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Forwards Response to Items 2 & 5 of NRC 791128 Request for Addl Info Re Tech Spec Changes for Seal Injection.Response to Remaining Items Will Be Completed on 800219
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 01/22/1980
From: Crouse R
To: Reid R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
580, NUDOCS 8001290358
Download: ML19257C535 (2)


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%ms EDISON P.csana P CaCL5E Docket No. 50-346 tylJ"

" #i2' License No. NPF-3 Serial No. 580 January 22, 1980 Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Attention: Mr. Robert N. Reid, Chief Operating Reactors Branch No. 4 Division of Operating Reactors United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Wash ingt on, D. C. 20555

Dear Mr. Reid:

This is in response to items 2 and 5 of your staff's request for information dated November 28, 1979 (TECo Log No. 471) on Technical Specification changes.

Our attachment discusses the application specifically to the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Lhit 1.

Responses for the remainder of the items are expected to be completed by February 19, 1980.

Very truly yours, f  ;; & =

RPC:TJM:ces Attachment

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1827192 lll 8001290 gg?


Docket No. 50-346 License No. NPF-3 Serial No. 580 January 22, 1980 Request for Additional Information Concerning Technical Specification Changes Item 2 RC Seal Injection Alignment - Discussions with B.J. Pumps indicate that they feel there is no need for RC seal injection, provided component cooling water flow and temperature are maintained at a satisf actory level. Justify why you feel seal injection is required. Discuss the safety need to maintain these lines in an open condition.


Toledo Edison has, again, verified that seal injection is required to prevent seal degradation for the Byron-Jackson reactor coolant pumps installed at the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1, even in the event of component cooling water (CCW) flow and temperature meeting design conditions. The specific case of concern is the idle pump condition when the CCW flow is inadequate due to loss of the pump shaf t driven impeller assisted circulation of reactor coolant through the CCW heat exchanger in the pump seals.

Retaining seal injection and return flow will prevent seal degradation and allow starting of reactor coolant pumps to maintain or restore forced circulation conditions.

This ability is highly desirable as described in recent revisions of the operator's guidelines concerning small break loss of coolant accidents.

Item 5 Makeup Pump Termination - Provide a list of transients and accidents in the Davis-Besse FSAR which currently take credit for the operation of the pressurizer heaters. Assuning the requested Technical Specification change in the makeup pump trip set po in t is granted by the staf f, which transients or accidents would still have sufficient pressurizer water level displacement to produce a pressurizer heater trip? Propose Technical Specifications for the pressurizer heaters for those modes where credit is taken for the heaters in accident analyses.


The DB-1 Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) currently takes no credit for the operation of pressurizer heaters in any of its evaluated transients or accidents.

The requested set point change is desirable because it would minimize the time pressurizer level would be out of the normal operating band. Even with this pro-posed Technical Specification change, pressurizer level may initially dip below the pressurizer heater trip setpoint before recovering. .

Based on the above discussion no Technical Specifications are pro, posed for the pressurizer heaters, b