ML18177A427 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 06/28/2018 |
From: | Raymond Gibson Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response |
To: | Robert Kahler Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response |
References | |
Download: ML18177A427 (4) | |
June 28, 2018 MEMORANDUM TO:
Robert Kahler, Chief Policy and Oversight Branch Division of Preparedness and Response Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response Ray Gibson, Emergency Preparedness Specialist /RA/
Policy and Oversight Branch Division of Preparedness and Response Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response
NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS SIGNIFICANCE DETERMINATION PROCESS On June 25, 2018, representatives of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) held a Category II Public Meeting to discuss the NRC staffs intent to perform a focused self-assessment (FSA) of the Emergency Preparedness Significance Determination Process (EP SDP).
The NRC staff opened the meeting by explaining the importance of this FSA and that the staff considers it to be a high priority task. The staff also emphasized the importance of stakeholder involvement and provided the Agencywide Document Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession Numbers of the FSA Charter as well as the Stakeholder Comment Form (ML18149A392 and ML18170A122 respectively) as well as informing meeting participants that both were attached to the meeting notice. The staff also requested that all stakeholder comments be submitted by July 31, 2018.
An explanation of the Charter was next. The Charter scope was discussed, with an emphasis on how the staff will be looking for transformative opportunities throughout the process. A discussion as to the scope of this FSA being limited to the EP SDP, and that this FSA will not re-evaluate past EP SDP decisions, was next.
A question from NEI to explain the dates in the FSA Charter was answered by the staff. The dates in the FSA Charter are intended to document the latest dates we expect completion, but that our goal is to complete these milestones approximately 4-6 weeks early.
Another question from NEI was what was meant by the term "validate" in the context of the procedural reviews. The staff answered that the goal of the FSA is to reconfirm that the procedures are adequate to support the goals of the EP SDP, and to document areas where improvement can be made, or where other transformative opportunities exist.
The staff stated that the procedure guiding the performance of the FSA, as well as the resultant report at the conclusion of the FSA, is available on the FSA Charter. In addition, the staff informed the public that another Category II Public Meeting will occur near the end of the FSA to discuss the preliminary results of the FSA. In addition, the staff will provide status updates during the normally scheduled Reactor Oversight Process (ROP) teleconferences
The enclosure captures the list of meeting attendees. The meeting notice for this meeting is available in ADAMS via Accession No. ML18149A392.
Attendees CONTACT: Ray Gibson NSIR/DPR/POB 301-287-3614
ML18177A427 OFFICE NSIR/DPR/POB NSIR/DPR/POB NSIR/DPR/POB NAME RGibson DJohnson RKahler D. Johnson for DATE 06/26/2018 06/28/2018 06/28/2018
OF THE JUNE 25, 2018, PUBLIC MEETING TO DISCUSS THE FOCUSED SELF-ASSESSMENT OF THE U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS SIGNIFICANCE DETERMINATION PROCESS LIST OF ATTENDEES Public and Stakeholders Stephen Barr Jana Bergman Rick Collings John Costello Adam Goodman Michael Kitlan Nikki Knapp Mike Murray John Overly Larry Parker Monica Ray James Slider Doug Walker David Young U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Staff Clay Johnson Robert Kahler Don Johnson Charles Murray Eric Schrader Ray Gibson