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Sumitomo Metal Mining Pogo LLC; Amendment Request; License 50-29212-01; Docket 030-37023; Control 609978
Person / Time
Site: 03037023
Issue date: 09/20/2018
From: Wells P
Dorsey & Whitney, LLP, Sumitomo Metal Mining Pogo
To: Carol Hill, Michelle Simmons
NRC Region 4
Download: ML18270A393 (8)

See also: IR 05000292/2012001


Hill, Carol From: Sent: To:

Thursday, September

20, 2018 12:41 PM Hill, Carol; Simmons, Michelle Cc:;




i Subject: [External_Sender]

Notice of Change of Control -NRC MATERIALS

LICENCE NO. 50-29212-01


Change of Control Filing -Pogo Mine -NRC Materials

License 50-29212-01...

.pdf Importance

High Carol and Michelle, Attached to this email please find a change of control filing for NRC Materials

License No. 50-29212-01 (License), which covers a sealed source industrial


used for the purposes of measurements

during the metallurgical


of gold at the Pogo Mine. Sumitomo Metal Mining Pogo LLC (SMM Pogo) is the licensee under the License. Sumitomo Metal Mining America Inc. (SMM), the parent of SMM Pogo, and its affiliate

SC Minerals America Inc. have entered i nto a Purchase Agreement

with Northern Star Resources

Ltd (ACN 092 832 892) (Northern

Star) and its subsidiary

Northern Star (A la ska) LLC (NSAK) whereby NSAK will acquire 100% of the issued membership


in the capital of SMM Pogo, and thereby Northern Star will become the new parent corporation

of SMM Pogo. SMM and Northern Star are jointly submitting

this Notice of Change of Control and Ownership


P l ease note that the License is not being transferred

as part of the transaction, rather the transaction

creates an upstream change of ownership

above the level of the current licensee, SMM Pogo. At this t i me there are no proposed changes to the licensee, contact information

or terms and conditions

of the License. The proposed transaction

is very time sensit i ve and both SMM Pogo and Northern Star would greatly appreciate

and hereby request exped i ted review and approval of the proposed change of control for the License. Please let me know if you have any questions, or need any additional


My contact information

is included in my signature

below. We look forward to working with the NRC to complete the change of control process and appreciate

your time and efforts on this application.

Thank you, Wells S. Parker Partner PUBLIC a Immediate

Release ~nnal Release NON.PUBLIC

a A.3 Sensitive-Security

Related a A.7 Sensitive

Internal ( )J> DO R S EY .. alw a ys ahead a Other: -/\/ / ___ / r<..,..,.,.

dl,iz;o ... ,~ lg' DORSEY & WHITNEY LLP 111 S. Ma in Street Suite 210 0 I Salt Lak e City, UT 84111-2176

P: 801.933.7364 F: 801.880.8425 WWW.DORSEY



COMMUN I CATI O N E-mails from this firm normally contain confidential

and privileged

material, and are for the sole use of the intended recipient.

Use or d i s t r ib ution by an unintended

re cipient i s prohibited, and may be a violation

of law. if you believe that yo u re ceived this e-mail in error, please do not rea d this e-mail o r any attached items. Please delete the e-mail and all attachment

s , including

any copies thereof, and info rm the sender that you have delet ed the e-mail, all attachments

and any copies thereof Tha nk you. 1 .... 609978



MAIL Nuclear Materials

Safety Branch B United States Nuclear Regulatory

Commission, Region IV 1600 E. Lamar Blvd Arlington, Texas 76001-4511 Attention:

Michelle R. Simmons, Health Physicist


LICENCE NO. 50-29212-01

Notice of Change of Control and Ownership


Dear Ms. Simmons, Sumitomo Metal Mining Pogo LLC ("SMM Pogo") is the legal licensee under NRC Materials

License No. 50-29212-01, as amended under Amendment

No. 3 dated February 1, 2018 ("License")

for the possession

and operation

of a sealed source device used in the operation

of the Pogo gold mine facility in Alaska ("Mine). Sumitomo Metal Mining America Inc. ("SMM"), the parent of SMM Pogo, and an its affiliate

SC Minerals America Inc. have entered into a Purchase Agreement

dated August 29, 2018 ("Purchase


with Northern Star Resources

Ltd (ACN 092 832 892 ("Northern

Star") and its subsidiary

Northern Star (Alaska) LLC ("NSAK") whereby NSAK will acquire 100% of the issued membership


in the capital of SMM Pogo, and thereby Northern Star will become the new parent corporation

of SMM Pogo ("Transaction").

SMM and Northern Star ("Applicants")

submit this Notice of Change of Control and Ownership


pursuant to U.S. Code of Federal Regulations

10 CFR §30.34(b)

and the change of control requirements

adopted by the NRC and set forth in Nuclear Regulatory



Guidance About Materials

Licenses, NUREG-1556

Volume 15, Rev. 1 ("NRC Guidance"), and request that the NRC provide its approval for the change of control of SMM Pogo resulting

from the Transaction.

This notice sets forth the information

required by the NRC Guidance relating to a change of control affecting

the ownership

of the License. I. Change of Control Requirements

A. Description

of Transaction.


are instructed

to provide a complete description

of the proposed transaction, including

the new name and contact information

for the organization

gaining control of the license (NRC Guidance Criteria 5.1). On August 29, 2018, Sumitomo Metal Mining America Inc. ("Sumitomo"), SC Minerals America Inc. ("SC Minerals"), Northern Star, and NSAK entered into the Purchase Agreement.

Under the Purchase Agreement

Sumitomo and SC Minerals agreed to sell all of the membership


in SMM Pogo and its affiliate

SC Pogo, LLC to NSAK, a subsidiary

of Northern Star for US$260,000,000.

A diagram of the Transaction

is attached to this letter as Exhibit A. Northern Star (ASX: NST) is a publicly traded company on the Australian

Stock Exchange (ASX) with total annual gold production

of approximately


ounces per year. Northern Star is one of the 100 largest ASX listed stocks with a market cap exceeding

US$5 billion. "" 609978 48 I 0-88 I 5-8322\3

B. Changes of Personnel.


are directed to provide information


changes in personnel

that have control over licensed activities, including


training, experience

and qualifications

of the individuals (NRC Guidance Criteria 5.2). The Transaction

does not provide for or anticipate

any changes to personnel

that have control over licensed activities

under the License. All site contacts will remain unchanged

with operations


under the Mine's General Manager Chris Kennedy. C. Changes of Location, Equipment

and Procedures.


arc instructed

to provide a description

of planned changes in location, facilities, equipment, or procedures

that would normally require a license amendment (NRC Guidance Criteria 5.3). The Transaction

does not provide for or anticipate

any changes in the location, facilities, equipment

or procedures

used under the License. The Transaction

is the sale of membership

interest in SMM Pogo and will have no effect on any of the SMM Pogo Mine facilities, or any of the equipment

or procedures

used at the SMM Pogo Mine facilities.

D. Surveillance

Records. Applicants

must submit a statement

that all required surveillance

has been performed, documented

and reviewed.

If there are surveillance

items that are not or will not be completed

by the date of the license transfer, the licensee must submit to the NRC the reasons the items will not be completed, any corrective

actions required and the date these corrective

actions will be completed (NRC Guidance Criteria 5.4). SMM Pogo, as the current licensee under the License, states that all required surveillance

for the licensed materials

and all equipment

covered by the License has been performed, documented

and reviewed.

The Transaction

does not provide for or anticipate

any changes to the monitoring

or surveillance

records under the License or changes to the record keeping and reporting



used at the SMM Pogo Mine facilities.

E. Decommissioning

and Related Records Transfers.


are required to arrange for the transfer and maintenance

of records important

to the safe and effective


of facilities

involved in the licensed activities

and to describe herein the method and proposed timetable

for the transfer of records. As part of the transfer Applicants

must disclose the current status of the licensed facility with regard to ambient radiation

levels and fixed and removable


as a result of the licensed activities

thus far conducted

at the facility.

To the extent contamination

is present at the licensed facility, Applicants

must describe how and when decontamination

will occur or state that decommissioning

has yet to be determined.

After a disclosure

of the status of the facility, the transferee

must confirm in writing that it accepts full responsibility

for the decommissioning

of the site, including

all contaminated


and equipment (NRC Guidance Criteria 5.5). The Transaction

does not provide for or anticipate

any changes to the records relating to the License. All of SMM Pogo's records relating to the Mine and the License will remain in the possession

of SMM Pogo. Radiation

is not currently

and will not in the future be released into the environment;

the radiation

source is contained

within industrial


used for the purposes of measurement

during the metallurgical


of gold. There is no contamination, or ambient radiation

levels at the licensed facility.

SMM Pogo continues

to accept, and its controlling

company following

closing of the Transaction, Northern Star, does accept, full responsibility

for the 2


of the site including

all facilities

and equipment


any contamination

and any contaminated


and equipment

F. Transferee's


to Abide by the Transferor's


The transferee

in a change of control application

must either provide (i) an agreement

to abide by all constraints, license conditions, requirements, representations, and commitments


in and attributed

to the existing license; or (ii) a description

of the transferees'

program to ensure compliance

with the license and regulations. In addition, if any unresolved


or inspections

issues exist under the license the transferee

must address the action to be taken to resolve such issues (NRC Guidance Criteria 5.6). As previously

stated, this Transaction

does not affect SMM Pogo's License, nor does it affect SMM Pogo's commitment

to continue to abide by all of the constraints, conditions, requirements, representations

and commitments

of the License before or after the closing of the Transaction. Furthermore, Northern Star as the parent company of SMM Pogo following

the closing of the Transaction

confirms SMM Pogo's commitment

to continue to abide by all of the constraints, conditions, requirements, representations

and commitments

of the License after the closing of the Transaction.

There are no unresolved


or inspection

issues currently

existing under the License. Thank you for your assistance

with this Transaction. SMM and Northern Star would greatly appreciate

NRC's prompt consideration

of this request for approval of the change of control of SMM Pogo and the License resulting

from the Transaction.

We look forward to working with the NRC to achieve approval of the change of control. If any additional


is needed, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sumitomo Metal Mining Pogo LLC Contact: Arron Heyrend, RSO Phone: 907-895-2895 Email:

Northern Star Resources

Limited. Contact: Hilary Macdonald, Company Secretary

Phone: +61 8 6188 2140 Email:

This Notice is signed and executed by Toshiaki Maeda as President

of SMM and by Hilary Macdonald, General Counsel & Company Secretary

of Northern Star. 3

EXECUTED this 19th day of SEPTEMBER, 2018. Sumitomo Metal Mining Pogo LLC *fl \1] -~;( q~ By: Toshiaki Maeda Its: President

Northern Star Resources

Limited (ACN 092 832 892) By: Hilary Macdonald

Its: Company Secretary


0 co co 0) J .. ( Exhibit A Transaction

Diagram (Purchase

of SMM Pogo and SC Pogo LLC by NSAK and Northern Star) Pre-Closing


Northern Star Resources

Limited (ACN 092 832 892) Sumitomo Metal Mining SC Minerals America Inc. (Australia

n public listed company) America Inc. (De l aware Corporation)

I (De l aware Corporation)

Northern Star (Holdings)

Pty Limited (ACN ..... ..1. ..........

........................ 626 052 784) (Australian


company) I .............. -1 ...............

.............. Sumitomo Metals Mining Pogo LLC Northern Star (Alaska) Incorporated (De l aware Corporation)

SC Pogo LLC (Alaska Limited (Alaska Limited Liability

Company) \, I Liability

Company) Northern Star (Alaska) LLC (Delaware

Limited Liability

Company) ........................ t .......................... r .. *1 \,., ... ,.,., .*......... NRC Materials

License /.,// i "-..,. No. 50-29212-01

...... ***** * ') NRC Materials

License .......... .// No. 50-29212-01

                                        • ***********

Company) Liability

Company) .... . ..........................................

              • I ..... * ( ** .. ... **,'****---.,,, ..... .


COMMISS I ON (05-2016)

~0..._tJ-A ltEO(/( .. > .. * o..,, ... ; ACKNOWLEDGEMENT


,: .. ') ....... +O~ Name and Address of Appl i cant and/or Licensee Date I 09/24/2018

I Arron Heyrend I License Number(s)

I Radiation

Safety Officer 50-29212-01 Sumitomo Metal Mining Pogo LLC Mail Control Number(s)

3204 International

Street Fairbanks, Alaska 99701 I 609978 I Licensing

and/or Technical

Reviewer or Branch C. Hill This i s to acknowledge

receipt of your: [Z] Letter and/or D App li cation Dated: 09/19/2018

The initial processing, which included an administrative

review, has been performed.

[ZJ Amendment

0 Termination

0 New License D Renewal D There were no adm ini strative omissions


during our initial review. D This is to acknowledge

receipt of your application

for renewal of the materia l (s) license identified

above. Your app l ication is deemed timely filed, and accordingly, the license will not expire until fina l action has been taken by this office. D Your application

for a new NRC license did not include your taxpayer identification

number. P l ease complete and submit NRC Form 531, Request for Taxpayer Identification

Number, located at the following

link: eadin g-rm/doc-collect

i ons/fo rm s/nr c53 1.pdf Follow the instructions

on the form for submission. D The fo ll owing administrat

i ve omissions

have been identified:

Your application

has been assigned the above listed MAIL CONTROL NUMBER. When calling to inquire about this action, please refer to this control number. Your application

has been forwarded

to a technical

reviewer. Please note that the technical

review, which is normally completed

within 180 days for a renewal application

(90 days for all other requests), may identify additional


or require additional

information. If you have any questions


the processing

of your application, our contact information

is listed below: Region IV U. S. Nuclear Regulatory



-8 1600 E. Lamar Bou l evard Arlington, TX 76011-4511

(817) 200-1103 or (817) 200-11 40 NRC FORM 532 (05-2016)

BETWEEN: Accounts Receivable/Payable

and Regional Licensing


FROM WBL Program Code: 03120 Status Code: Pending Amendment

Fee Category:3P

Exp. Date: 01/31/2026

Fee Comments: Decom Fin Assur Reqd: N License Fee Worksheet

-License Fee Transmitta


ATIACHED Applicant/Licensee

Sumitomo Metal Mining Pogo LLC Received Date: 09/20/2018

Docket Number: 3037023 Mail Control Number: 609978 License Number: 50-29212-01 Action Type: Amendment


BRANCH (Check when milestone

03 is entered / 1. Fee Category and Amount: ------------------2. Correct Fee Paid. Application

may be processed

for: Amendment:

Renewal: License: Signed: Date: 1