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OIG-18-A-09-Status of Recommendations: Audit of Nrc'S Decommissioning Financial Assurance Instrument Inventory Dated November 27, 2019
Person / Time
Issue date: 11/27/2019
From: Baker B
To: Margaret Doane
Download: ML19331A007 (3)


UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555-0001 OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL November 27, 2019 MEMORANDUM TO: Margaret M. Doane Executive Director for Operations FROM: Dr. Brett M. Baker /RA/

Assistant Inspector General for Audits




DIRECTOR, OFFICE OF NUCLEAR MATERIAL SAFETY AND SAFEGUARDS MEMORANDUM DATED NOVEMBER 07, 2019 Attached is the Office of the Inspector Generals (OIG) analysis and status of the recommendation as discussed in the agencys response dated November 07, 2019.

Based on this response, recommendation 1 remains open and resolved. Please provide a status update on the resolved recommendation by June 15, 2020.

If you have questions or concerns, please call me at (301) 415-5915, or Eric Rivera, Team Leader, at (301) 415-7032.


As stated cc: C. Haney, OEDO D. Jackson, OEDO J. Jolicoeur, OEDO S. Miotla, OEDO RidsEdoMailCenter Resource OIG Liaison Resource EDO_ACS Distribution

Audit Report AUDIT OF NRCS DECOMMISSIONING FINANCIAL ASSURANCE INSTRUMENT INVENTORY OIG-18-A-09 Status of Recommendation Recommendation 1: Update guidance to reflect current practices, including, but not limited to:

A. Define what is to be kept in the files and/or safe and implement the guidance.

B. Define the filing methodology for the safe (e.g., by licensee, site, license, or instrument).

C. Require supporting documentation of completion of every step in the NMSS and NRR evaluations.

D. Describe procedural steps for NRR to complete the evaluations or state expectations for NRR to complete the same steps as NMSS.

E. Require written follow-up from the NMSS and NRR evaluations by the auditee to the evaluator, to ensure any identified discrepancies are corrected.

F. Require NMSS and NRR evaluation reports and the Inventory List to be marked OUO, as appropriate.

G. Require segregation of duties between the person in NMSS who maintains the Inventory List and the person who completes the annual evaluation.

Agency Response Dated November 07, 2019: The staff agrees with the OIG recommendation.

The staff has revised Management Directive (MD) 8.12, Decommissioning Financial Assurance Instrument Security Program, which provides the guidance on maintaining and auditing the NRCs financial instrument inventory by headquarters and the Regions.

Specifically, MD 8.12 was revised to address OIGs recommendation from OIG Audit, OIG-18-A-09, and to also reflect organizational changes from the recent establishment of the Center of Expertise in NMSS for financial assessment.

This memo closes out the NMSS action regarding OIG audit, OIG-18-A-09.

Audit Report AUDIT OF NRCS DECOMMISSIONING FINANCIAL ASSURANCE INSTRUMENT INVENTORY OIG-18-A-09 Status of Recommendation Recommendation 1 (cont.):

OIG Analysis: The proposed corrective action addresses the intent of OIGs recommendation. OIG will close this recommendation after the revised Management Directive 8.12 is approved and implemented. Additionally, OIG will review the updated guidance and determine that it reflects current practices as outlined in recommendation 1.

Status: Open: Resolved.