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Certificate of Compliance 9080,Revision 4,for Model HN-600 Shipping Package
Person / Time
Site: 07109080
Issue date: 07/21/1980
From: Macdonald C
Shared Package
ML19329A037 List:
NUDOCS 8007280766
Download: ML19329A038 (3)





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8 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE 10 CFR 71 For Radioactive Materials Packages 1.(t) C e Number 1.(b) R ision No.

1.(c e fication No.

1.(d ) ages No 1.(e) otal No. Pages

2. PREAMBLE 2.fa)

This certificate is issued to satisfy Sections 173.3934,173.394,173.39s. and 173.396 of the oepartment of Transportation Hazardous Ma'erials Requiations (49 CFR 170-189 and 14 CFR 103) and Sections 146-19-10a and 146--19-100 of the cepartment of Transportation oangerous Cargoes Regulations (46 CFR 146-149), as amended.

i 2.(b)

The packaging and contents described in item 5 below, meets the safety standards set forth in Subpart C of Title 10. Code of Federst Regulations. Part 71," Packaging of Radioactive Materials for Transport and Transportation of Radioactive Material Under Certaiin Conditens/*


This certificate does not relieve the consignor from compliance with any recuirement of the requietions of t'e U.S. oepartment of Transportation or other aposicable regulatory agene es, including the government of any country through or. to which the package will be transported.

3. This certificate is issued on the basis of a safety analysis report of the package design or applicatiort-3.(a)

Propered by (Name and address):


Title and idenofication of report or application:

hittman Nuclear & Development Hittman Nuclear & Development Corporation application Corporation dated January 12, 1977, as supplemented.

9190 Red Branch Road Columbia, MD 21045


oo,g,,no, 71-9080

4. CoNotTioNS This certificate is conditenal upon the fulfilling of the mauirements of Subpart o of 10 CFR 71, as applicable, and the condi ions specified t

in item 5 below.


5. oescription of Packaging and Authorized Contents, Modit Number. Fissile Class. other Conaitons, and



Packaging (1) Model No.: 9080


(2) De:,cription A steel enca:ed, lead shielded cask for law specific activity material.

The cask is a right circular cylinder 54-1/2 inches high by 84 inches in diameter. The cask cavity is 40-1/4 inches high by 75-1/2 inches in diameter. The cask side wall consists of a 3/8-inch thick inner steel shell, a 3-inch iead shall, arid a 3/4-inch thick outer steel shell.

The base is comprised of two steel plates welded together to form a 5-1/2-inch thick base which is integrally welded to the inner and outer steel shells of the side wall. A steel flange is welded to the inner and outer shells of the side wall at the top.

The 5-1/2-inch thick lid is comprised of two steel plates welded together,"which are stepped to mate with the steel flange.

The cask closure is sealed by a Neoprene gasket located between the lid and steel

Positive closure is accomplished by eight (8) ratchet binders.

The lid contains a 6-1/2-inch thick centrally located shield plug, compriced of three steel plates stepped and welded.

The shield plug is sealed by a gasket, and eicht, 3/4-inch studs and nuts er bolts are used to provide positive closure.

A plugged drain in the base and a stainless steel cavity sleeve is optionally provided.

8007280766 nc

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Page 2 - Certificate No. 9080 - Revision No. 4 - Docket No. 71-9080 5.


Packaging (continued)

(2) Description (continued)

Tie-down is accomplished by four tie-down lugs welded to the cask body.

There are four cask lifting lugs, three lid lifting lugs, and one shield plug lifting lug.

The package gross weight is approximately 48,000 pounds.

(3) Drawings The packaging is fabricated in accordance with Hittman Nuclear & Development Corporation Drawing Nos.:

C001-4-9600, Sheet 1, Rev. C; C001-4-9601, Sheet 1, Rev. 8 and Sheet 2, Rev. 0; C001-4-9602, Sheet 1, Rev. 8 and Sheet 2, Rev. 0; C001-4-9603, Sheet 1, Rev. A; and C00159604, Sheet 1, Rev. 0; or The packaging is fabricated in accordance with Nuclear Packagirg, Incorporated Drawing No.:

BA-20-2000, Sheets 1 and 2, Rev:sion 2.

(b) Contents (1) Type and form of material (i) Dewatered, solids, or solidified waste, meeting the reouirements for l

low specific activity radioactive material as defined in 10 CFR

$71.4(g), in secondary containers; or (ii) Activated solid components meeting the requirements for icw specific activity radioactive material as defined in 10 CFR 671.4(g).

(2) Maximum quantity of material per package Greater than Type A quantities of radioactive material with the weight of the contents, secondary containers and shoring not exceeding 13,000 pounds.


Shoring shall be placed between secondary containers (or activated components) and the cask cavity to prevent movement during normal conditions of transport.


The lid and shield plug lifting lugs shall not be used for lifting the cask, and shall be covered in transit; and the secondary lid lifting lug shall not be used for lifting the crimary lid.


Prior tc each shipment, the packaging lid seals shall be inspected.

The seals shall be replaced with new seals if inspection shows any defects or every twelve (12) months, whichever occurs first, Thedrainlineshallbeappropriatelypluggedandsealehpriortotransport.

l 9.


o Page 3 - Certificate No. 9080 - Revision No. 4 - Opcket No. 71-9080 10.

Packagings fabricated (10 CFR $71.53(c)) after August 31, 1980, shall be constructed ~

of A-516, Grade 70 carbon steel instead of A-36 carbon steel.


The package authorized by this certificate shall be transported on a motor vehicle, railroad car, aircraft, inland water craft, or hold or deck of a seagoing vessel assigned for the sole use of the licensee.


The package authorized by this certificate is hereby approved fur use under the general license provisions of 10 CFR 9-71.12(b).


Expiration date:

May 31, 1983.

REFERENCES Hittman Nuclear & Development Corporation application dated January 12, 1977 (including SAR dated 1/13/77).

Supplements dated:

June 6 and 21, 1977; August 18, 1978; and March 17, 1980.


or Nuclear Packaging, Incorporated application dated March 20, 1978.

Supplements dated:

May 1, 1978; and May 9, 1980.

Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc. supplement dated June 29, 1979.


Charles E. MacDonald, Chief Transportation Certification Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety JUL 211980 Date:
