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Nuclear Regulatory Commission Monthly Congressional Status Report as of April 30, 2018
Person / Time
Issue date: 05/24/2018
From: Kristine Svinicki
US HR, Subcomm on Energy & Water Development, US SEN, Subcomm on Energy & Water Development
CORR-18-0049, SRM-OGC170508-5
Download: ML18130A726 (1)


Nuclear Regulatory Commission Monthly Congressional Status Report As of April 30, 2018 (Dollars in Thousands)

Current Year Funds FY 2018 Explanatory Statement Carryover Current Year Current Year Current Year Current Year Prior Year Enacted Carryover Total Reprogramming Current Plan Allocated3 Total Obligations Expenditures Unobligated Unliquidated Unliquidated Control Points Nuclear Reactor Safety (excludes Advanced Reactor Regulatory Infrastructure Activities) 1,2 $ 448,956 $ 7,699 $ 456,655 $0 $ 456,655 $0 $ 456,655 $ 235,266 $ 210,045 $ 221,389 $ 25,221 $ 37,915 Advanced Reactor Regulatory Infrastructure Activities 10,000 0 10,000 0 10,000 300 10,300 1,058 1,058 9,242 0 1,735 Nuclear Materials and Waste Safety1,2 111,278 1,867 113,145 0 113,145 0 113,145 52,936 48,309 60,210 4,627 8,901 Decommissioning and Low-Level Waste1,2 27,518 462 27,980 0 27,980 0 27,980 13,353 12,529 14,627 823 4,325 Corporate Support (excludes Office of the Commission) 1 290,556 1,301 291,857 0 291,857 0 291,857 118,978 82,569 172,879 36,409 67,765 Office of the Commission 5,829 3,671 9,500 0 9,500 0 9,500 2,356 2,350 7,144 6 22 Integrated University Program1 $ 15,000 $0 $ 15,000 $0 $ 15,000 615 15,615 0 0 15,615 0 34,621 University Research and Development 10,000 0 10,000 0 10,000 606 10,606 0 0 10,606 0 23,366 Nuclear Science & Engineering Grant Program 5,000 0 5,000 0 5,000 9 5,009 0 0 5,009 0 11,255 Control Points Total $ 909,137 $ 15,000 $ 924,137 $0 $ 924,137 $ 915 $ 925,053 $ 423,947 $ 356,860 $ 501,106 $ 67,087 $ 155,284 Programs Nuclear Waste Fund 0 0 0 0 0 115 115 74 61 42 13 27 Office of Inspector General 11,728 0 11,728 0 11,728 605 12,333 7,247 6,322 5,086 926 196 OIG DNFSB 1,131 0 1,131 0 1,131 229 1,360 646 470 714 176 0 Total Agency $ 921,996 $ 15,000 $ 936,996 $0 $ 936,996 $ 1,864 $ 938,860 $ 431,914 $ 363,712 $ 506,947 $ 68,201 $ 155,507 Prior Year Unobligated Funds Beginning Year to Date Total Carryover Available Funds Source Balance Deobligations Carryover Allocated Carryover 4

Feebased $ 21,770 $ 6,834 $ 28,603 $ 11,329 $ 17,274 Special Purpose Funds $ 5,659 $ 745 $ 6,404 $ 4,586 $ 1,818 Advanced Reactor Regulatory Infrastructure Activities 1,071 0 1,071 300 771 Office of the Commission 3,671 0 3,671 3,671 0 General Fund 751 2 753 0 753 Integrated University Program 4 156 744 899 615 284 Official Representation Fund 10 0 10 0 10 USAID 5 0 0 0 0 0 Feebased & Special Purpose Funds Subtotal $ 27,429 $ 7,579 $ 35,008 $ 15,915 $ 19,092 Nuclear Waste Fund 532 0 532 115 417 Office of Inspector General 1,852 143 1,996 605 1,391 OIG DNFSB 329 0 329 229 100 Total Agency $ 30,142 7,723 37,865 $ 16,864 $ 21,001 Note: Numbers may not add due to rounding.

1 The five control points as identified in the FY 2018 Explanatory Statement.

2 International activities, $16,200K as identified in the FY 2018 NRC Salaries and Expenses appropriation, are part of the Nuclear Reactor Safety, Nuclear Materials and Waste Safety, and Decommissioning and Low-Level Waste control points.

The NRC has obligated $7,229K and expended $6,890K of these funds. The unobligated balance is $8,971K and unliquidated obligations are $338K.

3 This does not include the $15,000K of carryover that was authorized for use by the FY 2018 Explanatory Statement.

4 Beginning prior year unobligated funds have been updated with final reconciled balance from the year-end activities.

5 The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018, P.L. 115-141, rescinded the $68K unobligated balance of funds transferred to NRC from USAID.
