MONTHYEARML20062A1091990-10-11011 October 1990 Forwards Rev 0 to Cetificate of Compliance 9238 for Model Pathfinder Reactor Vessel Package ML20058Q2581990-08-20020 August 1990 Forwards Updated Pages to Pathfinder Decommissioning: Application for Type a Container - Reactor Vessel ML20043C8661990-06-0505 June 1990 Provides Supplemental Response to Question 1 of Re Packaging of LSA Matl in Type a Package.Set of Dimensioned Composite Drawings Encl ML20034C9991990-05-30030 May 1990 Forwards Response to 900314 Questions Re Packaging of LSA Matl in Type a Package ML20033H1971990-04-11011 April 1990 Advises of Util Schedule to Respond to NRC 900314 Request for Addl Info Re Application for Approval of Pathfinder Atomic Plant Vessel as Radioactive Matl Transportation Package ML20012C9991990-03-14014 March 1990 Forwards Request for Addl Info to Continue Review of 891026 Application for Approval of Pathfinder Vessel as Radioactive Matl Transportation Package.Submittal Schedule Requested within 30 Days of Ltr Date ML19324B4741989-11-0303 November 1989 Remits Fee for Application for Approval of Packaging for LSA Matl in Type a Packaging ML19325E2541989-10-26026 October 1989 Forwards Application for Approval of Packaging for Low Specific Activity Matl in Type a Packaging - Decommissioning of Pathfinder Atomic Plant 1990-08-20
MONTHYEARML20058Q2581990-08-20020 August 1990 Forwards Updated Pages to Pathfinder Decommissioning: Application for Type a Container - Reactor Vessel ML20043C8661990-06-0505 June 1990 Provides Supplemental Response to Question 1 of Re Packaging of LSA Matl in Type a Package.Set of Dimensioned Composite Drawings Encl ML20034C9991990-05-30030 May 1990 Forwards Response to 900314 Questions Re Packaging of LSA Matl in Type a Package ML20033H1971990-04-11011 April 1990 Advises of Util Schedule to Respond to NRC 900314 Request for Addl Info Re Application for Approval of Pathfinder Atomic Plant Vessel as Radioactive Matl Transportation Package ML19324B4741989-11-0303 November 1989 Remits Fee for Application for Approval of Packaging for LSA Matl in Type a Packaging ML19325E2541989-10-26026 October 1989 Forwards Application for Approval of Packaging for Low Specific Activity Matl in Type a Packaging - Decommissioning of Pathfinder Atomic Plant 1990-08-20
[Table view] Category:UTILITY TO NRC
MONTHYEARML20058Q2581990-08-20020 August 1990 Forwards Updated Pages to Pathfinder Decommissioning: Application for Type a Container - Reactor Vessel ML20043C8661990-06-0505 June 1990 Provides Supplemental Response to Question 1 of Re Packaging of LSA Matl in Type a Package.Set of Dimensioned Composite Drawings Encl ML20034C9991990-05-30030 May 1990 Forwards Response to 900314 Questions Re Packaging of LSA Matl in Type a Package ML20033H1971990-04-11011 April 1990 Advises of Util Schedule to Respond to NRC 900314 Request for Addl Info Re Application for Approval of Pathfinder Atomic Plant Vessel as Radioactive Matl Transportation Package ML19324B4741989-11-0303 November 1989 Remits Fee for Application for Approval of Packaging for LSA Matl in Type a Packaging ML19325E2541989-10-26026 October 1989 Forwards Application for Approval of Packaging for Low Specific Activity Matl in Type a Packaging - Decommissioning of Pathfinder Atomic Plant 1990-08-20
[Table view] |
.e h h power M 414 Nicol'm Mall i
7 Minneapc.hs, Minnesola 664011927 i
Telephone (612) 3D6600 j
' October 26, 1989 10 CFR 71.31 f
i i
l Charles A MacDonald i
p Chief - Transportation Branch
11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852 r
i l
i Application for Approval of f
l Packacinc for LSA Material in Type A Packacinz l
l t
l Enclosed please find ten copies of " Application for Approval of Packaging for LSA Material in Type A Packaging Decommissioning of the Pathfinder Atomic i
This document presents Northern States Power Company's evaluation of shipping greater than Type A Low Specific Activity byproduct material in a l
Type A shipping container.
Northern States Power Company is currently in the planning phases of decommissioning our Pathfinder Atomic Power plant. As Part of this project, the plant's reactor vessel and its internale must be removed and shipped offsite for disposal as radioactive waste. The radioactive waste in the reactor vessel consists of activated reactor internal components, activated control rods, control rod drives, small amounts of contaminated surface crud, pea gravel and the reactor vessel itself. No hazardous or mixed wastes are contained in the Pathfinder reactor vessel.
NSP proposes to remove the reactor vessel and its contents from the plant as a single piece.
Further, NSP proposes to use the reactor vessel, with the addition of impact limiting and shielding material, as a shipping container for the shipment of the Pathfinder reactor vessel and its contents. The attached report " Application for Approval of Packaging for LSA Material in l
Type A Packaging Decommissioning of the Pathfinder Atomic Plant" presents
our evaluation of the concept of using the Pathfinder reactor vessel as a one L
time use, Type A shipping container. This shipment would be of greater than
' Type A quantity of material, however, the analysis shows that the contents of the sh!pping container will meet the requirements outlined in 10 CFR Part 71 for classificotton as Low Specific Activity Material, i
E.!)A., yw dju/rc} Jn/y
,.'o' Chief. Transportation Branch h 8"
- WY October 26, 1989 Page 2 f
l Currently project planning calls for the reactor vessel to be shipped in the I
late summer of 1990.
If you have any questions or comments on this submittal, i
pisase contact Albert Kuroyamn. Pathfinder Decommissioning Project Manager st (612) 337 2 90 Thomas M Parker
Manager Nuclear Support Services
i c:
Daniel Martin, NRC, NMSS t
W1111au Fisher, NRC Region IV South Dakota Department of Water and Natural Resources Attn: Michael Pochop Attachments : Application for Approval of Packaging for LSA Material in Type A Packaging Decommissioning of the Pathfinder Atomic Plant 1
l i
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l L