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Official Exhibit - RIV00052A-00-BD01 - Combustion Engineering, Inc., CENC-1110
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 12/22/2011
Combustion Engineering
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
RAS 21634, 50-247-LR, 50-286-LR, ASLBP 07-858-03-LR-BD01
Download: ML12335A575 (134)



     United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Official Hearing Exhibit In the Matter of: Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. (Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 2 and 3) ASLBP #: 07-858-03-LR-BD01 Docket #: 05000247 l 05000286 Exhibit #: Identified: Admitted: Withdrawn: Rejected: Stricken: Other: RIV00052A-00-BD01 10/15/2012 10/15/2012 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING, INC. CHATTANOOGA, TENN. IPEC00069599 C E N C - 1110 ~\\\\\\\\I\\\\\\\\\\' BroZOl ANALYTICAL REPORT FOR I L/j' INDIAN POINT REACTOR VESSEL UNIT NO. 2 .i: Ii, 1:_ Cockrell Lowry*

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 I PEC00069600


RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069602

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 I PEC00069603 'rHI:) l)()CUMF,H'I' r:'i 'rEE PROPEilTY OF corI[BU~)'l'I OIJ :INGINEERIW;, urc.,,'IDP):;O 1, COHN. Atm 1::', Wl,[, TO BE IU;:PRO\\)UCED, f)i\\ mmD TO PUlmC'J,r, ry LI-FOHMATIO].r Fon MAKItIG OF DW\\.'dINGS 0;\\ APPf,['\\A'J'U:: EXCEP'!' lmERE PROVIDED FOR BY AGHEE;*1J::IJT ',lITH :3AID CCMPjl,~I':

  • RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 I PEC00069604

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 I PEC00069605 Acknowledgement is hereby made of the important contributions rendered by the following individuals:. Project Enginee.&: J. S. Meek Structural Analysis M. W. Alexander J. K. Allison R. J. Caudle W. R. Ferguson W. J. Heilker F

  • P. Hill Des ign. Endneer B. R. Moss

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 I PEC00069606

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 DISIRIBUTDpN LIST No. Ot COEies

w. G. Benz, Jr.

1 D. w. Sher 1 H. w. Dolfi 1 J. w. Alden 3 F. P. Hill 2 T. Halvorsen 1 J. S. Meek 1 w. B. Bunn 1 J. w. Harper 1 B. R. Moss 1 J. K. Allison 1 C. R. Cockrell 1

w. J. Heilker 1

J. C. Lowry 1 Westinghouse-APD 20 Library 1 IPEC00069607

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 I PEC00069608

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 I PEC00069609 1.000 ABSTRACT The structural integrity of the 173 in. 1.0. Indian Point Reactor Vessel - Unit No. 2 designed and fabricated under contract to the Atomic Power Division of the Westinghouse Electric Corporation is established by the results of the detailed structural and thermal analysis contained in this report. PREPARED BY ?,(&~ C. R. Cockrell And 9'(]* f8J7 J.C. Lowry APPROVED BY (~e £;,)?M: ~R?/J!I {/!. S. ~ek F. P. Hill . Project Engineer Supervisor of Analytical Design Group cfu~~-Qf H. W. Dolfi Supervisor of Contract Engineering Section CERTIFIED BY -4imJ I? ;;ttl! { CERTIFICATE NO. .,.::r?' 76 .jf STATE OF TENNESSEE 1

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069610

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069611 TABLE OF comus 1

  • 000 ABS TRA.C'f"......."......"........"....""....."".....". 1 2 ~ 000 IM'TR.ODUCTION.***.* ".".......... " *** " ***** _ * * * * * * * *
  • 4 2'.010 Subject................. ".".............. "............ "... "".....

4 2.020 P\\lrpoae........... ""................................. "........... ".... 4 2.. 030 Scope................... "... "............................................. " 4 3

  • 000 DES IGN CRITERIA *********************.************

5 4.000 GEOMETRY AND GENERAL CONFIGURATION **************** 6 5.000


OF RESULTS ****.*****.*****...**.********.. 7 5.010 Control Rod Housings *.*******************. 7-8 5.020 Closure Head Flange and Shell **.******.***** 9 5.030 Vessel Flange and Shell ********************* 10 5.040 Main Closure Studs **********************.*** 11 5.050 Inlet Nozzle and Vessel Support ************* 12 5.060 Outlet Nozzle and Vessel Support *********** 13 5.070 Vessel Wall Transition ********************* 14 5.080 Core Barrel Support Pads *******.*********** 15 5.090 Bottom Head to Shell Juncture ****.******.** 16 5.100 Bottom Head Instrumentation Penetrations *.* 17 6.000 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS AND METHOD OF ANALYSIS ***** 18 6.010 Control Rod Housings....................... 18-20 6.020 Closure Head Flange and Shell ************** 20 6.030 Vessel Flange and Shell ******************** 21 6.040 Main Closure Studs ************************* Zl-22 6.050 Inlet Nozzle and Vessel Support ************* 22~23 2

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069612

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069613 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont I d) 6.060 Outlet Nozzle and Vessel Support ********** 23-24 6.070 Vessel Wall Transition ******************** 24-25 6.080 Core Barrel Support Pads ****************** 25-26 6.090 Bottom Read to Shell Juncture ************* 26 6.100 Bottom Head Instrumentation Penetrations ** 27 7.000 REFERENCES .......................................................jj.......... 28-29 8.000 APPENDICES A. Detailed Structural Analysis Calculations ****** Al - A367 B. Thermal Analys is ***************************.** Bl - B124 C. Drawings - Combustion Engineering, Inc ******** Cl - C13 3

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069614

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 2.000 nmQDUCTION 2.010 SubJ@ct The Indian Point Reactor Vessel - Unit No. 2 is a 173 in. I.D. pressurized water reactor. The vessel is of cylindrical shape terminating in a hemispherical head at the bottom and a bolted flange at the top. Four inlet and four outlet nozzles are located in the cylindrical wall section. The vessel is supported by four weld built-up pads located on the underside of two inlet nozzles and two outlet nozzles. The closure head is of the hemispherical type. The closure seal is of the O-ring type. 2.020 Purpose This report contains the detailed structural and thermal analysis required to substantiate the adequacy of the design of the 173 in. I.D. Indian Point Reactor Vessel. 2.030 ~ ~ The detailed analytical work necessary to justify the reactor vessel and its associated parts included in the contract are contained in this report. All equations used are shown and intermediate answers and final answers are usually presented in tabular form

  • IPEC00069615 4

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069616

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 J,ooQ p2S1GN CRITERIA ~ The design shall be in accordance with the ASME'Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section III, Nuclear Vessels and Special Case Rulings in effect on the date of purchase order. The design parameters used were Design Pressure.................................... Normal Operating Pressure **********.******* Design Temperature............................ Normal Operating Inlet Water Temp *********** Normal Operating Outlet Water Temp **.******* 6 psia 5 psig 500 F 57°F .7oF 5 Des ign Life ******************.*.***.*******. 40 years


IPEC00069617 Transient Condition Occurrences Plant heatup at 100°F/Hr. 200 Plant cooldown at 100°F/Hr. 200 Plant loading at 5% of 14,500 full power per min. Plant unloading at 5% of full power per min. 14,500 Step load increase 10% 2,000 of full power - not to exceed full power Step load decrease of 2,000 lO~ from 50% power Step load decrease of 200 50% of full power Reactor trip 400 Hydro test 3125 pSia 5 Hydro test 2500 pSia 5 Steady state fluctuations 106 Loss of flow, one pump 80 Loss of load 80 Steam break 5 See Material Al1owlb1es Sm @ 70°F C:J S/o SA-240 Typ. 316 20.0 KSI 30/) SA-102B 26.7 ~u,o SA-J36 26.7 4_;:;" ASTM-A540-B24 43.3 3JJ Inconel -, 23.3 4 4.2 4 4.3 4 4 .8 .9 27 in Sm @ 5500 F 17 6 KSI 26 7 26 7 36 8 23 3 ,:," ( (1'~


RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069618

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069619 4.000 GEOMETRY AND GENERAL CONFIGURATION I CQt1l'TIfIJI. "?r>o }/t?W'lil/& -~,.., SHELL o~n""l locations This sketch shows the configuration and relati of component parts. The shown is used consis out this report. drawings of component Appendix C. Reference Drawings l'.llk

1. Control Rod Mechanism Housing Details E 232-051
2. Control Rod E 232-052 Penetration Details
3. Closure Head Form-E 232-046 ing 6. We lding
4. Closure Head Machining
5. Stud, Nut 6.

Washer Detail

6. Pressure Vessel Forming & Welding
7. Pressure Vessel Final Machining
8. Nozzle Details
9. Miscellaneous Attachments
10. Miscellaneous Details E-32-055 ll. Bottom Head E-2-043 Forming & Welding
12. Instrumentation Penet. Assembly 6.

E-32-056 Details - Bottom Head 6

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 I PEC00069620

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069621 5.000 5.010 SUm1ARY OF RESULTS Results of the detailed structural analysis pre~pnrpn in Appendix A are summarized on Pages 7 through /7 for locations of major interest. CONTROL ROD HOUSINGS Location - 1

  • Stresses Due to Operating Pressure of 2.25 KSI The maximum stress intensity for pressure is 09 - ar = 6.45 KSI on surface.

The overall usage factor for Location - 2 Stresses Due to Operating and Design Temperature of The maximum stress intensity for design pressure of 2.5 the design temperature of 6500 F is /"Til - (Tr ~ 25.6 KSI and located on the inside surface of the inconel tube The overall usage factor for fatigue was U ~ O.



RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 I PEC00069622

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 Location - 3 Stresses Due to Operating Pressure of 2.25 KSI Minimum Interference Fit with Closure Head The maximum stress intensity is "'x - (To '" 46.7 KSI and for the condition of maximum interference and zero pressure. This stress intensity is on the inside sur The maximum range of stress is 55.3 KSI and occurs on inside surface. I PEC00069623 The overall usage factor for fatigue was U = 0.0003. l&caUon - 4 The maximum stress intensity for the J-weld is 0x-0B KSI and occurs on the inside surface. The maximum stress intensity is 42.8 at the same location. The overall usage factor for. fatigue was U '" 0.06 and red on the outside surface

  • 8

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 I PEC00069624

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 I PEC00069625 5.020 CLOSURE HEAD FLANGE AND SHELL Primary Stress Intensities Range of Stress Intensity The highest range of stress intensity for the head closure head juncture was located on the inside surface (Location - 1). The value of this range of stress in is 50.4 KSI and compares favorably with the allowable 0 Fatigue Evaluation to The following overall usage factors were calculated at two above locations: Location - 1 U '" 0.004 Location - 2 U '" 0.015 The maximum allowable usage factor is 1.0. 9

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 I PEC00069626

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069627 5.030 VESSEL FLANGE AND SHELL Primary Stress Intensity 2 Range of Stress Intensity The highest range of stress intensity for the vessel vessel shell juncture was located on the inside surface (Location - l). The value of this range of stress is 45.4 KSI and compares favorably with the allowable of Fatigue EyaluatiQn The following overall usage factors were calculated at above locations: Location - 1 u 0.005 Location - 2 u 0.00002 The maximum allowable usage factor is 1.0

  • 10 to ity 80 KSI.

e two

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 I PEC00069628

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 I PEC00069629 5.040 MAIN CLOSUJY; SIJ.!!2S j \\ A2~~ag~ Bol~ Stress; \\ \\ The average bolt stress \\ from the design pressure \\ \\ \\ load plus O-ring seat \\ \\ I Z 34.4 KS!. The allowable 34.8 KS!. \\ \\ \\ \\ The maximum average bolt \\ stress for the bolt-up was 36.8 KSI compared to of 86.6 KS!. For the bo operating pressure cond! I 3 stress was 39.6 KSI j allowable of 73.5 KSI. ~T-I The bolt I This stre~s occurred dur / up cycle of the 2500 psi \\ I \\ / test. This stress \\ I with the allowable of 1 \\ I I I I L ... -"""\\_/,-~-,--J EatiilUil Elliluation The maxUnum overall usage factor for the closure studs and occurred at the point where it enters the vessel f (Location - 3). This usage factor compares favorably allowable of 1.0. MaxLffiurn Bearing Stress the The maximum bearing stress between the closure stud closure head flange was 39.8 KSI and compares with the of 40 KS! for the flange material. This value occurred during the heatup cycle of the 2500 psi hydrostatic test

  • 11 3
  • 0.313

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 I PEC00069630

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 5.050 INLET NOZZLE AND VESSEL SUPPORT Primary Membrane Stress Intensity The maximum average primary membrane stress intensity or the inlet nozzle was at the juncture of the nozzles to th wall on the longitudinal axis. The value of this stre intensity was 21.1 KSI and compares favorably with the able of 2~.7 KSI. The same location gave the highest value of average pr plus local primary stress. The value of this stress was 32.3 KSI and compares favorably with the allowable

1. 5 Sm = 40 KS 1.

Range of Stress Intensity The highest range of stress intensity occurred at the of the nozzle to vessel wall on the outside surface in longitudinal direction. The value of this range of s intenSity was 45.5 KSI and compares favorably with the able of 80 KS!. Bearing Stress on Support Pad The bearing stress on the underside of the support pad Weight and thermal pipe reactions only was 3.0 KSI. was not to exceed 5.0 KSI for this condition. Fatigue Evaluation uncture the ess allow-The maximum overall usage factor for the inlet nozzle U = 0.042 and occurred at the nozzle-vessel wall junct the outside surface in the circumferential direction. compares favorably with the allowable of 1.0. IPEC00069631 12

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069632

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 I PEC00069633 5.060 OUTLET NOZZLE AND VESSEL SUPPORT Primary Membrane Stress Intensity The maximum average primary membrane stress intensity r the outlet nozzle was at the juncture of the nozzLe to the vessel wall on the longitudinal axis. The value of this stre s intensity was 21.1 KSI and compares favorably with the allow-able of 26.7 KSI. The same location gave the highest value of average plus local primary stress. TI1e value of this stress i was 32.3 KSI and compares favorably with the allowable 1.5 Sm = 40 KS!. Range of Stress Intensity The highest range of stress intensity Occurred at the of the nozzle to vessel wall on the outside surface in longitudinal direction. The value of this range of s intensity was 45.5 KSI and compares favorably with the able of 80 KSI. Bearing Stress on Support Pad The bearing stress on the underside of the support pad weight and thermal pipe reactions only was 3.6 KSI. was not to exceed 5.0 KSI for this condition. Fatigue Eyaluation The maximum overall usage factor for the outlet nozzle U = 0.022 and Occurred at the nozzle-vesseL juncture on inside surface in the longitudinal direction. This val compares favorably with the allowable of U = 1.0. y 13

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 I PEC00069634

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 I PEC00069635 5.070 VESSEL WALL TRANSITION 3--- I I ~4 I I Range of Stress Intensity The maximum average pr stress intensity for transition occurs in of the vessel wall. stress intensity was compares favorably with th stress intensity of 26.7 The highest range of streSS intensity Occurred at Locat shown above.* The value of this range of stress intensi KSI and compares favorably with the allowable of 80 KSI Fatigue Evaluation The maximum overall usage factor for the vessel wall U ~ 0.002 and occurredat Location - 2 as shown above. compares favorably with the allowable of U ~ 1.0. in portion lue of this I and allowable


1 as was 37.9 ition was is value 14

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 I PEC00069636

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069637 15 5.080 CORE BARREL SUPPORT PADS. A ) ),) ) )))) r (' ( ( ( ( ( 1 ( ( r r (' ( ( ( (' / r y Stresses Due to Steady Loads The most critical streSs intensity for the side load and steady 125 KIP vertical load (due o-r,[lW,-n ) occurred at the vessel wall (Location - Y as shown value of this stress intensity was 31.1 KSI and COlmp<lr~ with the allowable of 35 KSI. Range of Stress Intensitx The highest range of stress intensity occured at Locat as shown above. The value of this range of stress in 40.8 KSI and compares favorably with the allowable of Fatigue Evaluation The fatigue evaluation disclosed that the highest factor for the pads was 0.02 and occurred at the upper of the pad at the pad-to-vessel juncture Location - A. value compares favorably with the allowable of U 0: 1.0 The favorably - c ity was 9.9 KSI. -I

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 I PEC00069638

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069639 5.090 BOTTOM HEADTa SHELL JUNCTURE I z f Range of Stress Intensity The maximum average primar stress intensity for the bo to shell juncture occurs in cylindrical shell portion 0 juncture. The value of th intensity was 26.3 KSI and favorably with the allowabl 26.7 KSI. The highest range of stress intensity occurred at Loca as shown above. The value of this range of stress 34.1 KSI and compares favorably to the allowable range intensity of 80 KSI

  • Fatigu~ Eyaluation The fatigue evaluation disclosed that the highest over factor for the bottom head to shell juncture was 0.003

~VlllU<'Les ion - 3 nsity was of stress occurred at Location - 3 as shown above. This value es favorably with the allowable of U = 1.0

  • 16

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 I PEC00069640

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069641 5.100 ftOTIQM HEAD INSTRUMENTATlOH PENETRATIONS Range of Stress Intensity The maximum average membrane stress in in the bottom head into consideration efficiency. The va stress intensity is and compares favora the allowable of 26. The highest range of stress intensity occurred on the surface of the tube - Location - 1 as shown above. The of this range of stress intenSity is 53.9 KSI and with the allowable of 69.9 KSI. Fatigue Eya1uation The fatigue evaluation disclosed that the highest overa factor for the bottom head instrumentation was 0.14 and on the outside surface of the tube - Location - 2 as The value compares favorably with the allowable of U ~ imary sity occurs en taking ligament of the .5 KSI Y with KSI. 17

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069642

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 I PEC00069643 6.000 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS & METHOD OF ANALYSIS 6.010 Control Rod HoUSinis A. Discussion of Results Location - 1 For the juncture of the CRDM flange to tube, stress intensity for design pressure is 7.2 KSI occurs on the inside surface. The allowable 304 stainless steel at the design temperature Sm 23 KSI. Location - 2 For the 304 stainless steel at the bi-metallic maximum primary plus secondary stress intensity KSI on the inside surface. This stress intens for the design temperature and pressure. For t conditions, the maximum range of stress intensi KSI and compares favorably with the allowable 0 45.9 KS!. For the inconel portion of the tube, the max intensity for the design conditions occurred on surface. The value of this stress intensity wa For the operating transients, the maximum range intensity was 21.8 KSI and compares favorably wi allowable of 3 Sm ~ 69.9 KS!. Location - 3 At the point where the CRDM housing enters the c head, stresses are induced in the tube at zero due to the interference fit. The stress intens maximum interference and zero pressure is 46.7 stress the the operating transients, the maximum range of s ss intensity was 55.3 KSI and compares favorably wi the allowable of 3 Sm c 69.9 KSr. The fatigue evaluation revealed that the highest cumulative usage factor was 0.0003 for the inside surface. This com-pares favorably with the allowable of 1.0

  • 18

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069644

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069645 Location - 4 At the location where the CRDM housing is at the closure head by the J-weld, the maximum stress intensity is 42.8 KSI and compares fa with the allowable of 3 8m = 69.9 KSI. This of stress intensity occurs on the inside sur From the standpoint of fatigue, the most crit location will be on the outside portion of the where a stress concentration factor of four was The cumulative usage factor at this location and compares favorably with the allowable of 1. B. Method of Analysis Location - 1 An interaction analysis was performed at the CRDM housing flange to be a ring and cylinder. Location - 2 An interaction analysis was performed at cut into consideration that elements 2 and 3 are 10 having different values of Young's Modulus of E and coefficients of thermal expansion. Location - 3 An interaction analysis was performed at cut th taking the housing as a cylinder and setting equal to the deflection of the radius of the tration and conservatively assuming its rotat to the local flexibility as if it were solidly It was assumed that the forces exerted on the h tube have negligible effect on the head. Location - 4 An interaction analysis was performed by divid actual structure into the following analytical closure head was treated as a perforated spheri with modified elastic constants and the CRDM h long cylinder. The effects of the redundants head were assumed to be local only

  • assuming e a long taking cylinders sticity ee by deflection d pene-equal ttached.

by the ~e shell 19

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 I PEC00069646

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069647 for. any condition wpere there is interference the tube and head, no bending at the weld can Using mechanical and thermal stresses from th a fatigue evaluation was made for the J-weld. 6.020 CLOSUllE HEAD FLANGE AND SHELL A. Discussion of Results tween ist.

analysis, The maximum primary stress intensity at the ClnHIITP flange to shell juncture was 35.8 KSI for the plus design pressure condition.

This stress the outside surface of the juncture of the head and compares favorably with the allowable of 1. 40.KSI. The highest range of stress intensity for this 50.4 KSI on the inside surface and compares fa the allowable of 3 Sm = 80 KEI. The fatigue evaluation revealed that the higbes usage factor was 0.015 and occurred for the out This value compares favorably with the allowab B. Method of Analysis The closure head, closure head flange, vessel f vessel shell, and closure studs were all evalua same analysis. The actual structure was di following elements: the closure head dome was a long sphere, the closure head flange was trea ring, the vessel flange and studs were combined element with the flange treated as a ring and as cantilever beams fixed to the flange, and the shell was treated as a long cylinder. Using the above described analytical model, an analysis was performed to determine the stresses the mechanical and thermal loadings for tbe h cooldown cycle. For the remaining transients, servative skin stress method was used for de thermal stresses. These stresses were evaluated of the strength and fatigue requirements of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section III. s on to flange Sm~ the the as 20

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 I PEC00069648

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069649 6.030 VESSEL FLANGE AND SHELL A. Discussion of Results The maxtffium primary stress intensity at the flange to vessel shell juncture was 28.8 KSI boltup plus design pressure condition. This occurred on the outside surface of the junc flange to vessel shell and compares favorably allowable of 1.5 Sm ~ 40 KSI. The highest range of stress intensity was 45.4 KSI on the inside surface and with the allowable of 3 8m = 80 KSI. The fatigue evaluation revealed that the h tive usage factor was 0.005 and occurred for surface. This value compareS favorably with of 1.0. juncture s favorably cumula-e inside allowable B. Method of Analysis See Section 6.020-B, Method of Analysis, CIa Head Flange and Shell


Discussion of Results The maximum average bolt service stress for boltup condition was 3608 KS! and compares with the allowable of 2 Sm = 86.6 KSL For." plus operating pressure, the average bolt serv is 39.6 KSI and compares favorably with the al 2 Sm = 73.5 KS! at temperature. The maximum bolt service stress was 95.9 KS! stress ble of on the inside surface of the stud where it ent vessel flange. This stress occurred during th cycle of the 2500 PSI hydrostatic test and cam~ares favorably with the allowable of 3 3m = 116.4 A fatigue evaluation was performed on the stud the method outlined in Para. N-416.2 of the and Pressure Vessel Code, Section Ill. The cumulative usage factor for the studs was 0.31 inside surface of the stud where it enters the ~essel flange. The allowable usage factor is 1.0. 21

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 I PEC00069650

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069651 The maximum bearing stress between the closure tud washers and closure head flange was 39,3 KSI. is stress occurred during the heatup cycle of the 500 PSI hydrostatic test and compares favorably wit the allowable of 1.5 Sm for the flange material. B. Method of Analysis See Section 6.020-B, Method of Analysis, Closur Head Flange and Shell. 6.050 INLET NOZZLE AND VESSEL SUPPORTS A. Discussion of Results The maximum average primary membrane stress int the inlet nozzle occurred at the juncture of the to the vessel wall on the LongitUdinal axis. Th of this stress intensity was 21.1 KS! and co ably with the allowable of 26.7 KSI. The same location gave the highest value plus local primary stress. The value of sity was 32.3 KSI and compares favorably of 1.5 Sm ~ 40 KSI. The highest range of stress intensity for the op transients occurred at the juncture of the nozzl wall on the outside surface in the longitudinaL The value of this range of stress intensity was and compares favorably with the allowable of 80 22 for The bearing stress on the underside of the supp dead weight and the thermal pipe reactions only This stress was to be limited to 5.0 KS! under th condition. B. TI1e fatigue evaluation revealed that the highest usage factor was 0.042 and occurred at the nozzle wall juncture on the outside surface in the cir direction. This value compares favorably with th able of 1.0. The cumulative usage factor through nozzle wall and weld built-up support pad was fa 0.007 on the outside surface of the pad. Method of Analysis to be For the analysis of the nozzle and nozzle to shel

juncture, the loads conSidered were internal pressure, oper ting tran-Sients, thermally induced and seismic pipe react


RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069652

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 6.060 A. I PEC00069653 weight of vessel, earthquake loading, and and contraction

  • The stresses resulting determined in the nozzle by the use of the st formula for direct stress plus bending stress beam.

At the juncture of the nozzle to vessel these stresses were determined by the methods in references 19, 20, and 21. The pressure stresses were determined in the performing an interaction analysis. The was divided into the following elements: of the nozzle was treated as a cylinder, was treated as a tapered cylinder, the reinfor was treated as a cylinder, and the vessel was idealizing it as a spherical segment of the as the vessel and with a mid-radius 1.5 times radius of the vessel. The thermal stresses for the operating transie determined by performing an interaction with analytical model. For the fatigue evaluation, pressure stresses ed by the stress index method set forth in Art the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Sect Peak stresses resulting from the external load thermal transients were determined by concentr stresses as determined by the above described Combining these stresses enabled the fatigue e to be performed. OUTLET NOZZLE AND VESSEL SUPPORT Discussion of Results The maximum average primary membrane stress int the outlet nozzle occurred at the juncture of th to the vessel wall on the longitudinal axis. of this str~ss intensity Was 21.1 KSI and campa ably with the allowable of 26.7 KSI. The same location gave the highest value of a primary plus local primary stress. The value 0 stress intensity was 32.3 KSI and compares fa with the allowable of 1.5 Sm : 40 KSI

  • n a
wall, resented structure 23 in portion pered portion portion eated by th ickness actual ity for nozzle

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 I PEC00069654

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 I PEC00069655 The highest range of stress intensity for the transients occurred at the juncture of the n02Z wall on the outside surface in the longitudinal The value of this range of stress intensity was and compares favorably with the allowable of 80 The bearing stress on the underside of the the dead weight and the thermal pipe reactions 3.6 KSI. This stress was to be limited to 5.0 this condition. rating to vessel for y was I under cumulative (' to vesse t tudinal 24 The fatigue evaluation revealed that the highes usage factor was 0.022 and occurred at the nozz wall juncture on the inside surface in the long direction. This value compares favorably with of 1.0. The cumulative usage factor through wall and the weld built-up support pad was 0.011 on the outside surface of the pad. e allowable nozzle B. Method of Analysis See Section 6.050, Method of Analysis, Inlet Vessel Supports for the method of analysis. 6.070 VESSEL WALL TRANSITION A. Discussion of Results The maximum average primary stress intensity for wall transition occurs in the thin portion of th wall. The value of this stress intensity is 26. compares favorably with the Sm value of 26.7 KSI The highest range of stress intensity for the transients occurred on inside surface at the the taper. The value of this range of stress was 37.9 KSI and compares favorably with the al 3 8m = 80 KSI. to be Ie and the vessel vesse 1 KSI and ating end of ensity able of The fatigue evaluation revealed that the highest cumulative usage factor was 0.002 and occurred on the outs e surface at the large end of the taper. This value is we 1 below the allowable of L.O. B. Method of Analysis Stresses due to internal pressure were determ of a standard interaction analysis. For the pur this analysis, the actual structure was divided by means se of to

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 I PEC00069656

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069657 the following elements: the thick portion of was treated as a cylinder, the tapered portion treated as a short tapered cylinder, and the th of the vessel wall was treated as a long cyl The thermal stresses were determined by the s method where it is assumed that the inside sur the vessel is at the same temperature-as the r coolant and the mean temperature of the shell the ~teady state temperature. This method conservative. The fatigue evaluation was made on a where superposition of all transients consideration. 6.080 CORE BARREL SUPPORT PADS A. Dis.cussion of Results The most critical stress intensity occurred for 125 KIP side load and steady 125 KIP vertical stress intensity of 31.1 KSI occurred at the corner of the juncture of the pad to the compares favorably with the allowable of The highest range of stress intensity occurred upper outside corner of the juncture of the pad wall. The value of this range of stress intens 40.8 KSI and compares favorably with the 3 3m of 69.9 KS!. The fatigue evaluation revealed that the highes usage factor was 0.02 and occurred at the upper corner of the juncture of the pad to vessel wal

  • value is well below the allowable of 1.0.

B. Method of Analysis Thermal, mechanical, and pressure stresses at various locations on the pad and at the for the loads specified in reference 10. Mechanical stresses were calculated by the for bending stress in a beam, pressure stresses from the analysis of the vessel to bottom head j and thermal stresses were determined by the e steady This taken 25

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 I PEC00069658

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069659 6.090 "method of skin stresses. These stresses were into stress intensities and compared with the set forth in reference -/. Stresses due to the loads were multiplied"by a stress concentratio where applicable and used in a fatigue evaluat BOTTOM HEAD TO SHELL JUNCTURE A. Discussion of Results The maximum average primary stress intensity bottom head to shell juncture occurs in the cy shell portion of the juncture. The value of stress intensity is 26-.3 KSI and compares fa with the Sm value of 26.7 KSI. The highest range of stress intensity for transients occurred on the inside surface of the hemispherical shell. The value of stress intensity was 34.1 KSI and the allowable of 3 Sm ~ 80 KSI. The fatigue evaluation revealed that the high usage factor was 0.003 and occurred on the ins at the start of the hemispherical shell. This well below the allowable of 1.0. B. Method of Analysis Stresses due to internal pressure Were de of a standard interaction ana.lysis. this analysis, the actual structure was divided following elements: the cylindrical shell was as a long cylinder, the tapered portion of the shell tvas treated as a short tapered cylinder, hemispherical section was treated as a long sph shell. The thermal stresses were determined by the sk method ~ere it is assumed that the inside sur vessel is at the same temperature as the and the mean temperature of the shell remains steady state temperature. This method is cons conservative. The fatigue evaluation was made on a cumulative where superposition of all transients is taken consideration. is means of the 26

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 I PEC00069660

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069661 6.100 BOTTOM HEAP INSTRUMENTATION PENETRATIONS A. Discussion of Results The maximum average primary membrane stress in ensity for the bottom head is 26.5 KSI when taking in consideration of the ligament efficiency. compares favorably with the Sm value of 26.7 At the location where the instrumentation nononr'~ attached to the bottOm head by the J-weld, the range of stress intensity is 53.9 KSI. This stress intensity Occurs on the inside surface favorably with the allowable of 69.9 KSI. The fatigue evaluation revealed that the highe usage factor was 0.14 and occurred on the outs of the tube. This value compares favorably wi allowable of 1.0. B. Method of Analysis An interaction analysis was performed by divid actual structure into the following analytical bottom head was treated as a perforated spheri with modified elastic constants and the inst tube as a long cylinder. The effects of the re on the bottom head were assumed to be local onl assumed that for any condition where there is between the tube and head, no bending at the we exist. Using mechanical and thermal stresses analysis, a fatigue evaluation was made for the 27

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069662

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 I PEC00069663 7.000 REFERENCES


ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Sec for Nuclear Vessels


Section III Code Case 1332-3


Section III Code Case 1335-2


Section III Code Case 1336


Section III Code Case 1366 III


Tentative Structural Design Basis for Reac Pressure Vessels and Directly Associated rn~n(~n~ (Pressurized, Water Cooled Systems) PBI51 . Department of Commerce.


Screw-Thread Standard for Federal Service,


Code for Pressure Piping, ASA-B 31.1-1953


Westinghouse Equipment Spec. 676497 dated

10. Westinghouse PAR's

S. Timoshenko and J. N. "Theory of Elasticity", McGraw-Hill, 1934


S. Timoshenko and S. Woinowsky Krieger, "Theory of Plates and Shells", McGraw-Hill, 1940

13. R. B. Heywood, "Design by Photoeiasticity",

Chapman and Hill Ltd., 1952


R. E. Peterson, "Stress Concentration Fac John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York 1953


E. F. Bruhn, "Analysis and Design of Structures", 1949


P. G. Lawson, W. J. Cox, '~chanics of John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1947


B. F. Langer, "Applications of Stress I..Ol[1CEIn Factors", WAPD-BT-18 ion 28

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 I PEC00069664

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 I PEC00069665


W. J. O'Donne1l~ "The Effects of Local Flexibility on Stresses in a Structure", WAPD(CE)-170


P. O. Bijlaard, "Stresses from Radial Loads in Cylindrical Pressure Vessels". The Journal. Research Supplement. Dec., 1954


P. O. Bijlaard, "Stresses from Radial Loads and External Moments in Cylindrical Pres Vessels", The Welding Journal, Dec., 1954


Welding Research Council Bulletin No. 107, Local Stresses in Spherical and Cylindrical Shells due to External Loadings, K. R. A. G. Hooper, and J. L. Mershon, August 196 *


Sampson, R. C., "Photoelastic Investigation Stress Distribution in a Perforated Hemisph Head.0£ Reduced Thickness" Westinghouse Re"'-'-l:;l1 Report 100FF996-R4

  • 29

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 I PEC00069666


  • IPEC00069667

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 I PEC00069668



Control Rod Housing Stress Analysis and Fatigue Evaluation


Structural Analysis of the Closure Head and Vessel Assembly


Fatigue Evaluation of Head Flange, Vessel Flange and Closure Studs


Nozzle Code calculations


Thermal Stress Analysis and Fatigue Evaluation of Inlet Nozzle


Thermal Stress Analysis and Fatigue Evaluation of Outlet Nozzle


Structural Analysis of Inlet and Outlet Nozzles and Vessel Supports Under Pipe Break Loads


Fatigue Evaluation of Vessel Support Pads


Structural and Fatigue Analysis of the Vessel Wall Transition


Structural Analysis of the Core Support Pads

11. Structural Analysis of Vessel and Bottom Head Juncture
12. Fatigue Evaluation of Bottom Head to Shell Juncture
13. Structural and Fatigue Analysis of Bottom Head Instrumentation Penetrations

Nomenclature A-I A2 - A24 A2 - A5S - AlOZ - All3 - Al77 - A2S2 - A267 - A2BO - A30l - A328 - A340 A34 - A353 A3 - A366

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING. INC. IENGINEIERINCI DE~ARTMIENT. CHATTANOOGA. TENN. .HEII:T' __ ....:;5~ __ O",_-'2o...1.!.-. __ CHAItGIE NO. DATE 1-2-1-~ 7 DESCRlnloN ??41liCeL ,@,z.Q M,4/StV6= $Tft::'U A.wz <. J§IS CHECK DATE /. 2-1-~ 7 AV./2 iAmrvE EV.4L<<.9T1tW BY~L..:' BY //)Ot?? /:' IPEC00069670 5-OEWLEO.4&//11. >'$/5,' C2. - SYS'TEe? GEonET"er: / ~ L CX/JT/eAi MJ9URI'1L: FLFJAH;': SA-I":? TYPE30¢ S>I'1//JU$; S-~'i. 7t.18 c : 5/3-167 /A/CO,v£L

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING, INC. IINOINEIERINO DE,.ARTMENT. CHATTANOOGA. TENN. CHARG.NO, ____ ~--__ --- DUCRlflTlON &,(/7@'= ROD /hv.fij.I{r '>7.e~S5 A0""Y,5/5cHECK be rr971MIE EJ//i/..vl9w1"l IPEC00069671 5_ LJU&L.g.q, AU(k A,'

b. 5Y57g,v; LtMQS,'

'l;;e &VT,eOL ~o ~v.s/U4-ASSE~/ei. y 5,Y"'I<JA/ Oft,/ ->>tEG'T 5 8.£ 1A/1/£$r/&rJT£O .t'iiR?He' "c/u,(!)w/JV& Lf)I9~S /11/ 1';/$ ANi'lL. /- 'oES/v,I(/ PRE.%V'eE ,t?,&' P, 5,1t's! AT PES/CrA,) kH?E'RrJTt-'RC c:/r 05tJ~_ 2-t)PE.RA71A/trP~ess//R;O.-: Z:25~5'1 Ar t'l,PE,e,.t;T//f/q-1£ 3-?iii /IiEIt'/-tAi-AM/) Ptf"ESSV!}F 7:eAJ(}51E'A.I~ 45 cTl N.e. 4tG cO"v7.eOi Roo ~V.,5I'<//Sc To CJ..OSVRE.4-19.0 THE rou-PWlAoIfr Au"WA9t.E S'TRE.S"SES ;#tf?E.8rJ,SE.D L# iVVClE,q,.c;' COPE Secr/lhtJ JZT.; RErE'E,vC'E' I /lA/£) FbR I#IS A,v-'U"YSI,S.. 1- /#£ AYEKnc;£ P,e/,H4,RY Sn?/?'s5 /A.lTEAlS/TY AC:KOSS .50,10 5ECT/OA,/ 5,t/l}u Mr ExeE£D ~ AT UESNTAI ~h".P, (650~) Avo......,,"'81',... PIt'Essp,ee 2.5,kil, 2_ THE laAI.. Ptf?I"""';~Y S-ZRG'SS has 7#£,4l/o6",("-"'CrF Y :;; 5,t//Qt.L /L0T EYCEEO /.5 ~ 47 ~5'O"r: .J - ?HE ~,u";'E t:/F p~/,Lf~I:?Y Avs S:-COA.lOI1RY S?,RES5 IN/' ,fESVLTIN&- /'i::"M nE:(!Jl4AJ/C!lh A,uo 7icRMHL L(}/JL),S 5:'NAU. 35"1 47 ACTc/~)L HE"7PL TeHPE.eI'1T(.I1;'1r AVDdJp.FR~ P.eesSvRE', 4_ 5#PKJ 7/MT f/iCH ~/A/T #eETS INIF ,e,;r?(}I(,,~Mt:,u7'S nR P5,l1< 57RG5S IAJ7rNSJ'T'Y c;.IJI~.u /,v #- /-14.5 tJ,c 7#5' ASJlE (;,i)E S~(!TI()tJ.llI.. TliE P~C>~~DV,eE J1/;u.. O'e As tf)ClTLI,UE£J /.u /v'- /5.2 r1/,c ~C71(}Af N.

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING. INC. NUMBIEI' S-/W-P I A-4 IENGINEIERING DIEJOAIITMIENT, CHATTANOOGA. TIENN. .HIEIET _____ 1~ ___ op, ____ Z~1 __ __ CHARGI: NO DATE /-2~-~7 By~a DDCRIIPTION tCwrgoL &0 JJUS/Jlj';;' fiRE$'£ AwtL >$/S CHECK DATE /-2<1-t4 1 BY~ Ava brtTlWE £VQLt.l'i 7lRA./ IPEC00069672 5_ Lk14JL9 44/11.. >ISIS' d_ US/(r,v.5/Z/NtT : I '-R I I I I I t THE tJ.~2S" /leTlNIL f1FfTE~II'ILS ; J/EM!e:, i)SICrAi h~$$ veet = l? 5 Ks I iJGS/&A/ "'Te-H,P&-.e-97'VRG'" 65~"P ~ 'Te-.eMt,s : /Hca~~.,;.) S'~,. Z$ 3 ItS I (rJ?~ ~r... ) 5A IfZ-Ffhf, S",,, /S..3,k'SI(FRdA-/ Sr,;} i?'" 1.37S*' f.9c!T ::. t'J;r'OZ5" P ~ Z>.i!.J1 /N/l!,e,vns Is AL/~<?M TE' hI? &-1-1 (RI7E"f?/tJ.(I S"-C-I /5 S'",7Isne-o.

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 "'U m () a a a (J) <D (J) -...J eN ~ re COMBUSTION ENGINEERING. INC. ENGIN ** RING D."ARTM.NT. CHATTANOOGA. TENN. CHARGE NO' ______ DUCillPTION tdwrgOI. @Ll &S/Alq... S-zess AA.I,qLYSI5 ANa !d7/aVE.£itAIM T/()A/ 5_.!JWILP AM"- ¥SIS " e' _ L!a4-0PI:(E,vr,{/r- (ix, T/MIITV,,£(pm 7'p<lS: 1-A.wJL '/7/(.41. ;%PCL: 7.11e A.:Z'v"lL. ;; 'Te ~ Tve£ ~ O"Ih'.t)-r.o /A.I TO 7#<< h,c,t. aW/A.I(j-4,ij"lL )tTAWL /10D';", To f;;<-~/('/T"'7i /N~ A"v~LYS/5. 7;i ASSVHt?O O/.e~71()#.s tJ,=-.z;F R~";;"VO,qA.J7 ;::;;Jt!~5 A.e~ ~LU$T;t!'TG'rO, BODY -/ iSOf.:l '/- 2 BOD'I-3 80DY -4 ( ?w(r) (Lo.utr Ctt./I.J.oe';ICI'lL 5f1C'J.J (LON6-(Y.!./IJ[).E;'If!I9J. SlJcJ.d ( LOAli'r-5'PNi/C';<}L.)HECl.) p F II -p J.t -- 1 ) }Ii -/{.4..e e-7h e (/IJKI.J~WU //.1 Te.et9CZ'I"AI ~,e£!!!S P Is 7j"e ApPLIED ~S$v,el!" F Is. 7;,~ B Lt9w 61......... lu)£> I/-?N.Jeo t>...u /-'fF C:;"'TKP" !<boO DRIVE He~/',LUJISH 477/J(!I/,t4eNr p tJ~ 11,11, p:¥-v.t.4 U, 500'1-/ Boo'/-Z 500'1-3 p,:r1 &0'1-3

  1. VI-II.,./J4-1 r

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING. INC. NUMBER S-/CJCJ-P [ A-b I:NGINEERING DE"ARTMENT. CHA1TANooGA. TENN. 8HI:ET* ___ ..!..Cf __ OF*_.....::?:...,:7 __ CHARGaNOI ____________ _ DATI' DIE8CRIPTION <PUMPL &Q HtwSUJtr S"rqSS.4weI..YS/S CHECK DAT" /-z./-Gl BytAV,(/I.F AlVa fA TI§1J!f Ev&?IA T/W IPEC00069674 5_ D£7f1I'ED A'(((J4YSls: e LJEv'C,OPUE.1/T tJr COAJi/Nlt//TY Er;?d""'T/(?A.lS: 2_!10Il'Efyt:AJTj Wff To REDVNlD/}NT AN'/} A,o/'LJEQ iM05' BOD 'i-I Fo.!f.'CE

  1. ~#IT~ R,quvs M,

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IJ. p, V. I/, f1. 5,177P 2.MO 1.41fP 2,933 tJ*73t7P 2' 5/5 /.37tJP 2.150 O. 77!3P J.7t" ;; tJ. '775P J*7&:; 5,29j,o 1.?'7S O.Sfd)P I. {P85 I)NK.A/c)"./I) /.Ioeg (.J NKA/tJi</,v /.t;.(J'"'

  1. 1Jf!#('T


b. 793 __

0375 .i.25h 0377


~85/ {I,#2 3.197 /V

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING, INC. IENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, CHATTANOOGA. TENN. CHAJIIGIENO' ______ DUCJIIIPTION Cb.tlT@4 ROD t/r;O$lUk STRES$' 4{N??w.5 A,vlJ hi T/6V EVA'll eA 7/&;1/ \\ IPEC00069675 So O~7n<LEL? Ae-!l<, (Sts, ' .e. &!VEL()P-ME AlT til"'" Ct?""T/,'*VTY EG?oAT/P,v,S t-l1e2vH!.Irs VeE To,f'r<J0V,oCWZ AMa AeeL./51? itwLl:S' 8001-1 : -.1.387B 1/, + O,I/O~ /1, ,J,/9i7P J,131ZP ,f.~ /-d,M" is 3. z z b r l37S'( 1 Z t = O. b2,; " ~

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  1. V$T 8t:

C:;;~(:i'ITel": ?HAM 3, THE AC!.7V/IL. /'£ ~b,,' )/Epc'~/ $oc> y' - 2 I/S,A LO/J';" c: /,oNLlc!f;.

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING. INC. NUMBER 5-/Nl-P I A-8 I:NGINEERING DEPARTMENT. CHATTANOOGA. TENN. SHEItT __ ...;.I"'-I __ OF_---=:2:.-; __ CHANG. NO ______ DATL. __ ~/~-~2~4~-~~L7 ___ BYC&~KeetL DUCRIPTION C'P..v7<i?L. eM 110"'5/4.16-SU'£i~ Av4? YSIS CHECK DATI' /-z-l-~1 BY CAt/pur A,vo f,;9 71&(1';; Ei/I'7u./19 TIOA/

5. OE"T&,-.m b&. )ISIS"
e. Oev'Et.CJPHt"A.lT 6?e LO..vrIA.ltlITY EC;tlOVt2Hf:

2 _ tfollEHF,yrs ad'" To,e,UVA..ICJ&UT A,u./) Ae;>t.leo,co.ececs: E Llz! c;:.?/~D [; ;,f; -f M,J.... 11.1-010 d -f /1. 2 77~ tJ. ED~,'" ;Jo [PI;" -/4.277')/, -.J5.7318f'/, £/122 0 ;;5';1> r; ~ -HJ =- - 1/.1010 ;J 2 of 14. 277/,& /Oe Eg(... d.Z41 ""'S;(F T;" = fi,$O Or DUE 70 "?He ,D/FFetE"elJ<!t!f /,u &EFFIC/E,urs OF THEI!:"Mr'}4 hPR..<6/lJoV Fo~ ~e 304-§m/,(Itct:s :;reEL.Avo 7#£ /"uc'CJ,vet. ~/l7E~/"qL5 7 A ?tSM'I?Tc!H IN RIlOh9L E,x".p/lA./s/o/v t/ec?'/"s AT (?{./r-? ?",v,.4 RISE' /-u 7,!;,q,PER/9Tt:.I,ee; 7/115 )0SM.'I mil 11/;<. &.. U()Sc 'lH.=IV--,,qt, 5'TR 5SSES. All/ It., TC"R/)C m;<.i A.ulll >'5/5 tJF

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RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING, INC. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. CHATTANOOGA. TENN. CHARGaNO' ____________ _ DESCRIPTION COAl7&a<. &0 4(.)$1&16'=.>'TR§S d,vAL.YSlS Ayo FA T/(r?l£ Ei/A//lAZ/r2tY IPEC00069677 5_ DETAIL.;-g &W?f rSl5 : e~ U,I/£L.t2PMs,ut t2r (CWrINtll7,( E"4'?lA POA/S' L 1161v'E..qEAl75 OC/I!: 1P MLJ",,,v,ot9tiff &VI) 4 pP4IE,o,.t:oe~S: BOQy~$: ~fJ~, '" ~t [10 -~~J E113~,. ~fo r;f Ji.- "1.J E Li;f:: ¥70 [/./f- -fj~] ~ /.651 " 63 /ns " C3 p, ~Z5 .!(i-ZF<) /1-" ,.f'zt:. = '?J5Z?J' /z~.i /-5 = /ZS/,S C?~3 0, (Z(I-lF'j

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~ :' ~.= cP. 5~c>P /3 1-<$ () '" '1N.... (rS OF 301-55.

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING. INC. NUMBER 5 -100-P I A-tO ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. CHATtANOOGA. TENN. SHEET' __ --"'3::..-_op,_---'2'-"7'--_ CHARGE NOI_, ______ Dac:RIPTION COd/lSOL Rea IhVS,N;'" 57RE.H t4Mf4-YSI.S 11M qT/6:tI: EtI(9.t. (//977(),v 5-OFT;tllt,E',o AA/.!It!YSls: DATe: 1-2./-~1 CHECK DATE /-1. ~-t.l

e. DEI(.£UJP;A-1c,vT,t/,J:" COd/TI,vO/TY Er;>tj9Tt4tJS:

2 - )ft!JI&.t(fAa$ 12:/"£ ZO Re.oV-V~dA/7 A.u;,4.P.P~/E.o h~c$ ELl wz -t 3,2.5'19 P BY~$"tL Sy~ /v'C71: MA r 5"$sE'S A.e~ £J~I/EL()P~O ("Ufle RE (6.vTk,- Rue I!()i/SI,<.J(,. r,."ntiRS liI£ 6.05uRI" ,LjE',<J.D LJuC' 70 7;i.t;::" /:Vcf',<::FEkEAK5 hT (O(?$I&//,'IT~.o 8'1' ELl'AJT /-)eoJle)A,v/J file E;(P,-'1>>5/(J"., Vp


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Bt:c. oHe5 £rru/)/.. To /lle PRES;;-c.-;ec ~~k'~.:;es ALOOF, IPEC00069678 AfoTE /ii"lT UE )~TeR:F£I"<':'-'-'~"1F ;::; T /S I-:(:I..IE/<,!.J Ut/c ;;;.4 1:.:.-;8' IN k M1ot,'R/lTV<:3E/ 77i1$ ErFF<'T Mu.. BE ACCO,I//TE() /'0,~ /JV I~<!? ,t:"I'fTI&I/t: ~VI'IL(/1'1 TI17M,


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RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 COMBUSTJON ENGINEERING. INC. NUMBER S-/CJt:)-p I A -/2 BNGINEIERINCI DEPARTMENT. CHA1TANOOGA. TENN. 8HIEIET __ 1 __ 5 ___ 0 1"_--"Z:..,:1 __ CHARas NO DATE 1-21--t..7 BY&K£'G"- DESCRIPTION CWZ&'e4 &0 ~eswcc..sTREsS,4,(Hlt.ySn. CHECK DATE I-Z"'-b 7 ByC4?/t:J1P JlV(j IgJ 7/g.VE' £VJ9Lt.!tl"7I01J .5 UEZ4IL.o 4,lj4i.Yf/.r: e - LJ£ffiOe#FA.lT t?F t:O,u7/A4'ITY Ee""~T/<M.JS' 2_ HeYE"t.5¥l.s Dw 7Q Rt:Pf/Plfh9NT A.vo Appi./o rOAft!S: o ) Nv To!'" 7H// r 7--.,.o.F'<Lc~r'"-<' IS" /-',vSe"''l0!( 6.3{,( I-V') /C;-,ljN!5P, ! ;;;//7 ;;;,E k3r,.o -p.'A./ 15 "?:i.....FN,,:i, t: 1;'-/4*/J/6/~ £;;JAL 10 THt 100;./;.!ix. ;;~,., ~"'" n'.-.I:ko ,1.<>~y' 1 F.<~ 3./8734-+ 1.9tOZ ;11£ j K5'- 1(3 tdt.(I-V') t' J }f1 w -I. iJ'tJZ 114 - /1. f/~ I )f. IPEC00069680

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING. INC. NUM"...,'----'-"'-~+-_ _L.!.L..!..""__ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. CHATTANOOGA. TENN. CHARGE NO ____________ _ DESCRIPTION CaNTer?/. £'0.., Jbvsn.lrT ~Tk~ S I7A.1/l~ ~ts CHIlCK ApR 14T/&{,/§ GgL-VerT/eA/ It IPEC00069681

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RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 I COMBUSTION ENGINEERING, INC. NUMBER 5'-IPO-P I A-/4 ItNGINEERING DEPARTMENT. CHATTANOOGA, TENN. SHEET'--__ '_1 __ OF'_-,:,-,} 7'--__ _ CHA~G.NO' ____________ __ DATE/:z{.-~ 7 BY~ DacRIPTION Uutmol COD hhtls/!!6: 5r£B5.5 M/u-YSIS A&!D idT/LrVE HtUt.JClT/OIlI CHECK DATE /.2~*1.1 By0}(//.1i.E IPEC00069682

5. DUli/tEO AI/A N$/S:

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RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011


IPEC00069683 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING. INC. £NGINIElERING DEPARTMENT. CHATTANOOGA. TENN. CHAR(q NO' ______ DESCRIP1'IONCe>NZ)(,"',," Roo )/&tlSIIVq. ~7R£SS AA/n'YSK CHECK ko ~T/{rV£ EV&MTIOM 5 D.7?lfl:O,1.,V-9GY,f/s: f-5"7~C:SS4'f:: 5' TIe~SS'e-s W'LL SF L'4"t:U."", TEO,A 7 ?HE L OC-9 T/ItJ~:5 A.s 5J./()vv/v Be"- ()w. nlPTS r(;e z .. ~,t1+ Qi.!? Ox"'- t; +2k;t, ~ 1-15.3'02 ~ f tJ,8'1tP /I'" _ + zr/'J14.-f 1'&4. + 0.P l/~ -_ t: R3


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RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING, INC. aNOINEERINO DEPARTMENT. CHATTANOOGA. TENN. CHARGE NO' ____________ _ NUM8ER~~~-~/o~~~~~-~ ____ _LI~A~-_~~b~ SHEET* __ .LIQL-._OF*_--,Z=:.L1 __ DATE DEIICRIP'TION (&Z204 ROD J/bySWIr Szees,4,vliLys(5 CHECK DATE /-24*67 Byr:;"Wq AkP ;::;97I&tJ£ ~ !/fU1h97/!?.'S/5i £.. 571i!:t:'$S~Si IJ al17"',<J bM p,e 0; i Z 2& I -1,9~ Z.N 0*30 ?

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RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069685 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING. INC. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. CHATTANOOGA, TENN. CHARGE NO ______ DUCRII"TIO"t Ce,vleC>4 &p ;jp()$/"v,;. Srees!> 4-v;U'i's/$ A va Cd Tl{r ~F Cvm vet T/(lA./ 5_.D'f??:iVucq 4/./1'- )"s/s; {. h;ze-sr;~s:

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 "'U m () a a a (J) <D (J) ex> (J) {'M PI<? i ,e I,,~I>"" iT 2/: '=0 T:7c~= 2135 0 J. a 50.82


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RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 "'U m () a a a (J) <D (J) ex> -...J J>f (~. h/OSk. 65J41:. 1 '.?c.,.,; "'ANI' as... J 15'- 5.,-", ~~ tlh'"


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RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 "'U m () a a a (J) <D (J) ex> ex> a.. 0 .41/. (rE1IO~ b ,9 14111k ~ ~..,,;, dltn.....i e Itos.t


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RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING. INC. NUMBER ~-/t:JO-P I A-22 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. CHATTANOOGA.. TENN. .HEET __ ~2~5~ __ ~OFc ___ 2~1 __ __ CHARGE NO, ___________ _ DAT*~F ____ ~/~*2~4~-b~7~ ___ BY~~i DIESCRIPTION LOA-/TRP'- foe J!"us/,v6-5rcC'"ss A"#k. Y!>/~ CHECK DATE 1-24-(,7 BY CO'//ILJ IPEC00069690 . /lvtJ 09T/vt/E ~V"(/>977IJ,u 5_ OETI9/.!.Eb,A.v4i.YS/:;: L. f7RS:;Sa:,' 5,J...,,,. 0 5I."", ~ 0 5"LT '=

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RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING. INC. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. CHATTANOOGA. TENN. 8H"'&1~ __ -='--__ t-'.. _--",,-,-__ CHARGE NO, ______ DESCRIPTION (OUTgO'- ~Q j/p(/$/(>/6-Sr,egs 4-7EA§llr' CHECK gA*TIL--.!.~'4 __ I'T-'== A.&w hl7/6LJEC ZVALVAT/OM IPEC00069691 s.. LJETtiN<fO AP'A.t. YS/S : 5 ~ r,., 7/&1/£ £" J/tl"ILV"lT/()&,: 200 .5;,AX 52.Z0 4f.tJ,? b c! LOCt t:DAJAJ RUI,uT LQ/'W/AJ6-cpo 1#500 ,li.q,ur /lYOIff'D. 312$~1J 5 s;;;.'N -3.tN -z.b4 J A."1hT

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RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING. INC. NUMBER $-/Otl-P I A-24 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. CHATTANOOGA. TENN. .HEET _____ Z_7 ____ 0p __ ~2~1 ____ _ CHARGB NO DATE /- 2(. -&,1 DESCRIPTION LOA/rep/. RgQ &swttSr.ees,$ ;N7fijUSlry CHECK DATE /-2f-(;7 AN" ;:;;7/6-(/£ '£VflUNi7/OA/ By~L BY~ I PEC00069692 5-LJq.1/Ub,4M,QL Y5IS: 8-..c;:j. T/4T!E &";t!.v"z 71e>N,' ~t4o "-~ UI t /60 ~ ~ /20 ~ ~& 1/110 LOC"IT.cN-IO i I /Z7.lh //9. 6!JK$/ b} SUi'!}">," 7.!' ~ O~-rl~;----L~------~----~----~----~-----4 ~-40 .5;....,. 227.U /44.72 /4&.92 /14,(J2' 1fJ.2f3 127-10 1 RAAIT -'lYe>;Ilo, 3125 pS/t1 .6 5,;..'AJ ~1/.21- -I/.1/ -//Z4 -/.fy () fff'.BS .J ,Pu'1MT

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RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069693 COMBUSTION ENGINEEf4!ING, INC. IENGINEER/NG DEPARTMENT. CHATTANOOGA. TENN. CHARGE NO' _______ DDcRIPI'ION 57,...1/(17"<<£8L AuAt!YS/s i?F,wE 4p.fPRe _~ ,APQ kffssa /?SSG".#I5L y 5_ L).£7f(/t.FO ANALYsIS: "'-- SisTEn tTGPUC7RC A ~.::>S.s ~'::'T/(?A/ t/F /NE C.. tJSVA!E.4£,0;>0/ Ut:>.5t/C'E /1;:""'0 h.-v.,tGE YES5':,{.


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RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING. INC. NUMBER 5-/5t:>-P I A -26 ENGINEERING DE~ARTM.NT. CHATTANOOGA. TaNN. 8H.ET'~&~~ __ OF'_...:;::'..L.,'t' __ CHARGE NO CATa I~- ') 2-(,,5 8y6c.ek'ea DESCRIPTION 57RV¢7vgRL Au.94YS/f <2r 1#, t'UJSI/IU CHIECK DAT" /t?-Z'7-S ByA"E\\;..z,U.o6e' 11£&12 4 1./.0 v'ESSE4 IlSSEHB4 y IPEC00069694

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RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069695 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING, INC. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. CHATTANOOGA. TENN. SHEET ___ ~ ______ I~~--~----- CHARGE NO' ____________ __ DESCRIPTION 5'"7-e(/<7(/~m_ AA/r1LY515 CJF 7(Je- &asvee I/I'/O Ilvo JlES5EL.. A.5SrH(f2 y CHECK DATE---f.~!::..!:...~~-BY 5_ OC'rPILD AA/4L Y5'I.5: c_ SYS?£M dLL"WFJ{fLE$: 8_ 7Ht?' !1V/?e/l&<2' .t?E/l-eIU($. STRess SHAU. ~7 EXtfcFJ1) 47.4en.Ml. HET" 7E;JfP£~FJ7VKc. nil TEA~II1L

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RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 ( IPEC00069696 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING. INC. NUMBER~:~,-~/~~O~-~~ ____ _LI~A~-~2~8~ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. CHATTANOOGA. TENN. SHEET __ ~B~ ______ 'OF __ ~2~f~ __ _ CHARGE NO ____________ __ DAT~E ______ ;._V_-~2~2~-~b=S~_IBY<!~**KK"LI. DESCRIPTION ~RVCTVR/JL,4VIU. ySfS O,e ?HE c!'1.~Sb'£G IIIf'I1P AVIJ ($"$5 ~L 4SSt"MB L y' CHECK DATE 1Ii-1Z-",r; By~tI$l; 5_ !?Em/LEo 4/./4<'. ">'SIS: d OES/6-A/ 5/ZIN& : S/NCE ~e //:",S ARE /v A S<?<N1RE" /h77E""".v 7#E R<S'"qU//RE"O 7H/~K#e:;s UN'! 81" C"',vS~/2J147/I/E/.y' £S7/h'/17E.:> By L//i//,CJ//./$- 7;/.: REt?VIREO 5;:,1./0 7/I/CeA/FCS By INc LI6/J,l-/EIV7 £",cF/C/':/./~V. 7hZ::; /Ns,y.ees $;;7/5/"/1<"770,(/ OF lNE' P,l?/.-o//JRY S""7RE55 REtP,;///?e#&-,v7 /tv /.#ci /?:,e,ct:k".47CP 4,c.:f;,?, te~(jJ'l> /5£~i1IMUO 11.'773 - <f-11/173 AJ)07llE;e" /)PPRMc!.JoI N/I/{!/I ;1-//1 Y BE t/SEO Z; /NsU.e5 ALJE~(//f7c !Ie/)P T.tIICK"/I"'S5 A; To ,4.5.5t/N.!' 7/,t~ UN'7R&L Ro,o

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RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069697 CO~SUSTION ENGINEERING. INC. IQ\\IGlN~ING D~ARTMIENT. CHATTANOOGA. TENN. CHARG. No, ___ --__ D~~IPTION ST,ev4rv,e;'U "MLYSIs {?,r Me'" 4arUU'" ).I'P10 A"",{? ~SS£L ASSEHBL r 5 Rr1i(~<2 4<<1" Y5§,' d-OC:S/&=M S/Z/,vd=.' 4 )( 4,Z13 COS 6f

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RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 r< ;, COMBUSTION ENGINEERING, INC. NUMBER 5'-/50...,0 I A -:30 ENGINEERING DJ:~ARTMENT. CHATTANOOGA. TENN. SHEET i 0 0f'_-"2""'9'--__ CHARGE NO ______ DATE J{)-2'2-~ By(1ocKRC.!L DIUCRIP'TION 5'r~l/t: 7(/£,rIL A,v1U. 'ISIS ~~ Z{,:r e.u> IIfllO.4"",0 YesS£~ /J$.5'C'~.(U y CHECK DATE !O*22-b6 ByAlI'~ilpNR IPEC00069698 5.DrTII/L{) 4.41111.>',515: d L7ES"/6-N' S/,L'INCr: --J.~1l7.f3' '-' ---4l..l --4 '1$P.31-2'*----lJ..-..l P< OES/CrN' li?~ss()(U': 2.5 KS/ OGS/&# /£1011",: b50"P o ~ ::; TIID S,ZG': ~. 7'17" SH/J.vK /)11'}. cit" J/tJLE: mRtJ c;;.yrcA? &r :)7V<9: /'/25,. N:: ;V'(lMlJP,e /J,.. ~71/"S; 5.,

'T</O /7/;
TcKML: Sri-3m 4'R. L43 ttA5'5.3 W/:T/I S", =.fIJn; 4T 650~.

.I'!Io7F; R,:r'<:t"R /0,4,eT/<'u.I-I? ~r )ECTI()v.t1Z tYCKi.E/Jk fo~e H.I!; / 0-:SI6/.1 5;z/A/tf- :J;:- Srv,o,S. /7 uhu 85 CoAJselevl'I7'11/6t y 455(1#£0 /#1'/7 /.:;,it/,PS Pc!e mOJ OF {J-fi...,6-Is R,U;V.I,f?eo h;;t!.;>e/JLI',u(r. gtaw /HE //U"",F)(lL6 (eITbR/..,,u 5-(;' -.{

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069699 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING, INC. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. CHAlTANOOGA. TENN. CHARGE 1-/0. ______ DESCRIPTION 5i£W7(/Rf)~ @at. y's"x Uk mE ~a5'¥,C ~t.ft9{) ~ _i!ffSStF~ t!!,ss¥/(N. v CHECK s: D.EIAI/-E.o 4,v/iL >'-¥'i": d-Lks/6-tU S/Z/tI/&: TtV lilt? }:'/PS e!;I.IIJ1V/d 0. a CJ.r Nf/5J1 ~,e ICJ.S('2S - if},t>.?13 = /t/.$31.i' A'" ~. /4/0 /' (/&'6- = A 12.19::- 33.sJ:S/ <:>r =42.0.t:S @s§tJ..... roe 5 E E LrwsJM??

k-4(J Avo kE~$EL FL8;J6-l; /1!p;U& SCfE'F/Jer

~ ~ ~ I.s: L,e{Q!.1S* :\\.

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711£ (OA.l71?(),;uA/c;. FM &u.?" - do. ME eo.< L..g =- 1./ (6385'U)~ 6.. '11://./17 /lRE/}.:c 71/ -f 8'1.(3/6! 81. 2412 f /755,7//./2. 8E",.,jI.Jr-S7RE5S! k ff;.6-- ~ A 8 ;: 4t20,f';, I -< sr:- 50 ..5i?E ~FAR.';;-7I9FSS as-=.&: =-/30 £S/.c t?6~= 4S. H4I.JG-e /-'h97le;f'/~1L /Id,cs; hoe S!:c "</-4111

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069700 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING. INC. ENGINEERING OEPARTMENl". CHATTANOOGA. TENN. SHEET __ ~ ______ OF ____ ~ 1&- 2 2--{;S BY~U. DATE CHARGE NO' ____________ __ DESCRIPTION ~ 7.('1/<'. 7V1U)1. AM"" YSI.5 t2F 7/-,,,, CL<JSVRF" J/E/iO A"uLl !4-SS¢'L. .4sSE#':l y CHECK OATE It?-].]. -b5 ByA<Ey//,uOK 5-OE7IJIU.o,4"u,<J1. '(5IS: 4-LJ£5/&# 5/$/r/v: PR IRi:Gl'o :' 5n; -/),5 f' t n/l le.ell'1l. : S/)* 3tJ28 f}~$/&..v PR~SS.: t;;,KSI DES ICrIV TeM"! 65tJ 0;::- S",.,..z6. 7 Xj/ @ t50~ If"" 136.5" I",CT:; 8. ~?S //1 2.S( g~.51 I' 2C,7-tU(l.S) =- ~,497 < R.~ZS-111. /!C7v/lt-N/<!',e,vE-".$5 /lev/} y F,et>,q A,v y ?J,Pt'?-'J/""6-5, M£.eEPO£E 5/; 7/'> I""-1cr/OA.J ?7p eel7c,/VON S -c:-/

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069701 ~ION ENGINEERING, INC. lIN........ DEPARTMENT. CHAtTANOOGA. TIENN. NO ______ DDCIIIPm\\N !>7&V<TV1'B< AI/fit. Y.5IS tJ~ m.4MMc CHECK DA*rL---1.~~~U!lYCWD:'Cl~:;'" 116#/0,4""", VFSSIF~ 4,[.1"£#84 V s: Pe<tt+tq 4v4' *It:: e - OvJ,eeNtfN r ,tJ.II:: ce~r/.(/0' TV Ea,w ;>;>pAS

  • 1-AMn i. >'7'IC-"/~ Ht:>..,,:-t.:

THE AaWI1'- S"~I/CTI/£E /s LJI/I{)EO,(,vTO lHe' "cQ~~(7"';/A/6 AVI9? >'77...... ~.t:>K,(. To A~/U7,q TF


.4N,tJ.! Y.$/S. &,e A5')?F#~O O;.eec.ThHUS V',.,. 7#E R.t"OC/MO~7.$ /IKe /1-<' () S 7£,q 7~ BooY-/ Bo-D j-"( 80<:"1- 'j Bc;J.) 'I-I-(L ",Nci- '>~/lEe/C"'L.s;""",.J ( R/NO) (R/,vu JM7h' A Sc:/JM /JPh!'NJ'";1d~ -SWt75) (Lt~k~.("y.:::;"".o£/("'....... " S,J/EU.) j/, ~~ / ;11, --~, A,v£) V,4,f!E ME t/P~MP""'.v /#tE£-'lC7/CM/ h.e(,FS, (V /s ME CW-'?..v~ /<1.1 BA<7 iMd. T ~ J;;F 1,<,I/77,tJC &7'" '::"0 8";SlFO 6/,cv", //,1 % OF #~ &.:>w -t?.r.r b/lo tALCVL/lTeCl To Me' 5 ByCO-"RR&'LL CHAROK NO' ____ --- DESCRIPTION S ZKlk!TV.e#", 4vm. 'iSIS tJF &#" t!.wS ORe:" {kef) !&D fI':;ScL ASSE#B~Y CHECK DATE ,/0-21.-'5 By)LEJ(~.fR IPEC00069702 s: i2~TANFO AII/u.t.s/s: e-fJEVEi-LJPf/£,ur e,r ~r/A/vl:rv £('(J(fl?T/(#<I5: 2'- ;tfoilEHFNTl []v#" To i?eDl.//UonA.lT A,vEJ,iJ,tPpuc,o /'O.R'(..S: 800'1-/ : R, ~ S'1.5()~" I, 0

7. O()O I' t/.-

~ t!5.1~/" 8 ~ 69"5/-' ~ I~ I " /tJl. InK;!, --I-5. 75'11 #, -¥ _ 2:IZ5/1'1&[.L!-/, + ~ .-L.Al E 6" - t, K,' R, SI/1P K, rt, UI5PlI9C#"HcA/T.'S Ove-To ApPl.ll7D FPl'U:cS: (/-v-)a..z psm& _ E s" =- 21 - 345,5091 P £J;;,.. 0

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 .00. COMBUSTION ENGINEERING. INC. lENGU... 'c~~Na D.~AIITMDIT. CHATrANOOGIA. T.NN. CHAIIa& NO ______ DUCRIPTION S7RP<!;P~!.u. A",IU,Y..fIS & mE 4&1s~,e" Jlc~() /I-vp kiss!!,,4s.rc#8L y IPEC00069703 5-OET.4/U7D 4,v1!N. 'ISIS; C'. L2Ei/EL(¥>P1EpT ~e~7M/7Y E6'fMZ1".MS: .1-,A/t:1J/EMFI.J;S,0(;1£ To RE.oV#,o4,uT,4"".0 *-A!!,o* Lu'ZPS : f30 0t -2 :

  • 4 I: 271-99/n

~ /5*1$8 -} l5.l72 _1 A== UI. 'lr,7/~" = - tl9/93 I/., - I. o49¢;iz -r/~ 1f>c,I'7P 11 =[(;-1. n7t'.pYI2.1tb)-(5H.{,0?2PY7. 371) -I-1?,4J'6II, -..'1J~:-:l-+ f-4.5IZ(71 V) -f M'z] ~7.'!;~ .; V22.1b.1 0.11 2 ) - (3.nzp)(9.$"n~::::Z t (l37lr. PX/3. ( )(. ) if,.8~{.

84. S1F B9. MZ

-16.t.71P 4.S'l1) 91.'tl.(" - '.i4{J$q,.HIo -2.1-1-f B 9UIZ, +1.040/P

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 ~. COMBUSTION ENGINEERING, INC. NUMBER $-15-1 ENGINEERING ElE~AIITMENT. CHATrANCOGA. TIENN. 8HElETc_"-lI/.;..!..-___ OF 71 CHAIIGKNOI ____________ _ DATE /1?-22~~ Byc1qckcFLt_ DIESCRIPTION 57..evc! TVA!'Q4 "'<<'.IlL "'SIS (?,-'?yo¥" 6".5.:-'126" 4£'190 41f.,1{) t/flSe<. ASS£HBI. r CHECK gATE 1()-zz-65 ByAax/ljlIl)fi~ IPEC00069704 5.. O~7rllt.E.a 1lA/,If l 'ISIS:

e. OEv'£(.. t!P.I?Ji"A/T a:- kPN'ztN'Vl7Y E<2(P17ICJPS:

2.. l%'E/IPA/TS O!l 7P RE"Dt&I2/1A.JT,4,vp /jppuct:J L4""05: /300'1-2: RZ-I ,el EA 2,: AJJ-IJ;'"JJi: -6o.9199;t f-3.~/9ol1, -B2.t."31/lc 3,9.f3o#Z +27.6ZUV oj It-EIJz,'" I. M ~ -2.21237 -19256 S -f C? 31M P

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069705 COMlIUST'ON ENGINEERING, INC. DlGlN.... ING Da-ARTMIENT. CHAlTANOOGA,'TENN. CHAIICNE NO ______ _ aucItIPrION 5tru4T!.1KIJ' AIVIU. 'ISIS t!F 7#F 44SVtE'~ )./FI'U) bo MesS',,, A5S~{lL.Y 5_ DeTAIL-De,4,u",t. 'IsIs: e_,t?FtE",~""ecAlT t/F U1,f/TI,v!/!TY E tPM9T/(lNS.' 2_ f10V~)4GU75 LIVE To REeVA/~",.uT -4,vp 4,on/E ":-ae,*,s; 7J1~ E.T.Tar/j/t!' Lt:>,qo ~TH' 1'5 A's>PNe-e 70 h,t.L{)"; /I.; To 5;,."p~ i2h",r/ve To JireT/t:'I9~ ,?'/STh'NC&"j'.)t/CN ~""T" ~ _ IM 5Urt!>.m -I-I}!.S-j;l->!r.L)lz} /r-1/ X * ( 2 - j (:. 2 14 I' /:J, P~7 iMO r ';~(8f.mzf-/'omV' f~S.6777 p) -6.671 P(!6.!3{')] "'-(,,(J~.1'tH y..;.. /91)3. 'iF' /./ /4.()AI>> ~tlJ9S/lI'TE.. /JUII"IP(r Atlli.lI -

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING. INC. NUMBER 5-/5t:J-p IA-38 ENGINEERING DE~AJtTM.NT. CHAtTANOOGA. TENN. SHEET 1t3 Op* __ 2::..L9 __ CHAItGI: NO DAT- /O-Z2-t..5 8y('"",,eReU DUCItIP'TION ~Te~7U.Rdf IlYALY'$!S tJF?;;r a()$VRC CHECK DATI' /tJ-?l-6a> BY,.4U>(,q,(lO~ 11£1'10 A&'4 vEsseL !}SSe"&BL Y IPEC00069706 5- /?Em/LEO AA/AL?'S/f.' C'- DetlE'-~P,MEA/T t/F tOt1lTIA/61ITy',,&W..?r,'O,uS ~_ /1oY[f1FN7:S.?lVF To Rt:c(.lp~&#" 4AJ(J /1PJOL/£C F,:;.eC'5: iu?c }111{T;l/J7PLJF k'ROIt/S !1,#FJ/71let-t T //{,.'.i32 '!I~ 917.93% t*7tJ7 If V/JJ;AlOWV %93g /.707 /It VA/it AlOIVU ?~.'Bi ~{.,;q2 }lfz. ()AlK,vPI(,NJ 15:95! 8 1/,0779( 7"11) 8<t.O()Z I,U,] _f5, b777P P, 3,8'loP 86.22{, t5. ()o5 Pt 13.000P g~,2e/ 6.662- .4 2.7.Y1P S4,R9J J,3~O q3. Z:SI"--t-~""I W /210 ~ t4.57! g,653 ~ /.212 "":: 84.S7!? B. 5~ P-7.1J'l.o

83. $00 3.+~2 5.tll~P fN..469

<f, 9J1 It./3i Pt. /,937{)P 84469 1.762 N3 4O.tJ'INP QI.tJ3/ 2.z00 II, {)J/~'(/pw'-' '1/.03j /2.g3~ /1, tJNK#(Nn/ 1/.()3! - .(;z T ~ 0.41409 /. 0290 #2 -f,1.ti161 ~ -f U. 7310 P [ () .1 J'S.'13Y N,M} . [g'.llh M= '1.707 T+v -,f4.llflHl ~11 qU~1 -f 4*12113 :n.B! +.J.C10P(~OO")q'IT,"fJ -/3.QCQP(h.i>42)%;:1:: + l.71Ip{Y,340Ht:!; -f(w+:;fg.t.~J):::~;f + 7.1K7P(H-32)t::::~ ..[5'. 51l5P( Cf.'J3Z)- I.' 37 p( 6'. M~ :::~~ +[ 12. 838113 f 113 + ~ 2PoN}1 ~~~~; = -15. 475///2 -I. OltON, i 12.5.15/11 -ftJ,97651"1, + 7. /3 lZ ITt-v)+ l.e4<J1(W1S) -7'1. 872tp

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069707 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING. INC. DlGtNURING DEPAIITMKNT. CHATTANOOGA. TKNN. CHARGE NO ______ DPCRIPTtON SreMTV.t'A?.44',.: ME ~ps"" ... e-

  1. EI9IJ 4,,,,, /IIsseL 4SSEH8.l y'

.. 5-f)ETHN~.!J Au'/I' IIS/S.* ¢'_ {2EYE.t.tJPH£PT &IF CONT/pi/at E(?Wl7/PMS: CHECK 2.. #pYEHE,vT5 OVE 76 eol:)(/A/.t74PT Avp,4""......c:./e-o: &'O)l-t: >t RZ EAJZ'" Ilt E AJ3 " f' if - { !f/!1:: -2_'/J'._'..;.h-,-~_..:..:....-"-",",,,,-_-=-:..~.:..:,;>.---,-=co..:.:c.:;;.;;...<...:..;t.-.t-..:..;..;;...:..,;...;..:... £A"I( ~../IliA Ll3~ I'-f - 229, 9tH-/ p

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069708 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING, INC. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. CHATrANOOGA. TENN. C H A ~ G E N O gUCRIf'TION S*7RVC7WM4 ,4""&tY~/f tJ"" 7#E Ct.tJS?,,e4" !-ItllO AMP ~n ASS'"FH6,LY 5_ OE7~/I.Et:>.4N6'L YS/$; e-lJGVFJ.t)PctEN'T v;: Co/,lTIAlI//ry EOWl"T{4A1S: NUMBER §-(;;tJ-P IA-4D SHEU*_.....:;.2;:..CJ __ OI"

2. 9 DATE It}* 2 2-(,,5 BY~Ck"ReU CHECK gATE

/tJ-]Z-t,5 By.4L.~,("'.t:JGR 2-HnyEYE,vrs L7ve Z; Rc-,OW/OANT bu lJeeLIED GRaBS: !l07E ?HAT 7#~ #C;YE/4,017S cjr 8ooY-3 AT J'oIJ,/T 2 /Tap t)r SrI/as) J?~4Ia(N& FKOH /,/.fE REL~tI,v'oA.(/T5 (1-/2 ) M.z, 4 V) 00 Mr As YeT /IVCLijLJc /;.) 8047 £)(f"FLEC//()"-' 4N" £bT-4"T/tJ//, 7ii-EeCF A,e£ 5.¢. 5TV,05.0# A

15. 93'8 ll1, KI'II?/tlS, OR /I )WIJ E 1I'e-,ey 1/1629 /11.

S;#Cof' ~ J ~, f/ V O,v 8M'! - 2 AN'/) 3 /J.eF Sn tiP 1M -;;;.~~ tlF K/;as h-k' /M:;'IJ ANa !tV-kIP,P£.(' tvc'H &r'F"~ lilt ACW/JL £.':>/9 05 tJ.u INE Sit/OS WILt 8e'" I/, 162'1.t;;;, 1/1'2., #z, AI/I) I/. /629 JI. r L.6>"'1B/'(//Al6-(>Nce"! /9) ~, Ii = IUbl1 J/,. i1 - I/.IG;..':",1, v' I/,/G" V ~..... : (d.~~d/):c 1M, 6'?~/~4- .4' f ( d/ -de. ')- 3~- z'1/ /#4- £,... N, U() /n I il.P -+ BL'-)E, ** FLl = ()L 2L 4;,ytJf&>1. ¥292;1t 15~. [197Hz. ELl",{-1f-1fJ-5o.M77;./Z -3.2~-I-5~

\\10 (~£)

9.6~t~ his S-wo ~Y"U5N'T5 fr/T# 7#& H/1,f/C


'/;E.l.P5 1Ii~ ~J.t,(}w/A/6=- £ ~It 'T/(}P~ hj,e;WE IbmL i%VtENS,{.>l">.

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069709 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING. INC. IiNGINEIiRING DEPARTMENT. CHATTANOOGA. TENN. CHARGE NO' ______ DacliJPTION 5;reI/,gp,etl.t. Au,,;}.!. XSll t:1~?Nt: C'~.[ge fk~/.) bo t!t.sse.t.. AZE#,8J. y 5-LJETt2ILEO A.vAL $IS:

e. £)'!:Vh(H"H~7 t?r L4UT/PV/TY.?G:>097IPPS:


2. (ifPI"EI1&MTr; aVE If I2EOt/A/.ot'/MT A,f/t) lIf'f'ue-.o 4/KJ,$:

/300'1-4: '" -fi,3. 2'111111 -fZ.(.oo(.P, ELl!3 ~ - ~~ [-#3,. ~~ J ~~ ~ 9ItJ~" b,j. ~ 85./37~ C.,. '" II}, 7S' " 3(i-yz) ..eft... f);SPLClc'5#cIflTS L?ve-To tfpPLIFP h#des: A /~...,....\\ _ (,5. +!1)l/ fUH/ _ )17 E4~ = CI- {-PI- - z.JP - Id.7~ (6~+'7 ,us 62/.I.25@P

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING. INC. ENGINEERING DE.. ARTMENT. CHATTANOOGA. TENN. CHARGE NO, ______ DESCRIPTION S;'RV<7VR&, Af,I&LYS/S (/,c litF &asvff /-//?/JZ) ANz) IkSS4'L,4.sSEU!!jt Y 5.. !J~74Itr/} AtVt9l.'/SIS:

19. OE(lf:.. ee~T t},r UA.lTtWtlITY EOvtli?()AI!::
3. LONVA,WJry i1-17K(Y AA.lz) LO/Jo/A/v

~7"1:?S: NUMBER 5-/5&-P I A-42 SHEET

2 Z 01"';" 2' DATE

/t?-22-b~ By("<X~ReU CHECK OAT!' )p-2Z-bS' ByA~,;XA~ 7wo JJ/~F'F,eEf,lT ,St;,VT/IJA.I.s f1//u. SF R.F<f!U/.f?EO '?oK 7.4ik Lo/!O(f,I&S t:OA.l5/0E~O Iv 7.¥/S 4N,I'j~ YS/S; ~a-y A.eE} SOLV!/O.v/: 8t':)~r-l/p tJ,vt.Y' A.vs &c-J'VPPbRr LO~OIM~ 4U$ c:'&..:-S /10':-0,0,,1<111/ .fPtC!'/A/6-hee'£', /#E5~ L~&>/""'6-S t-v.:LL BE.5"0,1-'£0 Br ,f!t:I?//n?IA/a-Co..vr/NV/ry c:JF,.f3UHI9t.. OISPCI'1(!CMENTS Avo i.:"'T"'7/C;W'~ (W:e7/~.4L UA/7/A/vl7Y 15 MOT 4 CO,l./S/~t:-;e/l77a<.1 hK 7H,; BCJ£ T-r/,P Co/./o/7/.t7;(1 ..5/A/~G"' r; /110. !?,vo S 4,ec k'"v/pw!./ Lt:>"'los). l#F .:;;c,L.?,T/P,<; FOK 7#/$ U,l//OI7/0.v mu Rt:SVl,7 Iv A ~ Xb ~TRI)( WITH A CO'-lN~N i/C'CTrJe Fb~ "0 ~ 4,vD S, 5m.U7/?lA.l2: Fo~ !/.I7IEIV/f}L PRe-s, t!/M.y. //iIS 5CJl!.(,/710N t01.L KESVl-7 1M 7fte 5'~ME A!vHliR/"""L

  1. QTtC!'IY /Is F&k.

':;;;:;C Fesr IPEC00069710 6 (OLV,NM$ A,vo,eows A.s S'Ot.,VT/(M/-! 8L17 P"vF C.oLVNM A.dCi ()VE j.?"c-v Wid BE. A O£)E,D To RE.FL.l!"CT 7#5 Vt:,e7,C',flL ~PT/.,(JVI7Y ec~vIRl:Ul;-.ljT AT WT-2', 77iE ca.t:VH'M Y&-CTO£5 /l5S()C'MTeD Wr7H 7#/5 7)( 7 )1", r£/x W/L.I.. 8E /;(1 Te.eU5.tJr-PReSS.:/RE to) EL1'I-F~I:: Ed.z,-£J;I E !J~I - E~, = EJ; - Ed;'! £ /JZ7 - £412 -= E%2 - FJ; z. £ lJ~l-F!JfZ '" FrS;: - £J; EIJ.?;F EA.f!::- E"J;3 - EJ;3 ELl;3' -£~!=- EJ;:-£;: E~2 -Et{z=' E'8iz -EVil-- b li!bI1I'1Tt:/X' Foe.5ot.tl71~~-1 }1h7H 7eel'fs Fo.<2 7) ~st5 7>< 7 NATI!!I)t' FbK 5'uU,;7IPJ/-Z W/7H 7i;;:MS h< PIfE',sS()P

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 "'U m () a a a (J) <D I e -...J r 1 I 1/'2./377 P.2709 e2.6039

3. '1130 0

0 1-.?1.~2ZF I 2.270'7 0,9tJ'H - 5.02bZ -().3/90 0 0 I 2,ZIZ~ I 17, 9~ I 1"'5.7S-31 I -72.3'S,! 4,40ZB-2019.0SB1,7959 207. !-no I 3.-1890. -O.21'foI. I 7~.7'95r ./..(I()!)S -5.20/9 -().4a5Z: -5. /7~2 I I D 0 i-2/$.~7J'O -5.follJ' /52.4i.'jz

2. ~/..3 I 3$. "2"'1 I

l 0 0 i -/8.8717 -0.'1-270 .z,UJ/3 (). (;/I'? J 2.9s,/9

21. /997

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RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING. INC. NUMBER S -15P-P IA-M-ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. CHATfANOOGA. TENN. SHEET 2+ OF 21 CHARGE NO, ______ DATE /0-27.-(".5 Byda:"¢<fU DQCRIPTION.:5r,etJcrtJg"14 #118' ~I.S.?'r 7H Ct..PSCJR )/IW A-vo VESStFL. A:SsEH84 y' CHECK DATI' /1P-n~b5 By4u"M.vt/F,{' IPEC00069712 5-OEm/fEe 4"""u )1f/S: e DEv~LoP!tE..vT t/;C' CD.A/7/NtJlry £<2U9Ve,.u;: 4-- REP?wPMT LtJ"w t/c;? tic'; ?liE A&J/E",4f",r A:'/(!~:;, >1EI. () 5'#-'/,'", A/tAO

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RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069713 ~JON ENG~G; INC. ENGtNCIllRlNGI' DEPARTMENT. CHATtANOOGA. TEltN'. CHARGe NO ______ DUc:ltIPTION 5' UV{TPr2~f 4VOL tft" P"" 7h~. &~.:I<!""" ..Jj~~Q Yh:Se-t 4ssC',t,,4f, Y 5.0RUUiD,l/A/Al.Y.$/S: {- )" 7gE$$£~ : R.---- PtJ,I#T5 5' s.' b: hiNTS 3.(4: _+~+b..~p tr; - - &1" zR,c". ... i &,051'f/~ -I'3.?2i/./'p + -rt,#'., -f ELl43 f-At. p uP"'-t-,l ~


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RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 "'U m () a a a (J) <D -...J .j:::o.. ~d~A7/01J I Z .3 4- / 2-3 4 I 2 3 4- /PM tl. -Z?S.5 ZZ,S5 -20,77 2{J.77 f-U2 /,4 L /.25 f-/ Z5 -23'77 2:::1~ 1'1.'32 1162-

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RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING. INC. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. CHATTANOOGA. TENN. CHARGKNO ____________ _ DUCIIIPTION 5"revc rv'R& bAt Y~I.S tJ,..- ZN, 6tJst/~F !/ !#-.55EL,45sE#4.i.Y IPEC00069715 5-LJE7AltEP @.lilt t-s/s,' I :; u~<;es: Ere gOt. T - 1/,0: C.eIT4',cIP6! s-~-s: SOL 7' -tiP / PRe!:Stl~I:.' (PTQi?IPA/ s--c-/: C /?rre£/OIV ;; -C-3:

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING. INC. NUMBER 5'-/5&-,0 I A*48 ENGINEERING DE~ARTMENT. cHATTANOOGA. TENN. .HEU 1.8 01" Z '7 CHARG.NO' ____________ __ DATE 1~"22jf5 BY~~ DDc:RIPI'ION 572t1(TtI.(f{L. A,(II2?'1s/.$ tlr Me &asP2, JlcJ9L:J ILl/I:? VesseL !/sr4'NJ!JL.Y CHECK DATE /t'- ~2~5 BY~R. IPEC00069716 5-L)ETI-1ILED A.v4L '1$/5'- +- S,tI?FSSS : O"eJ.Lr-Vp ~-T,e~Je.<j ~ -;; lib. 5S1 K'~.... W/~~ ~ .s~/.7IZ""/~ ~ £)/ea:.7 ,8",,,,OJPr,. P/a'<<7~ ss:::;: "i 51t1?ess ~1R~S .5 36.~3 - '/.32 2'1.5/ ~ I 7,32 44.15 7 .u,;g b9.o/ B -3l./S 4,~5 ElM: Bot 7 - tI,., : LR/TER/t¥.I 5-C-S: CRI7ERIQ,f/ 5-c-6,: ~s.rtl&.s: !(nensES 1/=22514-t!lPIII!A-np!,. Plr6SSl'lrcF' ,o;tI?£CT BEViJlJ.lfr,pIRs:rr i!i,vPJ,vu-STRESS STtI?gs S7'ee.s 2.7a 15.56 1 ~.3-1 I -/~,5b - 12.78 -/2.Z4- -1.1-(" 12,2.¢ /5.(72 fOR Po" 7 -t/,a /ivs t?eE@ T/Mo- ~£A'<<.e8'": C.e)ZF.eIN./ 5'-t!-5: ~""'<!:r/"'e &<7-t/P M..{!'f. h.5fa'E S>>2E~ f)les.:T 8EMOI.'-ti' 1'1.e~T.,. $E,(I'oI" ~7,1lf.s5 ~r£1!SS S"7e<!3'S 3'i.1P/ 8.14 4US j - g,Z4 3M7 /9/14 5"'55 -19*94 I~.(, 7

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069717 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING. INC. ENGINEERING DEP'ARTMIENT. CHATrANOOGA. TENN. CHARGI!: NO, ______ DEllCIIIPrION ST.I!"v~ rVR191. AMAI. >51$ tJ~ -1Yr 4"',teR _II~JIJ" ~{2 Yes-sr.t

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RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069718 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING. INC. NUMBER s"-IS()-,D hA I A-50 , ENGINEERING DEP... RTMENT. CH... TT... NooG.... TENN. SHI:ET I OF'_L1 __ C:HARGIENO D... TE J-/jJ-~&. BY~.c,- DESCIIIPl'ION k?w84'4.'£ <<5/4=# 57-'{':SS t4wc CHECK DAT'Ij;E: _____ BY __ /Pre S'Il,-,,iU55 SrJf~' (1iHO ~7" 7#£ ,t:o'-'tow/~,Nr ~('VJ!'S OF s.::, Fo~ AlE 5T,-9/MLES'S .57~..... £ ('L~D Oe'p&$/,T ~-~E iJEre>eMI,v1!'1!) By C:E. WELO/P& 5'PR. HIJ - 38CT(I) rlMtJ S/fA -38 (c), I#E £esV£TS ~r 7#~ 7.!-.s T K'e'r'c)R7I!'O /,v ,4~.PE,N.()/1(-A,:tJ,<: fr.PeJl"?" #c/H'(!"::~ <;;"-!So-p t'..v (;;,v7RH<!7" M. /5"561- (ZOkl7.-"l Re"k'TtJ~ Ve:;gc:.) S~:= 27.5 @ 7tJ-:.c:- 5n, =- /(',4 ~s~ @ ("S" ~ I='(J~ 5/1A -38 (C); S", =.z£.8,b, ~n"" 18. 7 is!' n.e4CTC<4'.p.H,If/- ¢/J-! tJr h A';-#E ;tht1U/JR (".,LM, kt:'TI(1,lj lIT S-r1'f7E!: 7#~7 me' jLLOWAf!L..E' OE~I:'I.lJtT STRe:S S#/JLL Be;- I 5 Sm AT J#e TeHPe-R,q 77//PE cf?r /#7eR.!:':; T-. ;:;;' P<'F/;!?I,o,J-5Teess 147 Koo.<--l 7i~-tpeR/'i ;V,f'e (7""F) t/h~~ !3oa--Cl..., (ollnJ1771>VS /s WE C;1f"'!dTe~r S/.(/CI!!'

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RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069719 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING. INC. IENGINIEI:RING DE.. ARTMENT, CHATTANOOGA, TENN. CHAROIENO ____________ _ DDCRIPTION Ilp~e&a!)( 70 s-/s{)-P /.v /#/5 ;'7PP.!F',vCl/X / 7,¥E S#E'14,;e AM,:) ~"'EA/T AT C~.r-/ As 5/16'~M.I tf)"v S/lE£r /3 tJ,. s-/s() -,0) WILL s. /tJ';"C"'","'c/flTFQ To Me Top ~F 7#E PVg. THE

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RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING. INC. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. CHATTANOOGA. TENN. CHARGE NO ______ I NUMBERS-ISO--/' Ike,.&/ A 52 SHEET 2 OF---'3"'-__ DAT~E __ 2-1_-~2~6:...-.:::6~B __ IBY {'OO.'.I?C:U DESCRIPTION ilPPE,/JQ/'( :z, S-/,5'tJ-P CHECK DATE 4-2f,12e. BY !lFlL/o"!:;<' Avo 57RES5ES dT ME /,;,.0 ('/r- /h'E "c; -"k"~a LJp 4 s;,#~,,->/.. "'lL. 3E<:: 7'/cMJ .4Vr;-,JL,q,e L&C-/lT/CJN ,?IF;;;;",t

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RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069721 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING. INC. ENOINIEIERINO CE~ARTMIENT. CHATTANOOGA. TENN. CHAROIENO' ____________ _ Cac:RIPTION /lpeEl/alX' ze 5-/.>tJ-,P ,tteP§VJ2tJ( 8: 7Ji1? FoUc><vI#CF ~8'-c c:71//FS 7ht/i' S7,e~ 4~L:J.5'T,ee55 /A/;:rF~Vg77.!i'.5 Fo;e 7#~ /A/S/~F AlVo t!/t/'TS//)c S(/Rr~,-s ?J,F;0C" G.t..OSt/Rc #F-9.o A 7 THE /0.0 cJ.c /PE #v~, 5/,.e5SC"S J1/FR'E C:;;':'C(/~74P 7//; 80':' r-i/e t:o,vO/T/(t~ AAI,o Hte &" 7-t/~ h:vs VGS/(r.A.! kM-*.....-r,n'..:' r;:?O.l,f 7ftE AI10"E THeuF WE SeE ffll'lr 7;1£ T S7£C'S) /tVTEA.JSITY F~ ?He Bat.r-v'17 CbIil.o17/".tJ 15 /9,.;;,e'51 ?iN ?;IF /AlSII}'£ S(')RP/'JCF. p()~ 7#= &t.r-t/,P,4.v5 CoIU/J/77(),v /HI?"

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RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 INC. NUM


SHEET 1 OF 2 CHARGE Net DATE 4-2')-68 BY Cockrell DESCRIPTION AE:E:eildix to S-l50-P CHECK DATE BY ___ IPEC00069722 CLOSURE HEAD PENETRATION SPACING: The general requirements for spacing of openings in spherical shells (such as a closure head) are given in Paragraph N-45l of the ASME Code Section III. Additional requirements are given in Article 1-6 of Section III as referenced in N-45l(e). The spacing of the closure head penetrations meet the requirements of Paragraph N-45l with the exception of 1-6l3(b) of Article 1-6. Paragraph 1-6l3(b) states that tiThe arc-distance measured between the center lines of adjacent nozzles along the inside surface of the shell is not less than three times the sum of their inside radii for openings in a head **** ". This requirement would restrict the ligament efficiency to a minimum of 66.7%. The actual ligament efficiency of the closure head is 66.6%. Since the actual ligament efficiency deviates slightly from the required minimum ligament efficiency, Paragraph 1-620 of Article 1-6 must be met. Paragraph 1-622 of Article 1-6 states that 'lIn accordance with 1-1012, re-evaluation is not required for configurations for which there are available detailed experimental results that are consistent with the requirements of Article 1-10." The purpose here is to use the results of Westinghouse Research Report 100FF996-R4 to show that the closure head penetration spacing is satisfactory for the closure head. The ligament efficienty of the penetration spac-ing in this experiment was 38% which should more than suffice to show that the closure head's ligament efficiency of 66.6% is adequate. The results from the above report show that the membrane portion of the stress due to internal pressure can be accurately calculated by dividing the primary membrane stress in the unperforated region by the ligament efficiency. See the discussion and results given on pages 23 and 24 of the above report. It is shown there


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RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 IPEC00069723 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING. INC. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. CHATTANOOGA. TENN. CHARGE NO' ______ _ DESc:RI""IONI--!A=pJ::p.:::e.!.!n:.:::d~ix=-...!:t:.::o:.....:S=---=1::.,5::..:0::...--=P=-_____ _ CHECK.. A.T.... __ -+ __.n CLOSURE HEAD PENETRATION SPACING: that the calculated value of the average primary membrane stress deviates from the experimental va by only 2%. The higher value being the calculate value; hence, the method of dividing the required thickness in the unperforated region by the lia~m~nr efficiency is valid and reasonable. This method used to obtain the thickness of the closure head. The stress indices to be applied to the computed membrane stress intensities for a fatigue analys as determined from the results of the experiment 1.05 and 1.44 for the inside and outside surfaces respectively. These values are well below the required index of 2 for both the inside and outs surfaces from Article 1-6 of Section III. It is, therefore, concluded that the slight deviation the spacing requirement in I-613(b) is insigni both from the standpoint of establishing the requ head thickness and for fatigue considerations.

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 COMBUSTIO~ ENGINEERING, INC.

  • t43~

NUMBER $-/5/-;:;> ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. CHATTANOOGA. TENN. 8HEET' __ ~5~ ____ 'OF SI CHARGK,NO' ______________ _ DATK~ __ ~5~-~/Z~-'~~~ _____ BY~'4 DIESCRIPrION Fi?TKcVE Ea:y.V9??ftr<.! & PFA'.o F4f&E, V£S5C4 h!9A/ff,4,11/0 &~"'<< S7VOS CHECK DATE 5'-Il. -G';' BY~ IPEC00069724 5_ DE/A/LEO 41/IflLYSI$: ~~ Ys i.!t+'J 6GtiHOR.Y..;. ,4 ("~06S SFt!TIO.A/ tJ,.:- 7fi.f LUlSVeE' 4"";0, CLOS(/,e" #£A.tJ F;.";""$£'? tllTs:>IT'{" N,Ij.v&'E, VESSEl J .AII/.o Go.sC/,eC Sr(/D$ Is i:",ifIJWN BEL-OW. C'".em/,v DM'GfIS/OMS O,c J.JTERE57 ARE L/s7£1).

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RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 COMBUSTION ENGINEERI",G. INC. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. CHATTANOOGA. TENN. CHARGIENO' ____________ __ DEllCIlIPTION h T/&V<"" AMtfl£ Y4b c2E &/'10 n/'lMc.-.rr J1E:;sE~ h.//N6--§" lIuo CLlJJilRfi.5TlI4S IPEC00069725 5- /)c7~It.E/,? AMfUY,US: .6 - s'y's TEl-> LtJ/J.oJ: /AE C.!:<!'sv,c.s- ;lE,.."c /!..v.LJ ;lese<,- .4sse"-?'.1?L Y S'.IW"_M/ cJiV SfIE~T v0tt 8=- A'A//ltYZcC!

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RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 COMBUSTION ENCINEERING, INC. IA 58 ENGINEERING D~AltTMaNT. CHATTANOOGA. TENN. .HKET* ____ ~7 _____ op, ___ ~51 __ __ CHARGE NO' ______ _ DATW~ ___ 9~~~-~/1~*~~~~ __ BY~~ DD!:RIP'rION ;:-..4Z/Cd/E £/lltu.u8pt!.>A/ 4r,{/1jIfD &Mf.#" CHecK DATI: ~*I"-b(,o 14-4"5£4 ~trL Au", 4,p.rt/4C J2V,<ZS .y~ IPEC00069726 S. DMIf& kIlLY$IS c/o LlFYEI.OPMEUT t?,F U,N7'I,vtII'X ~r.c/)(' 1-,4,11[1£ YTf£'(U. )4,U'1. T",.,. AI!7'v"'~ 5,.,e~~7'~i!G /s LJnllDECJ IrlV70 INifC Fouo.u,v,:..4AhlU Yrlt'AL H()~F,L To FI9(!IU 7'" 7' 7#~ AIIM' JI.rI$. 7#£,4srvHeD OI,e~CT.I&>.!V$ ?IF" ?'H. RIFPf.'4/iQi'9Nn AteI!' /t.I.V~'TR"l:g-,Q. 8o~ '1-/ !t./>P6< sPN~e/~"'.t. 5#,.1.,,) 8cJo 'I~ 2 ( Rr'N~) 8"0,/-3 ( RIP';' Mm.4 /JEI9M /)PPE,f/TA6-£-JTV,oJ lJODi-.f.. (t.(JN~ (YllNb;e/~,IU SNr~L) I/,..... JI,, ~ -~),4jJo V 4# ?Hi> t/"'K,wrV.u IIv7EIMC71PiV /=b,eCES. (II' Is 7#£ UI9IV6£ JAJ 8't:JJ..7 L",,7/;). T /5" 7H !NIT/At Bo..7Lo"'l'(') /lAS£c. (/",.,u 110% tJ,., Tn£' &tJw-a., b~~ c',qLC{.lU1T~O To ME i G.?/"" THE.tJ~Tr~ O-,elll~. (IN -kIP h /,v. tJr (I.e...), 8 /s ur 8tr..4.t"IA.I/T L~.()&r RcI'Jc!TlorIV AAID /$ A

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RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011

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CIUi~ Na'... DDClttriroN 1"'A'f'fi-ff fl4NJI1IiiiII'.-MM-~~ VESSEZ &!lk'tfE.. 4#0 6.e6i6f'.#: >Tt.!LlS IPEC00069727 5j.,PUA'lMP.,A!;!~tfi.i: i/ Dhl£LlJe!lJr,v'" ~.z:iJ&il.vtllrYre4irllW$:

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RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 i COMBUSTION ENGiNEERING. INC. _GINEERING DEPARTMENT, CHATTANOOGA. TCNH. ' ';NUM **,{t.)$'!~,o :<-IA'O ~GKNO' DacR'P'I'ION EA TKrW kKAUHf1'llV' &It" &lee.&"M#<f4!; Ji,sS'eL ~""'~F AND &t?i.flRF Slll125 5.. PETr4,tTIJ 44111, yS/s: c( O=t/EJ.tJPMGtVT ?i.e- ~A/Tlve;7'y,Al~Z'.t"IX'; z-I'1tWFMIUJ7S L?~F To Lpl9l)$: = !1.~49£c;{ UM.. -7").., 6-759911,., EO; :" ErJ..R, Sl/l~ M) -+ Z{' (f;) Mn

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RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 COMBUSTION f;NGU1i~J:RING, INC. m9'H~'HG OP"RTMIN'T. c::HA.1Tt.H~. TPN* CH/l1'I9.!I' ~------ !i>1IJC;.. '..... ON FArJ6(,/F E &U""MMI &',to-4NP ~MNW c:~ pAlr~~il...~~.Y~?J.£.rM~ VE:SSL h.N!tr Av() t!tp.sUN Sr@s IPEC00069729 5-gq~/tF{) ArvA, ¥1~: d-OEv'ELtJP-YEA./T':?,.c- {g~T/J.lvlry Ee""' 7?/MIS: 2-tfoVE' £hE To LWI.oS! &0'1-2: A,t" ;/4/. '7.. 7 IN I Izz )7M1 INf f* 1}.3~f6 gZ ~ r /1.1/25 ,if =' I/. f7J'5~ ~M.~~Wt&~7& iJ.oft~AVz-_~~~~~:~~.~~ -f I, t).f-Ol P g'- R"_ ELlzI Jl!,A /!-~. xl1" -'-..::()..:..' !..!..:..!..!!:L-=:"!::"~!.J-.:..::.!-=-':"'::.L.:!.t-....::.:-:'::'::"=":....:L":""'::~:'=..:::...f.-

RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING. lINe. NUM.E"-'-S..... -/ ..... 5._I--'-P ____ 1 :.....;A....;0,-Z-,-- I!NGINEERING DEPARTMaNT. CHATTANOOGA. TENN. SHIEItT II 01"_--:;;.5...;..' __ CHARGa NO DAft .5"-/2 -be. DUCftlPTION fd7l4l:' £m4 vkzzl?Ai tfj,Jr #4WP,&"L.A&Iri£j CHIECK DAft S"-IZ-M kiS5e-t. fi.&1J6~ liMO c; 9$(1.eC,) wo.s IPEC00069730 5_ OET,4ILFO &19L YSIS: d- £!EYFLQ,PNtr,ur tiP Ctw'T/,i)vITyEM714VS: 2-11()IIEUmTj Df/£",7.; L0<9o.s: 7.;'f.,4.v~ r1x?0If. tJpr",I,v;o B)I' 7/J~M/6-7#, fXIST/A/~ /lx/-"1"- 7FHF'F,"7VI!!/r 6~!9C/'MT,.4.v/j

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RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 COMBUSTIQN ~ INC.. 81G11&ERlNCJ. DEPAaTM£IU'; ~ TlIIIINO CHARGIl NO, ______ DaCl!tlII'I'IQN &m(n,l..?'"PJU.. ~A7ZeAl t?E ~Q F~E' CHECK !#:SSe-l bAMSE Ad!() ups"""':;- S7r-'QS IPEC00069731 5_ DETAILED A AJ,ql, 11$/$ : c:I DFVEI.OP;t1EII7';oF ('PA/T/A/(//7Y EWh'77t:WS: 2- ;t10J/Ey£)/7S 'ot/c To LMOS; - 7:.b ) ~. 7.i., ::: Eq;Vly/!t!ElVi liMP, 47 ?;;p 6'1"" Rt,v&.- To.., = ~utv'/lLE,</7 kHP, A-r 8':;77"'<::1"" t/F Rt"u6- ~;o ~, -f ~ef Z 7.;e" T;, AI 2 lb."" 7; AT AT _ ~~t, -M~. -r z AlVo AX - ~ A7 W/I'" IRE A~<::1Y£ EYPIZ£S5//,A/$ h~ ~.,., 76~, 4.1.'1') jiY FOL L6kJOJt; /lp(' V'ES t?".., ~ J ;1Jr 4IVQ tE ~J ; WE GF7


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RIV000052A Submitted: December 22, 2011 "'U m () a a a (J) <D -...J eN I'V 7i?~$llfN[ (7.... -71>> ~7~ (F.,l;" ~

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