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Task Order No. 31310019F0002 Under Contract Order No. 31310018D0002
Person / Time
Issue date: 12/21/2018
From: Carolyn Cooper
Acquisition Management Division
Southwest Research Institute
Download: ML18355A917 (22)


CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE OF TASK ORDER 31310019F0002 Acceptance of Task Order No. 31310019F0002 under contract No. 31310018D0002 should be made by having an official, authorized to bind your organization, execute two copies of this document in the space provided and return one copy to the Contracting Officer. You should retain the other copy for your records.

Accepted Task Order No. 31310019F0002 under Contract No. 31310018D0002:

Name Title Date 3

SECTION B - Supplies or Services/Prices ....................................................................................5 B.1 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORK .....................................................................................5 B.2 CONSIDERATION AND OBLIGATION TASK ORDERS (AUG 2011) ..........................5 B.3 PRICE/COST SCHEDULE .................................................................................................6 SECTION C - Descriptions/Specifications/Statement of Work .....................................................7 SECTION D - Packaging and Marking ........................................................................................12 D.1 BRANDING.......................................................................................................................12 D.2 PACKAGING AND MARKING .........................................................................................12 SECTION E - Inspection and Acceptance...................................................................................13 E.1 INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE BY THE NRC (SEP 2013).......................................13 SECTION F - Deliveries or Performance ....................................................................................14 F.1 TASK/DELIVERY ORDER PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE (SEP 2013) ..........................14 F.2 PLACE OF DELIVERY-REPORTS...................................................................................14 SECTION G - Contract Administration Data ...............................................................................15 G.1 CONTRACTING OFFICERS REPRESENTATIVE AUTHORITY ...................................15 G.2 2052.215-78 TRAVEL APPROVALS AND REIMBURSEMENT - ALTERNATE 1 (OCT 1999) ....................................................................................................................................... 17 SECTION H - Special Contract Requirements ............................................................................18 H.1 2052.209-72 CONTRACTOR ORGANIZATIONAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST. (JAN 1993) ....................................................................................................................................... 18 H.2 2052.215-70 KEY PERSONNEL. (JAN 1993) .................................................................21 SECTION J - List of Documents, Exhibits and Other Attachments .............................................22 4

SECTION C - Descriptions/Specifications/Statement of Work Fee Recoverable: Non Fee Recoverable CAC Number: A34006

1. PROJECT TITLE Technical Support for Publication of Revision to NUREG-1556 Consolidated Guidance About Materials Licensing, Volumes 9, 13 and 20.
2. BACKGROUND The NUREG-1556 Consolidated Guidance About Materials Licensing series of documents is composed of 21 individual volumes. These volumes were revised by working groups composed of U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and Agreement State staff. The NRC has already successfully published all but the following:

Volume 9, Rev. 3 (Medical Licenses)

Volume 13, Rev. 2 (Commercial Radiopharmacy Licenses)

Volume 20, Rev. 1 (Guidance About Administrative Licensing Procedures)

This task order is a continuation of work performed under Contract No. NRC-HQ-50-14-E-0001, Task Order No. NRC-HQ-50-15-T-0002. Under this task order, the contractor will complete support for publishing the final revision to NUREG-1556, Volumes 9, 13, and 20.

3. OBJECTIVE The objective of this task order is to obtain technical editing and formatting support to facilitate the timely and efficient completion of the publication of Revision to NUREG 1556, Volumes 9, 13, and 20.
4. SCOPE OF WORK The contractor shall provide support to the NRC staff for the publication of the next generation of NUREG-1556 series documents, specifically final revision to Volumes 9, 13, and 20. This support is planned to include technical editing and formatting services as set forth in the below tasks.

Task 4.1 Preparing Revised NUREG-1556 Volumes 9, 13 and 20 for Final Publication:

The contractor shall support the NRC staff in editing and finalizing the next generation of NUREG-1556 series documents, Volumes 9, 13 and 20, as final volumes prior to publication.


4.1.1 (Task A): Technical Editing of Final Volumes As directed by the NRC COR, the contractor shall perform technical editing of the draft Volumes 9, 13 and 20 of Revised NUREG-1556. Technical editing shall at a minimum include correcting the following items: misspelled words, subject/verb disagreement, incorrect capitalization, incomplete sentences, and typographical errors and, if directed by the NRC COR, technical editing shall be specially tailored as a quick pre-publication review (e.g., addressing items like correct formatting of references, phrases like The NRC Staff are consistent between volumes, and units of measurement are formatted per NRC guidelines). The expected typical turn-around time for technical editing is three business days or less from the time the contractor receives the request for assistance by email from the NRC COR and draft document, with a maximum expected turn-around time of five business days. If there are special circumstances that merit consideration, this expected turn-around time may be extended in consultation with the NRC COR.

4.1.2 (Task B): Formatting of Final Volumes The contractor shall format and prepare a MS Word camera-ready copy of each draft volume manuscript provided by the NRC COR, in accordance with current NRC NUREG-style guidelines, as specified in Section 5 of this Statement of Work entitled Applicable Documents and Standards. Upon the CORs request, the contractor shall also use these NRC NUREG-style guidelines to generate a pdf of the camera-ready copy of each volume manuscript (typically with all fonts embedded) from the applicable MS Word file. At a minimum, the contractor shall be required to format page numbers and fonts, verify that all photos in the manuscript have proper attributions, format and otherwise ensure the Table of Contents is correct. If directed by the NRC COR, the contractor shall ensure all cited references in the volumes are publicly available (this is a requirement for NUREG publication). Due to the nature of the NRCs review process during preparation for final publication, the contractor shall expect that most volumes processed under this task will require one major round of formatting and preparation, followed by one or more minor rounds of formatting and preparation by the contractor.

The expected typical turn-around time for this task is three business days or less from the time the contractor receives the request for assistance by e-mail from the NRC COR and draft document, with a maximum expected turn-around time of five business days.

At times when the contractor is processing more than one volume or there are other special circumstances that merit consideration, this expected turn-around time may be extended in consultation with the NRC COR.

OPTIONAL Task 4.2 Additional Support for Publication of Revised NUREG-1556, Volumes 9, 13 and 20 In the event that the level of effort for Task 4.1 is exceeded resulting from multiple rounds of reviews and/or number or level of complexity or nature of comments, the contractor shall continue to perform technical editing and/or formatting as directed by the NRC COR.

Activities under this optional task shall be consistent with those described in Task 4.1 above.


5. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS AND STANDARDS The contractor shall perform work in accordance with the most recent guidelines for NUREG-formatting, where applicable for task 4.1.1, 4.1.2, and 4.2. As these guidelines are subject to change, the NRC COR may provide updated information and/or guidance to the contractor from time-to-time.

The following documents are relevant to the requirement:

(a) NUREG-1379, Revision 2, NRC Editorial Style Guide"

(b) NUREG-0650, Revision 2, "Preparing NUREG-Series Publications"

(c) NUREG-0544, "NRC Collection of Abbreviations"

(d) Management Directive 3.7, NUREG-Series Publications (e) The latest edition of the U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual: An official guide to the form and style of Federal Government printing (available to purchase from the U.S.

Government Printing Office online bookstore at

(f) Nuclear standards such as ANSI Z39.18-1987, "American National Standard, Scientific and Technical Reports," and the "Glossary of Terms in Nuclear Science and Technology,"

by the American Nuclear Society (available from the standards organizations or public libraries)

(g) The latest edition of The Chicago Manual of Style: The Essential Guide for Writers, Editors, and Publishers published by the University of Chicago Press (available online or from book stores or public libraries)

(h) The NRCs plain language guidelines 9

6. DELIVERABLES AND DELIVERY SCHEDULE Deliverable Schedule Deliverable Description Format Due Date Submit to Subtask 4.1.1 (Task A) Electronic MS Word file 3-5 business COR of each applicable days after volume showing initial receipt of round of technical request for editing comments assistance unless extended in consultation with the NRC COR Subtask 4.1.2 (Task B) Electronic final clean 3-5 business COR MS Word or Adobe PDF days after file of each applicable receipt of final volume showing final NRC comments formatting provided by unless extended the contractor in consultation with the NRC COR Optional Task 4.2 See Format for See Due Date COR Subtasks 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 for Subtasks 4.1.1 and 4.1.2
  • Monthly Letter Status Report Electronic Adobe PDF 20th day of the CO/COR (MLSR) per Section F.2 of the following month Base Contract
  • The MLSR shall include the type of work performed, specifically:

under which Task or Subtask(s) the work was done, a short description of work performed under each Task or Subtask, and which NUREG-1556 volume the work is related to If no work was performed during the prior month, the contractor shall not prepare and submit an MLSR.


7. PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS The Contractor shall provide a Program Manager who shall be responsible for the performance of the work. The Program Manager shall have experience with program or project management and NRC regulatory requirements.

Personnel working on technical editing are required to have at least the equivalent of six months of experience performing technical editing services.

Personnel working on formatting are required to have at least the equivalent of one month of recent experience formatting NRC NUREG documents for publication.

8. GOVERNMENT-FURNISHED PROPERTY No Government-furnished property will be required by or provided to the contractor.
9. PLACE OF PERFORMANCE The place of performance will be at the contractors site except for travel identified below in Section 10.1.
10. 1 TRAVEL The following travel may occur under this task order:

FY 19: One, one-person, one-day meeting to NRC Headquarters, Rockville Maryland The contractor shall request and obtain written approval from the COR before incurring any travel costs. The contractor shall be authorized travel expenses consistent with the Federal Travel Regulations and the limitation of funds for this task order.

10.2 SECURITY Work performed under this task order will be UNCLASSIFIED.

10.3 KEY PERSONNEL Refer to Section H.2 2052.215-70 KEY PERSONNEL (JAN 1993) 11

SECTION D - Packaging and Marking D.1 BRANDING The Contractor is required to use the statement below in any publications, presentations, articles, products, or materials funded under this contract/order, to the extent practical, in order to provide NRC with recognition for its involvement in and contribution to the project. If the work performed is funded entirely with NRC funds, then the contractor must acknowledge that information in its documentation/presentation.

Work Supported by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, under Contract number 31310018D0002/31310019F0002.

(End of Clause)

D.2 PACKAGING AND MARKING (a) The Contractor shall package material for shipment to the NRC in such a manner that will ensure acceptance by common carrier and safe delivery at destination. Containers and closures shall comply with the Surface Transportation Board, Uniform Freight Classification Rules, or regulations of other carriers as applicable to the mode of transportation.

(b) On the front of the package, the Contractor shall clearly identify the contract number under which the product is being provided.

(c) Additional packaging and/or marking requirements are as follows: Not Applicable.

(End of Clause) 12


Inspection and acceptance of the deliverable items to be furnished hereunder shall be made by the NRC Contracting Officers Representative (COR) at the destination, in accordance with FAR 52.247 F.o.b. Destination.

(End of Clause) 13


This task order shall commence on January 1, 2019 and will expire on December 31, 2019.

(End of Clause)

F.2 PLACE OF DELIVERY-REPORTS The items to be furnished hereunder shall be delivered, with all charges paid by the Contractor, to:

a. Contracting Officer Representative:


b. Contracting Officer (CO) (1 electronic copy):

(End of Clause) 14

SECTION G - Contract Administration Data G.1 CONTRACTING OFFICERS REPRESENTATIVE AUTHORITY (a) The contracting officer's authorized representative hereinafter referred to as the COR for this contract is:


Name: Katie Wagner Address:

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Mail Stop: T-5B60 Washington, DC 20555 Telephone Number: 301-415-6202 Email Address: Katie NRC Alternate COR:

Name: Donald Lowman Address:

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Mail Stop: T-5B60 Washington, DC 20555 Telephone Number: 301-415-5452 Email Address: (b) Performance of the work under this contract is subject to the technical direction of the NRC COR. The term technical direction is defined to include the following:

(1) Technical direction to the contractor which shifts work emphasis between areas of work or tasks, authorizes travel which was unanticipated in the Schedule (i.e., travel not contemplated in the Statement of Work or changes to specific travel identified in the Statement of Work), fills in details, or otherwise serves to accomplish the contractual statement of work.

(2) Provide advice and guidance to the contractor in the preparation of drawings, specifications, or technical portions of the work description.

(3) Review and, where required by the contract, approve technical reports, drawings, specifications, and technical information to be delivered by the contractor to the Government under the contract.

(c) Technical direction must be within the general statement of work stated in the contract. The COR does not have the authority to and may not issue any technical direction which:


(1) Constitutes an assignment of work outside the general scope of the contract.

(2) Constitutes a change as defined in the "Changes" clause of this contract.

(3) In any way causes an increase or decrease in the total estimated contract cost, the fixed fee, if any, or the time required for contract performance.

(4) Changes any of the expressed terms, conditions, or specifications of the contract.

(d) Terminates the contract, settles any claim or dispute arising under the contract, or issues any unilateral directive whatever.

(e) All technical directions must be issued in writing by the project officer or must be confirmed by the COR in writing within ten (10) working days after verbal issuance. A copy of the written direction must be furnished to the contracting officer. A copy of NRC Form 445, Request for Approval of Official Foreign Travel, which has received final approval from the NRC must be furnished to the contracting officer.

(f) The contractor shall proceed promptly with the performance of technical directions duly issued by the COR in the manner prescribed by this clause and within the C O R s authority under the provisions of this clause.

(g)If, in the opinion of the contractor, any instruction or direction issued by the COR is within one of the categories defined in paragraph (c) of this section, the contractor may not proceed but shall notify the contracting officer in writing within five (5) working days after the receipt of any instruction or direction and shall request that contracting officer to modify the contract accordingly. Upon receiving the notification from the contractor, the contracting officer shall issue an appropriate contract modification or advise the contractor in writing that, in the contracting officer's opinion, the technical direction is within the scope of this article and does not constitute a change under the "Changes" clause.

(h) Any unauthorized commitment or direction issued by the COR may result in an unnecessary delay in the contractor's performance and may even result in the contractor expending funds for unallowable costs under the contract.

(i) A failure of the parties to agree upon the nature of the instruction or direction or upon the contract action to be taken with respect to the instruction or direction is subject to 52.233 Disputes.

(j) In addition to providing technical direction as defined in paragraph (b) of the section, the COR shall:

(1) Monitor the contractor's technical progress, including surveillance and assessment of performance, and recommend to the contracting officer changes in requirements.

(2) Assist the contractor in the resolution of technical problems encountered during performance.


(3) Review all costs requested for reimbursement by the contractor and submit to the contracting officer recommendations for approval, disapproval, or suspension of payment for supplies and services required under this contract.

(End of Clause)


(a) Total expenditure for travel may not exceed without the prior approval of the contracting officer.

(b) All foreign travel must be approved in advance by the NRC on NRC Form 445, Request for Approval of Official Foreign Travel, and must be in compliance with FAR 52.247-63 Preference for U.S. Flag Air Carriers. The contractor shall submit NRC Form 445 to the NRC no later than 30 days prior to the commencement of travel.

(c) The contractor will be reimbursed only for travel costs incurred that are directly related to this contract and are allowable subject to the limitations prescribed in FAR 31.205-46.

(d) It is the responsibility of the contractor to notify the contracting officer in accordance with the FAR Limitations of Cost clause of this contract when, at any time, the contractor learns that travel expenses will cause the contractor to exceed the travel ceiling amount identified in paragraph (a) of this clause.

(e) Reasonable travel costs for research and related activities performed at State and nonprofit institutions, in accordance with Section 12 of Pub. L. 100-679, must be charged in accordance with the contractor's institutional policy to the degree that the limitations of Office of Management and Budget (OMB) guidance are not exceeded. Applicable guidance documents include OMB Circular A-87, Cost Principles for State and Local Governments; OMB Circular A-122, Cost Principles for Nonprofit Organizations; and OMB Circular A-21, Cost Principles for Educational Institutions.


SECTION H - Special Contract Requirements H.1 2052.209-72 CONTRACTOR ORGANIZATIONAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST. (JAN 1993)

(a) Purpose. The primary purpose of this clause is to aid in ensuring that the contractor:

(1) Is not placed in a conflicting role because of current or planned interests (financial, contractual, organizational, or otherwise) which relate to the work under this contract; and (2) Does not obtain an unfair competitive advantage over other parties by virtue of its performance of this contract.

(b) Scope. The restrictions described apply to performance or participation by the contractor, as defined in 48 CFR 2009.570-2 in the activities covered by this clause.

(c) Work for others.

(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this contract, during the term of this contract, the contractor agrees to forego entering into consulting or other contractual arrangements with any firm or organization the result of which may give rise to a conflict of interest with respect to the work being performed under this contract. The contractor shall ensure that all employees under this contract abide by the provision of this clause. If the contractor has reason to believe, with respect to itself or any employee, that any proposed consultant or other contractual arrangement with any firm or organization may involve a potential conflict of interest, the contractor shall obtain the written approval of the contracting officer before the execution of such contractual arrangement.

(2) The contractor may not represent, assist, or otherwise support an NRC licensee or applicant undergoing an NRC audit, inspection, or review where the activities that are the subject of the audit, inspection, or review are the same as or substantially similar to the services within the scope of this contract (or task order as appropriate) except where the NRC licensee or applicant requires the contractor's support to explain or defend the contractor's prior work for the utility or other entity which NRC questions.

(3) When the contractor performs work for the NRC under this contract at any NRC licensee or applicant site, the contractor shall neither solicit nor perform work in the same or similar technical area for that licensee or applicant organization for a period commencing with the award of the task order or beginning of work on the site (if not a task order contract) and ending one year after completion of all work under the associated task order, or last time at the site (if not a task order contract).

(4) When the contractor performs work for the NRC under this contract at any NRC licensee or applicant site, (i) The contractor may not solicit work at that site for that licensee or applicant during the period of performance of the task order or the contract, as appropriate.

(ii) The contractor may not perform work at that site for that licensee or applicant during the period of performance of the task order or the contract, as appropriate, and for one year thereafter.


(iii) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the contracting officer may authorize the contractor to solicit or perform this type of work (except work in the same or similar technical area) if the contracting officer determines that the situation will not pose a potential for technical bias or unfair competitive advantage.

(d) Disclosure after award.

(1) The contractor warrants that to the best of its knowledge and belief, and except as otherwise set forth in this contract, that it does not have any organizational conflicts of interest as defined in 48 CFR 2009.570-2.

(2) The contractor agrees that if, after award, it discovers organizational conflicts of interest with respect to this contract, it shall make an immediate and full disclosure in writing to the contracting officer. This statement must include a description of the action which the contractor has taken or proposes to take to avoid or mitigate such conflicts. The NRC may, however, terminate the contract if termination is in the best interest of the Government.

(3) It is recognized that the scope of work of a task-order-type contract necessarily encompasses a broad spectrum of activities. Consequently, if this is a task-order-type contract, the contractor agrees that it will disclose all proposed new work involving NRC licensees or applicants which comes within the scope of work of the underlying contract. Further, if this contract involves work at a licensee or applicant site, the contractor agrees to exercise diligence to discover and disclose any new work at that licensee or applicant site. This disclosure must be made before the submission of a bid or proposal to the utility or other regulated entity and must be received by the NRC at least 15 days before the proposed award date in any event, unless a written justification demonstrating urgency and due diligence to discover and disclose is provided by the contractor and approved by the contracting officer. The disclosure must include the statement of work, the dollar value of the proposed contract, and any other documents that are needed to fully describe the proposed work for the regulated utility or other regulated entity.

NRC may deny approval of the disclosed work only when the NRC has issued a task order which includes the technical area and, if site-specific, the site, or has plans to issue a task order which includes the technical area and, if site-specific, the site, or when the work violates paragraphs (c)(2), (c)(3) or (c)(4) of this section.

(e) Access to and use of information.

(1) If, in the performance of this contract, the contractor obtains access to information, such as NRC plans, policies, reports, studies, financial plans, internal data protected by the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. Section 552a (1988)), or the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. Section 552 (1986)), the contractor agrees not to:

(i) Use this information for any private purpose until the information has been released to the public; (ii) Compete for work for the Commission based on the information for a period of six months after either the completion of this contract or the release of the information to the public, whichever is first; (iii) Submit an unsolicited proposal to the Government based on the information until one year after the release of the information to the public; or 19

(iv) Release the information without prior written approval by the contracting officer unless the information has previously been released to the public by the NRC.

(2) In addition, the contractor agrees that, to the extent it receives or is given access to proprietary data, data protected by the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. Section 552a (1988)), or the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. Section 552 (1986)), or other confidential or privileged technical, business, or financial information under this contract, the contractor shall treat the information in accordance with restrictions placed on use of the information.

(3) Subject to patent and security provisions of this contract, the contractor shall have the right to use technical data it produces under this contract for private purposes provided that all requirements of this contract have been met.

(f) Subcontracts. Except as provided in 48 CFR 2009.570-2, the contractor shall include this clause, including this paragraph, in subcontracts of any tier. The terms contract, contractor, and contracting officer, must be appropriately modified to preserve the Government's rights.

(g) Remedies. For breach of any of the above restrictions, or for intentional nondisclosure or misrepresentation of any relevant interest required to be disclosed concerning this contract or for such erroneous representations that necessarily imply bad faith, the Government may terminate the contract for default, disqualify the contractor from subsequent contractual efforts, and pursue other remedies permitted by law or this contract.

(h) Waiver. A request for waiver under this clause must be directed in writing to the contracting officer in accordance with the procedures outlined in 48 CFR 2009.570-9.

(i) Follow-on effort. The contractor shall be ineligible to participate in NRC contracts, subcontracts, or proposals therefor (solicited or unsolicited) which stem directly from the contractor's performance of work under this contract. Furthermore, unless so directed in writing by the contracting officer, the contractor may not perform any technical consulting or management support services work or evaluation activities under this contract on any of its products or services or the products or services of another firm if the contractor has been substantially involved in the development or marketing of the products or services.

(1) If the contractor under this contract, prepares a complete or essentially complete statement of work or specifications, the contractor is not eligible to perform or participate in the initial contractual effort which is based on the statement of work or specifications. The contractor may not incorporate its products or services in the statement of work or specifications unless so directed in writing by the contracting officer, in which case the restrictions in this paragraph do not apply.

(2) Nothing in this paragraph precludes the contractor from offering or selling its standard commercial items to the Government.

(End of Clause) 20

SECTION J - List of Documents, Exhibits and Other Attachments The following attachments were provided under the Base Contract and are applicable to this task order:

Template Contractor Spending Plan Monthly Letter Status Report Instructions for Contracts and Orders Billing Instructions Cost Reimbursement Type Contracts Organizational Conflicts of Interest 22