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White Performance Indicators Data
Person / Time
Issue date: 04/22/2019
From: Alex Garmoe
Garmoe A, NRR/DIRS, 301-415-3814
Shared Package
ML19112A281 List:
Download: ML19112A297 (3)


Plant White PI Assumed Start Date (for calculations)

Notification of Readiness for Supplemental Inspection Supplemental Completed Time From Start to Supplemental Readiness Time from Readiness to Supplemental Completion ANO 1 1Q2009-3Q2009 (IE01) 04/01/2009 Did not locate 06/30/2009 Braidwood 1 4Q2001-4Q2002 (MS03) 01/01/2002 Did not locate 03/31/2002 Braidwood 1 2Q2003-1Q2004 (MS03) 07/01/2003 Did not locate 05/27/2004 Braidwood 2 2Q2012 (MS10) 07/01/2012 10/30/2012 11/30/2012 121 31 Browns Ferry 3 2Q2012 (IE01) 07/01/2012 09/18/2012 11/16/2012 79 59 Browns Ferry 3 1Q2013 (IE01) 04/01/2013 11/19/2013 01/24/2014 232 66 Brunswick 1 2Q2006-3Q2007 (MS06) 07/01/2006 Did not locate 04/12/2007 (issue held open, PI still white) 08/30/2007 (95002)

Brunswick 1 3Q2007 (MS10) 10/01/2007 Did not locate 02/01/2008 Brunswick 2 4Q2005-1Q2006 (IE03) 01/01/2006 Did not locate 07/05/2006 Brunswick 2 2Q2006-3Q2007 (MS06) 07/01/2006 Did not locate 08/30/2007 Byron 2 2Q2006-4Q2007 (MS08) 07/01/2006 01/19/2007 02/09/2007 202 21 Callaway 2Q2004-3Q2004 (IE01) 07/01/2004 Did not locate 11/08/2004 Callaway 2Q2006-4Q2006 (MS08) 07/01/2006 Did not locate 10/13/2006 Callaway 1Q2010-2Q2010 (MS06) 04/01/2010 07/14/2010 09/29/2010 104 77 Calvert Cliffs 1 1Q2000-2Q2002 (IE02) 04/01/2000 Did not locate 10/21/2000 (issue held open, PI still white) 5/21/2001 (95002)

Clinton 4Q2013-1Q2014 (IE01) 01/01/2014 06/23/2014 07/11/2014 173 18 Columbia 1Q2005-1Q2006 (MS02) 04/01/2005 Did not locate 10/21/2005 Columbia 2Q2005 (IE01) 07/01/2005 Did not locate 03/03/2006 Columbia 2Q2009-1Q2010 (IE01) 07/01/2009 Did not locate 03/26/2010 Cooper 1Q2007-3Q2007 (MS06) 04/01/2007 Did not locate 12/06/2007 Davis-Besse 1Q2016 (IE04) 3Q2016-4Q2016 (IE04) 04/01/2016 02/24/2017 03/10/2017 329 14 DC Cook 1 1Q2001 (IE03) 04/01/2001 Did not locate 06/26/2001 Diablo Canyon 1 2Q2005-3Q2005 (EP01) 07/01/2005 Did not locate 05/19/2006 Diablo Canyon 2 2Q2005-3Q2005 (EP01) 07/01/2005 Did not locate 05/19/2006 Dresden 2 2Q2004 (IE01) 07/01/2004 Did not locate 10/08/2004 Dresden 2 3Q2006-2Q2007 (IE02) 10/01/2006 Did not locate 02/22/2007 Dresden 2 1Q2015 (IE01) 04/01/2015 06/09/2015 06/26/2015 69 17 Dresden 3 3Q2001-2Q2004 (MS02) 10/01/2001 Did not locate 11/21/2003 Farley 1 2Q2006 (MS10) 07/01/2006 Did not locate 05/03/2007 (parallel finding issued) 6/13/2008 (95002)

Farley 2 2Q2006 (MS10) 07/01/2006 Did not locate 05/03/2007 (parallel finding issued) 6/13/2008 (95002)

Fermi 3Q2000-4Q2001 (MS01) 10/01/2000 Did not locate 07/27/2001 Fermi 3Q2003-1Q2005 (MS01) 10/01/2003 Did not locate 04/23/2004 Fermi 4Q2012-1Q2013 (IE01) 01/01/2013 05/07/2013 06/14/2013 126 38 Fitzpatrick 2Q2000-2Q2001 (IE03) 07/01/2000 Did not locate 01/26/2001 Fitzpatrick 4Q2012-2Q2015 (IE03) 01/01/2013 10/28/2013 5/12/2014 (issue held open, PI still white) 12/31/2014 300 196 Fort Calhoun 3Q2004-2Q2005 (MS01) 10/01/2004 Did not locate 06/22/2005 Grand Gulf 1Q2008 (IE01) 04/01/2008 Did not locate 06/12/2008 Grand Gulf 4Q2008 (IE01) 01/01/2009 Did not locate 02/12/2009 White Performance Indicators Inspected via 95001

Grand Gulf 1Q2013 (IE01) 04/01/2013 02/28/2014 06/20/2014 333 112 Grand Gulf 3Q2013 (IE01) 10/01/2013 02/28/2014 06/20/2014 150 112 Grand Gulf 3Q2016-4Q2016 (IE01) 10/01/2016 06/28/2017 08/24/2017 (parallel finding issued) 06/28/2018 270 57 Grand Gulf 3Q2018 (IE03) 10/01/2018 Did not locate Grand Gulf 4Q2018 (IE01) 01/01/2019 Did not locate Harris 3Q2002 (IE01) 10/01/2002 Did not locate 11/15/2002 Harris 2Q2003-1Q2004 (IE01) 07/01/2003 Did not locate 09/19/2003 Hatch 2 2Q2007-4Q2008 (MS07) 07/01/2007 Did not locate 03/06/2008 Indian Point 3 2Q2003-4Q2003 (IE01) 07/01/2003 Did not locate Aug-03 Indian Point 3 2Q2007 (IE01) 07/01/2007 Did not locate 04/25/2008 Indian Point 3 3Q2009-1Q2010 (IE01) 10/01/2009 Did not locate 04/23/2010 LaSalle 2 3Q2001-1Q2002 (IE01) 10/01/2001 Did not locate 12/14/2001 LaSalle 2 2Q2013-1Q2014 (IE04) 07/01/2013 02/04/2014 03/21/2014 218 45 Millstone 2 3Q2000-2Q2001 (MS02) 10/01/2000 Did not locate 02/02/2001 Millstone 2 1Q2004-3Q2004 (IE01) 04/01/2004 Did not locate 08/27/2004 Millstone 2 1Q2006-3Q2006 (IE02) 04/01/2006 Did not locate 09/14/2006 Nine Mile Point 1 1Q2001-2Q2002 (MS02) 04/01/2001 Did not locate 08/23/2002 Nine Mile Point 1 4Q2012-2Q2013 (IE01) 01/01/2013 07/01/2013 11/22/2013 181 144 Nine Mile Point 2 4Q2001-1Q2002 (IE01) 01/01/2002 Did not locate 08/23/2002 Nine Mile Point 2 4Q2008-3Q2009 (MS10) 01/01/2009 07/20/2009 10/16/2009 (parallel finding issued) 3/25/2010 200 88 North Anna 2 1Q2001 (BI02) 04/01/2001 Did not locate 06/07/2001 North Anna 2 2Q2010-3Q2010 (IE01) 07/01/2010 12/15/2010 02/03/2011 167 50 Oyster Creek 3Q2009 (IE01) 10/01/2009 Did not locate 02/18/2010 Oyster Creek 3Q2014 (IE01) 10/01/2014 11/05/2014 12/11/2014 35 36 Oyster Creek 2Q2015 (IE01) 07/01/2015 08/18/2015 11/05/2015 48 79 Palisades 2Q2006 (MS07) 07/01/2006 01/11/2007 02/27/2007 194 47 Palisades 4Q2011 (IE01) 01/01/2012 07/17/2012 09/28/2012 198 73 Peach Bottom 2 3Q2003 (IE01) 10/01/2003 Did not locate 12/03/2004 Peach Bottom 2 1Q2004 (IE01) 04/01/2004 Did not locate 12/03/2004 Peach Bottom 2 4Q2004-3Q2005 (IE02) 01/01/2005 Did not locate 12/07/2005 Perry 2Q2006; 1Q2007-4Q2007 (MS06) 07/01/2006 Did not locate 01/05/2007 Perry 2Q2007-1Q2008 (IE01) 07/01/2007 Did not locate 05/16/2008 Point Beach 1 4Q2000-1Q2002 (IE02) 01/01/2001 Did not locate 02/13/2001 Point Beach 2 2Q2001-3Q2001 (IE01) 07/01/2001 Did not locate 11/02/2001 Prairie Island 2 4Q2012-1Q2013 (MS06) 01/01/2013 04/24/2014 10/07/2014 478 166 Prairie Island 2 4Q2015-1Q2016 (IE01) 01/01/2016 05/23/2016 09/16/2016 143 116 River Bend 1Q2005-2Q2005 (IE01) 04/01/2005 Did not locate 09/09/2005 River Bend 1Q2008 (IE01) 04/01/2008 Did not locate 06/27/2008 River Bend 2Q2012-3Q2012 (IE04) 07/01/2012 10/09/2012 11/15/2012 100 37 River Bend 4Q2014-3Q2015 (IE04) 01/01/2015 08/12/2016 11/08/2016 589 88 Robinson 4Q2004 (BI02) 10/12/2004 Did not locate 12/17/2004 Robinson 3Q2010-4Q2010 (IE01) 10/01/2010 03/11/2011 03/25/2011 161 14 Salem 1 1Q2002-2Q2002 (IE03) 04/01/2002 Did not locate 10/11/2002 Salem 1 4Q2014-1Q2015 (IE01) 01/01/2015 05/29/2015 08/07/2015 148 70 Salem 2 2Q2016-4Q2016 (IE01) 07/01/2016 07/27/2017 09/15/2017 391 50 Seabrook 4Q2003 (BI02) 01/01/2004 Did not locate 05/14/2004 Sequoyah 1 3Q2011 (IE01) 10/01/2011 02/08/2012 03/19/2012 130 40 Sequoyah 1 3Q2015-2Q2016 (IE01) 10/01/2015 03/24/2016 07/15/2016 175 113 Sequoyah 2 4Q2002-2Q2003 (IE01) 01/01/2003 Did not locate 07/08/2003 South Texas 2 4Q2002-1Q2003 (IE01) 01/01/2003 Did not locate 08/22/2003 South Texas 2 2Q2006-4Q2006 (MS06) 07/01/2006 Did not locate 09/28/2006 St Lucie 2 4Q2003-1Q2004 (IE01) 01/01/2004 Did not locate 03/09/2004 Summer 1Q2001-3Q2001 (MS03) 04/01/2001 Did not locate 05/24/2001 Surry 1 4Q2001-3Q2004 (MS01) 01/01/2002 Did not locate 04/12/2002 Surry 2 3Q2001-1Q2004 (MS01) 10/01/2001 Did not locate 04/12/2002

Susquehanna 2 4Q2012-3Q2013 (IE04) 01/01/2013 06/24/2013 9/19/2013 (issue scoped into 95002) 7/31/2014 (95002) 174 87 Turkey Point 3 4Q2005-1Q2006 (MS03) 01/01/2006 Did not locate 05/19/2006 Turkey Point 3 1Q2013-4Q2013 (IE01) 04/01/2013 01/08/2014 03/07/2014 282 58 Turkey Point 4 3Q2005 (IE01) 10/01/2005 Did not locate 12/09/2005 Turkey Point 4 4Q2005-1Q2006 (MS03) 01/01/2006 Did not locate 05/19/2006 Turkey Point 4 4Q2010 (IE01) 01/01/2011 02/03/2011 07/14/2011 33 161 Vogtle 1 4Q2007 (MS10) (revised to Green in 1Q2008) 01/01/2008 Did not locate 12/11/2008 Vogtle 2 2Q2006-2Q2007 (MS10) 07/01/2006 Did not locate 05/18/2007 Vogtle 2 4Q2007 (MS10) (revised to Green in 1Q2008) 01/01/2008 Did not locate 12/11/2008 Watts Bar 2 4Q2017 (IE01 revised to Green) 2Q2018-3Q2018 (IE01) 01/01/2018 11/26/2018 12/14/2018 329 18 Wolf Creek 1Q2012-1Q2013 (MS06) 04/01/2012 Did not locate 04/29/2013 AVERAGE:

202 71