ML19112A297 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 04/22/2019 |
From: | Alex Garmoe NRC/NRR/DIRS/IRAB |
To: | |
Garmoe A, NRR/DIRS, 301-415-3814 | |
Shared Package | |
ML19112A281 | List: |
References | |
Download: ML19112A297 (3) | |
Plant White PI Assumed Start Date (for calculations)
Notification of Readiness for Supplemental Inspection Supplemental Completed Time From Start to Supplemental Readiness Time from Readiness to Supplemental Completion ANO 1 1Q2009-3Q2009 (IE01) 04/01/2009 Did not locate 06/30/2009 Braidwood 1 4Q2001-4Q2002 (MS03) 01/01/2002 Did not locate 03/31/2002 Braidwood 1 2Q2003-1Q2004 (MS03) 07/01/2003 Did not locate 05/27/2004 Braidwood 2 2Q2012 (MS10) 07/01/2012 10/30/2012 11/30/2012 121 31 Browns Ferry 3 2Q2012 (IE01) 07/01/2012 09/18/2012 11/16/2012 79 59 Browns Ferry 3 1Q2013 (IE01) 04/01/2013 11/19/2013 01/24/2014 232 66 Brunswick 1 2Q2006-3Q2007 (MS06) 07/01/2006 Did not locate 04/12/2007 (issue held open, PI still white) 08/30/2007 (95002)
Brunswick 1 3Q2007 (MS10) 10/01/2007 Did not locate 02/01/2008 Brunswick 2 4Q2005-1Q2006 (IE03) 01/01/2006 Did not locate 07/05/2006 Brunswick 2 2Q2006-3Q2007 (MS06) 07/01/2006 Did not locate 08/30/2007 Byron 2 2Q2006-4Q2007 (MS08) 07/01/2006 01/19/2007 02/09/2007 202 21 Callaway 2Q2004-3Q2004 (IE01) 07/01/2004 Did not locate 11/08/2004 Callaway 2Q2006-4Q2006 (MS08) 07/01/2006 Did not locate 10/13/2006 Callaway 1Q2010-2Q2010 (MS06) 04/01/2010 07/14/2010 09/29/2010 104 77 Calvert Cliffs 1 1Q2000-2Q2002 (IE02) 04/01/2000 Did not locate 10/21/2000 (issue held open, PI still white) 5/21/2001 (95002)
Clinton 4Q2013-1Q2014 (IE01) 01/01/2014 06/23/2014 07/11/2014 173 18 Columbia 1Q2005-1Q2006 (MS02) 04/01/2005 Did not locate 10/21/2005 Columbia 2Q2005 (IE01) 07/01/2005 Did not locate 03/03/2006 Columbia 2Q2009-1Q2010 (IE01) 07/01/2009 Did not locate 03/26/2010 Cooper 1Q2007-3Q2007 (MS06) 04/01/2007 Did not locate 12/06/2007 Davis-Besse 1Q2016 (IE04) 3Q2016-4Q2016 (IE04) 04/01/2016 02/24/2017 03/10/2017 329 14 DC Cook 1 1Q2001 (IE03) 04/01/2001 Did not locate 06/26/2001 Diablo Canyon 1 2Q2005-3Q2005 (EP01) 07/01/2005 Did not locate 05/19/2006 Diablo Canyon 2 2Q2005-3Q2005 (EP01) 07/01/2005 Did not locate 05/19/2006 Dresden 2 2Q2004 (IE01) 07/01/2004 Did not locate 10/08/2004 Dresden 2 3Q2006-2Q2007 (IE02) 10/01/2006 Did not locate 02/22/2007 Dresden 2 1Q2015 (IE01) 04/01/2015 06/09/2015 06/26/2015 69 17 Dresden 3 3Q2001-2Q2004 (MS02) 10/01/2001 Did not locate 11/21/2003 Farley 1 2Q2006 (MS10) 07/01/2006 Did not locate 05/03/2007 (parallel finding issued) 6/13/2008 (95002)
Farley 2 2Q2006 (MS10) 07/01/2006 Did not locate 05/03/2007 (parallel finding issued) 6/13/2008 (95002)
Fermi 3Q2000-4Q2001 (MS01) 10/01/2000 Did not locate 07/27/2001 Fermi 3Q2003-1Q2005 (MS01) 10/01/2003 Did not locate 04/23/2004 Fermi 4Q2012-1Q2013 (IE01) 01/01/2013 05/07/2013 06/14/2013 126 38 Fitzpatrick 2Q2000-2Q2001 (IE03) 07/01/2000 Did not locate 01/26/2001 Fitzpatrick 4Q2012-2Q2015 (IE03) 01/01/2013 10/28/2013 5/12/2014 (issue held open, PI still white) 12/31/2014 300 196 Fort Calhoun 3Q2004-2Q2005 (MS01) 10/01/2004 Did not locate 06/22/2005 Grand Gulf 1Q2008 (IE01) 04/01/2008 Did not locate 06/12/2008 Grand Gulf 4Q2008 (IE01) 01/01/2009 Did not locate 02/12/2009 White Performance Indicators Inspected via 95001
Grand Gulf 1Q2013 (IE01) 04/01/2013 02/28/2014 06/20/2014 333 112 Grand Gulf 3Q2013 (IE01) 10/01/2013 02/28/2014 06/20/2014 150 112 Grand Gulf 3Q2016-4Q2016 (IE01) 10/01/2016 06/28/2017 08/24/2017 (parallel finding issued) 06/28/2018 270 57 Grand Gulf 3Q2018 (IE03) 10/01/2018 Did not locate Grand Gulf 4Q2018 (IE01) 01/01/2019 Did not locate Harris 3Q2002 (IE01) 10/01/2002 Did not locate 11/15/2002 Harris 2Q2003-1Q2004 (IE01) 07/01/2003 Did not locate 09/19/2003 Hatch 2 2Q2007-4Q2008 (MS07) 07/01/2007 Did not locate 03/06/2008 Indian Point 3 2Q2003-4Q2003 (IE01) 07/01/2003 Did not locate Aug-03 Indian Point 3 2Q2007 (IE01) 07/01/2007 Did not locate 04/25/2008 Indian Point 3 3Q2009-1Q2010 (IE01) 10/01/2009 Did not locate 04/23/2010 LaSalle 2 3Q2001-1Q2002 (IE01) 10/01/2001 Did not locate 12/14/2001 LaSalle 2 2Q2013-1Q2014 (IE04) 07/01/2013 02/04/2014 03/21/2014 218 45 Millstone 2 3Q2000-2Q2001 (MS02) 10/01/2000 Did not locate 02/02/2001 Millstone 2 1Q2004-3Q2004 (IE01) 04/01/2004 Did not locate 08/27/2004 Millstone 2 1Q2006-3Q2006 (IE02) 04/01/2006 Did not locate 09/14/2006 Nine Mile Point 1 1Q2001-2Q2002 (MS02) 04/01/2001 Did not locate 08/23/2002 Nine Mile Point 1 4Q2012-2Q2013 (IE01) 01/01/2013 07/01/2013 11/22/2013 181 144 Nine Mile Point 2 4Q2001-1Q2002 (IE01) 01/01/2002 Did not locate 08/23/2002 Nine Mile Point 2 4Q2008-3Q2009 (MS10) 01/01/2009 07/20/2009 10/16/2009 (parallel finding issued) 3/25/2010 200 88 North Anna 2 1Q2001 (BI02) 04/01/2001 Did not locate 06/07/2001 North Anna 2 2Q2010-3Q2010 (IE01) 07/01/2010 12/15/2010 02/03/2011 167 50 Oyster Creek 3Q2009 (IE01) 10/01/2009 Did not locate 02/18/2010 Oyster Creek 3Q2014 (IE01) 10/01/2014 11/05/2014 12/11/2014 35 36 Oyster Creek 2Q2015 (IE01) 07/01/2015 08/18/2015 11/05/2015 48 79 Palisades 2Q2006 (MS07) 07/01/2006 01/11/2007 02/27/2007 194 47 Palisades 4Q2011 (IE01) 01/01/2012 07/17/2012 09/28/2012 198 73 Peach Bottom 2 3Q2003 (IE01) 10/01/2003 Did not locate 12/03/2004 Peach Bottom 2 1Q2004 (IE01) 04/01/2004 Did not locate 12/03/2004 Peach Bottom 2 4Q2004-3Q2005 (IE02) 01/01/2005 Did not locate 12/07/2005 Perry 2Q2006; 1Q2007-4Q2007 (MS06) 07/01/2006 Did not locate 01/05/2007 Perry 2Q2007-1Q2008 (IE01) 07/01/2007 Did not locate 05/16/2008 Point Beach 1 4Q2000-1Q2002 (IE02) 01/01/2001 Did not locate 02/13/2001 Point Beach 2 2Q2001-3Q2001 (IE01) 07/01/2001 Did not locate 11/02/2001 Prairie Island 2 4Q2012-1Q2013 (MS06) 01/01/2013 04/24/2014 10/07/2014 478 166 Prairie Island 2 4Q2015-1Q2016 (IE01) 01/01/2016 05/23/2016 09/16/2016 143 116 River Bend 1Q2005-2Q2005 (IE01) 04/01/2005 Did not locate 09/09/2005 River Bend 1Q2008 (IE01) 04/01/2008 Did not locate 06/27/2008 River Bend 2Q2012-3Q2012 (IE04) 07/01/2012 10/09/2012 11/15/2012 100 37 River Bend 4Q2014-3Q2015 (IE04) 01/01/2015 08/12/2016 11/08/2016 589 88 Robinson 4Q2004 (BI02) 10/12/2004 Did not locate 12/17/2004 Robinson 3Q2010-4Q2010 (IE01) 10/01/2010 03/11/2011 03/25/2011 161 14 Salem 1 1Q2002-2Q2002 (IE03) 04/01/2002 Did not locate 10/11/2002 Salem 1 4Q2014-1Q2015 (IE01) 01/01/2015 05/29/2015 08/07/2015 148 70 Salem 2 2Q2016-4Q2016 (IE01) 07/01/2016 07/27/2017 09/15/2017 391 50 Seabrook 4Q2003 (BI02) 01/01/2004 Did not locate 05/14/2004 Sequoyah 1 3Q2011 (IE01) 10/01/2011 02/08/2012 03/19/2012 130 40 Sequoyah 1 3Q2015-2Q2016 (IE01) 10/01/2015 03/24/2016 07/15/2016 175 113 Sequoyah 2 4Q2002-2Q2003 (IE01) 01/01/2003 Did not locate 07/08/2003 South Texas 2 4Q2002-1Q2003 (IE01) 01/01/2003 Did not locate 08/22/2003 South Texas 2 2Q2006-4Q2006 (MS06) 07/01/2006 Did not locate 09/28/2006 St Lucie 2 4Q2003-1Q2004 (IE01) 01/01/2004 Did not locate 03/09/2004 Summer 1Q2001-3Q2001 (MS03) 04/01/2001 Did not locate 05/24/2001 Surry 1 4Q2001-3Q2004 (MS01) 01/01/2002 Did not locate 04/12/2002 Surry 2 3Q2001-1Q2004 (MS01) 10/01/2001 Did not locate 04/12/2002
Susquehanna 2 4Q2012-3Q2013 (IE04) 01/01/2013 06/24/2013 9/19/2013 (issue scoped into 95002) 7/31/2014 (95002) 174 87 Turkey Point 3 4Q2005-1Q2006 (MS03) 01/01/2006 Did not locate 05/19/2006 Turkey Point 3 1Q2013-4Q2013 (IE01) 04/01/2013 01/08/2014 03/07/2014 282 58 Turkey Point 4 3Q2005 (IE01) 10/01/2005 Did not locate 12/09/2005 Turkey Point 4 4Q2005-1Q2006 (MS03) 01/01/2006 Did not locate 05/19/2006 Turkey Point 4 4Q2010 (IE01) 01/01/2011 02/03/2011 07/14/2011 33 161 Vogtle 1 4Q2007 (MS10) (revised to Green in 1Q2008) 01/01/2008 Did not locate 12/11/2008 Vogtle 2 2Q2006-2Q2007 (MS10) 07/01/2006 Did not locate 05/18/2007 Vogtle 2 4Q2007 (MS10) (revised to Green in 1Q2008) 01/01/2008 Did not locate 12/11/2008 Watts Bar 2 4Q2017 (IE01 revised to Green) 2Q2018-3Q2018 (IE01) 01/01/2018 11/26/2018 12/14/2018 329 18 Wolf Creek 1Q2012-1Q2013 (MS06) 04/01/2012 Did not locate 04/29/2013 AVERAGE:
202 71