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Alaska Cancer Treatment Center; Response to Request for Additional Information; License 50-35123-01; Docket 030-38705; Control 602569
Person / Time
Site: 03038705
Issue date: 05/23/2018
From: Harmon J
Alaska Cancer Treatment Center
To: Jackie Cook
NRC Region 4
Download: ML18145A177 (2)

See also: IR 05000351/2023001


Cook, Jackie From: Sent: To: Fred Harmon <FHarmon@akmed

.com> Wednesday, May 23, 2018 9: 27 PM Cook, Jackie Subject: [External_Sender] RE: Request for Additional


for Alaska Cancer Treatment

Center License# 50-35123-01;

Docket# 030-38705;

Control# 602569 Jackie, Thank you for ass istin g w ith our RAM l ic ens e amen dm e nt process. Per your i nstructio ns during our phone conver sati on ye ster day, I am requesting

the o pti on to re-s u bmi t our lic ense amen dment in the next 1-2 mo nths afte r Dr Wr igh t has the opportu nity to g athe r the inform ation necessary

to show she is qua l ified for 10 CFR 35.200 activ ities using the traini n g and experience

approach rath er than the bo ard certific ati on pat hway. J ose p h F. H a rm on, Jr., Ph.D., DABR Chi e f , M ed ica J P hy sics A laska Medical Specialties

188 W N orthern Lights Blvd. A nchorage, A K 99503 fharmon@a 111 907-276-2823 x-39 0 9 ,--ALAS K A CAi CER TREATMENT

CENT ER A L ASKA MED I CA L SPECIA LT IES I J ' ' I t From: Cook, Jackie [mailto:]

Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2018 5:52 AM To: Fred Harmon Subject: RE: Request for Additional


for Alaska Cancer Treatment

Center License# 50-35123-01;

Docket# 030-38705;

Control # 602569 Importance:

High Good Morni ng Dr. Harm on: I acknow ledge r ece ipt o f your resp onse l e tter da t ed May 17 , 2018 to my req u est for additional


on May 17 , 2018. Thank you for your resp o nse. I am need ing to spe ak w ith you r egarding your resp onse and w hat r espon ses we are l ooking for. P lease let me know what t ime today you are ava i lable to ta l k wi t h me. I am ava i lab l e 3-3:30 pm C ST or 4: 30 pm-5: 1 5 pm CS T today. I f tomorrow is b ette r for you, let me know that also. I'm ava il a ble any time t omorrow from 8 am-5:45 pm CST.* We w il l be looking at the foll owing links during our teleconfe ren ce: 1) Me d i cal U ses Licen see To olkit -http s://www.nrc.

g ov/mater ials/m ia u/m ed-use-to olk i t.html; sp ecifi cal l y, S p ecialt y B o ards Ce rtification


Rec ogn ize d by NRC in accord an ce w ith 10 C FR Pa rt 35 Sub part s B , D , E , F , G , and H 2) 10 C FR 35.290 -http s:// a din g-rm/d oc-co lle ctio ns/cfr/part035/p art0 3 5-02 90.html. T han k you in advan ce for your consi der atio n in this m atte r. Sinc ere ly, J~w. Jm:q.uefine

"')ac fire" 1>. 03.oli. Sen i or He a lth Physicist

US Nuclear R eg u lato ry Co mmi ss ion Region IV Division of Nuclear M ater ials Saf ety Materials


and Inspecti on B ran ch 1600 Ea st La ma r Blvd., Arlington, TX 760 11 817-200-1132 ( offic e )/817-200-1 263 (fax) Emai l address:

From: Cook, Jackie Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 8: 38 AM To: 'Fred Harmon' <F Harmo n@akm> Subject: Request for Additional


for Alaska Cancer Treatment

Center License# 50-35123-01; Docket# 030-38705; Control# 602569 Importance:

High Dr. H arm o n: I apolo gi ze for the mi s understanding. P lea se see atta ched an updated d eficien cy email req ue stin g ad ditio nal informati o n by close of busi nes s on Wednes day, May 23, 201 8. Plea se do not hesi tate to contact me at the ph one n umber s and email add ress listed below if add i t ion al info rmati on or cl arifi cat i on is n eeded. Thanking you in advan ce for your co o pe rati on , as s ista nce , an d prom pt res ponse i n thi s m att er. In addition, I ap preciate you bringing thi s to my attenti on. Best Regard s , jf,{j. J acqu.efin.e.

(('uc" :i). ecioli Senior Health Phys ic ist US Nu cl e ar Reg u lator y Com mi ssion Reg i on I V Divi s i on of Nuclear Ma terial s S afety Nuc l ear M ate rials S a f et y Br anch B 1600 E ast L amar Bl vd., Ar lin gt on , TX 76011 817-200-1132 ( off ic e )/817-200-1263 (fax) Email ad dr ess: Jack 2 PUBLIC 0 )fh medlate Release at Normal Release NON.PUBLIC

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