NOC-AE-16003353, Notice Regarding Withdrawal of Funds from Nuclear Decommissioning Trust Subaccounts

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Notice Regarding Withdrawal of Funds from Nuclear Decommissioning Trust Subaccounts
Person / Time
Site: South Texas  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 03/09/2016
From: Harrison G
South Texas
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NOC-AE-16003353, STI: 34289265, TAC ME3296, TAC ME3297
Download: ML16078A036 (3)


Nuclear Operating Company South TexaslPro/ect£1cctrlk GencratlngStatioi P0. Box 289 Wadsworth, Texas 77483 ,xv , -

March 9, 2016.

NOC-AE-1 6003353 File No.:.D57, G25 10 CER 50.75(h)

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN* Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguard Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 South Texas Project Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos. STN 50-498 and STN 50-499, Notice Regqardingq Withdrawal of Funds from Nuclear Decommissioningq Trust. Subaccounts Reference(s): (1) Letter from G.R. Harrison to NRC Document Control Desk, "Supplement 2 to Notice Regarding withdrawal of Funds from Nuclear Decommissioning Trust Subaccounts," dated February 11, 2010 (NOC-AE-10002519) (ML100501159)......

(2) Letter from J.G. Giitter to E.D. Halpin, "Notice of Planned Withdrawal of Funds from NRG South Texas Nuclear Decommissioning Trust Fund Subaccounts (TAC NOS. ME3296 and ME3297)," dated July 6, 2010 (ML101580250) sTP,N~uclealr Operating -Compa~ny ("S8TPNOC"),, acting on behalf of NRG South T'lexas LP ("NRG South Texas"), hereby provides Notice of planned withdrawals' of. up to $1:5 million from NRG Southl Texas's spent fuel ~management* subaccounts in *its nuclear decommissioning trust funds (NDTs) in order to pay for NRG South Texas's share of~spent fuel management expenses.

icred though December 31, 2016,. . ...

In acoordanqe with conditions imposed by~pripor Order of the .U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ("NRC"'), Section 2.04 of the trust, agreements governing .the NRG South Texas NDTsrequires that Notice be provided to the NRC at least thirty days prior to any disbursement from the NDTs, other than disbursements to pay administrative costs. NRG South Texas created, the spent fuel management subaccounts pursuant to the terms of an Order issued by the Public Utility Commission of Texas on October 10, 2008. Further details regarding the spent fuel management subaccounts were provided .in Reference 1, and these subaccounts were evaliiated by the. NRC staff in Reference 2, .in connection with. a prior notice of planned withdrawal!s from NRG South Texas's large component disposal subaccounts. "

NRG South.Texas LP now desires to withdraw funds to pay for spent fuel management expen~ses.. Notice is hereby, given that .monthly or quarterly withdrawals, are* plannedi in order to fund the spent fuel man~agement expenses incurred through ;the calendar year of 201 6.' NRG" South' Texas currentl~iexpectS to make withhdrawals',on..a quarterly, basis, and therefore, its first Withdra~val- is-ex~pected to b~e made~in April 2016 -With subsequent withdrawal sto follow in.....'

July"2016, October 2016 and JanUary 2017.

  • . STI: 34289265 6+ 0

,, *NOC-AE-1 6003353 Page 2 of 3 STPNOC plans to make further annual Notices to NRC regarding planned withdrawals for spent fuel management expenses incurred in 2017 and other future years. The proposed amounts of withdrawals will likely vary from year to year, due to a variety of factors such .as annual  ::.,

fluctuations in expenses, the expected..recoveries of certain costs from the US. DePartment of .

Energy (DOE), and th'e timing of paym.ents made by DOE, which are expected to provide a further source of funding for ongoing spent fuel management activities..:.: . .-

Provided that the. NRC staff ha~s no objection to the planned withdrawals, no further action by

  • the NRC is required. Under the terms of the trust agreements, NRG Sout~h Texas will be ..

authorized to make such withdrawals unless the NRC staff makes a written objection to the Trustee within 30 days after this Notice or prior to any actual disbursement.

This letter contains no new commitments.-. .- .....-- ~-.....,-',- :.*..*

If NRC requires additional information concerning this. request, please contact Peter Nemeth at ..

(361) 972-8017 or me at (361) 972-8074,. **i , *"*.

George,Harrison_ .R-Executive Vice President~and.; .'. ',

Chief Financial Officer, . . ,,.'-.,.J mkk... ..

NOC-AE-l 6003353 Page 3 of 3

("electoi cpy)

(paper copy)"* .  : Morgqan. Lewis & Bockius ILLP :

.. ::Steve Frarntz, Esquire Regional Administrator, Region IV ..

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regqulatory Commission 1600 East Lamar Bo0levard,: " ' -'Lisa M. Regner  : "

Arlington, TX 7601.1-45.11 "*

  • NRG South Texas LP Lisa M. Regner John Ragan Senior Project Manager Chris.OHara: .. * ... ,.* ... -.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission .Jim von Suskil One ,White: Flin~t North (O8H04) Skip*Zahn ";

11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852 CPS Ener~qy Kevin Polio NRC Resident Inspector " Cris Eugster Ui. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission L. D. Blaylock P. O. Box 289, Mail Code: MN1I16 Wadsworth, TX 77483* ," :'

Crain Caton & James,, P.c.

Peter Nemeth Attention: Document Control Desk U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 City of Austin Elaina Ball John Wester Texas Dept. of State Health .Services Richard A. Ratliff Robert Free