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TN3874 - the State of the Birds 2010 Report on Climate Change United States of America
Person / Time
Site: Bell Bend
Issue date: 12/31/2010
US Dept of Interior (DOI)
Office of New Reactors
T. Terry, DNRL/EPB
Download: ML14286A083 (32)


The State of the Birds 2010 Report on Climate Change United States of America

In this 2010 State of the Birds report, we consider one of the greatest environmental challenges of our time, climate change. How will the impacts of climate change influence our bird populations and their habitats? Accelerated climate change as a result of human activities is altering the natural world as we know it, diminishing the quality of our environment. This report calls attention to the collective efforts needed to protect natures resources for the benefit of people and wildlife.

Contents Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Forests. . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Bird's-Eye.View . . . . . .22 Oceans. . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Stressors . . . . . . . . . . .25 Coasts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Waterfowl. . . . . . . . . . .26 Arctic .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . .10 Gamebirds.. . . . . . . . . .27 Islands . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Our.Approach. . . . . . . .28 Aridlands . . . . . . . . . . .14 North.Shifts. . . . . . . . .29 Wetlands. . . . . . . . . . .16 Addressing.

Grasslands. . . . . . . . . .18 Uncertainty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Laysan Albatross Chick by Brad Bortner Acknowledgments. . . . . . .30 2

Foreword This report contains information about birds and their habitats, gives examples of what could happen due to climate change, and outlines suggested solutions and efforts needed to help address Birds are telling us an important these issues. By following the conservation actions in this State of story about climate change the Birds Climate Change report, together we can help ensure that future generations will enjoy the birds we are working to protect The first State of the Birds report in 2009 revealed troubling today.

declines of bird populations in the United States during the last North American Bird Conservation Initiative, U.S. Committee 40 yearsa warning signal of the failing health of our ecosystems.

It also highlighted heartening evidence that concerted American Bird Conservancy conservation efforts can make a positive difference in restoring Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies habitats and reversing declines.

Cornell Lab of Ornithology In this 2010 State of the Birds report, we consider one of the greatest environmental challenges of our time, climate change. Klamath Bird Observatory How will climate change affect birds and their habitats? National Audubon Society Accelerated by human activities, climate change is altering the natural world as we know it and is diminishing the quality of National Fish and Wildlife Foundation our environment. Habitat loss and degradation not only threaten The Nature Conservancy birds and other wildlife, but also threaten human and societal U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service well-being.

U.S.D.A. Forest Service Because birds are good indicators of environmental conditions, their predicted changes illustrate how ecosystems are likely U.S. Geological Survey to change and they are telling us an important story. Some bird species will adapt and succeed, others will struggle and decline, and some will disappear. Instead of describing what has happened to bird populations, this report presents the first systematic analysis of what may happen to bird populations in each major biome of the United States as a consequence of climate change.

This new assessment will aid in prioritizing and planning for conservation management. As the world works to stabilize climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and managing lands, immediate actions are needed to give birds a fighting chance to survive.

Sanderlings, Adak IIslandF.Deines USFWS 3

At the same time, increased conservation concern may be warranted for groups of birds, such as waterfowl and aerial insect-eating birds that are abundant now but that will be increasingly stressed as climate change im-Pelican Island USFWS pacts intensify.


Relative Percent of Species 80% Vulnerability of U.S. Bird Species 60%

by Habitat 40% Red = high vulnerability




Yellow = medium vulnerability Birds in Every Habitat Will be Oc Ha ea ns ArcticI c

Gr Ca as r ib sla d

nd s re st s Green = low vulnerability be Affected by Climate Change w aii an sla Ar id an lan Fo Co as ts nW et la ds Paci" nd s In this report, we address climate change - focusing attention on what may Big Changes are in Store for Oceanic Birds be in store for our nations birdlife, and the stories the birds themselves are All 67 oceanic bird species, including albatrosses, petrels, tropical terns, telling us about the changes that are happening even now.

tropicbirds, frigatebirds, and puffins are vulnerable because of their low reproductive potential, use of islands for nesting, and reliance on rapidly Birds in every terrestrial and aquatic habitat will be affected by climate changing marine ecosystems. Seabirds such as Laysan Albatross and Bonin change, although individual species in each habitat are likely to respond Petrel that are restricted to nesting on low-lying islands are in danger of los-differently. We assessed the relative vulnerability of each United States bird ing their breeding habitat as sea levels rise. To provide oceanic bird popula-species, based on five biological aspects of sensitivity to climate change, tions with the best chances of adapting to climate change, we must reduce as well as the exposure of each species' habitat to climate change in the existing threats from overfishing, fisheries bycatch, and pollution. We must near future. We then categorized species as showing High Vulnerability (a also take proactive measures such as removing invasive species and pro-vulnerability score of four or more), Medium Vulnerability (a vulnerability tecting existing or potential breeding colonies on high islands.

score of two or three), or Low Vulnerability (a vulnerability score of zero or one).

Sea Level Rise and Increased Storm The results indicate that a majority of birds dependent on oceans, and birds Activity Threaten Coastal Birds on Hawaiian Islands, are highly vulnerable to climate change. Birds in Rising sea levels are expected to inundate or fragment low-lying habitats coastal, arctic/alpine, and grassland habitats, as well as those on Caribbean such as salt marshes, sandy beaches, barrier islands, and mudflats. Increas-and other Pacific islands show intermediate levels of vulnerability. Most ing frequency and severity of storms and changes in water temperatures birds in aridlands, wetlands, and forests show lower overall vulnerability will impact quality and quantity of coastal habitats and alter marine food (see bar graph). webs. Beach-nesting terns, highly specialized Saltmarsh Sparrows, and birds dependent on marine waters are among the most vulnerable spe-cies. Migratory species such as shorebirds are also vulnerable to changes in Across all habitats, species of conservation concern showed higher levels of stopover and wintering habitats. Conserving coastal habitats will require vulnerability to climate change than species not threatened by other factors.

planning and management to facilitate birds movement and resilience.

Vulnerability to climate change may hasten declines or prevent recovery.


Accelerated Changes in Arctic/Alpine Regions Grassland and Aridland Birds Face Increased temperatures will drastically alter surface water and vegetation Warmer and Drier Habitats in the arctic, resulting in major changes in bird abundance and distribu-tion. White-tailed Ptarmigan and rosy-finches may disappear from moun- Aridlands and grasslands are predicted to become warmer and drier. Many taintops as alpine tundra diminishes. Species that depend on grass-sedge aridland birds are at increased risk because of drought and the potential for tundra for breeding, such as the Black Turnstone, could lose their tundra summertime temperatures greater than they can tolerate. Important winter-breeding habitat. Minimizing human-caused disturbance to low-lying ing areas for many grassland birds may become unsuitable due to increased tundra and high-elevation alpine habitats may help the most vulnerable drought, invasive species, and invasion by woody shrubs. Prairie grouse species adapt to changes. and sage-grouse are vulnerable because of high site fidelity and their lack of tolerance for intensifying agricultural and energy development. Habitat corridors will be vital to allow birds to move to more suitable areas. Habitat Island Birds Face Rising Sea Levels and Reduced Habitats conservation and the protection of core areas in cooperation with farmers Birds of Hawai'i and other Pacific islands already face multiple threats and ranchers will be required for grassland and aridland birds.

and are increasingly challenged by mosquito-borne diseases and inva-sive species as climate change alters their native habitats. Protection and Subtle Changes for Forest Birds restoration of natural systems is essential Forests will gradually change as precipitation changes, and as fire, insect to endangered species such as Puaiohi and pests, and diseases alter forest communities. Forest types in eastern states Akiaplau in Hawai'i and the Puerto Rican are predicted to shift northward, whereas western forest types will shift Parrot. Decreased rainfall will reduce habitat to higher elevations. These changes will alter bird communities, although for high-elevation forest birds and may result most forest birds will probably be resilient because of their large distribu-in breeding failures among resident birds and tions and high reproductive rate. However, long-distance migrants, espe-reduced overwinter survival of migrants in the Laysan Finch by James H Breeden USGS cially aerial insect-eaters such as swifts and nightjars, may face multiple Caribbean.

challenges such as the timing of food resource availability throughout their migratory range. Long-term management solutions should include pro-Changes in Rainfall and Temperature tecting large forest blocks with the highest carbon stores and connecting landscapes by creating corridors.

will Impact Wetland Birds Predicted changes in temperature and rainfall will probably reduce vital habitats for waterfowl and other wetland birds. Additionally, these changes will reduce the ability of wetlands to provide functions such as flood control, sediment capture, and replenishing groundwater. Climate change could reverse the positive effects of conservation actions that have increased waterfowl populations. In the Prairie Pothole region alone, increased drought conditions and loss of wetlands could lead to significant reduc-tions in breeding waterfowl. Conservation programs must be expanded to include climate change impacts in biological planning, conservation design, and habitat protection initiatives.

Sonoran Desert 5

OCEANS Big changes in store for the nations ocean birds Masked Booby by Eric VanderWerf Noteworthy Observations and Predictions food. This sensitivity is especially pronounced

  • It is difficult to predict and measure climate during breeding, when providing food for chicks albatrosses,.petrels,.shearwaters,.boobies,. change in marine systems because natural large- can place enormous physiological strain on the tropical.terns,.tropicbirds,.frigatebirds,.puffins. scale changes occur naturally. These systems shift parents. .S much more rapidly and over larger areas than in terrestrial systems where rooted plants and other change .. physical conditions restrict the pace of change. The 67 ocean birds Oceans assessed have medium to high

  • .Many.seabirds.possess.traits.that.make. Warmer temperatures and changing wind patterns vulnerability to,.  % Low are predicted to affect the movement of ocean climate change; 43;.nesting. waters which can significantly alter ocean pro-  % Medium are at the highest ductivity and food webs. If upwellings are slowed level.

by.rising.sea.levels; or fail to occur, fewer nutrients are available for  % High sites; phytoplankton, which form the foundation of .. marine food chains. Birds may also be affected by changes in marine food webs as changing water

  • .Many.effects.have.already.been.documented.

temperatures cause coral bleaching and as in-including.increased.water.temperatures;. Potential Impacts creasing atmospheric carbon dioxide acidifies the;.altered.water.chemistry;. Even where scientists have determined that ocean, preventing marine species from creating more.intense.storms; changing climate has influenced seabird popula-and maintaining their shells or skeletons.

diversity,.population.sizes,.movements, tions, the exact mechanisms are not completely cycles . known. What is known is that climate influences Bird Species Vulnerability reproduction, food resources, and population Ocean birds are slow to adapt or recover from dynamics. Some species will be favored, others adverse conditions and are vulnerable to climate will not.

change because of their low reproductive potential (advanced age of first breeding, production of one egg each year or every other year, and Reproductive failure of seabirds resulting from the high mortality rate for young birds). Many changes in marine productivity is a documented natural occurrence, such as when Pacific Coast Magnificent Frigatebird USFWS seabirds forage over vast areas of ocean and are highly sensitive to the availability of marine seabird chicks starve during El Nino years. If cata-strophic events become more frequent, intense,,.we.must.reduce.existing.threats .


or longer as a result of climate change, popula- Because oceans are so important to birds, fish, tion recovery is less likely. Warmer waters have and other resources, cooperative conservation apparently led to decreases in the abundance of efforts must be expanded to include marine and fish in Prince William Sound, the Gulf of Alaska, aquatic cooperatives. New marine protected and the California Current region, which is likely areas, national wildlife refuges, monuments, and to reduce the abundance of fish-eating birds. sanctuaries will protect important resource areas.

Seabirds such as Common Murres that time their Conservation in Action breeding based on temperature cues may fail to Translocation of very threatened ocean birds is a raise any young if their chicks hatch at the wrong possibility. During the last few years, Bermuda time, missing the window when food is abun- Petrel chicks have been moved from small, low, dant. Climate change may also cause prey to shift rocky islands to nearby Nonsuch Island where ranges, leading to declines in bird populations the higher elevation provides more security from if the birds are unable to follow. For example, hurricanes and sea-level rise. The chicks survived receding sea ice could make it difficult for arctic- and produced the first record of petrels breeding breeding seabirds to reach productive foraging on Nonsuch Island in more than 400 years. In New areas distant from their nesting sites. Zealand, eight species of burrow-nesting petrels and shearwaters have been translocated Key Steps successfully.

Because ocean birds are highly vulnerable to climate change, we must reduce existing stressors, Regulations and voluntary measures to reduce including fishing operations that result in bycatch bycatch have greatly reduced the number of of birds; pollution; introduced predators and seabirds accidently killed by long-line fisheries in plants that destroy nesting colonies; and overhar- Alaska and Hawai'i. The designation of National vest of fish by fishing Wildlife Refuges and Marine National Monuments fleets. conserves foraging areas and many remote islands where seabirds nest.

Some seabirds now nesting on low-lying islands may be subject to sea level rise. The future of these birds is dependent on intense Vernon Bryd restoration and site protection on higher islands to provide them Horned Puffin with suitable, predator-free breeding sites.

text here?

Laysan and Black-footed albatross by Eric VanderWerf 7

COASTS Birds in already beleaguered habitats will be hard hit by climate change Black Oystercatcher by Roy Lowe Noteworthy Observations and Predictions dead zones. Warmer temperatures are also Observed and predicted impacts of rising sea causing a northward shift in the distribution

  • .The.great.majority.of.coastal.species. levels vary depending on latitude, marine of marine organisms and facilitating the currents, and subsidence or elevation of land introduction of invasive species to new areas.

change .... mass. In the United States, the Gulf of Mexico and mid-Atlantic coasts have experienced

  • .The.quality.and.quantity.of.coastal.habitats. the highest rates of relative sea level rise and Bird Species Vulnerability recent wetland loss. Continued sea-level rise Many of the coastal species that show medium or rise,.increased.storm.damage,.and.effects.on. is expected to inundate or fragment existing high vulnerability to climate change are coastal marine.productivity . low-lying habitats such as salt marshes, barrier seabirds such as the arctic Ivory Gull, Aleutian Tern, islands, and mudflats. Movement of coastal and Kittlitzs Murrelet. These species are vulnerable
  • wetlands may offset some losses; however, this to climate change because they rely on marine food climate.change.are.the.largest.concerns.for. possibility is limited in areas with cliffs and webs and because they have low reproductive coastal.birds . steeper topography, such as areas on the Pacific potential. Beach-nesting Black and American Coast, or where shorelines are extensively oystercatchers and specialized Saltmarsh Sparrows
  • .Populations.may.decline.if.climate.change. developed, such as around San Francisco Bay. are among the most vulnerable coastal birds because disconnects.the.timing.of.prey.availability.or. they rely heavily on limited, low-elevation coastal abundance.with.coastal.birds..breeding.or. On all coasts, flooding and erosion are habitats.

migration.cycles .. predicted to increase with more frequent and severe storms, as a result of rising ocean temperatures. Loss of sea ice buffers around Alaska leaves its coasts more exposed to storms. For example, the Bering Sea had a 39% Coasts The great majority of coastal species (74 of 84 reduction in the extent of sea ice in the last assessed) have medium decade that has led to loss of coastal habitat.  % Low or high vulnerability to climate change.

The trend toward heavier rainfall events is  % Medium likely to increase the harmful effects of runoff that introduces excess nutrients or salinity  % High Bonaparte's Gull by Philina English changes in coastal areas. Warmer temperatures and increased nutrient inputs may exacerbate phytoplankton blooms that can cause coastal Coastal ecosystems include coastlines, nearshore islands, nearshore waters, estuaries, and tidally-influenced sections of rivers and creeksproductive habitats for abundant wildlife.


Potential Impacts Seaside Sparrow. However, these same projections Like many other organisms, coastal bird species show an increase in the area of shallow basins, are expected to shift distributions northward, mangroves, and brackish marshes, which could as warmer temperatures cause shifts in food favor some species.

resources and nesting opportunities.

Key Steps If coastal habitats are lost, bird populations may Conserving coastal habitats already extensively decline. Based on projections of marsh habitat altered by development requires strategic plan-loss in Chesapeake Bay, significant declines of ning and management. Communities must take many marsh species are predicted. Birds such as climate change into account as they develop zon-the rare Black Rail that relies solely on irregularly ing and building codes. In areas with rising sea flooded high marsh could disappear from the Bay levels, development plans should avoid restricting if breeding sites are submerged.

the inland migration of coastal beaches, marshes, mangroves or other wetlands. The placement of Seabirds breeding on coasts may be unsuccessful hard barriers for construction or flood control on in raising chicks if their hatch dates do not match shorelines can squeeze wetlands out of existence.

patterns in the availability of food resources. Some coastal states, including Massachusetts and Migrating shorebirds stopping at coastal feeding Rhode Island, have restricted the construction of grounds with reduced numbers of invertebrates seawalls and other barriers in some estuaries, and may be unable to gain the body weight necessary other states should as well.

to reach their breeding grounds and raise their young.

Conservation in Action Some large ecosystems may fundamentally A number of strategies can make existing change. For example, Everglades National Park is coastal habitats more resilient to sea-level rise.

very vulnerable to sea-level rise because the park For example, at the Alligator River National lies at or near sea level. Some projections show a Wildlife Refuge in North Carolina, The Nature Conservancy and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service American Avocet by John Bedell loss of tidal flats and inland freshwater marshes, which would adversely impact some wading are removing ditches to restore the hydrologic birds and the federally endangered Cape Sable regime and limit saltwater intrusion, assisting vegetation movement by planting salt-tolerant species, and building oyster reefs to buffer shorelines from waves and storms. Along the Pacific Coast, dikes and drainage ditches are being removed from Bandon Marsh, Nisqually, and several other National Wildlife Refuges to restore natural hydrology and expand tidal marsh habitat.

Specialized.Saltmarsh.Sparrows.are.among.the.most.vulnerable.coastal.birds.. .

Saltmarsh Sparrow by Kenneth V. Rosenberg 9

ARCTIC & ALPINE Climate change will be accelerated and dramatic for birds in arctic regions Long-tailed Jaeger USFWS Noteworthy Observations and Predictions Bird Species Vulnerability Average annual temperatures will continue to rise Vulnerability of arctic and alpine birds is

  • .72%.of.the.83.arctic.and.alpine.species.

over the next century. However, these increases primarily due to their long-distance migrations,

are not uniform across the arctic. There is a greater their obligatory use of these biomes, and the change ..

temperature rise in Alaska (3-4°F in summer) than exposure of many arctic and alpine habitats to

  • in the eastern Canadian arctic. As average annual effects of climate change. Shorebirds, in particular, . temperatures rise and the permafrost thaws, the are dependent on arctic and alpine habitats active soil layer becomes deeper. This allows for breeding. Habitat exposure was highest for
  • the spread of trees and shrubs into tundra now alpine breeding species and those using composed of sedges, grasses, and dwarf shrubs, elevation wet tundra. Simple interactions among and will affect bird abundance and distribution. bird species and their food resources increased,.which.will. sensitivity for some species. Because many arctic affect.bird.abundance.and.distribution . Although highly variable, precipitation is birds are long-distance migrants, these species increasing at a greater rate in the arctic than could also experience climate change-induced
  • elsewhere around the globe and it is occurring alterations to the habitats they use at other times primarily as rain. Precipitation will probably of the year, which might increase their overall breeding.grounds.may.become.mismatched ... increase and warmer temperatures will result exposure and vulnerability.

in higher evaporation, which will reduce soil moisture and reduce tundra wetlands in the western and central arctic. An increase in the number and extent of tundra fires will also alter Arctic/Alpine Of 83 arctic and alpine species, 72% are these drier habitats.

moderately or highly

% Low vulnerable to climate change.

% Medium Arctic National Wildlife Refuge USFWS

% High .


Potential Impacts Key Steps Arctic avifauna will likely experience Melting permafrost may result in changes to Because of the exposure of low-elevation tundra climate change-induced alterations to surface water and plant communities, changing and alpine zones to climate change effects, their habitats throughout their annual cycle.

the distribution and abundance of waterfowl, minimizing additional human-induced stresses on shorebirds, and gulls. Melting permafrost may these habitats is necessary. Increasing the network also release contaminants, such as mercury and of protected areas in the arctic should keep pace organic pollutants, into the aquatic environment, with any further industrial development there.

exposing species such as the Spectacled Eider, Yellow-billed Loon, and Sabines Gull to new Few monitoring systems are in place to threats. Advancement of trees and shrubs understand the status of arctic and alpine birds will have dramatic effects on arctic and alpine and how they are responding to climate change breeding birds by narrowing or eliminating during their annual cycle. Monitoring systems tundra and alpine breeding habitats used by should be deployed to understand how arctic and species such as Surfbird, Black Turnstone, and alpine birds are responding to changing climatic Brown-capped Rosy-finch. As boreal forest birds conditions and what steps could be taken to offset expand into the arctic, new avian communities negative effects. Reducing atmospheric carbon will develop.

will be necessary to maintain arctic and alpine biodiversity.

The earlier onset of spring might initially increase productivity of nesting shorebirds, although migration schedules of long-distance migrants Conservation in Action would have to change so they raise their young Arctic and alpine birds that rely on shrubs at the time when the most insects are available. for breeding habitat will increase in these Changes in weather and tundra habitats could regions. Research and monitoring programs decrease the abundance of lemmings and their are being initiated in arctic regions to increase predators, such as jaegers and Snowy Owls. A our understanding of how birds will respond decrease in lemmings could also cause predators to a changing climate and to develop effective to switch to eating other birds and their eggs. conservation strategies.

bird name here Willow Ptarmigan by David Benson Spectacled Eider USFWS 11

Islands Laysan Duck by Roy Lowe Rising sea levels Bird Species Vulnerability and temperatures For this report, island birds refers to upland (for example, forest or scrub) and wetland birds occur-threaten birds ring in Hawaii or on U.S. associated islands in the Pacific and Caribbean. (See Oceans on page 5 for a Noteworthy Observations and Predictions discussion of island-nesting seabirds).

Increases in temperature and rising sea levels are Hawaiian birds are severely threatened by climate

  • .93%.of.Hawaiian.birds.and.62%.of.all.U .S .. expected to reduce the extent of natural habitats Pacific.island.birds.exhibit.medium.or.high. change. Among the 42 native and endemic species on islands where many bird species have re- of the Hawaiian Islands, only one is not consid-vulnerability;.49%.of.Caribbean.birds.also. stricted ranges and a limited ability to respond to ered of conservation concern. Multiple attributes change. Species that depend on mountain forests, contribute to their vulnerability to climate change.

change . coastal wetlands, and low-lying islands are ex- Attributes that are most important include single pected to be most severely affected by this direct island endemism, reduced dispersal ability, and

  • habitat loss. exposure to climate change of the habitats on size,.frequency.of.natural.disasters,.and.high. which these birds depend, particularly high-eleva-Over the last cen- tion mountain forests. tury, average annual temperatures in the change . Caribbean have Hawaiian Eric VanderWerf increased by more  % Low 93% of Hawaiian birds

  • than 1°F and during  % Medium exhibit medium or high vulnerability to climate this century they are

% High change.

on.islands.where.bird.species.have.restricted. expected to rise by an additional 4°F. In the Akekee

U.S. Pacific islands, change . temperatures have risen by 0.5°F during the past century and are expected to rise by an additional Paci"c Islands

  • 4°F by 2090. The Caribbean has been drying in

% Low 62% of all U.S.,. recent decades and this trend is expected to con- Pacific Island birds,.and. tinue with a reduction in summer rainfall.  % Medium show medium or high vulnerability. .  % High Tropical cyclones are expected to increase in intensity. Sea-level rise is expected to reduce the area of low-lying islands and eliminate or degrade inshore habitats, including mangroves and other coastal wetlands. In addition, sea-level Caribbean 49 % of U.S.

rise will cause saltwater intrusion into freshwater Caribbean island birds

% Low underlying islands, causing salinization of soil assessed have medium and freshwater wetlands, especially on low-lying or high vulnerability to

% Medium climate change.


% High Hanawi Natural Area Reserve in Maui by George Wallace 12

Potential Impacts On the main Hawaiian Islands, avian malaria It is important to focus species recovery efforts and pox spread by introduced mosquitoes pose a now on the species most in danger of becoming In Hawaii , species restricted largely to high significant threat to native Hawaiian birds, which extinct. Translocations to create new species elevation forest, such as Puaiohi and 'Akiapl`au, have little or no natural resistance to these dis- populations in multiple locations will be an will be highly susceptible to increases in tempera-eases. At temperatures below 55°F, which occur important strategy. In some cases, it will be ture. Elsewhere, mountain species such as Elfin-today, typically around 5,000 feet above sea level necessary to establish captive populations of woods Warbler on Puerto Rico and the Rota Bri-and higher, the malaria parasite will not com- species that might become extinct.

dled White-eye in the Northern Mariana Islands pletely develop in birds. An increase in tempera-will face similar threats. Sea-level rise will also ture of slightly less than 4°F, which is predicted reduce habitat for species such as Laysan Duck Conservation in Action by some models, would raise the 55°F threshold and Laysan Finch in Hawaii and Greater Fla-by nearly 1,000 feet, greatly reducing the areas in In Hawaii, watershed partnerships have been mingo in the Caribbean, and may threaten coastal which there is a low risk of disease transmission. effective at pooling resources to undertake more forests important to the Micronesian Megapode in For example, the Hanawi Natural Area Reserve restoration efforts. Strides have also been made Northern Mariana Islands.

on Maui could lose 57% of its remaining low-risk in protecting and restoring remaining natural area, increasing the risk of malaria to endangered forest. Partnerships including the Hawaii There is a strong Maui Parrotbill and kohekohe. Department of Lands and Natural Resources, U.S.

relationship between precipitation and Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service, All forested areas on Kauai and Oahu are warm conservation organizations, and native Hawaiians insect abundance. With enough for some level of malaria transmission. are working to fence key areas and remove climate change, rainfall However, warming on Kauai would result in an nonnative species. Additionally, predator removal Jack Jeffrey is expected to decline 85% decrease in the area where transmission is has successfully provided safe places for birds to in the Greater Antilles, currently highly seasonal and limited, contribut- nest.

potentially leading to a ing to further declines among imperiled species

`Akiapl`au persistent pattern of low such as Akekee and Akikiki.

insect abundance and a reduction in bird breeding success, which could result in significant long-term population declines, Key Steps especially among insectivorous species of concern On all U.S. islands, immediate protection such as Puerto Rican Vireo. In addition, reduced and restoration of natural systems is critical rainfall may reduce the survivorship of overwin- to counteract the negative effects of climate tering Nearctic-Neotropical migrants. change. Protected areas need to be large and numerous to ensure that each important habitat Cyclones disrupt the food supplies of some bird type is protected across islands. Protection and species, especially those that depend on fruit and restoration of high elevation habitats is essential.

nectar, causing post-storm population decreases among species with limited ability to disperse long distances in search of food. The intensifica- Programs to control invasive plants and animals tion of subtropical and tropical cyclones expected must be supported and implemented. In Hawaii, with rising temperatures and shifting ocean until more sophisticated methods are developed to currents will exacerbate the impacts of invasive directly control mosquitoes and the diseases they plants by causing large-scale habitat disturbance, transmit, fencing and removal of ungulates are creating opportunities for invasive species to rap- the most effective means of maintaining habitat idly expand their ranges. quality and reducing the amount of mosquito breeding habitat.

Akohekohe by Jack Jeffrey 13

ARIDLANDS Aridland birds will be susceptible to warmer and drier habitats Sonoran Desert Noteworthy. the Chihuahuan Desert, Black-capped Vireo of Observations and Predictions

  • .More.than.40%.of.airidland.bird.species. Aridlands of the United States, already subject to the Edwards Plateau, and Wrentit of the coastal some of the highest extremes of climate variability California chaparral. Aridland birds are primarily changes .... in the country, are at great risk from climate vulnerable because of their exposure: the change. The major predicted effects of climate probability that their habitats will undergo major
  • .Aridlands,.already.drier.and.more.variable. change on all types of aridlands suggest that they changes due to climate change.

than.other.habitat.types, will become warmer and drier. Associated with even.drier,.warmer,.and.more.variable . Fifty aridland species are considered vulnerable this will be increasingly variable precipitation, due to habitat exposure. A significant number

  • particularly in areas such as deserts, where are obligate breeding species of aridlands, invasion.of.trees,.shrubs,.and.other.woody. summer and winter precipitation patterns help which contributes to their vulnerability.

plant.species,.which.will.decrease.their. determine plant and animal distribution.

Fourteen aridland species show medium or high vulnerability, but are not currently considered Linked to these climatic changes, aridlands will of conservation concern. These should be desert.vegetation .. be highly susceptible to changes in plant species considered at much higher risk in the future composition, particularly increasing tree cover in and should be given special attention. Of these,

  • .Aridlands.ecosystems.are.highly.susceptible. areas now dominated by shrubs (such as the vast the Lesser Nighthawk, Common Poorwill, ..Facilitated. expanses of sagebrush in the Colorado Plateau)

Lucifer Hummingbird, and Phainopepla deserve and increasing density and surface area of shrubs by.climate.change, special attention. The nighthawk and poorwill in regions now dominated by grasses and other species.could.alter.the.type.and.quantity.of. have increased vulnerability because of their desert plants.

food.for.birds . dependency on large flying insect prey and their Invasion by nonnative species is expected to be low reproductive potential. Lucifer Hummingbird exacerbated by changes in climate, which could and Phainopepla are dependent on seasonal promote devastating changes in fire frequency flower and fruit resources and are only found in as well as alter the type and quantity of food for aridlands, thus increasing their vulnerability.


Of 79 aridlands species, Bird Species Vulnerability Aridlands 44% have medium or Compared with other habitat types, relatively few high vulnerability to climate change.

aridland bird species are vulnerable to climate  % Low change, though vulnerable species are found phainopepla John Bedell in all major aridlands types. Examples include %Medium Greater and Gunnisons sage-grouse of sagebrush  % High habitats of the Colorado Plateau and Great Basin, Costas Hummingbird and Gilded Flicker of the Sonoran Desert, Bendires and Crissal thrasher of 14

Potential Impacts species and the habitats they use should be able to Conservation in Action Climate change could decouple the availability expand to the north, east, and to higher elevations. The San Pedro River National Conservation Area, of food resources such as flowers and seeds from Significant northward range expansions have designated by Congress as a Riparian National the time that they are needed by various aridlands already been observed for some aridlands species Conservation Area, is home to more than 100 species. A great unknown for aridlands birds such as Cactus Wren, Cave Swallow, and White- species of breeding birds and an additional 250 is the extent to which extreme climatic events, winged Dove. Examples of species that are species of migratory and wintering birds occur in especially heat waves and drought, will push currently rare or of restricted distribution in the the area.

different species physiological tolerances for U.S., but are likely to expand, include Bronzed heat and dehydration to or above their limits, Cowbird, Crested Caracara, and Northern In cooperation with state and local conservation resulting in increased mortality. Some evidence Beardless-Tyrannulet.

planning partners, the Bureau of Land Manage-already exists that these events can stress small- ment is maintaining and restoring sagebrush bodied species such as hummingbirds and Verdin and there is evidence of reproductive failure and Key Steps landscapes on public lands in 11 western states to Given the nature of aridlands and the predicted conserve sage-grouse populations.

catastrophic mortality from heat waves in the effects of climate change, we need to preserve United States and elsewhere.

additional airidland habitats so birds can move as change occurs, particularly to the north, east, Birds associated with and up in elevation; barriers that prohibit this riparian systems in movement should be identified and removed or aridlands, such as minimized. Riparian areas will increase in their Phainopepla and importance for aridland birds. They need to be Lucys Warbler, will protected and restoration efforts implemented to be especially affected USFWS increase the quantity and quality of this generally due to changes in scarce habitat type.

water availability and Allen's Hummingbird vegetation of these Management tools such as prescribed burning can systems. Aridlands, be used to reduce shrubs and promote grasses especially those in the Southwest, also provide in areas susceptible to woody plant invasion.

important wintering habitat for numerous Analyses of current and predicted climate change species from grasslands and other habitat types.

must be conducted to identify areas within the If aridlands undergo the changes predicted, their subtypes of aridlands that are less likely to show suitability for a large number of these wintering temperature increases or higher variability; these species will decline.

areas could serve as refuges for aridlands birds in the future. Special attention and monitoring must Most aridland birds are adapted to the dry and be paid to nonnative invasive plants; if they are variable climates in which they live, so it is not controlled, they may spread so rapidly that expected that many will adjust their behavior, they become impossible to control.

distribution, or movement patterns in response to climate change. It is expected that many aridlands Crested Caracara by Melissa Meadows

the.U .S

south, ..

Harris's Hawk by Gerrit Vyn 15

WETLANDS Temperature rises will have severe impacts on wetland birds Northern Pintail by John Bedell Noteworthy. Observations and Predictions Bird Species Vulnerability Projected temperature rises without comparable Slightly more than one-third (36%) of the 165

  • .A.third.of.the.165.wetland.breeding.species.

increases in precipitation will have severe impacts wetland breeding species in the United States

on wetland ecosystems, especially related to loss show medium or high vulnerability to climate ..

of water inputs, reduced storage capacity, timing change. Wetland breeding birds such as Western

  • of wetland recharge, and frequency of drought. and Clarks grebe and Northern Pintail are The extent of semi-permanent and seasonal primarily vulnerable to changes in water level and wetlands may be further reduced by increases in distribution that affect breeding habitats. . evaporation and reduced summer soil moisture, two wetland breeding bird species exhibiting particularly in the prairie regions of the United medium or high vulnerability are currently not
  • .Shallow.breeding.wetlands.(potholes).and. States. considered of conservation concern including wetland-dependent.breeding.birds.that.use. Sabines Gull, Pomarine Jaeger, and Arctic Loon.

them.appear.acutely.threatened, Impacts will probably be high on mountainous the.north-central.states . wetlands where temperature-sensitive plants Excessive chemicals, nutrients, and sediments and animals will be unable to move upslope. from unsustainable agriculture can disrupt the

  • .Wetland.breeding.birds.are.primarily.

Wetlands that depend on snowmelt will diminish function of wetlands, dramatically reducing clean vulnerable.because.of.the.water.level.and.

or disappear. An increase in the severity of storms water and other environmental benefits, and distribution.impacts.of.climate.change.on.

and tornadoes will increase the incidence of flash- eliminating critical areas needed by wetland birds.

breeding.habitats .

flood erosion events or alter the length of time that a wetland holds water.

Carbon stores in wetland soils in the U.S. may Wetlands Of 165 wetland breeding species 36%

be released following wetland drainage or if show medium or high

% Low vulnerability due to permafrost wetlands melt. Bacteria which live in climate change.

aerated conditions will oxidize the carbon and  % Medium return it to the atmosphere.

% High Marsh Wren by Amy Liest Global.climate.change.will.degrade.wetlands,.affecting.birds.and.other.wildlife ... .

Warming.temperatures.and.more.storms,.droughts,.and.floods.will.cause..,.plant.communities,.and.prey.abundance ..


Potential Impacts Conservation in Action Wetland-dependent breeding birds are at risk The 2008 Farm Bill included another million acres because the shallow wetlands (potholes) where in the Wetland Reserve Program that could pro-they breed appear to be acutely threatened, vide more reliable wintering habitats for wetland-especially in the north-central United States. dependent birds. In 2010, Congress appropriated a The distribution of birds is influenced by the record $47 million to the North American Wetland surrounding landscape and the birds ability to Conservation Act (NAWCA) to promote wetland find suitable habitat. It is possible that changes conservation efforts. Organizations such as Ducks in climate and habitat conditions will make areas Unlimited conserve and restore some of the most uninhabitable for some species. critical habitat needed for waterfowl.

Warming temperatures and storms, droughts, and A wetland landscape simulator (WETLAND-floods of greater frequency and severity will cause SCAPE) is now being developed to calculate unpredictable changes in wetland water levels, the effect of climate variability simultaneously plant communities, and prey abundance and, on wetlands and other water resources within a ultimately, the abundance of wetland birds. The landscape. This next-generation model is expected effects of climate change may cause birds to shift to reflect regional differences that may exist in wet-to areas with lower quality wetland habitats that land water depth across the Prairie Potholes. The may only partially fulfill their needs during criti- WETLANDSCAPE model can be used to evaluate cal portions of their annual cycle. which farming practices can reduce the impacts of climate change by producing more favorable water Key Steps budgets for prairie wetlands.

Carbon sequestration incentives can help to mitigate the effects of climate change and protect wetlands for birds as well as for the environmental goods and services that wetlands provide to people. Federal land management programs can help increase the amount of carbon Clark's Grebe USFWS stored, including programs that retire farmland from crop production and convert it back into King Rail USFWS grasslands or wetlands. During droughts small wetlands should receive special protection because of their vulnerability to conversion to Wetland.breeding.birds.are.primarily.vulnerable.

agriculture at these times.


of.climate.change.on.breeding.habitats .


GRASSLANDS Declines in grassland birds will be exacerbated by climate change Western Grassland by Terry Rich Noteworthy Observations and Predictions to move in response to changing conditions USFWS Grasslands in the Great Plains of the United States

  • .More.than.half.of.grassland.species.are. and southern Canada are predicted to get warmer because they are closely with climate change. Southwestern grasslands tied to their leks where climate.change .. are expected to become drier because of declining males display to attract precipitation and higher temperatures, especially females. Wilsons
  • Phalarope, Bobolink, they.become.uninhabitable.for.many.grassland. the Chihuahuan Desert grasslands of the southwestern U.S. and northern Mexico, which and Dickcissel are birds . long-distance migrants Dickcissel are critical wintering areas for many grassland birds. that may not be able to
  • .The.southwestern.grasslands,.which.are.

adapt quickly enough to changing conditions.

species, In northern grasslands, additional precipitation is Species with a large proportion of the population . expected, but all or most grasslands are expected wintering in the Chihuahuan Desert grasslands to become drier because warmer temperatures are also vulnerable because the habitat may dry

  • will cause increased evaporation. Variability out so much that it becomes uninhabitable. in precipitation is also expected to increase; droughts, flooding, and extreme storms (such measures.are.taken . as hailstorms) are all expected to become more common. Increased atmospheric carbon dioxide will probably contribute to invasions of woody shrubs into grasslands. Grasslands 57% of grassland species show medium Bird Species Vulnerability  % Low vulnerability due to climate change.

The vulnerability of birds in grasslands is not as high as in other habitat types; however, 25 (57%)  % Medium grassland species have medium vulnerability to

% High climate change, and grassland birds are at risk for many reasons other than climate change. Six species stand out as especially vulnerable. Sharp-tailed Grouse and Lesser and Greater prairie-chicken are less likely than other grassland birds Sasha Keyel Grasshopper Sparrow 18

Potential Impacts Active management will be needed to maintain Conservation in Action Climate change is expected to exacerbate declines enough grassland to support the full suite of Wildlife conservationists have rallied around in grassland birds that already have declining grassland bird species. In addition to shrub the plight of grassland birds in recent years.

populations, and several species that are common invasion and climate-related drying, grasslands Increasingly, farm conservation programs have now will probably be added to conservation are threatened by intensification of agriculture, been designed to conserve birds and other concern lists in the near future unless additional over-grazing, invasive species, and suburban wildlife, in addition to fighting erosion and conservation measures are taken. and urban development. Energy projects often supporting farm income. Many of the grassland target grasslands, making proper siting decisions conditions that benefit livestock production such Although most grassland bird species appear able essential for grassland bird conservation. For as high grass cover and low shrub cover also to move in response to environmental changes, example, Sharp-tailed Grouse and Lesser and benefit many of the most sensitive grassland Christmas Bird Count data show that grassland Greater prairie-chickens will not breed near tall birds. Farmers, ranchers, and conservationists birds were the only group of birds that failed to structures such as oil rigs, wind turbines, or are working together to combat invasive species shift north during the past 40 years in response to power lines. and protect grasslands.

warmer winter weather. Perhaps they did not shift because the quality of remaining grasslands in the Collaborative efforts that consider grazing north is too poor to sustain additional birds. interests can allow grassland birds to coexist with cattle and other grazers in many grasslands.

As woody vegetation invades grasslands, birds Moderate grazing may be required to maintain that specialize in grassland may be replaced by grasslands against woody invasion in some birds of shrubby or woodland habitats. Grassland regions, especially in grasslands that coevoloved species have different thresholds of tolerance for with native grazers.

woody invasion; some, like Loggerhead Shrike and Northern Bobwhite, do best in mixed areas, Fire is essential for maintaining grasslands in most but disappear when the grass becomes rare.

areas; in other regions, fire can favor nonnative Others, like Chestnut-collared Longspur, are invasive plants.

intolerant of even a low percentage of shrub cover.

Increased acreage of grasslands managed Key Steps for wildlife is needed Large patches of healthy grasslands will need to throughout the United Brian Sullivan be restored and protected throughout the United States to stabilize States to allow grassland birds to move north grassland birds.

as temperatures increase. Conservation of wet grasslands and grasslands adjacent to wetlands is Chestnut-collared Longspur critical to allow birds that require wet habitats to persist.

Loggerhead Shrike by Brian Sullivan

declining.populations, .


FORESTS Forest birds show greater resilience than birds in most habitats Townsend's Warbler USFWS Noteworthy. Observations and Predictions Bird Species Vulnerability Although changes in tree species distributions Although only 2% of forest bird species show


may occur slowly, changes to regimes in forests high vulnerability to climate change, more

are already being observed. This includes an than half of the species with medium or high;.

increase in tree mortality from insect outbreaks vulnerability were not previously considered the.most.vulnerable.species.include.aerial.

and increases in the length and severity of fire species of conservation concern. Among species insectivores.and.high-elevation.breeders .

seasons, exacerbated by increases in spring and that are restricted to a single forest type, a higher

  • summer temperatures and earlier snowmelts. proportion of birds in eastern forests (75%) show medium or high vulnerability than birds in forests, Approximately half of southern tree species western (57%), boreal (49%), or subtropical (27%) . will expand northward. One of the most notable forests.

changes is the predicted expansion of oak-hickory

  • and oak-pine forests. Other species will decrease Among the most vulnerable forest species outbreaks.of.insect.pests, in importance as forest types such as aspen-birch, are Bicknells Thrush because of its restricted beetles, white-red-jack pine, maple-beech, and birch breeding range in high elevation forests in the already.affecting.our.nations.forests . forests decrease in the United States and move northeast United States, the endangered Kirtlands north into Canada. Warbler because winter habitat on low-lying
  • .Forest.degradation.and.deforestation.are. Caribbean islands is threatened, and specialized significant.sources.of.atmospheric.carbon;. In the western United States, high-elevation aerial insectivores such as Black Swift, chaparrals and grasslands are projected to poor-will, and Chuck-wills-widow. Forest birds increase at the expense of subalpine forests, stores.of.carbon.while.also.providing.bird. alpine tundra, and Great Basin woodland habitat . communities. Plant and animal interactions may become uncertain as tree species shift in Forests Overall, only 2% of forest bird species show response to climate change potentially creating high vulnerability to

% Low new combinations of species that do not resemble climate change, and current plant communities or habitats. %Medium another 30% show Redwood National Park by Steve Holmer medium vulnerability.

% High Overall, the boreal forest is likely to decrease in area, with major changes occurring along the southern boundaries as ranges of tree species shift northward.

The.ranges.of.many.forest.birds.will..,.. .


showing medium Key Steps Conservation in Action Pamela Hunt vulnerability include Short-term actions should focus on managing Extensive forests have huge potential to lessen large flycatchers that forests to increase resistance to change and human impacts of climate change and are part feed on aerial insects promote resilience. Managers can help forests of the solution to addressing climate change.

and bird species in resist climate change by protecting forests with Greenhouse gas reduction through carbon riparian or humid high ecological integrity such as National Forest sequestration can be achieved by avoiding forests, mostly in roadless areas and by improving forest health deforestation, promoting reforestation, the West, that are at and reducing undesirable (or extreme) effects managing forests to sequester and retain risk from increased of fires, insects, and diseases. We can increase carbon, and sequestering carbon after harvest drought conditions Common Nighthawk the resilience of forests to accommodate gradual in wood products.

and more frequent changes by emphasizing process rather than fires. structure and composition, such as restoring natural fire regimes where possible, and restoring natural hydrology to maintain fragile riparian Potential Impacts to Birds forests.

In general, because of their large ranges and high reproductive potential, forest birds are predicted to fare better in a changing climate than birds Long-term management practices will enable in other habitats. Important exceptions include forests to respond to change. Examples include species that are specialized on highly seasonal forest management to assist tree species resources, such as aerial insects or nectar, or transitions and range shifts and connecting that are dependent on high-elevation, extremely landscapes by protecting large forest blocks and humid, or riparian forests. creating corridors, especially along latitudinal and elevation gradients.

The ranges of many forest birds will proabably shift as ranges of tree species shift, generally Preservation of forests with the highest carbon northward or to higher elevations. Some species stores, such as the moist mature and old-may become less common in the United States growth forests of the Pacific Northwest would as their ranges increase in Canada. Conversely, prevent vast amount of carbon from reaching species currently occurring primarily in Mexico the atmosphere if these forests were logged.

may become more common in the United Additionally, preservation of these forests States. Increased drought and frequency of fire provides habitat protection for the threatened in western forests may also alter forest bird and declining Northern Spotted Owl and Marbled communities. Murrelet.

More than a third of forest birds are Neotropical Better monitoring of aerial insect eating birds, migrants. These long-distance migrating birds especially swifts and nightjars, may provide a may experience mismatches in the timing of sensitive barometer to environmental change, breeding with the availability of seasonal food especially close to urban areas.

Hooded Warbler USFWS resources, causing ecological disruption of bird communities or reproductive failure.



Maintaining healthy bird populations in the United States in the face of accelerated climate change is an unprecedented challenge. It will require managing natural resources in a way that responds rapidly and effectively ADDRESSING CLIMATE to observed and anticipated changes in the condition and distribution of habitat, food supplies, competitors, and predators. Monitoring changes in bird populations and the resources upon which they depend is essential CHANGE AT A to provide the lead time necessary to put conservation actions in place.

But, simply helping species adapt to a changing environment is unlikely to produce the intended results without concurrent adoption of mitigation LARGE SCALE strategies that slow climate change through reduction of greenhouse gases and sequestering of atmospheric carbon.

Reducing.the.impacts.of.climate.change.on.birds Innovative Strategies The scientific sophistication and effectiveness of bird conservation in the past two decades has greatly increased. The innovation that has helped car-ry bird populations into the 21st century must now be once again upgraded to ensure that these species survive the 21st century. Innovative solutions are needed on three fronts: large-scale planning and implementation; new technological and scientific advancements for protection, enhancement, and restoration of habitats; and identifying and abating the negative conse-quences associated with development of alternative sources of energy.

Conservation Without Borders The ranges of many bird species may shift and change in adaptation to cli-mate change. Those changes will come about regardless of political bound-aries. So, too, must our conservation strategies be designed with seamless boundaries. The new Department of Interior Landscape Conservation Cooperatives and the Regional Climate Change Impact Response Centers, Bryan Watts, Center for Conservation Biology for example, will serve as a base for innovative thinking and determining broad geographic priorities for wildlife in response to climate change.

These climate change think tanks will advance biological planning and design of large-scale conservation efforts and link with the proven delivery models laid down by the Migratory Bird Joint Ventures and the actions outlined in the State Wildlife Action Plans, which provide a comprehensive assessment of wildlife conservation needs in each state.

New and improving data management and habitat mapping capabili-ties, along with the ability to compile and disseminate large quantities of information, information management capacities, and expanding conserva-Conservation efforts will need to be integrated with social and economic initiatives to maximize the tion networking and partnerships is needed to ensure that conservation is reduction of greenhouse gasses and to help ensure healthy habitats for birds and for people.

emphasized in those places and at those spatial scales most relevant to the 22

health of shifting bird populations. These tools are necessary to help make better decisions that lessen the impacts of climate change within biomes, and thus, the birds that depend on them. Strategies must change from a tradition that considers historic landscape conditions as the framework for protecting intact landscapes and restoring damaged ones, to one which must address dynamic future environmental conditions. These strategies must also work within social and economic constraints and consider on-the-ground actions that can be used to increase the chances that bird popula- Minimizing the Impact of Renewable Energy Sources tions persist in landscapes shaped by climate change. Generating energy from renewable sources holds promise in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, while still meeting the worlds energy demands.

New Technologies and Innovative Science However, development of alternative sources of energy can represent new challenges to bird conservation:

Migrating forests. Rising seas. Dry, sun-baked playa lakes. Outbreaks of avian disease. All of these may seem like scenes from a science fiction movie, but all are potential consequences of changes in climate. Helping birds and

  • Habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation from the development of other wildlife adapt to these rapid environmental changes will demand the new wind farms and associated transportation corridors and power lines attention of the worlds best scientific minds. Initiatives have begun that are can cause direct mortality and indirect impacts to birds. Development of planting the seeds for innovative thinking and partnerships, setting priori- new technologies for renewable energy must account for potential new ties for wildlife response to climate change, and developing new technolo- stressors that will negatively impact bird populations.

gies for assessing and compiling existing and newly acquired information.

Landscape Conservation Cooperatives and the Regional Climate Change

  • Production of biofuels, the use of plants or other biomass to make fuels, Impact Response Centers, in partnership with universities, technology- can reduce greenhouse gasses by reducing use of oil and its byproducts.

based institutions and businesses, and individual entrepreneurs, need to Yet, widespread conversion of native grasslands and other habitats to row be charged with finding solutions to the perplexing challenge of keeping crops or monocultures of fast-growing grasses to make ethanol poses a risk species from going extinct. to birds because of habitat loss, degradation, and loss of plant diversity that benefits wildlife.

  • Identify new, practical ways to manage dynamic ecosystems. For exam-ple, to manage habitats that are resilient to the effects of climate change, we Reducing and Sequestering Greenhouse Gases must manage for intact natural ecological processes including disturbance associated with fire and flooding. As a parallel strategy to adaptive ecosystem management, society is work-ing on measures to slow climate change by reducing production of green-
  • Transfer knowledge to those charged with the day-to-day preservation house gases and sequestering atmospheric carbon.

of species. For example, new and improved data management and habitat mapping capabilities along with the ability to compile and disseminate

  • Many mitigation strategies address improved energy efficiency or the large quantities of information, will provide land stewards with the tools to reduction of emissions; these strategies are most effective in concert the re-make decisions to lessen the impacts of climate change. moval of existing carbon from the atmosphere or conserving already stored carbon.


  • Forests, grasslands, wetlands, and other ecosystems can be managed for Joint Ventures birds and other wildlife, as well as for storing carbon and removing carbon A Joint Venture is a self-directed partnership of agencies, organizations, dioxide from the atmosphere. Conservation strategies to reduce atmo-corporations, tribes, or individuals that has formally accepted the re-spheric carbon include avoiding deforestation (especially in tropical zones sponsibility of implementing national or international bird conservation and temperate mature and old-growth forests), promoting afforestation and plans within a specific geographic area or for a specific taxonomic group, reforestation, and managing vegetation for accumulation of biomass on site.

and has received general acceptance in the bird conservation community for such responsibility. Working both collectively and independently,

  • Active restoration of native vegetation and wildlife habitats can serve to Joint Venture partners conduct activities in support of bird conserva-sequester carbon. Cooperative partnerships between industries and land tion goals cooperatively developed by the partnership such as biological management agencies can restore important habitats. In the Lower Mis- planning, conservation design and prioritization, project development sissippi Valley, for example, more than two dozen industries, conservation and implementation, and monitoring, evaluation, and applied research organizations, and National Wildlife Refuges have restored over 120,000 activities.

acres of habitat. These efforts have resulted in the planting of more than 22 million trees that will capture over 33 trillion tons of carbon during the next Nationwide, there are 18 habitat-based Joint Ventures, each addressing 90 years. Ducks Unlimited and its partners developed a carbon credit pro- the bird habitat conservation issues found within their geographic area.

gram for private landowners, who in turn manage grasslands for waterfowl Additionally, three species-based Joint Ventures, all with an international and many other species. scope, work to further the scientific understanding needed to effectively manage specific bird species or groups of species.

  • There are great opportunities for ecosystem restoration and carbon sequestration through new farming practices that promote habitat diver-sity and integrate ecosystem processes, including living soils. Incentives State Wildlife Action Plans within the Farm Bill could be used to promote broad scale mitigation that Developed by every state and territory, State Wildlife Action Plans are will result in healthier ecosystems, healthier farms and farm products, and congressionally required plans that outline the conservation actions healthier bird populations. needed to conserve declining wildlife and their habitats before they become rarer and more costly to protect. State Wildlife Action Plans are historic in that they represent the first nationally comprehensive conser-Conservation efforts will need to be integrated with social and economic vation strategy for wildlife and identify what is needed to prevent more initiatives to maximize the reduction of greenhouse gasses and to help en- wildlife from becoming endangered. Completed in 2005, the plans were sure healthy habitats for birds and for people. Each of the above strategies collaboratively developed by state fish and wildlife agencies and their and conservation considerations are incorporated in the sections on key partners and identified more than 10,000 species in greatest conservation steps for each habitat in this report. need, their priority habitats, threats and stresses, needed conservation actions and monitoring and research priorities. The plans are updated every 10 years, although many states are opting to update sooner to better address climate change and new emerging threats. The State and Tribal Wildlife Grants program is the principal source of funding to implement the plans. More information is available at http://www.

Pelican Island USFWS 24

CLIMATE CHANGE AND OTHER STRESSORS Ecosystems are currently under pressure from a number of stressors in addition to climate change, including habitat loss and degradation, development, pollution, toxic chemicals, overfishing, invasive species, pests, disease outbreaks, habitat fragmentation, and wildfires.

Climate change may interact with and amplify many of these existing stressors. As a result, birds and habitats that are already stressed may be highly vulnerable to additional impacts due to climate change.

Climate change will add to other existing stressors by:

  • Altering habitats, allowing for the increase of invasive species. As invasive species expand, they can outcompete native species, leading to the reduction or loss of native plants and wildlife.
  • Spreading disease. Distribution of disease patterns and changes in wildlife occurrence will affect the transmission of diseases. It is also expected that infectious diseases will emerge more frequently and in new areas due to climate change.
  • Exacerbating the impacts of storm-surge flooding and shoreline erosion. Increasingly developed coastal communities and rising sea level will limit potential habitat for coastal birds.
  • Changing the distribution and availability of surface and ground water. Climate change will constrain water resources, further increasing competition among agricultural, municipal, industrial, and wildlife uses.

White-tailed Tropicbird chick by Elena Babij Photo by Erin Macchia photgrapher here 25

Spotlight on Waterfowl

  • The Prairie Pothole Region is the most Observations and Predictions Potential Impacts productive habitat for breeding ducks in the A wetland simulation model applied to 95-year Waterfowl are highly mobile, responsive to world. It produces 50-80% of the continents weather records suggested that the most produc- environmental variation, and have a relatively ducks, even though it represents only 10% of the tive habitat for breeding waterfowl would shift high reproductive potential. However, if model continents total wetland area. under a drier climate from the center of the Dako- predictions are correct, the loss of shallow tas and southeastern Saskatchewan to the wetter wetlands - their primary breeding habitat -
  • Climate change models predict wetland eastern and northern fringes of the Prairie Pothole may contribute to population declines. If pond numbers could decline dramatically, which would Region where areas are currently less productive or numbers decline by two-thirds, duck numbers result in large declines in the fall flight of ducks. wetlands have been drained. in north-central United States are expected to be Researchers predict the number of ponds in the reduced. Losing even a fraction of these habitats Prairie Pothole region could decline by two-thirds. would impact continental duck populations.

With a doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide in the next century, average temperatures in the

  • The western boreal forest is the second most important waterfowl breeding area on the western boreal forest region may increase by as Key Steps much as 8F. This is expected to result in drier aver- Wetland managers will need to make decisions continent and supports 12-15 million breeding age conditions, greater annual climatic variation, for allocating restoration dollars in an uncertain ducks. In some years, this amounts to about 40% melting permafrost, altered surface hydrology, and climatic future. For waterfowl, the potential of the continental duck population. higher rates of wildfires. impacts and uncertainties associated with climate change need to be taken into consideration in
  • Waterfowl conservation efforts in some conservation efforts to help ensure conservation currently protected areas may be undermined by successes. This will involve cooperation and climate change impacts support of Joint Ventures, Flyways Councils, Land Conservation Cooperatives, conservation organizations, and others in the recognition of climate change in management plans and waterfowl conservation strategies. Existing funding sources must be enhanced significantly for these purposes.

Canvasback USFWS Northern Bobwhites have declined Potential.impacts.and.uncertainties.associated.with.

by 75% during the past 40 years. climate.change.may.undermine.current.waterfowl.

Recent Farm Bill initiatives include goals for recovery of conservation.efforts .

bobwhite populations.


Spotlight on The inability to disperse is likely to negatively im- Conservation in Action Resident Game Birds pact grouse in aridlands and grasslands. Chang- Because resident game birds have large clutch ing fire management regimes and increasing sizes and many breed twice a year, populations Greater Sage-Grouse USFWS invasion of nonnative vegetation (e.g. cheatgrass) may quickly rebuild if conditions are suitable.

in aridlands will negatively impact Gunnison Existing management programs could be shifted and Greater sage-grouse. Because of their larger as vegetative communities and land uses shift.

overall population sizes, forest grouse and west- For example, Farm Bill programs could expand ern quail will experience range shifts, but may not acreage allocations of retirement programs and shift to new areas as agricultural production experience large declines.

expands to new regions. Several resident game

  • The majority of resident game birds are unable Key Steps bird species currently benefit from single species to fly long distances and usually move by running State agencies will need to adapt management regional initiatives where partnerships have or walking. Some species may not be able to strategies and increase coordination among states been formed and are implementing conservation shift their distributions in response to changing measures to reverse declines.

as bird populations shift. Monitoring programs habitats. that span entire ranges of game birds will be needed. Alternative energy projects will need to

  • In a changing climate, White-tailed Ptarmigan carefully consider the needs of grassland grouse in alpine areas may be unable to find appropriate and chickens.

habitats and may have nowhere else to go.

  • A number of resident game birds perform elaborate courtship displays on lekking grounds and are disrupted when vegetation changes occur.

Western grouse and prairie-chicken populations are already fragmented and isolated because of habitat loss, causing concern about the effects of inbreeding. Increased drought in aridlands and grasslands could further stress these species.

Observations and Predictions Resident game birds in arctic and alpine habitats are likely to experience the greatest impacts due to their inability to shift their range. Ptarmigan depend upon arctic and alpine habitats that are already experiencing temperature increases.

Continued change could result in vegetation shifts, leaving little or no habitat available in some Poor.dispersal.ability.

locations. Loss of ptarmigan could cause a ripple effect among other wildlife by changing

prey relationships. climate.change .

Northern Bobwhite USFWS 27

Our Approach Five Basic Sensitivity Traits Habitat Exposure: Species that are restricted to We evaluated all bird species on the basis of Migration Status: A species was considered sub-habitatsat highest risk of disappearance or five independent characteristics of sensitivity to to have high sensitivity if it is a long-distance severe degradation due to climate change were climate change, one measure of exposure, and migrant that traverses many habitats during evaluated under this measure. Species restricted to three assessments of conservation status based on migration, using day length as a primary cue habitats most susceptible to climate change were factors other than climate change.

for timing its migrations. These species may considered to have high exposure; those species experience a mismatch between food availability restricted to habitats of medium susceptibility We assessed sensitivity of birds to climate change and the timing of arrival at critical stopover areas (especially due to increased drought conditions) based on five basic traits that demonstrate adapt-or on their breeding grounds. were considered to have medium exposure; and ability from temporal, spatial, ecological, and species using the least susceptible habitats were evolutionary perspectives. Each trait was scored Breeding Habitat Obligate: A species was considered to have low exposure.

as zero (low sensitivity) or one (high sensitivity).

In addition, we scored the exposure of each spe- considered to have high sensitivity if it was cies habitat to climate change impacts on a scale categorized in the 2009 State of the Birds report Overall Vulnerability: The summed scores for the of zero (low climate exposure), one (medium), or as an obligate of a single habitat type. This factor five sensitivity traits and the measure of habitat two (high). Scoring was based on the expert indicates species that are less likely to be able to exposure give a composite score of vulnerabil-opinion of the science committee and outside adapt to a different habitat type. Seabird species ity to climate change. We categorized species as experts. received a high vulnerability score if they forage showing High Vulnerability (Vulnerability score only in coastal or pelagic waters. of four or more), Medium Vulnerability (vulner-ability score of two or three), or Low Vulnerability Our approach provides a general picture of Dispersal Ability: We defined species with poor (vulnerability score of zero or one).

potential impacts to our nations birds. Although we have a fairly good understanding of the dispersal ability as those that lack the ability to inherent traits that make various species sensitive shift when restricted by geographic barriers, Species of Conservation Concern to climate change, the mechanisms are extremely narrow elevation requirements, or high site All of the birds of the United States have been as-complex and yet to be fully revealed. Despite fidelity, whose specialized behaviors may make sessed for conservation need, but climate change uncertainty about how birds and their habitats them unable to move in response to changing threats were rarely considered. These assess-will change, we provide this first assessment as conditions, habitats, or resources. High sensitivity ments were based on species protected by the a basis for future analyses and as a starting point species include most island species, continental Endangered Species Act, the USFWS list of Birds for guiding bird conservation in response to a species such as lekking grouse, and species with of Conservation Concern, and the American Bird changing world. island-like distributions, such as alpine, saltmarsh, Conservancy/Audubon Watchlist. If a species is and highly colonial breeders. on any of these lists, we included them as Species of Conservation Concern. We then compared the Niche Specificity: Species were scored as having vulnerability scores of birds to the current assess-high sensitivity if they are highly specialized ment of their conservation status.

on limited resources such as food, nest sites, or microhabitats that are likely to be disrupted or This report calls attention to how climate change depleted due to climate change. may heighten threats for birds that are already of conservation concern. Additionally, many species Reproductive Potential: We evaluated species that were not previously considered of conserva-whose life-history traits, including combinations tion concern may now be of concern because of of low annual reproductive effort and long the threat of climate change to their populations.

generation time, may limit their ability to adapt to climate change events. A high sensitivity score was given to species that only raise one or fewer young per year.

28 Common Eider by Lilia D'Alba ..

in northern states or provinces also decreased in southern states. Among states and provinces, Arctic Tern by Emily Pipher rates of bird population change are correlated with rates of temperature change, independent of Latitudinal movement by habitat latitude.

Northward Shift in 40-year latitudinal distance moved 70 During the 40 years of the study, birds were found 60 Wintering Ranges of Birds farther north in winters that were relatively warm 50 40 and father south in colder winters. Predictions of 30 One of the most noticeable climate trends in re- future temperature changes suggest that birds will 20 north (miles) 10 cent decades is the increase in winter tempera- continue to shift north and that more sedentary 0 tures in the continental United States beginning species may be vulnerable if they are unable to -10

-20 in the 1970s. Since then, January has warmed shift as temperatures increase. ur an re s t

al t

is in te g et nd g in ed rc t ic A

d ri la nd the most (4.6F), and February the second most b Fo er r la A ss su G in W :B G b en :W re ra

& ta Birds in most habitats showed the northern range ta l l (3.6F). Government records indicate the two U oa rban Coa s s C coldest Januarys occurred in the late 1970s and shift (see graph). Urban and suburban birds the warmest in 2006. Northern states warmed shifted the most, and forest birds shifted the more than southern states, and inland states second most. Arctic and aridland birds did not warmed more than coastal states. show biologically important shifts, and grassland birds were the only group that shifted to the south Although many factors are known to drive more than to the north. Generalists (species with range changes, results from the Christmas Bird fewer specific habitat preferences) shifted their Count (CBC) show that the warmer winters in ranges north more than those with more specific recent decades have played an important role habitat preferences except for forest birds. Each in shifting winter bird ranges to the north. CBC of the 305 species in the study showed a different data from the mid-1960s through 2006 show that amount of range shift. Some birds and many other 170 (56%) of the 305 most widespread, regularly species of wildlife are not able to shift rapidly in occurring species have shifted their ranges to response to changing temperatures. If climate the north, whereas only 71 species (23%) have continues to change, future wildlife communities shifted to the south and 64 species (21%) have will look very different from those of today.

not shifted significantly north or south.

Species also shifted east or west, but an equal number of species moved east as moved west.

Overall, the average shift over 40 years was 35 miles north. Many of the species that increased St. Paul Island USFWS 29

Addressing Uncertainty and Understanding How Birds Respond to Change We live in a rapidly changing global environment. Because of differing emission scenarios, climate predictions, and ecosystem models, we may not be able to accurately predict the future, other than knowing we face an uncertain but certainly altered future climate. Successful conservation will require that solutions address the likelihood of our altered environment strategically and not be paralyzed by it.

Uncertainty can be reduced by developing and implementing effective programs to monitor how birds respond to climate change. Climate change in combination with numerous threats is creating environments not pre-viously experienced by birds. Monitoring data are invaluable in making informed decisions in a changing world. We have limited information about many of the species that are most vulnerable to climate change -- birds that

live in the oceans, in the arctic and alpine habitats, and along the coasts.

Focusing monitoring on species that show the highest potential vulner- ability will provide the most relevant indicator of how birds are adapting to environmental change.

Suggested Citation for this Report:

Without additional information on how birds are responding to the effects North American Bird Conservation Initiative, U.S. Committee, 2010. The State of the Birds 2010 Report on of climate change, we will be unable to adjust our conservation and man- Climate Change, United States of America. U.S. Department of the Interior: Washington, DC.

agement strategies. Well-designed monitoring systems will also be needed Contributors:

to evaluate the effectiveness of the strategies used to counteract effects of Project Leads: Brad Bortner, Paul Schmidt climate change on bird populations.

Science Team: Brad Andres, Eleanora Babij, Laurel Barnhill, Bob Blohm, Greg Butcher, Jorge Coppen, Bob Ford, Charles Francis, Debbie Hahn, David Mehlman, David Pashley, Daniel Petit, Kenneth V. Rosen-Bird monitoring is usually a passive indicator of change, without providing berg, John R. Sauer, Frank Thompson, George Wallace, Jennifer Wheeler knowledge regarding causes or possible responses to change. It is impor- Communications Team: Miyoko Chu, Ashley Dayer, Steve Holmer, Alicia Frances King, Blythe Thomas, Nancy Severance tant, of course, to know when bird populations are declining and require conservation attention, but the designs of most existing monitoring pro- Editor: Alicia Frances King, with Steve Holmer grams have limited utility in interpreting system change and the response Designer: Susan Steiner Spear of birds, and must therefore be improved. We recommend that the nations Graphic Layout: Alicia Frances King current monitoring programs be modified to: We thank the following people for reviewing or contributing to the development of this report:

John Alexander, Beth Andujar, Fred Amidon, Jaime Collazo, Marissa Duda, Chris Elphick, Holly Freifeld,

  • Improve the design of many monitoring programs to allow analysis sepa- Thomas Gardali, Michael Green, Dave Howell, Raymond King, Mark Koneff, Dave Krueper, David Leon-Brant by Kristine Sowl rating the influence of climate change on population changes from impacts ard, Kent McFarland, Daniel K. Niven, Maura Naughton, Jessica Hardesty Norris, Melissa Pitkin, Doug caused by other environmental factors, as well as synergistic interactions Tucci, Eric VanderWerf, Scott Yaich. Special thanks to Doug Inkley and John Wiens for their peer review.

Special thanks to Greg Delisle and Pat Leonard for their work on between climate and other factors affecting birds.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service took the lead in creating this report through an unprecedented

  • Focus on the status of species most sensitive to climate change. partnership involving the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, State wildlife agencies, and nongovernmental
  • Design and use monitoring systems and information to inform organizations as a subcommittee of the U.S. North American Bird Conservation Initiative (NABCI).

conservation and land management decisions.

30 ....


only.committed.collective.action.can.protect.natures.resources ....


we.all.share.and.depend.on,.for.our.own.lives.and.those.of.future.generations .

Front cover photos from top, left to right: Laysan Albatross by Eric Vanderwerf; Hemlock Forest by Steve Holmer , Northern Pintail USFWS; Sonoran Desert USFWS, Midway Beach by Brad Bortner, Northern Bobwhite USFWS.

Back cover photos from top, left to right: Laysan Albatross USFWS; 'Akiapola'au by Jack Jeffrey; Bald Eagle Chicks USFWS: Allen's Hummingbird USFWS, American Woodcock USFWS, Laysan Duck by James H Breeden 31