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Comment (2416) E-mail Regarding Clinch River ESP Draft EIS
Person / Time
Site: Clinch River
Issue date: 07/11/2018
From: Public Commenter
Public Commenter
83FR18554, +reviewed
Download: ML18207A612 (2)


1 ClinchRiverESPEISCEm Resource From:

William Reynolds <>


Wednesday, July 11, 2018 11:18 AM To:



[External_Sender] Public Comment - Clinch River DEIS (Docket 52-047)

Dear NRC staff,

TVA's proposal to build a complex of SMR's with only a two-mile Emergency Planning Zone is irresponsible. Given that there is zero track record on the performance of SMR's in particular and that the historical track record of nuclear power plants is full of "oops, we didn't account for" circumstances that happened which led to severely excessive emissions of radioactivity into the environment, it is simply GAMBLING WITH PUBLIC SAFETY on the hope that nothing would happen to harm people outside the two-mile zone.

NRC must reject TVAs proposal to dramatically reduce the Emergency Planning Zone from 10 miles to just 2 miles or less. There is no possible justification for reducing emergency planning requirements on the basis of reactor designs that have not even been approved.

Another compelling reason for rejecting TVA's SMR project proposal: We, the people of TVA land will have all the electric power we need without nuclear. Unfortunately, like a carpenter who has only a hammer to do his work believes every part of something he is building has to be nailed, everybody in the nuclear industry seems to believe we have to have nuclear power to produce electricity. It ain't so. But the BIAS is patently obvious in NRC's Draft Environmental Impact Statement.

The proposed project would be entirely UNeconomical, with estimated costs 3-5 times more than the current cost of wind and solar power. Energy efficiency is yet more cost-effective.

NRC must withdraw the DEIS and perform a fair, accurate, objective analysis of TVAs site permit application, AS WELL AS THE REAL ALTERNATIVES of energy efficiency, wind, solar, and other renewable energy sources.

Mr. William Reynolds 3529 Dell Trail Chattanooga, TN 37411 423-624-6821

Federal Register Notice:

83FR18554 Comment Number:

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[External_Sender] Public Comment - Clinch River DEIS (Docket 52-047)

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