ML19250A744 | |
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Site: | 07104949 |
Issue date: | 10/05/1979 |
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ML19250A743 | List: |
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NUDOCS 7910240450 | |
Download: ML19250A744 (18) | |
October 5, 1979 MQA: 79-168
}gg Olb 7910240+5o
1.0 General Information In accordance with requirements set forth by the Nuclear Regu-latory Commission's Regulatory Guide 7.9 and 10CFR71, UNC Resources, Inc. as a licensee and primary user of Container Model UNC-1484, herein submits a consolidated application for renewal.
The shipping container Model UNC-1484 is similar to the DOT specification 6L package with the following exceptians:
The model UNC 1484 is designed to ship up to 25.4 Kg of U-235 which is approximately double the 14 Kg U-235 permitted for the 6L; the insulating material, flanged closure and inner contain-ment vessel of the UNC 1484 also differ from those of the 6L.
Structural evaluation tests and experience with other containers with these same design features show thee to be superior to the 6L design.
1.1 Introduction 1.1.1 The model UNC 1484 shipping container will be used for shipping of uranium as dry oxide and compounds of all U-235 enrichments which do not decompose at temperatures up to 7500F.
The radioactive thermal decay energy output does not e..ceed 10 watts.
The material has a maximum bulk density of 5.3 kgU per liter.
1.1.2 The UNC 1484 shipping container is dcsigned to ship material under the following specs:
Maximum net weight:
29.5 Kg Maximum U-235 Conetnt: 24.4 Kg Fissile Class II Material Trans port Index: 1.4 units per package (maximum of 36 packages for a total of 50 transport units per shipment)
Fissile Class III Material 72 packages 1.2 package Description 1.2.1 Packagin 05 017 Gross weight: 137 Kg Materials of Construction:
a) 2-
" thick sheets of plywcod 229" OD x 10h" ID loose in drum page 1 of 14
0 1.2.1 b) thick Benelex 22\\" OD x 6 " ID split (180 )
in half c) thick 10" dia steel flange welded to 6" tubing Fiberlite insulatpon (or equivalent),
density 0.75 lbs.
per ft e) 65 gal. full open head DOT spec.
"6J" except 16 gauge mat'l or equivalent f)
ODx5" ID (0.375 wall) seamless steel ubing g) 1" schedule 40 pipe h)
- 13 UNC (or equiv) unit & lockwasher - 4 required i)
-13 UNC (or equiv) headless steel x lh" long welded in place on underside of flange - 4 required j)
Asbestos (or equiv.) gasket 10" diam., 1/8" thick k) h" thick, 10" diam. blind flange (steel) 1)
2 - \\" x 2\\" steel straps to go around drum.
22k" OD m)
\\" thick, 10" x 10" sq. steel plate n) thick asbestors sheet 1.2.2 Neutron Absorbers and Moderatdrs There are no neutron absorbers or moderators as such used in the construction of the 1484 shipping container.
1.2.3 Dimensions of UNC 1484 Height: 39" OD:
22 "
Internal Cavity:
Height: 36h" OD:
6" ID:
1.2.4 Insulating Material:
B.E.H. Fiberlite insulation (or equgvalent) with a minimum density of 0.75 lbs. per ft surrounds the inner cavity.
1.2.5 Closing Device:
Bolt type cicsing ring of 12 gauge steel with 5/8" diameter bolt and lock nut equipped with tamper-proof lockwire and seal device.
1.2.6 Operational Features:
The Model UNC 1484 is_not a ccmplex package system requiring specialized operation procedures.
"*Se 2 oe 14
1.2.7 Contents of Package The material to be shipped is uranium as a dry oxide and compounds of all U-235 enrichments which do not decompose at temperatures up to 7500F.
The radioactive thermal decay energy output does not exceed 10 watts.
The material has a maximum bulk density of 5.3 kg U per liter.
1.3 Appendix 1.3.1 Drawing D-5005-8017 /66008-401 1.3.2 Figures 1 and 2 2.1 Structural Desian 2.1.1 Discussion The shipping container model UNC 1484 is similar to the DOT specification package 6L with the exception of the insulating material, flanged closure and the inner containment vessel.
The outer container is a 65 gallon full open head, DOT spec.
"6J" except 16 gauge material or equivalent is use d.
The inner con-tainer is comprised of a seamless cube 36 in length with 6" OD, 5b" ID and.375" wall.
The base of the tube is a
" thick, 10" diameter blind flange.
2.1.2 Closure i
The inner container is a k" thick 10" diameter blind flange '.t:achec to the steel tube with 4, 13 UNC nut and lock washers and a 4\\" 13 UNC headless stud x 1 " long welded in place on the underside of the flange.
The outer container closure is a bolt type closing ring 12 gauge-5/8" diameter bolt and locknut equipped with a tamper proof lockwire and seal device.
2.1.3 Design Criteria The design of the shipping container UNC Model 1484 has met all structural requirements of sections 71.35 and 71.36 of 10CFR part 71.
2.2 Weights and Center of Gravity Total weight of packaging is 127 Kg i205 019 Maximum weight of contents.29.5 Kg Total weight of packaging and contents 156.5 Kg page 3 of 14
2.2 Similar materials to the DOT 6L container, by weight, are used for construction of both ends of the UNC 1484 container.
The ouuer casing is uniform in material type and weight.
The B.E.d. Fiberlite insulating material is evenly dispersed between the containment vessel and the drum wall.
The containment vessel (6" OD x 36 " x 3/8" wall thickness) located in the center of the drum would place the center of gravity on the center of both ends of the container.
2.3 Mechanical Properties of Materials This information is not available, as no containers have been manufactured since the previous cy" ration submittal.
2.4 General Standards for All Packages The gene.11 standards for all packaging specified in 10CFR 71.31 are complied with in the materials and con-struction of the 1484.
2.4.1 Chemical and Galvanic Reactions The package materials used in 'the 1484 present no significant galvanic, chemical, or other reaction between the packaging components and the packaging contents.
2.4.2 Positive Closure The closure device consists of a
" thick by 10" diameter blind steel flange fastened to the con-tainer tube by 4,
" x 13 UNC nuts and lockwashers.
The outer lid is fastened with a bolt-type closing ring, 12 gauge - 5/8" diameter bolt and locknut eqpipped with a tamper prcof lockwire and seal device.
2.4.3 Lifting Device The 1484 container does not have any special lift-ing devices.
2.4.4 Tie Down Device The 1484 is not equipped with special tiedcwn devices.
2.5 Standard for Type B and Large Quantity Packacing Does not apply to the Model UNC 1484 container.
1205 020 2.6 Normal Conditions of Transport The container 1484 was subjected to the normal conditions page 4 of 14
2.6 of transport as specified in 71.35 of 10CFR Part 71 and was found to satisfactorily meet all those requirements.
2.7 Hypothetical Accident Condition The model UNC 1484 container was subjected to the hypothet-ical accident conditions specified in Appendix B to 10CFR Part 71 and has met the standards specified in 10CFR 71.36.
2.7.1 Free Drop The free drop test was conducted by allowing the con-tainer with a 65 lb. load to fall from a height of 30 ft. and land on the corner (through stress analysis it has been decided that corner orientation would result in the greatest stress to the container) (ref.
figures 3 and 4).
The test resulted in denting of the outer container (figure 4) but no damage to the inner component or shifting of the load.
2.7.2 Puc.cture A 40" drop onto a 6" dianeter cylinder resulted in no puncture of the outer container.
2.7.3 Thermal See Section 3.
2.7.4 Water Immersion The contair..r was immersed in water at a depth of 3 ft.
for a period of 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />.
No leakage was detected.
2.7.5 The results of all the tests cor. ducted indicated no threat to the integrity of the container or its contents.
2.8 Special Form This section is not applicable.
2.9 Fuel Rods This section is not applicable.
2.10 Appendix 2.10.1 Figures 3 and 4.
3.0 Thermal Evaluation 1205 0,21 3.1 Discussion The thermal evaluation of the UNC model 1484 is limited to the effect of fire on the contents of the container.
There are no thermal subsystems in the design of this container.
page 5 of 14
3.2 Summarv of Thermal Properties of Materials Ignition Point Melting Point 0
1410 t 5C BEH Fiberlite 1798 180 C Steel 3.3 Insulation Material Type Density BEH Fiberlite 0.75 lbs. per ft.
(commercial matted fiberglass) 3.4 Tests and prior use of
- b-container have shown that con-ditions as specified in lbCFR71 Appendix A have no adverse effect on the contents of the container.
3.4.1 Thermal Model Analytical Model See drawing D-5005-8017/66008-40! Test Model See drawing D-5005-8017/66008-401 3.4.2 Maximum Temperatures i
The UNC Model 1484 shipping container has been 0
exposed to a maximum temperature of 1475 F.
for 30 min. under test conditions.
The result indi-cated a temperature rise to approximately 2000F in the inner containment vessel, well within safety margins of the material being shipped.
Both recorded temperatures are significantly 0
higher than the maximum temperature of 130 F expected under the normal conditions of transport.
3.4.3 Minimum Temperatures The temperatures for normal conditions of transport do not fall below -400F.
The inner container and its contents will not be adversely affected when subjected to this temperature.
3.4.4 Maximum Internal Pressures The material packaged in the 1484 does not contri-bute to the development of internal pressures nor does the design of the inner container support the buildup of internal pressure.
page 6 of 14 1205
3.4.5 Maximum Thermal Stresses The thermal gradient within the range of normal con-ditions of transport would be -400F to 1300F.
There would be no significant thermal stresses produced within this range.
3.4.6 Evaluation of Package Performance for Normal Condi-tions of Transport The package and its contents are not significantly affected by temperatures or pressures as experienced under normal conditions of transport.
3.5 Hypothetical Accident Thermal Evaluation 3.5.1 Thermal Model Analytical Model Not applicable. Test Model See Drawing D-5005-80L7/66008-401 3.5.2 Packege Conditions and Environment The drop test resulted in dents to the bottom of the outer container but there was no damage to the inner components.
The puncture test resulted in no puncture to the outer container.
3.5.3 Package Temperature The outer container was subjected to 14750F for 30 minutes.
" Temp-Plate" temperature indicators placed inside the inner container near the top and bottom indicated a maxim 2m temperature of 2000F.
The product containers in the inner container were not charred.
3.5.4 Maximum Internal Pressures Not applicable.
3.5.5 Maximum Thermal Stress i205 023 Not applicable.
3.5.6 Evaluation of Package Performance for the Hypothetical Accident Thermal Conditions Cbservations indicated the containment vessel to be fully intact and its contents unaffected following the fire test.
3.6 Appendix 3.6.1 Figures 5 through 11 page 7 of 14
4.0 Containment 4.1 Containnent Boundary The containment boundary consists of 0. 375" seamless steel tubing, insulation and the outer drum wall.
4.1.1 Containment Vessel 6" OD x 5 " ID (0.375 wall) seamless steel tubing 4.1.2 Containment Penetrations There are none.
4.1.3 Seals and Welds Base of contair. ment vessel is welded to h" thick, 10" x 10" sq. steel plate.
Top is sealed with a bolt type fastened steel pla'.e.
4.1.4 Closure h" thick, 10" diameter blind flange steel fastened to containment vessel by
" - 13 UNC headless stud x 1 " long, welded in place on underside of flange.
4.2 Requirements for Normal Conditions of Transport The UNC Model 1484 shipping container has been demonstrated to be a safe and secure shipping container under normal conditions of transport.
'.2.1 Release of Radioactive Material 4
The of the containment vessel would allow no direct release of radioactive material under normal conditions of transport as defined in Appendix A to 10CFR71.
4.2.2 Pressurization of Containment vessel Not applicable.
4.2.3 Coolant Contamination Not applicable.
4.3 Containment Requirements for the Hypothetical Accident Conditions Tests conducted and summarized in parts 1 and 2 indicate the UNC-1484 meets all containment requirements for the hypothetical accident conditions.
page 8 of 14 1205 024
i 4.3.1 Fission Gas Products Not applicable.
4.3.2 Release of Contents The design cf the package and tests conducted indicate no release of material under hypothetical accident conditions.
5.0 Shielding Evaluation Not applicable.
5.1 Discussion and Results Not applicable.
5.1 Source Specification Not applicable.
5.2.1 Gamma Source Not applicable.
5.2.2 Neutron Soc.rce Not applicable.
- 5. 3 Model Specification Not applicable.
5.3.1 Description of the Radial and Axial Shielding Conficuration Not applicable.
5.3.2 Shield Regional Densities Not applicable.
5.4 Shielding Evaluation Not applicable.
5.5 Appendix 1205 025 Not applicable.
6.0 Criticality Evaluation The containment vessel is a cylindrical 40 gauge seamle=s steel tube with an ID of Sk", which is safe by geometry.
page 9 of 14
6.1 Discussion and Results "he fr.dlowing is a summary of calculations for the criticality evaluation of the 1484.
Container as per drawing D-5005-8&l7/66018 101 b)
Full U-235 enrichment c)
Uranium bulk density
---5.3 KgU/ Liter (item)
---4.0 KgU/ Liter (UO-2)
---Maximum theoretical particle density is 9.66 KgU/ Liter
Maximum loading - 29.5 Kg product e)
Product as packaged is dry f)
Arrays are fully reflected by water, and a 30 cm, thick water reflector is placed around the outer con-tainer wall of the individual container.
6.1.1 Individual container H/U=0 Reflector = provided by container materials and outer 30 cm of water.
K infinite = 0.522 K eff = 0.372 H/U = 3 (maximum possible at maximum bulk density)
Reflector = outer container water flooded and outer 30 cm. of water.
K infinite = 0.954 K eff = 0.680 i
'6.1.2 At H/U = 0 Interspersed moderation as provided only by con-tainers and packaging materials.
Water reflector on array.
K infinite = 2.07 Age = 3013 cm2 Assume K eff = 0.90 : Array buckling is 2.764E-04 cm-2 cubic array.
Dimensions are therefore 314.3 cm and number of containers per array is 90 6.1.3 At H/U = 0 Interspersed moderation by water ari packaging materials.
K infinite and age calculated as func-tion of degree of interspersed moderation up to maximum of 5.635% volume ratio.
Maximum K infinite = 2.08.
Age = 3013 for damaged containers (ie. reduced radius; and no water in outer container.
As s ume K e f f = 0. 90: Array buckling is 2.780E-04 cm-2 cubic array.
Dimensions are therefore 313.3 cm.
Number of drums per array is therefore 90.
1205 026 page 10 of 14
6.1.4 At variable H/U from 0-60; variable interspersed moderation K infinite = 1.36, age = 1235 for damaged containers, H/U = 10 in inner container, volume fraction of water in outer container is 5.635%.
Assume K eff =0.90.
Array buckling is 3.343E-04 cm-2 cubic array.
Dimensions are therefore 284.6 cm, and number of drums per array is therefore 50.
array calculation assumes filled inner NOTE:
The above container at maximum U density.
However, at max-imum density and net weight limit, the inner con-tainer is only half filled.
The array neutron leakage is inve sely proportional to the filled height of inner container.
Therefore, the number of containers in the array can be doubled.
6.2 Package Fuel Loading Not applicable.
6.3 Model Specification Not applicable.
6.3.1 Description of Calculational Model Not applicable.
6.4 Criticality Calculation
See section 6.1 6.4.1 Calculational or Experimental Not applicable.
6.4.2 Fuel Loading or Other Contents Loading Optimization Not applicable.
6.4.3 Criticality Results Not applicable.
6.5 Critical Benchmark Experiments Not applicable.
6.5.1 Benchmark Experiments and Applicability Not applicable.
1,205 027 page 11 of 14 w++N-
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6.5.2 Details of the Benchmark Calculations Not applicable.
6.5.3 Resulcs of the Benchmark Calculations Not applicable.
6.6 Appendix Not applicable 7.0 Operating Procedures Procedures shall be in effect for the shipping, receiving, and handling of SNM shipping containers.
These procedures to include inspections, tests and special preparations of the package for loading.
7.1 Procedures for Loadine the Package Procedures shall be in effect to insure that the container is properly packaged, sealed, and checked for contamination prior to shipping.
Procedures shall also insure the proper labeling and handling of the container from the packaging of the product to placement on the transporting vehicle.
7.2 Procedures for Unloading the Vehicle Procedures shall be in effect to insure containers being received are free of contamination.
This,will include the scanning of the container for alpha or beta emission and smearable levels on the surface of the container.
Proce-dures shall also be in effect to insure that the integrity of the container has not been compromised.
7.3 Praparation of an Empty Package for Transport Procedures shall be in effect to insure empty containers are properly inspected, labeled, and prepared for transport.
The container will be smeared prior to transport to prevent the inadvertent spread of contamination.
7.4 Appendix 1205 0<28 Not applicable.
8.0 Acceptance Test and Maintenance Program All containers presently in service were placed in service after the initial application for use was accepted.
No new Model UNC 1484 containers have been manufactured or placed into service since that time.
page 12 of 14
8.1 Acceptance Test A visual inspection is conducted on each package prior to its use.
8.1.1 Visual Inspection The visual inspection is to insure that the drum is totally intact and all components of the drum, closures, fasteners, lockwashers and gaskets are accounted for and in good condition.
Any drum that does not pass the visual inspection is taken out of service until that deficiency has been corrected.
8.1.2 Structural and Pressure Tests A visual inspection is conducted to determine the structural integrity of each container.
Any cen-tainer showing extensive damage (i.e., excessive rusting, denting, or a general weakening c f the drum's integrity), is taken out of service until the condition has been corrected.
There are no pressure tests conducted on the container.
8.1.3 Leak Tests A prototype of the UNC 1484 was immersed in water at a depth of 3 ft. for a period of 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> - no leaks were detected.
No other leak testing is performed.
a 8.1.4 Component Tests Components of the UNC 1484 are visually checked to insure they are intact and free from defects. Values Rupture Discs, and Fluid Transport Devices Not applicable. Gaskets The seal on the UNC 1484 is a thermal seal and not a pressure seal.
The asbestos gaskets are expected to perform according to manufacturer's specifications and have been shcwn to do so as described in para-graph 3.5. 3 of this application.
The gaskets are visually checked to insure they are intact and free of defects. Mis cellaneous 1205 029 Not applicable.
page 13 of 14
8.1.5 Tests for Shielding Integrity Net applicable.
8.1.6 Thermal Acceptance Tests The thermal test was performed on a prototype of the 1484 container and is described in paragraph 3.3.3 of this application.
No thermal testing is performed on production components.
8.2 Maintenance Program 8.2.1 Structural and Pressure Test Not applicable.
8.2.2 Leak Tests Not applicable.
8.2.3 Subsystem Maintenance Not applicable.
8.2.4 Valves, Rupture Discs, and Gaskets on Containment Vessels Gaskets are inspected each time the container is used and replaced as needed.
8.,2. 5 Shielding Not applicable.
8.2.6 Thermal Not applicable.
8.2.7 Miscellaneous Not applicable.
1205 030 page 14 of 14
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