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RO 79-56/01P:on 790830,noted Existence of Identical Configuration Re Excessive RHR Pump Flow During post-LOCA Recirculation Mode.Detailed Rept Will Be Submitted Per Tech Specs
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 08/31/1979
From: Midura H
Public Service Enterprise Group
NUDOCS 7910040030
Download: ML19275A313 (1)


0 3

-w P..blic Sevet a Ow. test n"<f Gm 1:>rr'r.inv T' O l.triv % 7t nr<'c " Prrfm*. N e > ~ ev rpow i

Safem tv Ww Cen~nting Station Auqttnt 31, 1979 Mr. Doyce II. Grlor D i rec t.ut" of IISNRC O f' f o f Inspection and Enforcement d d gl,[,

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631 parh; Avenue King of Prunnia, Pennveylvania 19406 Doar Stra DCPORT;DTE OCCURRCNCC 79-56/01P SM.EM NO. 1 IJNIT I.ER Thia let'.<>r vi1L sorva to conf.irm our teIcphono raport to the Penidant NHC rnspactor on Anuunt 10, 1979,.ulv t sd ng o t' a report-able occurrence in accordance with Technical Speci f ica tion G.9.1.d.

In rent onne to.m NRC question on Sa l em tin i t No. 1 recarding R2iR nump NPSit during po n t-I.OCA rocirculation moria. temen ware run which indicated that the DifR pump f' t o w asseandati tha

<1*m i g n ru nou t-

f. low.

Salem Unit No.

I has an identical conf Lauration and, thereforo, a reportable cond i. tion exists.

A datailad report viIL be submittod in tho timo poriod npacified by the Techn ica l Sp.=cifica tions.

Very truly yourn, p ' / s x II.


M_i. d u r a Managsf r - Salem (;anarating Station AWK Idn CC:

t.;an+=ra l Mannger - Cl*<*t ric Produc tion Ifnnaqur - Qun}ity Annnrance g9100an O 3 0 3

w. m........

