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Minutes: Oregon Impep MRB Meeting, October 26, 2017
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/23/2018
From: Lance Rakovan
Rakovan L
Download: ML18003A765 (4)



In person at U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Headquarters in Rockville, Maryland:

Marc Dapas, MRB Chair, NMSS David Howe, OR Dan Collins, MRB Member, NMSS Lance Rakovan, NMSS Mary Spencer, MRB Member, OGC Donna Janda, Team Leader, Region I By videoconference:

David Lew, MRB Member, Region I Randy Erickson, Region IV Farrah Gaskins, Team Member, Region I Linda Howell, Region IV Binesh Tharakan, Team Member, Region IV By telephone:

Debra Shults, MRB Member, TN, OAS Joe OHara, NMSS Tyler Kruse, Team Member, MN Kathy Modes, NMSS Rick Wendt, OR Todd Carpenter, OR Eric Packard, OR Rama Wusirika, OR Hillary Haskins, OR Erin DeSemple, OR Sharon Ross, OR James Lynch, Region III Robert Dansereau, NY

1. Convention. Mr. Lance Rakovan convened the meeting at approximately 1:10 p.m. (ET).

He noted that this Management Review Board (MRB) meeting was open to the public.

Introductions of the attendees were conducted.

2. Oregon IMPEP Review. Ms. Donna Janda, Team Leader, led the presentation of the Oregon Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP) review results to the MRB. She summarized the review and the teams findings for the six indicators reviewed. The on-site review was conducted by a team composed of technical staff members from the NRC and the State of Minnesota during the period of August 7-11, 2017. A draft report was issued to Oregon for factual comment on September 11, 2017.

Oregon responded to the teams findings by e-mail dated October 6, 2017. Ms. Janda reported that the team found Oregons performance satisfactory for all five common performance indicators and for the single applicable non-common performance indicator reviewed.

3. Common Performance Indicators.

a) Mr. Binesh Tharakan reviewed and presented the common performance indicator, Technical Staffing and Training. His presentation corresponded to Section 3.1 of the proposed final IMPEP report. The MRB, the team, and State representatives discussed the staffing level information and details in the report.

Oregon MRB Meeting Minutes Page 2 Mr. David Howe noted that the State makes extensive use of cross-training and swapping of staff, as necessary. For example, staffers who primarily perform x-ray inspections can be trained and qualified to conduct inspections of certain radioactive materials licensees. The MRB directed that the language in Section of the report be clarified to reflect this.

The team found Oregons performance with respect to this indicator to be satisfactory and the MRB agreed.

b) Mr. David Spackman reviewed the common performance indicator, Status of Materials Inspection Program. Ms. Janda provided the briefing on this indicator. Her presentation corresponded to Section 3.2 of the proposed final IMPEP report. The MRB, team members, and State representatives discussed the impact and severity of the program code issue discussed in Section 3.4. of the proposed final report. Ms. Janda noted that the team looked at the codes for all inspections conducted during the review period and saw no additional errors, so the recommendation the team made was to ensure that, moving forward, licensees are inspected as the proper frequencies. The MRB directed that language be included in this Section to reflect this discussion.

The team found Oregons performance with respect to this indicator to be satisfactory and the MRB agreed.

c) Ms. Farrah Gaskins reviewed and presented the common performance indicator, Technical Quality of Inspections. Her presentation corresponded to Section 3.3 of the proposed final IMPEP report. Ms. Janda noted that she completed inspector accompaniments of two fully qualified and two partially qualified inspectors as part of this review.

The team found Oregons performance with respect to this indicator to be satisfactory and the MRB agreed.

d) Mr. Tyler Kruse reviewed and presented the common performance indicator, Technical Quality of Licensing Actions. His presentation corresponded to Section 3.4 of the proposed final IMPEP report. Mr. Kruse noted that the team believes the four recommendations from the previous review involving this indicator should be closed due to improved performance by the State. The MRB, the team, and State representatives discussed the recommendation made by the team involving program codes and inspector frequencies. Mr. Howe noted that the State has completed their review of license program codes, that no additional errors were found, and that additional work is being completed to both simplify the program codes being used while at the same time ensuring the codes match NRC codes more precisely. The MRB directed the report to reflect this progress and the recommendation be refocused as well. The MRB noted a marked improvement in performance involving this indicator since the 2013 review. Mr.

Howe attributed this to reinstating a peer review process.

Oregon MRB Meeting Minutes Page 3 The team found Oregons performance with respect to this indicator to be satisfactory and the MRB agreed. The MRB also agreed that the four recommendations from the previous review involving this indicator be closed.

e) Ms. Janda reviewed and presented the common performance indicator, Technical Quality of Incident and Allegation Activities. Ms. Janda provided the briefing involving this indicator. Her presentation corresponded to Section 3.5 of the proposed final IMPEP report. She noted that the team believes the two recommendations from the previous review involving this indicator should be closed.

The team found Oregons performance with respect to this indicator to be satisfactory and the MRB agreed. The MRB also agreed that the two recommendations from the 2013 review involving this indicator should be closed.

4. Non-Common Performance Indicators.

Mr. Spackman reviewed the non-common performance indicator, Compatibility Requirements. Ms. Janda provided the briefing on this indicator. Her presentation corresponded to Section 4.1 of the proposed final IMPEP report.

She noted that the team believes the recommendation from 2013 review pertaining to this indicator should be closed. The MRB directed the language on page 12 of the report involving regulation amendments be clarified and updated.

The team found Oregons performance with respect to this indicator to be satisfactory and the MRB agreed. The MRB also agreed to close the recommendation from the 2013 review involving this indicator.

5. MRB Consultation/Comments on Issuance of Report. The team recommended, and the MRB agreed, that the Oregon Agreement State Program be found adequate to protect public health and safety and compatible with the NRC's program. The team recommended, and the MRB agreed, the next IMPEP review take place in approximately 4 years. The MRB directed that a periodic meeting be held in approximately 2 years.

The final report may be found in the ADAMS using the Accession Number ML17304A423 Marc Dapas recognized that this may very well be Ms. Donna Jandas final IMPEP review and MRB meeting and thanked her for her many years of dedication.

6. Precedents/Lessons Learned. None applicable to this review
7. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 2:15 p.m. (ET)


Summary of October 26, 2017 Oregon MRB Meeting ML18003A765 OFFICE MSTR/ASPB MSTR/ASPB NAME KMeyer LRakovan DATE 01/08/18 01/23/18 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY