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Reactor Oversight Process Self Assessment Update 19JUN19_CY18 Self Assessment Results (Clean)
Person / Time
Issue date: 06/17/2019
From: Mayer A
Division of Inspection and Regional Support
Govan T, 415-6197, NRR/DIRS
Download: ML19168A197 (9)


Reactor Oversight Process Self-Assessment Annie Mayer, Self Assessment Lead Division of Inspection and Regional Support Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Key Messages

  • Fully implemented the ROP self-assessment process in CY 2018
  • Results of CY 2018 ROP self-assessment indicate that the ROP provided objective, risk-informed, understandable, and predictable oversight
  • Identified improvements to the ROP 2

ROP Self-Assessment Process Element 2 Assess effectiveness of changes to the Element 1 ROP Element 3 Measure Conduct deep-dive implementation and reviews of ROP effectiveness of ROP programs Continuous Monthly ROP Public Reactive & Supplemental Meetings ROP Inspection Evaluations NRC Regulatory Feedback ROP Feedback Information Conference Form Process Sessions 3

CY 2018 ROP Self-Assessment Results Self-Assessment 2018 Results Elements Metrics Yes 25 of 26 ROP metrics were Green 1 Red metric with action plan Element 1 Program Area Yes Complete - All ROP Program Areas Evaluations Effective Monitor ROP Yes Monitored Revisions Element 2 Effectiveness Yes 3 Reviews Completed -

Reviews Changes Were Effective Regional Peer Yes Region III - Implementing ROP per Reviews Governance Documents Focused Yes Emergency Preparedness SDP -

Element 3 Assessments Effective Baseline IP Yes Complete - Baseline Inspection Assessments Procedures Are Effective 4

CY 2018 Results Element 1: Measure effectiveness of and adherence to the current program

  • Metrics assessment: 25 of 26 metrics were Green

- One Red metric - Efficiency metric for responsiveness to ROP feedback forms

- Staff taking actions to address performance in this area

  • Program area evaluations:

- PI, inspection, SDP, and assessment programs ROP was consistently and effectively implemented in CY 2018 and all 4 ROP Program Areas are effective.


CY 2018 Results Element 2: Monitor ROP revisions and assess effectiveness of recent program changes

  • Three effectiveness reviews were conducted in CY 2018:

- Inspection Finding Resolution Management Pilot

- Recent changes to IP 95001, Supplemental Inspection Response to Action Matrix Column 2 Inputs

- Implementation of safety culture common language initiative All three ROP changes were determined to be effective with no unintended consequences identified.


CY 2018 Results, Continued Element 3: Perform focused, in-depth assessments of specific program area(s)

  • Regional peer review:

- Region III implements ROP effectively and consistent with ROP governance documents.

  • Focused assessment:

- Emergency Preparedness SDP - effective with some recommendations for improvement.

  • ROP Baseline IP review:

- All Baseline IPs effective with some recommended adjustments.


CY 2018 Conclusions

  • ROP provided effective oversight by meeting program goals and achieving intended outcomes
  • Ensured openness and effectiveness in supporting NRC mission and strategic goals of safety and security
  • ROP was successful in being objective, risk-informed, understandable, and predictable
  • ROP improvements implemented and underway based on lessons learned and feedback from stakeholders 8

Limited CY 2019 ROP Self-Assessment Self-Assessment 2018 2019

  • Prioritize ROP Elements enhancement Metrics Yes Yes
  • Conduct ROP self- Program Yes Yes assessment holistic Evaluations review Monitor ROP Yes Deferred Revisions
  • Metrics, Program Effectiveness Yes Yes Evaluations, and Reviews Effectiveness Review Regional Peer Yes Not only Reviews Required
  • SECY Info Paper Focused Yes Deferred Assessments
  • Implement changes in Baseline IP Yes Not time for CY 2020 Assessments Required 9