ML19309A718 | |
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Site: | 07109049 |
Issue date: | 02/21/1980 |
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ML19309A717 | List: |
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NUDOCS 8004010066 | |
Download: ML19309A718 (13) | |
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' u GENERAL ELECTRIC SHIELDED CONTAINER - MODEL 500 1.0 Package Description - Packaging (a) General All containers of this model, for purposes of constructing additional containers of this model, will have dimensions of plus or minus 5% of the container dimensions specified in this application, and all lif ting and/or tiedown devices for addi-tional containers of this model if different from the lifting and/or tiedown devices described in this application will satisfy the requirements of 10CFR71.31(c)(d).
This container is detailed in G.E. Drawings 706E790, Rev. 4, 212E246, Rev. 7, 106D3870, Rev. 11, 106D3855, REv. 4, and 129D4690, Rev. O attached.
An upright circular cylinder shielded cask and an upright circular cylinder protective jacket with attached square base.
The shielded cask is 28 inches in diameter by 29-3/8 inches high. The protective jacket is 38-7/8 inches high by 40-3/4 inches across the box section. The base is 47-1/2 inches square.
The cask is a lead-filled carbon and stain-less steel weldment. The protective jacket is a double walled structure of 5/16 inch carbon steel plate and surrounds the cask during transport. The square base is 1/2 inch carbon steel with four I-beams attached.
~ ~
1.0 Package Description - Packaging (continued)
(a) General (continued)
The cask weighs 6,300 pounds. The pro-tective jacket and base weigh 1,500 pounds.
Outer Shell:
1/4 inch thick steel plate, 29 inches high by 28 inches in diameter with a 1/2 inch bottom plate and a one inch top flange.
1/4 inch stainless steel wall and bottea plate, 7 inch diameter by 7 inches deep.
Shielding Thickness:
10 inches of lead on sides, 10 inches of lead beneath cavity and 11 inches of lead above cavity.
I Penetration:
One 1/2 inch outer diameter by 0.065 inch wall stainless steel tube gravity drain line from the center of the cavity bottom to the i
side of the outer shell near the cask bottom.
Closed with a fusable lead cored 1/2-NPT i
hex head brass pipe plug or solid stainless steel plug which protrudes 1/2 inch outside of shell surface or an equivalent plug.
General Electric may, at its discretion, permanently close and seal the drain line for this container with no interference to other structural properties of the cask.
I Filters:
Lifting Devices:
Two diametrically opposed ears welded to side of cask, covered by protective jacket during transport.
Primary Coolant:
Air. -
1.0 Package Description - Packaging (continued)
(c) Cask Lid Shape:
Two right cylinders of decreasing diameter attached to flat plates. Bottom plate is 9-3/8 inch diameter by 1/4 inch thick. The top right cylinder is 6-5/8 inches high and is ttpered such that the diameter at the top is 12-1/4 inches and the diameter at the bottom is 12 inches. The bottom right cylinder is 4-3/8 inches high and is tapered such that the top diameter is 9-5/8 inches and the bottom diameter is 9-3/8 inches.
Lead-filled steel clad cylinders welded to circular steel plates.
Six one-inch UNC-2A steel bolts equally spaced 60 apart on a 14-7/8 inch diameter bolt circle.
Closure Seal:
Molded silicone rubber seal bonded to an aluminum back-up plate.
i Penetrations:
. Shield Expansion Void:
4 Lifting Device:
Single steel loop, 1/2 inch diameter steel rod located in center of lid top.
Covered by protective jacket during transport.
(d) ' Liners None anticipated.
If used, liners will be made of lead, tungsten, or uranium encased in stainless steel.
l l
l.0 Prckege Description - Packraing (continued)
(e) Protective Jacket Body 4
Basically, a right circular cylinder with open bottom and with a protruding box section diametrically across top and vertically down sides.
38-7/8 inches high by 40-3/4 inches wide across the box section. Outer cylindrical diameter is 33-3/4 inches.
Inner diameter is 30-1/2 inches. A 5-1/2 inch wide by 5/16 inch wide by 5/16 inch thick steel flange is welded to the outer wall of the open bottom.
Carbon steel throughout.
Double walled con-struction. The walls are 5/16 inch thick.
One inch air gap between cask shell and inner jacket wall and between inner and outer jacket walls, throughout.
Four 12 inch high by 5/16 inch thick gussets are welded to the outer cylindrical wall and flange.
Including the two box sectionc, the gussets are spaced 60 apart.
Six 2 inch bolts connect the protective jacket body, through the flange, to the pallet.
Lifting Devices:
Two rectangular 7/8 inch thick steel loops located on top of the box section at the corners. The steel is 8-3/4 inches long by J
3 inches high by 3-1/2 inches wide.
I Tiedown Devices:
Two diametrically opposed 2 inch thick steel ears welded to sides of box section, each ear has a 1-1/2 inch hole to accept clevis or cable.
1.0 Package Description - Packaging (continued)
.(e) Protective Jacket Body (continued)
Slots along periphery of the protective jacket at the bottom, slots in box section under lifting loops. Allows natural air circulation for cooling.
(f) Protective Jacket Base Shape:
Hollow cylindrical weldment with square bottom plate.
Four I-beams are welded to square bottom of plate.
Bottom plate is 47-1/2 inches square and 1/2 inch thick. The cylindrical collar is 29-1/4 inches in diameter by 3 inches high.
The I-beams are 3 inches high by 47-1/2 inches long.
The cylindrical collar houses two sets of 1-1/4 inch by 1-1/4 inch by 1/8 inch steel energy absorbing angles separated by a 5/16 l
inch thick carbon steel mid-plate. The cask rests on this assembly. The collar is welded to the 1/2 inch thick carbon steel base plate.
Four I-beams are welded in parallel to the base plate.
Two diametrically opposed tie blocks to accept jacket attachment bolts.
2.0 Package Description - Contents (a)
General Radioactive material as the metal or metal oxide; or other non-decomposable (at 650 F) solid materials.
(b) Form Clad, encapsulated or contained in a metal encasement of such material as to withstand the combined effects of the internal heat load and the 1475 F fire with the closure pre-tested for leak tightness, or in Special Form.
(c) Fissile Content Not to exceed 15 grams, fissile.
Radioactivity That quantity of any radioactive material which does not generate spontaneously more than 780 thermal watts by radioactive decay and which meets the requirements of 49CFR173.393.
(e) Heat Total maximum internally generated heat load not to exceed 780 thermal watts.
Although equilibrium temperature recordings were not taken for this package loaded to 780 watts thermal, the resulting temperatures are expected to be less than those recorded for the GE Shielded Container - Model 1500 (Ref. Section 2.0 of the Model 1500 Application) because (1) the thermal watt-loading for the GE Shielded Container - Model 500 is 25.0%
of the Model 1500 loading, (2) the surface area for heat dissipation is 55% of the Model 1500 container, and (3) the cavity spacing in the Model 500 container is smaller, offering less air resistance for heat transfer to the cask.
Reference is made to the GE - Model 100 Application, Exhibit B, for a method of internal heat load analysis and heat dissipation.
3.0, Package Evaluation
.(a) General There are no components of the packaging or its contents which are subject to chemical or galvanic reaction; no coolant is used during transport. The protective jacket is bolted closed during transport.
If that portion of the protective jacket which is used in the tiedown system or that portion which constitutes the principal lif ting device
. failed in such a canner to allow the protective
. jacket to separate from the tiedown and/or lifting devices, the basic protective features of the protective jacket and the enclosed cask would be retained. The package (contents, l
cask and protective jacket) regarded as a simple beam supported at its ends along its
't major axis, is capable of withstanding a static load, normal to and distributed along its entire length equal to five times its fully loaded weight, without generating stress in any material of the packaging in excess of its yield strength. The packaging is adequate to retain all contents when sub-jected to an external pressure of 25 pounds per square inch gauge.
Reference is made to the GE - Model 100 Application, Exhibit C, for a method of determining static loads.
The calculative methods employed in the de-sign of the protective jacket are based on strain rate studies and calculations and on a literature search
- of the effects on materials under impact conditions. The intent was to design a protective jacket that would not only satisfy the requirements of the U.S. Nuclear
- TID-7651 SE-RR-65-98..
-Package Evaluation (a). ~ General (continued)
Regulatory Commission prescribing the pro-cedures and standards of packaging and ship-ping and the requirements governing such packaging and shipping but would protect the shielded cask from significant deformation in the event of an accident.
In the event that the package was involved in an accident, a new protective jacket could be readily sup-
, plied and the shipment continued with minimal time delay.
The effectiveness of the strain rate calcu-lations and engineering intuitiveness in the design and construction of protective jackets was demonstrated with the General Electric Shielded Container - Model 100 (Ref.: Section i
3.0 of the Model 100 Application). The pro-tective jacket design for the General Electric Shielded Container - Model 500 will be scaled from the design of the Model 100 in accordance with the cask weight and dim-ensions, maintaining static load safety factors greater than or equal to unity, and in accordance with the intent to protect the shielded cask from any deformation in the event of an accident.
i, (b) Normal Transport Conditions i
Packaging components, i.e.,
steel shells and lead, uranium and/or tungsten shielding, are unaffected by temperature extremes of -40 F and 130 F.
Package contents, at least singly encapsulated or otherwise contained,.but not limited to special form, will not be affected by these temperature extremes.,.
3.0 Prckag,Evrlurtion (continued)
(b) Normal Transport Conditions (continued)
The package will withstand an external pressure of 0.5 times standard atmospheric pressure.
Inspection of the Model 500 casks used since 1964 reveals no evidence of damage of sig-nificance to transport safety.
Water Spray and Since the container is constructed of metal, Free Drop:
there is no damage to containment resulting from dropping the container through the standard drop heights after being subjected to water spray.
There is no effect on containment or overall spacing from dropping a thirteen pound by 1-1/4 inch diameter bar from four feet onto the most vulnerable exposed surface of the packaging.
The loaded container is capable of withstanding a compressive load equal to five times its weight with no change in spacing.
Summary and The tests or assessments set forth above nelusions:
provide assurance that the product contents are contained in the Shielded Container -
Model 500 during transport and there is no reduction in effectiveness of the package.
(c) Hypothetical Accident Conditions General:
The effectiveness of the strain rate calcu-lations and engineering intuitiveness in the design and construction of protective jackets ---
3.0 Package Evaluation (continued)
(c) Hypothetical Accident Conditions (continued)
General: (continued) was demonstrated with the CE Shielded Con '
tainer - Model 100 (Ref: Section 3.0 of the Model 100 Application). Extrapolations of the Model 100 data were used in the design and construction of the GE Model 500 protective jacket. The increased weight and dimensions of the Model 500 container over the Model 100 container necessitated a protective jacket wall of 5/16 inch steel compared to a 1/4 inch wall for the Model 100.
Drop Test:
The design and construction of the GE Model 500 protective jacket was based on an extrapola-tion of the proven data generated during the design and construction of the GE Model 100 and on the results of cask drop experiments by C. B. Clifford(l)(2) and H. G. Clarke, Jr. ( )
The laws of similitude were used in an analyt-ical evaluation ( } ('} to determine the protec-tive jacket wall thickness that would withstand the test conditions of 49CFR173.398(c) and 10CFR71.36 without breaching the integrity of the Model 500 Cask. Reference is made to Exhibit A of the Model 100 Application dated November 19, 1968 for the evaluational method.
l (1)
C. B. Clifford, The Design, Fabrication end Testing of a Quarter Scale of
the Demonstration Uranium Fuel Element Shipping Cask, KY-546, (June 10, 1968).
C. B. Clifford, Demonstration Fuel Element Shipping Cask from Laminated Uranium Metal-Testing Program, Proceedings of the Second International l
Symposium on Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials, Oct. 14-18, 1968, pp. 521-556.
H. G. ' Clarke, Jr., Some Studies of Structural Response of Casks to Impact, Proceedings of the Second International Symposium of Packaging and Trans-portation of Radioactive Materials, Oct. 14-18, 1968, pp. 373-398.
J. K. Vennard, Elementary Fluid Mechanics, Wiley and Sons, New York, 1962 pp. 256-259. --
- 3. 0 - Package Evaluation (continued)
(c) Hypothetical Accident Conditions (continued)
_ Drop Test (continued)
The intent of the design for the GE Model 500 is, during accident conditions, to sus-tain damage to the packaging not greater than the damage sustained by the GE Model 100 during its accident condition tests (Ref.:
Section 3.0, Appendix D of the Model 100 Application.
It is expected that damage not exceeding that suffered by the GE Model 100 will result if the GE Model 500 is subjected to the 30 foot drop test.
Puncture Test:
The intent of the design for the GE Model 500 is to sustain less or equal damage to the packaging during accident conditions than the deformation suffered by the CE Model 100.
It is expected that deformation not greater than that sustained by the GE Model 100 will be received by the GE Model 500 in the event that the package is subjected to the puncture test.
Thermal Test:
Since it is expected that the GE Model 500 cask will sustain negligible damage and only minor damage will occur to the protective jacket in the drop and puncture tests, it is reasonable to consider the resultant package, for purposes of thermal resistance, as essen-tially undamaged.
Although the package de-scribed in this section was not analyzed using THTD, the resulting temperatures are expected to be not dissimilar to those recorded for the Model 1500 container (Ref: Sections 2.0 and 3.0 of the Model 1500 Application). The.
'3.0 Package Evaluttion (continued)
.(c) Hypothetical Accident Conditions (continued)
Thermal Test: (cont. )
general construction is identical for the two containers; the container outer surface to cask cavity distance is comparable for both containers, being only 1-1/8 inches greater for the Model 1500; the surface area for heat dissipation in the Model 500 is some 55% of the area available in the Model 1500; and the vatt loading is only 25% of the load analyzed for the Model 1500 container.
Water Immersion:
Since optimum moderation of product material is assumed in evaluations of criticality safety under accident conditions, the water immersion test was not necessary.
Summary and The accident tests or assessments described nc usions:
above demonstrated that the package is adequate to retain the product contents and that there is no change in spacing. There-fore, it is concluded that the General Electric Shielded Container - Model 500 is adequate as packaging for the contents specified it 2.0 of this section.
Procedural Controls Vallecitos Site Safety Standards have been established and implemented to assure that shipments leaving the Vallecitos Nuclear Center (VNC) comply with the certificates issued for the various shipping container models utilized by the VNC in the normal conduct of its business.
Each cask is inspected and radiographed. prior to first use to ascertain that there are no cracks, pinholes, uncontrolled voids or other defects which could significantly reduce the effectiveness of the packaging. _.
3.0 Psckrg2 Evelustion (con'tinutd)
Procedural Controls (continued)
Af ter appropriate U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission approval, each package.will be identified with a welded on steel plate in accordance I
with the labeling requirements of 10CFR71 and any other information as required by the Department of Transportation.
5.0 Fissile Class - Exempt The fissile contents of this package are limited to not more than 15 grams and, therefore, in accordance with the provisions of 10CFR71.5(a) and 49CFR173.396(a)(1), the licensee is exempt from the requirements of the above regulations concerning these fissile loadings.
6.0 Modes of Transportation All modes with the exception of passenger aircraft are requested.
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