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Summary of Meeting on Fire Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Person / Time
Issue date: 03/06/2018
From: Angela Wu
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Casto G
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Wu A
Download: ML18060A309 (3)


March 6, 2018 MEMORANDUM TO: Greg A. Casto, Chief PRA Licensing Branch B Division of Risk Assessment Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation FROM: Angela Wu, Fire Protection Engineer /RA/

PRA Licensing Branch B Division of Risk Assessment Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation



OF THE FEBRUARY 13, 2018, CATEGORY 2 PUBLIC MEETING ON FIRE PROBABILISTIC RISK ASSESSMENT On February 13, 2018, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff held a meeting with industry stakeholders and the public to discuss outstanding fire probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) topics, including existing fire PRA frequently asked questions (FAQs), new proposed fire PRA FAQs, and upcoming research projects.

To begin, the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) opened with the proposed prioritization of fire PRA FAQ efforts and discussed outstanding fire PRA FAQs in the categories of immediate priority, highest priority, and moderate priority, as well as the proposed schedule for delivery and target completion.

The NRC staff and industry discussed the finalization of two existing FAQs: Fire PRA FAQ 17-0013, High Energy Arcing Fault (HEAF) Non-Suppression Probability (NSP), and Fire PRA FAQ 16-0011, Cable Tray Ignition. The NRC staff will move forward with issuing closure memoranda for the two FAQs.

The NRC staff and industry will collaborate to make the final changes to Fire PRA FAQ 14-0007, "Transient Fire Frequency Likelihood. In addition, the industry agreed to provide an update to FAQ 18-0014, The Time to Detection is Zero for Manual Non-Suppression Probability Calculations by February 28, 2018.

In regards to Fire PRA FAQ 18-0015, More Realistic Contained Fire Duration Limits, the NRC staff noted that additional content was necessary to identify the basis for application. The NRC staff would work to provide comments to the industry for Fire PRA FAQ 18-0015. Following that discussion, the industry made a brief presentation on Conservatism in Electrical Fire NSP Data.


List of Meeting Attendees CONTACT: Angela Wu, NRR/DRA 301-415-2995

G. Casto 2 NEI presented its proposal regarding a refinement of the credit allowed for Very Early Warning Detection Systems in NUREG-2180, Determining the Effectiveness, Limitations, and Operator Response for Very Early Warning Fire Detection Systems in Nuclear Facilities (DELORES-VEWFIRE) that includes a domestic and international fire events database review, piloting the proposed methodology, an expert elicitation, and interim and final reports. The proposed methodology was previously outlined in a white paper titled Data Collection in Support of Integrating Operating Experience into NUREG-2180. NEI indicated the methodology will be submitted as an NEI technical report under the NRCs Topical Report Program and that a final report might be completed by the 1st quarter of 2019. NRC staff provided comments on the approach including the ambitious schedule, limited data, and technical approach proposed by NEI for this effort.

All meeting materials are publicly available at Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession Nos. ML18040B173, ML18039A549, ML18040B174, and ML18058A031.

As a Category 2 meeting, the public was invited to participate in the meeting by discussing regulatory issues with the NRC staff at designated points identified on the agenda. No members of the public participated in the meeting.

ML18060A309 Office NRR/DRA/APLB NRR/DRA/APLB NRR/DRA/APLB Name AWu JHyslop GCasto Date 03 / 01 / 2018 03 /05 / 2018 03 / 06 / 2108 FIRE PRA PUBLIC FAQ MEETING: LIST OF MEETING ATTENDEES February 13, 2018 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Staff Susan Cooper Russel Felts Mike Franovich JS Hyslop Nicholas Melly Brian Metzger Jay Robinson Nathan Siu David Stroup Gabriel Taylor Angela Wu Industry Stakeholders Victoria Anderson (Nuclear Energy Institute)

Paul Bemis (Diablo Canyon)*

Jana Bergman (Curtiss-Wright)

Robert Cavedo (Exelon)

John Conly (Certec Corporation)*

Brad Dolan (Tennessee Valley Authority)*

Jeff Gromatzky (Enercon)*

Francisco Joglar (Jensen Hughes)

Brian Krystek (EPM)*

Greg Kvamme (Xcel Energy)*

Chris LaFleur (Sandia National Laboratories)*

Woody Layne (Energy Northwest)*

Ashley Lindeman (Electric Power Research Institute)

David Miskiewicz (EPM)*

Alice Muna (Sandia National Laboratories)*

Rodney Pletz (DC Cook)*

Pat Pringle (Calvert Cliffs)*

Andy Ratchford (Jensen Hughes)*

Mark Schairer (EPM)*

Justin Worden (Appendix R Solutions)*

  • Participated by Telephone ENCLOSURE