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Agenda - ACRS Future Plant Designs - May 1, 2019
Person / Time
Issue date: 04/19/2019
From: Derek Widmayer
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
Widmayer D
Download: ML19109A255 (2)


AGENDA ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON REACTOR SAFEGUARDS FUTURE PLANT DESIGNS SUBCOMMITTEE Advanced Reactor Code Development Status ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND May 1, 2019 Cognizant Staff Engineer/DFO: Derek A Widmayer/Weidong Wang Email: Phone #: (301) 415-5375 May 1, 2019 Topic Presenter(s)



Opening Remarks Mr. Dennis Bley, ACRS 1:00 - 1:05 PM


Overview of NRCs Advanced Reactor Code Development Plans Considerations for Code Development Activities Kim Webber, RES 1:05 - 1:25 PM


Design Basis Event Analysis General Approach & Criteria for Selection of Codes Expected DBE Scenarios PIRTs for Non-LWRs Significant Gaps Modeling and Simulation Limitations Physical Models Verification and Validation Steve Bajorek, RES Joe Kelly, RES 1:25 - 3:00 PM Break 3:00 - 3:15 PM


Beyond Design Basis Event Analysis General Approach Existing Capabilities and Modeling Gaps Hossein Esmaili, RES Don Algama, RES Jonathan Barr, RES 3:15 - 4:40 PM


Summary and Next Steps NRC Staff 4:40 - 4:50 PM


Discussion All 4:50 - 5:00 PM Adjourn 5:00 PM


During the meeting, Telephone No. 301-415-7360 should be used to contact anyone in the ACRS Office.

Presentation time should not exceed 50 percent of the total time allocated for a given item. The remaining 50 percent of the time is reserved for discussion.

Thirty five (35) hard copies of each presentation or handout should be provided to the Designated Federal Official 30 minutes before the meeting.

One (1) electronic copy of each presentation should be emailed to the Designated Federal Official 1 day before the meeting. If an electronic copy cannot be provided within this timeframe, presenters should provide the Designated Federal Official with a CD containing each presentation at least 30 minutes before the meeting.