: .x.u..plianca ha , ceen catagorized into a level as described i:; .it :: .~ "n I:Jcral register dated October 7, 1980 (45 FR 66754) ca .e u. ari: En forcement l'oiicy.

This le n _r is ..litL.; ia response to the referenced correspondence. The speci: M lc : Wing, as identified, and the Supply System response is pcovided nerewi t'. as Appendix A. .


! _ _'l er t uly yours,

n. . i. I 41 s

&WY D. 1. flatur WNP-1/4 brJfam Director pm Enclosure (1) cc: P. L <:~a i s - B PA CR Bryant - SPA V. ..ani - UESC, Phil.

7. S'.ello - Director of Inspection and Enforcement - flRC P.
V ='. DIX A Nucinar Y ;13t:0 Commiscica Eegion V 9 Suite 2C:. ',:alnut Creek Plaza p ) 13 '3h l[ I g"jg 10

{ {q 6 u

1390 ';. c21 9 rnia Ocaleva-d l


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  • miT 954
cLet 7, 50 a 0 Ccnstruction Car-it *:o. Cr'o 131

$7'11 CF VIOLATICS As a result of the inspection conducted on October 20-23, 1980, and in accordance with the Interin Enforcement Policy, 45 FR 66754 (October 7, 1930), the following violation was identified:

IC;F'30, 5:cer.cix 5. Criterien IV. as inclemented by Section 17.1.4 of the cuality assurance crocram cccurented in tne PSAR states, in cart, tha t

":*easures snali De to assure tnat acclic.aole regulatory recuirements. cesien cases, anc ctner recuirements wnicn are necessary to assure aceauate cuality are suitacly incluced or referenced in the d:ccments rce procure ent or caterial, equipment, ano services, wnetner purcnasca ay tne appiicant or oy its contractors or succontractor ..."

Con tra r: to tne acave, as of Octccer 23, 1930, the reasures established by :ne ,;e .ecnanicai contraccor anc their painting suocontractor were r.c : acec.uce to assure c procurer,ent dccuments included those requirements r,2: essa; ;v - sore uccquace quality or the paint to ce used on equipment

.ti th : n ca aa u n .ca t. Ccatract specification lio. 9779-211 requires the pa' :: .: 1,e 2 o un s uc cor of cen. The painc oroered, receiveo ar . . ;ca .. s urage iur use riad a decontaniination factor of 6.'3.

Thi 1s ~ ;cca icy !avel IV violation (Supplement II of Federal Re9~i ster' ~ ~

lotice .3 T 2375;, dated October 7,1920).


$UPILY Sii!L.! dt;iJNSE 4/ "~

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@rrecti .c t: laL_n anu ,_c.a Resul ts Achieved

/.0 The appr- 2i bj ha Acchittet. Engineer contained in Corrective '.iaiver 9ecuest ters 211-039 and 257-013 pennits the specified paint to have a dccent:.:ina*.1on factor of less than ten (10). tiobil Zinc 7 with a decantar :lticn factor of 6.3 neets the requirements of A"SI N5.12 which specific: a typical range for decontamination factor of five to- twenty (5 to 20). For clarification it should be noted that the test results for Mcbi; Zinc 7 (1 F12) indicated an overall decontamination factor of 6.2 and not 6.3 as referenced in the Motice of Violation.

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D**)D ]D []W I oo A s:n : 're "r.n by the .necPanical co-tractor and subcontractor respec-N wNUS N! =

. - tive! > _ :: . uJ :s a resul t of 1 failure to specify the soccific type and formuia " " nil Zir.c 7 in the procurement documents and subsequent review o# tSat docu: lent which rasulted in the procurement, and actual re-ceict c' 'M '90 # - ula "abil Zinc 7 paint.

The 'm:rWcil centmtsr has documented this discrepancy in t!cnconformance Recert '?: +ce "':C2 211-232. Dreject Cuality Assurance initiated Corrective Acticn 1, cues

  • Mu-Ser ?ll-03 to the mechanical contractor for failure to adecuatelv contml m b-tier crc urement.

Contract laiver Racuest numbars 211-039 and 257-04S have been reviewed by toe t ecni+ect G'cinners' f%terials and Coatings Soecialist cod sub-s tan:ia ted the orior approval of the aforementioned Contract Waiver Request.

Corrective Action to Preclude Recurrence

.Jality Assurance eersonnet have been instructed

.a all Contract Waiver Recuests dealina with

.. -ti suostitutions tnrouan tne Quality Assurance

z arina Group or tne arenitect Engineer tor approvcl.

.a t ity assurance Engineering Group will provide the


__::ary interrace witn tne Materials and Coatings

_:: iis; to ensure proper review. ,

2)  : ecnanicas contractor will review all existing and

'! ;ua-uer procurement actions in accoraance with muireu of t,catract waiver Request numoers Ina d67-04J to ensure proper inclusion of all ,

w e speciricacica requirements.

. .gua .; .i; . ac placad on contractor and sub-~

oc r,cccure.aca; Jacupents during the audi t process

.=ae m applicuaie reguiatory requirements, design

> . requ ux.nents v.hich are necessary to assure

<_ pality ice ;uitably included or issued in the

_ . . ~ for prceurement of material, equipment, and sup-31; ..

Date of .:i . i ; & r.c a

oncon m inc . . port Jumer CHC" 211-232, issued by the mechanical contractor estebiE
the control of the nonconforming paint as of this date, e__

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L.'.. Jeina first cuiv suorn, aeooses an:: says: That he is the ?crrr 01 rector, WNP-1/4 for the UASHIliGTOM PUBLIC P0k:ER SUPPLY 575TI:', :he acci1 cant nerein: tnat he is autnorind to submit the fore-goi.n :n canair of sala acoticant: he nas reaJ the foregoing and kno..s :ne centents tnereor; ano celieves the same te. be true to the best of nas ,;nowieage.

DATED t urau , 1920 i / ,, l ,,

,.1- 0 ;' Y


D. '.:. :'X2UR\( )

Ln :nis ./ ,a-rwuiiy appeared before itte D. W. MAZUR to me known to be the . /idual who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged Yut he 'ed t.he v r.e as his free act and deed for the uses and purposes nrein 'tior id.

.i .

l!.'EN a: ; a i.ano and seal this 12.'" day of Oeeeuwey , 1930


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1:} CGA c . ! }1 o.hc(

vl.i tary u Public in and for the State of 4!ashingt Resillina at . os.M.[ mmh y 1



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