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Review of Additive Manufacturing for Reactor Materials & Components (Amy Hull)
Person / Time
Issue date: 06/14/2018
From: Amy Hull
Diaz-Castillo Y, NRO/DCIP
Download: ML18150A363 (12)


Review of Additive Manufacturing for Reactor Materials & Components Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research NRC Workshop on Vendor Oversight, June 14, 2018 Amy B. Hull Sr. Materials Engineer, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, Division of Engineering, Corrosion & Metallurgy Branch

Introduction. Why Additive Manufacturing (AM) for Reactors?


Regulatory Research Perspective Objective of NRC Engagement AM is Not a Single Process

  • A partial list of metal AM technologies
  • Industry, agency, and society collaboration is needed to ensure safe introduction of AM in major industry sectors
  • M. Gorelik, Regulatory Considerations for AM and Status of the FAA AM Roadmap, Nov. 28, 2017 5


1. Stimulus of June 7, 2017 GE-H meeting with NRC
2. ANSI AMSC Activities & Phase II Meetings
3. Advanced Manufacturing & Supply Chain Innovation Nuclear Energy Leadership Summit &

Industry Showcase and DOE-NE AMM Program Review (Oct 3-5 -- Idaho Falls)

4. Visit to WEC Churchill Laboratories to discuss direct metal laser melting (DMLM) irradiation and fabrication (Pittsburgh)
5. ASTM E08/F42 Symposium on Fatigue and Fracture of AM Materials & Components
6. NRC/Industry Additive Manufacturing Technical Information Exchange, Nov 28-29
7. Visits to Advanced Manufacturing facilities
8. Ongoing Activities
9. Path Forward 6

Engage with Other Organizations to Understand Expertise and Resources Public meeting Additive Materials for Reactor Materials and Components

  • Standardization activities
  • AM research and applications in nuclear and other industry
  • AM processes and capabilities
  • Technical and regulatory challenges.

Presentations provided by:

  • GEH, WEC, NuScale, RR, Additec, Novatech, CTC, EWI Presentations archived at ADAMS - ML17338A880; from Standards Development
  • INL, ORNL, DRDC Organizations Involved with AM Standardization, J. McCabe, November 29, 2017

Technical Areas of Additive Manufacturing Presentations at November Public Workshop on AM-RMC State of Art Industry Irradiation AM Standards Degradation American/ Cyber- Regulatory Computer Nuclear Organization/Speaker of AM Activities Testing & qualificat for AM NDE in AM international security Perspectiv Modeling Fuel Processes Effects ion components context es NEI (Mark Richter)

EPRI (Dave Gandy)

FAA (Michael Gorelik)

CTC (Scott Zimmerman)

EWI (Bill Mohr)

EWI (Frank Medina)

GEH (Myles Connor)

WEC (Zeses Karoutas)

WEC (Bill Cleary)

WEC (Paula Freyer)

Novatech (C. Gramlich)

NuScalePower (S. Wolbert)

DRDC (Shannon Farrell)

RollsRoyce (Dave Poole)

DOE (Alison Hahn)

ORNL (Andrew Worrall)

INL (Isabella van Rooyen)

NSWC (Sam Pratt)

NAVSEA (Justin Rettaliata)

NIST (Paul Witherell)

ORNL/UTK (Suresh Babu)

NASA/MSFC (Doug Wells)

NASA/WSTF (Jess Waller)

NIST (Kevin Jurrens)

ANSI (Jim McCabe)

ASME (Kate Hyam)

ASTM (Mohsen Seifi)

NRC/NRR (Dave Rudland)

NRC/NRR (Allen Hiser)

Coordinating with other regulators 9

NRC Action Plan Early stages of development To address preparation of NRC readiness for review of AM parts Provide for interoffice coordination - reactor side, waste management, research Address involvement in standards and codes organizations A subject of NRC Innovation and Transformation initiative 10

NRC Regulatory Information Summary RIS 2017-08 under revision to address AM plans and schedules for fabrication of large components and modules (Including nontraditional or advanced manufacturing methods, such as additive manufacturing, cryogenic machining, and Powder metallurgy-HIP)

Are you considering using nontraditional or advanced methods of manufacturing (e.g., additive manufacturing (AM, 3-D printing), powder metallurgy-hot isostatic pressing, electron beam welding, etc.)

for reactor internals, fuel, or component subject to the Appendix B Program at any stage of their lifecycle?

If so, what materials, components, and manufacturing technologies are you considering?

What is the estimated time frame for putting a component into service that used a nontraditional or advanced fabrication method?



  • Advanced manufacturing has been identified as an area of potential future utilization by the nuclear industry - when and how many are the questions
  • NRC interest areas

- The reliability of AM processing and quality of AM parts

- The properties of AM parts

- The structural performance of AM parts, including their inspectability

- The service performance and aging degradation of AM parts

- Ongoing work in advanced methods for manufacturing.

  • Codes and standards aspects of AM is a key to successful implementation
  • Comparison of performance of parts from AM and conventional manufacturing process (benchmarking)
  • NRC advanced manufacturing action plan under development
  • Upcoming RIS may have questions pertaining to AMM 12