PNO-IV-98-054, on 981117,plant Shutdown Greater than 72 H Due to Unidentified Leak.Investigations by Licensee Verified That Leakage Occurred from RCP 2b Seal Area
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PNO-IV-99-032, on 990801,Waterford 3 Operators Manually Tripped Reactor from 100% Power in Response to Indications of Failure of RCP 2B Seal.Pump Was Secured Immediately Following Plan Shutdown.Resident Inspectors Will Monitor
IR 05000382/1999010
PNO-IV-99-032A, on 990801,Waterford 3 Operators Manually Tripped Reactor from 100% Power in Response to Indications of Failure of RCP 2B Seal.Pump Was Secured Immediately Following Plant Sd.New Baffle & Seal Assembly Was Installed
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PNO-IV-99-038, on 990910,operators Manually Tripped Reactor from 100% Power in Response to Indications of Failure of RCP 2B Seal.New Baffle & Seal Assembly Were Installed & Plant Was Returned to Power Operations on 990810
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PNO-IV-99-038A, on 990929,restart of Waterford 3 Occurred. Cause Identified as Failed Seal Water Heat Exchanger Baffle. New Battle & Seal Assembled Were Installed & Reactor Coolant Pump 2B Was Returned to Svc Satisfactorily
i s o 051201'l 6) 50-382/80-03 Appendix A NOTICE OF VIOLATION Based on the results of the NRC inspection conducted on February 25-28, 1980, it appears that certain of your activities were not conducted in full compliance with the conditions of your construction permit No. CPPR-103 as indicated below:
Failure to Follow Inspection Procedures 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion V requires that activities affecting nuality shall be prescribed by documented procedures of a type appropriate to the circumstances.
Procedure TBP-26, Revision H, " Visual Inspection Procedure," paragraph 6.1.5 requires that final welds that join piping subassemblies or components of equal outside diameters shall be crowned at the center and smoothly tapered on each side of the surface being welded.
Contrary to the above:
On February 27, 1980, Component Cooling syscem pipe weld No. FW-2, as shown on isometric #5 of drawing 8469-2516-R, was found to have been reworked after final inspection such that a potential stress riser remained.
A review of installation records revealed that both visual and liquid penetrant inspection had been performed and that the weld had been accepted.
Surface condition of the weld was unacceptable as defined by procedure TBP-26.