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Citizens Against Nuclear Dangers' Motion for Board Ruling on Revision of Preliminary Timetable
Person / Time
Site: Susquehanna  Talen Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/22/1979
From: Lemanowicz I
Citizens Against Nuclear Dangers
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML18025A738 (3)



(Susquehanna Unit,s 1 and. 2 )

CITIZENS AGAINST NUCLEAR DANGERS'OTION FOR BOARD RULING ON REVISION OF PRELL~IINARY TI'%TABLE The citizens of the Berwick area, since the Three Mile Island d1saster, are Justifiably alarmed over the poss1ble consequences of a similar type accident occurring at the Pennsylvania Power and Light Company' Berwick atomic power plant sometime in the future. The problems of TMI will wot go away. It can never be business-as-usual aga1n for the atomic industry anywhere in the Susquehanna Valley.

Therefore, a meaningful updating of the schedule for this NRC Docket case is definitely now in order.

fhereas, in the first place, the intervencrs uere never presented the preliminary timetable, in uriting or otherwise, for their imput or concurrence, by the".,other part1es prior to its adoption; Vhereas, some of the affected parties do not, appear to be responding to the present timetable anyway; Mhereas, the United States Congress is presently considering a six months, or possibly longer, moratorium on the 11censing of commercial r eactor s by the NRC, in the aftermath of TMI; Mhereas, reacting to this threat of congressional action, the NRC, on i~'.ay 21, 1979, declared an informal 90 day'uspension on some licensing proceedings 'because of the Three Mile island disaster;

'Thereas, on May 21, 1979, the NRC Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Harold N. Denton, outlined a staf f reorganization that will delay so-called =routine casework and the issuance of operating licenses; and will almost, totally stop the processing of other li cen se application s for .several months; Sfhereas, during this period of suspended animation, the NRC


Lesson Learned Task Force will "recommend changes to licensing requirement,s and the licensing process for nuclear power plants based on the lessons learned." This Task Force will, in due course, notify the licensing boards and the intervening parties of "all new information 'developed," from their study. of TÃI, "which may be relevant and material to any of the issues being adJudicated in presently pending cases."

)lhereas, on June lg, 1979, the NRC Division of ProJect I~management at Bethesda, Nd. conferred with the Applicants, and all other utilities having operating license applications, to esta'olish "priorities for the review of those applicat,ions," presumably, among other things, to r'evise their timetables in the aftermath of TNI, and the NRC response to congressional pressure and public reaction; Therefore, it would be prudent, and reasonable for the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board to promugate an order revising the preliminary timetable in the Berwick case to coincide with TNI developments and t,he forthcoming NRC Task Force recommendat,ions.

CaccTIFICATE OF SEFVTICE I hereby certify that copies of Citizens A ainst Nuclear Dan ers'otion For Board Rulin On Revision Of Prelimina Timetable have been- served on the following by deposit in the United States mail, first class, this AP-day of June, 1979.

f Charles Bechhoe er, Esq., Cha i rman James M. Cutchin, IV, Esquire Atomic Safety and Licensing Office of the Executive Legal Board Panel Director U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mashington, 'O.C. 20555 Washington, D. C. 20555 Mr. Glenn 0. Bright Jay Silberg, Esq.

Atomic Safety and Licensing Shaw, Pittman, Potts and Board Panel Trowbridge U.S. Nuclear- Regulatory Commission 1800 M Street, N.W.

Mashington, O.C. 20555 Washington, D.C. 20036 Or. Oscar H. Paris Dr. Judith H. Johnsrud Atomic Safety and Licensing Co-Director Board Panel Environmental Coalition on U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Nuclear Power Washington, O.C. 20555 433 Orlando Avenue State College, PA 16801 Atomic Safety and Licensing Mr. Thomas M. Gerusky, Director Board Panel Bureau of Radiation Protection U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comoission Department of Environmental Mashington, D.C. 20555 Resources Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Docketing and Service Section P.O. Box 2063 Office of the Secretary Harrisburg, PA 17120 U.S.-Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mashington, D.C. 20555 Hs. Colleen Marsh Box 538A, R084 Atomic Safety and Licensing Mountain Top, PA 18707 Appeal Hoard Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 7S>

Washington, D.C. 20555 l 0 ~~g5s Susquehanna Environmental Advocates 0 gc

<<r Harold N. Denton, Director c/o Gerald Schultz, Esq. goc jcc6 Nuclear Reactor Regulation 500 South River Street U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comm. Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702 washington, D.C. 20555 Irene Lemanowicz Chairperson