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to Calculation 1100445.303, Revised P-T-Curve Calculation.
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Issue date: 08/24/2012
Structural Integrity Associates
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
1100445.303, Rev 1
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[f7 Y SS tructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc? File No.: 1100445.303 Project No.: 1100445 CALCULATION PACKAGE Quality Program: Z Nuclear E] Commercial PROJECT NAME:

Cooper P-T Curve Revision CONTRACT NO.:

4200001742 CLIENT: PLANT:

Nebraska Public Power District Cooper Nuclear Station CALCULATION TITLE:

Revised P-T Curve Calculation Document Affected Project Manager Preparer(s) & Checker(s)

Revision Pages Revision Description Approval Signatures & Date Revision Pages _ Signature & Date 01 - 40 Initial Issue Eric Houston Raoul Gnagne A-i - A-4 EJH 08/05/11 LRG 08/05/11 B-i - B-13 Vikram Marthandam VM 08/05/11 i - 38 Remove water level A-i - A-3 instrument nozzle from -. .,,*-

P-T curves. Eric Houston Clark Oberembt 08/24/12 08/24/12 08/24/12 Page 1 of 38 F0306-01 RI

VStructural Integrity Associates, IncO Table of Contents


.................................................................................................... 4 2.0 METHODOLOGY .................................................................................................. 4 3.0 ASSUMPTIONS / DESIGN INPUTS ..................................................................... 9 4.0 CALCULATIONS ................................................................................................. 11 4.1 Pressure Test (Curve A) .............................................................................. 12 4.2 Normal Operation - Core Not Critical (Curve B) ...................................... 12 4.3 Normal Operation - Core Critical (Curve C) ............................................. 13


S .................................................................................................... 13


...................................................................................................... 14 APPENDIX A : P - T CURVE INPUT LISTING ........................................................ A-1 File No.: 1100445.303 Page 2 of 38 Revision: I F0306-01 R1]

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List of Tables Table 1: CNS Polynomial Coefficients for Feedwater Nozzle Stress Intensity Distributions ..... 16 Table 2: CNS Beltline Region, Curve A, for 32 EFPY ................................................................. 17 Table 3: CNS Beltline Region, Curve A, for 54 EFPY ................................................................. 18 Table 4: CNS Bottom Head Region, Curve A, for All EFPY ...................................................... 19 Table 5: CNS, Upper Vessel Region, Curve A, for All EFPY ...................................................... 20 Table 6: CNS, Beltline Region, Curve B, for 32 EFPY ............................................................... 21 Table 7: CNS, Beltline Region, Curve B, for 54 EFPY ............................................................... 22 Table 8: CNS Bottom Head, Curve B for All EFPY ...................................................................... 23 Table 9: CNS Bottom Head-CDP Nozzle, Curve B for All EFPY ............................................... 24 Table 10: CNS Upper Vessel, Curve B for All EFPY ................................................................... 25 Table 11: CN S Curve C for 32 EFPY ........................................................................................... 26 Table 12: CN S Curve C for 54 EFPY ........................................................................................... 27 List of Figures Figure 1: Feedwater Nozzle Path Stress Distribution ................................................................... 28 Figure 2: CNS (Hydrostatic Pressure and Leak Test) P-T Curve A for 32 EFPY ......................... 29 Figure 3: CNS (Hydrostatic Pressure and Leak Test) P-T Curve A for 54 EFPY ......................... 30 Figure 4: CNS (Hydrostatic Pressure and Leak Test) Composite P-T Curve A for 32 EFPY ..... 31 Figure 5: CNS (Hydrostatic Pressure and Leak Test) Composite P-T Curve A for 54 EFPY ..... 32 Figure 6: CNS P-T Curve B (Normal Operation - Core Not Critical) for 32 EFPY ..................... 33 Figure 7: CNS P-T Curve B (Normal Operation - Core Not Critical) for 54 EFPY ..................... 34 Figure 8: CNS (Normal Operation - Core Not Critical) Composite P-T Curve B for 32 EFPY ........ 35 Figure 9: CNS (Normal Operation - Core Not Critical) Composite P-T Curve B for 54 EFPY ........ 36 Figure 10: CNS P-T Curve C (Normal Operation - Core Critical) for 32 EFPY ........................... 37 Figure 11: CNS P-T Curve C (Normal Operation - Core Critical) for 54 EFPY ........................... 38 File No.: 1100445.303 Page 3 of 38 Revision: I F0306-01RII

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This calculation updates the Cooper Nuclear Station (CNS) pressure-temperature (P-T) curves for the beltline, bottom head, limiting flange and non-beltline locations (feedwater nozzle / upper vessel). The P-T curves are developed for 32 and 54 effective full power years (EFPY) of operation, and are developed using the methodology of the 2001 Edition through 2003 Addendum of the ASME Code,Section XI, Appendix G [1] and IOCFR50 Appendix G [2]. This calculation has been developed in accordance with the Boiling Water Reactor Owner's Group (BWROG) Licensing Topical Report (LTR),

"Pressure Temperature Limits Report Methodology for Boiling Water Reactors" [3].

2.0 METHODOLOGY A full set of P-T curves are computed, including the following plant conditions: Pressure Test (Curve A), Normal Operation - Core Not Critical (Curve B), and Normal Operation - Core Critical (Curve C).

The curves are consolidated into three evaluation regions of the reactor pressure vessel (RPV): (1) the beltline, (2) the bottom head, and (3) the feedwater nozzle / upper vessel. The beltline region, which is typically the most limiting region, is the region adjacent to the core where the fluence exceeds 1.0 x 1017 n/cm 2 [3].

The methodology for calculating P-T curves described below is taken from Reference [3] unless specified otherwise. The P-T curves are calculated by means of an iterative procedure, in which the following steps are completed:

Step 1: A fluid temperature, T, is assumed. The P-T curves are calculated considering a postulated flaw that has extended 1/4 of the way through the vessel wall. According to Reference [3],

the temperature at the assumed flaw tip, T1 /4, may be treated as equal to the coolant temperature.

Step 2: The static fracture toughness factor, Kic, is computed using the following equation:

KIC= 20.734- eo02(T-ART) + 33.2 (1) where: Kic = the lower bound static fracture toughness (ksi'Iin).

T = the metal temperature at the tip of the postulated 1/4 through-wall flaw ('F). Note that the coolant temperature is typically used, as described above.

ART = the Adjusted Reference Temperature (ART) for the limiting material in the RPV region under consideration (°F).

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Step 3: The allowable stress intensity factor due to pressure, Kip, is calculated as:

K I_ K SF -Kit (2)

(2) where: KIP = the allowable stress intensity factor due to membrane (pressure) stress (ksi*/n).

Kic = the lower bound static fracture toughness factor calculated in Equation I (ksi/in).

Kit = the thermal stress intensity factor (ksNin) from through wall thermal gradients.

SF the ASME Code recommended safety factor, based on the reactor condition.

Note: For hydrostatic and leak test conditions (i.e., P-T Curve A), the SF = 1.5. For normal operation, both non-critical and critical reactor (i.e., P-T Curves B and C), the SF = 2.0.

When calculating values for Curve A, the thermal stress intensity factor is neglected (Kit =

0), since the hydrostatic leak test is performed at or near isothermal conditions (typically, the rate of temperature change is 25°F/hr or less).

For Curve B and Curve C calculations, Kit is computed in different ways based on the evaluated region. For the beltline and bottom head regions, Kit is determined using the following equation:

Kit = 0.953 x 10-3 _CR. t 2 "5 (3) where: CR = the cooldown rate of the vessel (°F/hr).

t = the RPV wall thickness, per region (in).

For the feedwater nozzle / upper vessel region Kit is obtained from the stress distribution output of a finite element model (FEM). A thermal transient finite element analysis (FEA) is performed, and a polynomial curve-fit is applied to the through-wall stress distribution at each time point. The subsequent method to evaluate Kit is:

Kit =

  • 0.706C0, + 2a 0.53*+--.a 2 0.448C2t +

4a 3 0.393C3, (4) tr2 3zr where: a = '1/4through-wall postulated flaw depth, a = 1/4 t (in).

t = thickness of the cross-section through the limiting nozzle inner blend radius comer (in).

The thermal stress polynomial coefficients are based on the assumed polynomial form ofa (x) = Co + C. x + C2

  • X2 + C 3 x 3 . In this equation, "x" represents the radial distance in inches from the inside surface to any point on the crack front.

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Step 4: The allowable internal pressure of the RPV is calculated differently for each evaluation region. For the beltline region the allowable pressure is determined as follows:

PI 't- (5)

Mm . Ri where: Paliow = the allowable RPV internal pressure (psig).

Kip = the allowable stress intensity factor due to membrane (pressure) stress, as defined in Equation 2 (ksi/in).

t = the RPV wall thickness, per region (in).

Mm = the membrane correction factor for an inside surface axial flaw:

Mm = 1.85 for 4t < 2 Mm = 0.926 4t for 2 <4t < 3.464 Mm = 3.21 for 4t > 3.464.

Ri = the inner radius of the RPV, per region (in).

For the bottom head region, the allowable pressure is calculated with the following equation:

2 -,oK (6)

SCF.Mm *Ri where: SCF = conservative stress concentration factor to account for bottom head penetration discontinuities; SCF = 3.0 per Reference [3].

Pallow, K1 p, t, Mm and Ri are defined in the footnotes of Equation 5.

For the feedwater nozzle / upper vessel region, the allowable pressure is determined from a ratio of the allowable and applied stress intensity factors. The applied factor can be determined from a FEM that outputs the stresses due to the internal pressure on the nozzle /

RPV. The methodology for this approach is as follows:

Pow -(

K Ip-app where: Pref = RPV internal pressure at which the FEA stress coefficients (Equation 8) are valid (psi).

KIp-app = the applied pressure stress intensity factor (ksi*/in).

Pailow and Kip are defined in the footnotes of Equation 5.

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The applied pressure stress intensity factor is determined using a polynomial curve-fit approximation for the through-wall pressure stress distribution from a FEA, similar to the methodology of Equation 4:

2a a2 4a' Kip [ 0.706Cop + -0.0537Cip +--. 0.448C2p ++/- - .0.393C 3p (8) 2 3;r where: a = '/4 through-wall postulated flaw depth, a = 1/4 t (in).

t = thickness of the cross-section through the limiting nozzle inner blend radius comer (in).

The core differential pressure (CDP) nozzle is located in the thinner portion of the bottom head. The methodology for analyzing the bottom head, specifically Equation 6, proves to be overly restrictive for the CDP nozzle. The effect of the penetration on the bottom head may be accounted for by determining an applied pressure stress intensity factor. Using a polynomial curve-fit approximation for the through-wall pressure stress distribution from a FEA, the CDP nozzle applied stress intensity factor is calculated by [3, Equation 2.5.3-2a]:

KIp-app = JO0.723Co + 0.551CI 2a Ir

+ 0.462C.,- a2 + 0.408C 3 (9) where: Kip-app = plant specific KIp-app for CDP nozzle (ksix/in).

a = /4 through-wall postulated flaw depth, a = 1/4 t (in).

t = thickness of the cross-section through the limiting nozzle inner blend radius comer (in).

Co, C1, pressure stress polynomial coefficients, obtained from C 2, C 3 curve-fit of the extracted stresses from FEA.

Step 5: Steps 1 through 4 are repeated in order to generate a series of P-T points; the fluid temperature is incremented with each repetition. Calculations proceed in this iterative manner until 1,300 psig. This value bounds expected pressures.

Step 6: The following minimum temperature requirements apply to the feedwater nozzle / upper vessel region according to Table I of IOCFR50, Appendix G [2]:

If the pressure is greater than 20% of the pre-service hydro-test pressure, the temperature must be greater than the RTNDT of the limiting flange material plus a temperature adjustment. For Curve A calculations, the temperature adjustment is 90'F; for Curve B, the temperature adjustment is 1200, and for Curve C the temperature adjustment is the highest value between the minimum permissible temperature for the inservice system hydrostatic pressure test and the sum of the highest reference temperature of the material in the closure flange region that is highly stressed by the bolt preload plus 160'F.

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StructuralIntegrity Associates, IncO If the pressure is less than or equal to 20% of the pre-service hydro-test pressure, the minimum temperature must be greater than or equal to the RTNDT of the limiting flange material. For Curve A and B calculations, the minimum temperature is the highest reference temperature of the material in the closure flange region that is highly stressed by the bolt preload; for Curve C calculations, the minimum temperature is the highest value between the minimum permissible temperature for the inservice system hydrostatic pressure test and the sum of the highest reference temperature of the material in the closure flange region that is highly stressed by the bolt preload plus 40'F.

Step 7: The final P-T limits are calculated using the following equations:

TP-T = T + UT (10)

PpT = Pallow - PH - UP (11) where: TP-T = The allowable coolant (metal) temperature ('F).

UT = The coolant temperature instrument uncertainty ('F).

PP-T = The allowable reactor pressure (psig).

PH = The pressure head to account for the water in the RPV (psig).

Can be calculated from the following expression: PH = p. Ah.

p = Water density at ambient temperature (lb/in3 ).

Ah = Elevation of full height water level in RPV (in).

up = The pressure instrument uncertainty (psig).

These additional pressure and temperature limits are not applicable to the IOCFR50 Appendix G [2] limits described in Step 6.

The P-T Curves for hydrostatic leak test (Curve A) and normal operation - core not critical (Curve B) may be computed by following Steps I through 7. Table I of Reference [2] requires that core critical (Curve C) P-T limits be 40'F above any Curve A or Curve B limits at all pressures. Therefore, values for Curve C are generated from the requirements of IOCFR50 Appendix G [2] and the Curve A and Curve B limits. IOCFR50 Appendix G [2] also stipulates that, above 20% of the pre-service system hydrostatic test pressure the Curve C temperatures must be either the reference temperature (RTNDT) of the closure flange region plus 160'F, or the temperature required for the hydrostatic pressure test, whichever is greater.

For P-T Curves A and B, the initial fluid temperature assumed in Step I is typically taken at the bolt-up temperature of the closure flange minus coolant temperature instrument uncertainty. According to Reference [2], the minimum bolt-up temperature is equal to the limiting material RTNDT of the regions affected by bolt-up stresses. Consistent with Reference [3], the minimum bolt-up temperature shall not be lower than 60'F. Thus, the minimum bolt-up temperature shall be 60'F, the material RTNDT, or other plant specific limit identified by the plant owner, whichever is higher.

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For P-T Curve C, when the reactor is critical, the initial fluid temperature is equal to the calculated minimum core critical temperature in the reactor region. Table 1 of Reference [2] indicates that, for a BWR with normal operating water levels, the minimum core critical temperature at the closure flange region is equal to the reference temperature (RTNDT) at the flange region plus 60'F. Thus, the minimum core critical temperature shall be the limiting closure flange region material RTNDT+60'F or other plant specific limit identified by the plant owner, whichever is higher.

3.0 ASSUMPTIONS / DESIGN INPUTS The design inputs and assumptions used to develop the CNS P-T curves are discussed below. Design inputs and assumptions are summarized in the input listings in Appendix A.

The adjusted reference temperature (ART) values in the CNS beltline region are obtained for 32 and 54 EFPY from Reference [4]. Note that the height of the beltline increases in direct proportion with EFPY; this change in the beltline region from initial startup to end of life is referred to as the extended beltline.

The ART value calculations are performed in accordance with Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)

Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2 (RG1.99) [5]. Based on Tables 1 and 2 of Reference [4], the limiting beltline material is the Lower/Intermediate shell plate, which has an ART value of 105.8°F for 32 EFPY and 131.2'F for 54 EFPY.

Non-beltline regions are not subjected to the effects of fluence; therefore, reference temperature (RTNDT) values are valid substitutions for corresponding ART values. RTNDT values for non-beltline regions are obtained from Reference [6].

The upper bound for the calculated static fracture toughness (K,,) is assumed to be 200 ksi'Iin. This limit is assumed based on earlier versions of the ASME Code and is the limit of applicability for linear elastic fracture mechanics, rather than a material property limit.

The inner radius of the RPV at the beltline region is 110.375 inches [7]. The vessel shell thickness is taken as 5.375 inches at the beltline region from the same source. Dimensions for the bottom head radius and the thicknesses are obtained from Reference [7]. The bottom head radius is 110.5 inches and the thickness is 3.188 inches in the thin portion and 6.813 inches in the thick portion.

The GE design pressure is defined in Reference [8] as 1,250 psig. Typically, the pre-service system hydrostatic test pressure is taken as 1.25 times the design pressure, resulting in a value of 1,563 psig.

The instrument uncertainties for both temperature and pressure are given in Reference [9] as follow:

" Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature is bounded by + 5°F.

  • Reactor Vessel Pressure is bounded by +/- 25 psig.

The full vessel height in the RPV is 831.75 inches, as shown in Reference [10]. The normal operating temperature in the RPV is 547°F [8]. However, the water density is conservatively taken at a lower temperature. Thus, the static pressure adjustment due to the pressure head of the water in the RPV is File No.: 1100445.303 Page 9 of 38 Revision: 1 F0306-OIRI

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conservatively calculated as 30 psi for all evaluation regions and all temperatures using a water density of 62.4 ibm/ft3 . The maximum cool-down rate of the vessel is 100°F/hr per Reference [8].

According to Section 2.8 of Reference [3], the minimum bolt-up temperature for the RPV shall not be lower than 60'F. Since the RTNDT values for all regions highly stressed by bolt preload are all less than 60'F (in this case, that of the closure flange region: 20'F [6]), the initial assumed fluid temperature in the iterative P-T curve calculation process should be set equal to 60'F minus coolant temperature uncertainty (5'F in this case [9]). However, the minimum containment temperature is 70'F, which bounds the shutdown margin analysis [ 11]. Therefore, as specified in Section 2.0, the minimum bolt-up and minimum criticality temperature shall not be less than 70'F. A temperature increment of 2°F between subsequent iterations is assumed.

The 70'F initial temperature does not include the additional 60'F add-on margin for Curves A and B that was previously applied. This additional conservatism was required in pre-1971 ASME Section III Code, but is no longer required in ASME Section XI, Appendix G [1] or 10CFR50, Appendix G [2].

When the LTR [3] was developed, SI consciously recognized the additional 60'F margin and chose to exclude it, as it is not technically required.

Vessel nozzles are generally incorporated into P-T curve calculations using stress distributions from FEAs and applying them to geometry specific fracture mechanics models. The feedwater nozzle (upper vessel region) and the core differential pressure (CDP) nozzle require this type of analysis due to bounding transients they experience, limiting ART (RTNDT outside beltline) values, and/or stress concentration effects. The core differential pressure CDP nozzle (bottom head region) is analyzed because it is the limiting discontinuity in the thin portion of the bottom head. FEA is performed in Reference [12] for the CDP nozzle.

The feedwater nozzle is the bounding component in the upper vessel because it is a stress concentrator (essentially a hole in a plate) and because it typically experiences more severe thermal transients compared to the rest of the upper vessel region. A two-dimensional finite element model (FEM) of the feedwater nozzle is created as described in Section 2.0 of Reference [13]. The stress distribution acting normal to the postulated V4 thickness crack (or hoop stress distribution) due to a 1,000 psig unit pressure is obtained along a limiting path in the nozzle-to-RPV blend radius [ 13]. Pressure stress coefficients are obtained from Table 2 of Reference [ 13] and used to calculate the applied pressure stress intensity factor using Equation 8.

The hoop stress distribution in the feedwater nozzle is also obtained along the same path for a thermal down shock of 450'F [13]. Stress coefficients are calculated for all time steps in Table 3 of Reference

[13] and used to calculate a thermal stress intensity factor, Kit, due to the 450'F thermal shock using Equation 4. The maximum Kit for all time steps is used in the evaluation. Because operation is along the saturation curve, the limiting Klt is scaled to reflect the worst-case step change due to the available temperature difference. It is recognized that at low temperatures, the available temperature difference is insignificant, which could result in a near zero Kit. Therefore, a minimum Kit is calculated based on the shutdown transient; scaling of the upper vessel / feedwater nozzle Kit based on the available temperature File No.: 1100445.303 Page 10 of 38 Revision: I F0306-01RII

V StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc difference is not allowed below this minimum K1t. The feedwater nozzle shutdown transient is analyzed with the hoop stress distribution given along the same limiting path in Reference [14]. The analysis in Reference [14] provides results for a stress free reference temperature of 70'F as well as 550'F. The choice of stress free reference temperature affects the magnitude of the differential thermal expansion stresses in the component. Both analyses are curve fit with a third order polynomial for all time points, and a thermal stress intensity factor is calculated using Equation 4. The maximum Kit for all time steps considering both stress free reference temperatures is used as the minimum K[, for the upper vessel /

feedwater nozzle. The limiting path defines the nozzle comer thickness to be 5.75 inches [14] and the postulated flaw location at 1/4t to be 1.44 inches.

The CNS bottom head exhibits a variation in thickness for different sections. It is observed that a nozzle exists in the thinner section of the bottom head. Although the nozzle is not ferritic and does not specifically require evaluation, the stress concentration effects of the penetration must be accounted for.

Per Reference [3] a nozzle specific evaluation is performed to ensure that the CDP nozzle is not limiting for any part of the bottom head curve. Initially, only Curve B is analyzed because it utilizes a higher safety factor and also incorporates the effects of through wall thermal stresses. If any portion of the CDP nozzle proves to be limiting for the bottom head, a composite bottom head curve will be created for Curve A, Curve B, and Curve C.

For the CDP nozzle a unit pressure FEA is performed in Reference [ 12] and a third order polynomial curve-fit is applied to the through-wall stress distribution [12, Table 1]. The KIp value is calculated using Equation 9. The Klt value for the CDP nozzle is calculated using Equation 3.

4.0 CALCULATIONS The P-T curves in this calculation were developed using an Excel spreadsheet, which is independently verified for use on a project-specific basis in accordance with SI's Nuclear QA program.

For the feedwater nozzle shutdown thermal transient analysis, the stress free temperature of 70'F is the bounding case. The Kit value is calculated for all time steps with the bounding Kit values shown in the plot of the polynomial curve fit (Figure 1) for time = 6792 seconds.

The feedwater nozzle polynomial stress coefficients due to pressure, thermal shock, and thermal ramp are given in Table I and are applied to Equations 4 and 8 to calculate the stress intensity factors shown in Table 1. The resulting applied pressure stress intensity factor, Kip-app, is 38.9 ksi/in, the thermal stress intensity factor due to thermal down shock is 63.5 ksi"Iin, and the thermal stress intensity factor due to thermal ramp is 11.1 ksi/in.

For the analysis of the core differential pressure nozzle, the resulting applied pressure stress intensity factor, is 35.2 ksix/in and the thermal stress intensity factor due to the 100*F/hr cooldown rate is calculated using Equation 3 as 1.7 ksi/in.

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4.1 Pressure Test (Curve A)

The minimum bolt-up temperature of 70'F minus instrument uncertainty (5°F) is applied to all regions as the initial temperature in the iterative calculation process. The static fracture toughness (Kic) is calculated for all regions using Equation 1. The resulting value of K1 t, along with a safety factor of 1.5 is used in Equation 2 to calculate the pressure stress intensity factor (Kip). The allowable RPV pressure is calculated for the beltline, bottom head and upper vessel regions using Equations 5, 6, and 7, as appropriate. For the feedwater nozzle / upper vessel region, the additional constraints specified in Step 6 of Section 2.0 are applied. Final P-T limits for temperature and pressure are obtained from Equations 10 and 11, respectively.

The data resulting from each P-T curve calculation is tabulated. Values for the beltline region at 32 and 54 EFPY are provided in Table 2 and Table 3, respectively. Data for the bottom head region is listed in Table 4, and data for the feedwater nozzle / upper vessel region is presented in Table 5. The data for each region is graphed, and the resulting P-T curves for 32 and 54 EFPY are provided in Figure 2 and Figure 3, respectively. Additionally, a composite Curve A for the beltline, bottom head, and upper vessel regions is graphed and the resulting P-T curves for 32 and 54 EFPY are provided in Figure 4 and Figure 5.

4.2 Normal Operation - Core Not Critical (Curve B)

The minimum bolt-up temperature of 70'F minus coolant temperature instrument uncertainty (5°F) is applied to all regions as the initial temperature in the iterative calculation process. The static fracture toughness (K1 t) is calculated for all regions using Equation 1. The thermal stress intensity factor (Kit) is calculated for the beltline plate and bottom head regions using Equation 3 and for the feedwater nozzle using Equation 4.

The resulting values of Kjc and Kit, along with a safety factor of 2.0, are used in Equation 2 to calculate the pressure stress intensity factor (Kip). The allowable RPV pressure is calculated for the beltline, bottom head, and upper vessel regions using Equations 5, 6, and 7, as appropriate. For the feedwater nozzle / upper vessel region, the additional constraints specified in Step 6 of Section 2.0 are applied.

Final P-T limits for temperature and pressure are obtained from Equations 10 and 11, respectively.

The data resulting from each P-T curve calculation is tabulated. Values for the beltline region at 32 and 54 EFPY are given in Table 6 and Table 7. Data for the bottom head region is listed in Table 8 and data for the bottom head region represented by the CDP nozzle is listed in Table 9. Comparison of these two tables show that data from Table 8 is bounding, therefore the CDP nozzle in the bottom head region is not included as part of the composite curve for Curve A, Curve B, or Curve C. Data for the feedwater nozzle / upper vessel region is presented in Table 10. The data for each region is graphed, and the resulting P-T curves for 32 and 54 EFPY are provided in Figure 6 and Figure 7, respectively.

Additionally, a composite Curve B for the beltline, bottom head, and upper vessel regions is graphed, and the resulting P-T curves for 32 and 54 EFPY are provided in Figure 8 and Figure 9.

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4.3 Normal Operation - Core Critical (Curve C)

The pressure and temperature values for Curve C are calculated in a similar manner as Curve B, with several exceptions. The initial evaluation temperature is calculated as the limiting upper vessel RTNDT that is highly stressed by the bolt preload (in this case, that of the closure flange region: 20'F per Section 3.0) plus 60'F, resulting in a minimum critical temperature of 80'F. When the pressure exceeds 20% of the pre-service system hydrostatic test pressure (20% of 1,563 psig = 313 psig), the P-T limits are specified as 40'F higher than the Curve B values. The minimum temperature above the 20% of the pre-service system hydrostatic test pressure is always greater than the reference temperature (RTNDT) of the closure region plus 160'F, or is taken as the minimum temperature required for the hydrostatic pressure test. The final Curve C values are taken as the absolute maximum between the regions of the beltline, the bottom head, and the upper vessel.

Tabulated overall values of Curve C are provided at 32 and 54 EFPY in Table 11 and Table 12, respectively. The corresponding P-T curve plots for 32 and 54 EFPY are given in Figure 10 and Figure 11, respectively.


S P-T curves are developed for CNS using the methodology in Section 2.0 and the design inputs and assumptions defined in Section 3.0. A full set of P-T curves are developed at 32 EFPY and 54 EFPY, for the following plant conditions: Pressure Test (Curve A), Normal Operation - Core Not Critical (Curve B), and Normal Operation - Core Critical (Curve C). Calculations are performed for the beltline, bottom head, and feedwater nozzle / upper vessel regions.

Tabulated pressure and temperature values are provided for all regions and EFPY levels in Table 2 through Table 12. The accompanying P-T curve plots are provided in Figure 2 through Figure 11.

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1. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI, Rules for In-Service Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components, Appendix G, "Analysis of Flaws," 2001 Edition including the 2003 Addenda.
2. U. S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Energy, Part 50, "Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities," Appendix G, "Fracture Toughness Requirements," (60 FR 65474, Dec. 19, 1995; 73 FR 5723, Jan. 2008).
3. Structural Integrity Associates Report No. SIR-05-044, Revision 1, "Pressure-Temperature Limits Report Methodology for Boiling Water Reactors," June 2011, S1 File No. GE-10Q-401.
4. Cooper Nuclear Station Calculation No. NEDC07-045, Structural Integrity Associates Calculation No. 1100445.301, Revision 1, "ARTNDT and ART Evaluation."
5. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2, "Radiation Embrittlement of Reactor Vessel Materials," May 1988.
6. GE Document No. GE-NE-523-159-1292 (DRF B 13-01662), "Cooper Nuclear Station Vessel Surveillance Materials Testing and Fracture Toughness Analysis," Revision 0, February 1993, SI File No. COOP-05Q-202.
7. Combustion Engineering Drawing No. E-232-230, Revision 3, "General Arrangement Elevation for: General Electric Co. APED 218" I.D. BWR," SI File No. NPPD-06Q-208.
8. Cooper Nuclear Station Drawing Change Notice No. 08-1427, "RPV Thermal Cycles," SI File No. 1100445.203.
9. NPPD Memo DED 2003-005, Alan Able to Ken Thomas, dated August 14, 2003, "Instrument Uncertainty Associated With Technical Specification 3.4.9," SI File No. COOP-05Q-203.
10. General Electric Drawing No. 729E479-B, Revision 0, "Reactor Primary SYS. WTS. & Vols.,"

Sheet I of 3, SI File No. NPPD-06Q-204.

11. Email Correspondence between Kenneth Thomas (NPPD) and Eric Houston (SI), Received on 5/18/2011, "RE: DRAFT P-T Curves," SI File No. 1100445.103.
12. Structural Integrity Associates Calculation No. 1100445.304, Revision 0, "Core Differential Pressure Nozzle Finite Element Model and Stress Analysis."
13. NPPD File No. NEDC99-020, Structural Integrity Associates Calculation No. NPPD-13Q-302, Revision 1, "Feedwater Nozzle Stress Analysis."

File No.: 1100445.303 Page 14 of 38 Revision: 1 F0306-01 R1I

CStructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

14. Cooper Nuclear Station Calculation No. NEDC99-020, Structural Integrity Associates Calculation No. 1100445.302, Revision 0, "Finite Element Stress Analysis of Cooper RPV Feedwater Nozzle."
15. Combustion Engineering, Inc. Drawing No. E-232-242, Revision 7, "Nozzle Details For:

General Electric Corp. APED 218" I.D. BWR," SI File No. 1100445.204.

File No.: 1100445.303 Page 15 of 38 Revision: 1 F0306-01 RI

CStructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

Table 1: CNS Polynomial Coefficients for Feedwater Nozzle Stress Intensity Distributions 30388 -7238.8 967.40 -82.863 38,904 62433 -34071 5810.3 -339.94 63,449

_~tI "r , - - C; ',

11322 -6463.6 931.8 -45.270 11,105 File No.: 1100445.303 Page 16 of 38 Revision: 1 F0306-OIRI]

CStructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

Table 2: CNS Beltline Region, Curve A, for 32 EFPY Plant CN 8-Component = .et.

Vessel thickness t 5 375 inches Vessel Radius R 140-3'7.5 inches ART 105.'8 F > 32EFPY KIT 0.00 !(no thermal effects)

Safety Factor = 50 I Temperature Adjustment 50b, "F (applied after bolt-up, instrument uncertainty)

Height of Water for a Full Vessel - - 831.75,5- inches Pressure Adjustment - " 36"0. psig (hydrostatic pressure head for a full %esselat 70°F)

Pressure Adjustment =.:25:0', psig (instrument uncertainty)

Gauge Adjusted Fluid Temperature Pressure for Temperature KI. Kfm for P-T Curve P-T Curve

  • FI lksiuinch"21 (ksaiinch"'It *F) (DsiO 65.0 42.37 28.25 70.0 0 65.0 42.37 28.25 70.0 586 67.0 42.74 28.50 72.0 591 69.0 43.13 28.75 74.0 597 71.0 43.54 29.02 76.0 603 73.0 43.96 29.31 78.0 610 75.0 44.40 29.60 80.0 616 77.0 44.86 29.90 82.0 623 79.0 45.33 30.22 84.0 630 81.0 45.83 30.55 86.0 638 83.0 46.34 30.89 88.0 646 85.0 46.88 31.25 90.0 654 87.0 47.44 31.62 92.0 662 89.0 48.02 32.01 94.0 671 91.0 48.62 32.41 96.0 680 93.0 49.25 32.83 98.0 690 95.0 49.91 33.27 100.0 700 97.0 50.59 33.73 102.0 710 99.0 51.30 34.20 104.0 721 101.0 52.04 34.69 106.0 732 103.0 52.80 35.20 108.0 743 105.0 53.60 35.74 110.0 756 107.0 54.44 36.29 112.0 768 109.0 55.30 36.87 114.0 781 111.0 56.21 37.47 116.0 795 113.0 57.15 38.10 118.0 809 115.0 58.12 38.75 120.0 824 117.0 59.14 39.43 122.0 839 119.0 60.20 40.13 124.0 855 121.0 61.30 40.87 126.0 872 123.0 62.45 41.63 128.0 889 125.0 63.64 42.43 130.0 907 127.0 64.88 43.26 132.0 926 129.0 66.18 44.12 134.0 946 131.0 67.52 45.01 136.0 966 133.0 68.92 45.95 138.0 987 135.0 70.38 46.92 140.0 1,009 137.0 71.90 47.93 142.0 1,032 139.0 73.48 48.98 144.0 1,056 141.0 75.12 50.08 146.0 1,081 143.0 76.83 51.22 148.0 1,107 145.0 78.61 52.41 150.0 1,134 147.0 80.47 53.64 152.0 1,162 149.0 82.39 54.93 154.0 1,191 151.0 84.40 56.27 156.0 1,221 153.0 86.49 57.66 158.0 1,253 155.0 88.67 59.11 160.0 1,286 157.0 90.93 60.62 162.0 1,320 File No.: 1100445.303 Page 17 of 38 Revision: 1 F0306-01RI I

VStructural Integrity Associates, Inc.

Table 3: CNS Beitline Region, Curve A, for 54 EFPY Plant CNS Component = ,Bl*id*e Vessel thickness, t 5.3 inches Vessel Radius, R 110375,. inches ART 13.1.2 'F ======> S4EFPY KIT 000 (no thermal etffcts)

Safety Factor .1.50 M,= 2V147 Temperature Adjustment 5'W I°F (applied after bolt-up, instrument uncertainty)

Height of Water bra Full Vessel 831.75, "!inches Pressure Adjustment 30.10 psig (hydrostatic pressure head for a full uessel at 707F)

Pressure Adjustment 25.0 ipsig (instrument uncertainty)

Gauge Adjusted Fluid Temperature Pressure for Temperature K* K., for P-T Curve P-T Curve 2

t*Ft (ksi'inch"' ) ksirinchrr) (IF) (psig) 650 38.72 25.81 70.0 0 65.0 38.72 25.81 70.0 530 670 38.94 25.96 72.0 534 69.0 39.18 26.12 74.0 537 71.0 39.42 26.28 76.0 541 73.0 39.67 26.45 78.0 545 75.0 39.94 26.63 80.0 549 77.0 40.21 26.81 82.0 553 79.0 40.50 27.00 84.0 557 81.0 40.80 27.20 86.0 562 83.0 41.11 27.40 88.0 567 85.0 41.43 2762 90.0 571 87.0 41 77 27.84 02.0 577 89.0 42.12 28.08 94.0 562 91.0 42.48 28.32 96.0 587 93.0 42.86 2857 98.0 593 95.0 43.25 28.83 100.0 599 97.0 43.66 29.11 102.0 605 99.0 44.09 29.39 104.0 612 101.0 44.53 29.69 106.0 618 103.0 45.00 30.00 108.0 625 105.0 45.48 30.32 110.0 633 107.0 45.98 30.65 112.0 640 109.0 46.50 31.00 114.0 648 111.0 47.04 31.36 116.0 656 113.0 47.61 31.74 1180 665 115.0 48.20 32.13 120.0 674 117.0 48.81 32.54 122.0 683 119.0 49.44 32.96 124.0 693 121.0 50.11 33.41 126.0 703 123.0 50.80 33.87 128.0 713 125.0 51.52 34.34 130.0 724 127.0 52.26 34.84 132.0 735 129.0 53.04 35.36 134.0 747 131.0 53.85 35.90 136.0 759 133.0 54.69 36.46 138.0 772 135.0 55.57 37.05 140.0 785 137.0 56.48 37.66 142.0 799 139.0 57.43 38.29 144.0 814 141.0 58.42 38.95 146.0 828 143.0 59.45 39.64 148.0 844 145.0 60.52 40.35 150.0 860 147.0 61.64 41.09 152.0 877 149.0 62.80 41.87 154.0 895 151.0 64.01 42.67 156.0 913 153.0 65.27 43.51 158.0 932 155.0 66.57 44.38 160.0 952 157.0 67.94 45.29 162.0 972 159.0 69.35 46.24 164.0 994 161.0 70.83 47.22 166.0 1,016 163.0 72.36 48.24 1680 1,039 165.0 73.96 49.31 170.0 1,063 167.0 75.63 50.42 172.0 1,089 169.0 7736 51.57 174.0 1.115 171.0 79.16 52.77 176.0 1,142 173.0 81.04 54.02 178.0 1,170 175.0 82.99 55.33 180.0 1,200 177.0 85.02 56.68 162.0 1.231 179.0 87.13 58.09 1840 1,263 181.0 89.34 59.56 186.0 1,296 183.0 91.63 61.08 188.0 1,331 File No.: 1100445.303 Page 18 of 38 Revision: I F0306-01RIi

StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

Table 4: CNS Bottom Head Region, Curve A, for All EFPY Plant = CNS Component =' Bottom Helad (penetrations portion)

Bottom Head thickness, t = 6.813 inches Bottom Head Radius, R = 1,10.5 inches ART = 28.0 °F ======> All EFPY Kit =

0.00 (no thermal effects)

Safety Factor = 1.5.0 Stress Concentration Factor = 3:00 (bottom head penetrations)

Mm = 2.417 Temperature Adjustment = 'F (applied after bolt-up, instrument uncertainty)

Height of Water for a Full Vessel = 831.75 inches Pressure Adjustment = 30.,0 psig (hydrostatic pressure head for a full vessel at 70°F)

Pressure Adjustment = 25.0 psig (instrument uncertainty)

Gauge Adjusted Fluid Temperature Pressure for Temperature KIc for P-T Curve P-T Curve (6F) 2 (ksi*inch 1 ) (ksi*inch 1/2) (OF) (psi9) 65.0 76.66 51.10 70 0 65.0 76.66 51.10 70 814 67.0 78.43 52.29 72 834 69.0 80.28 53.52 74 855 71.0 82.20 54.80 76 877 73.0 84.20 56.13 78 900 75.0 86.28 57.52 80 923 77.0 88.44 58.96 82 948 79.0 90.70 60.47 84 973 81.0 93.05 62.03 86 1,000 83.0 95.49 63.66 88 1,028 85.0 98.03 65.35 90 1,056 87.0 100.68 67.12 92 1,086 89.0 103.43 68.95 94 1,118 91.0 106.30 70.86 96 1,150 93.0 109.28 72.85 98 1,184 95.0 112.38 74.92 100 1,219 97.0 115.62 77.08 102 1,256 99.0 118.98 79.32 104 1,294 File No.: 1100445.303 Page 19 of 38 Revision: 1 F0306-01 R1]

CStructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.0 Table 5: CNS, Upper Vessel Region, Curve A, for All EFPY Plant = CNS Component = Uper.Mesl ART= 20.0' "oF-- ... > All EFPY VessEel Radius, R = ,410;*'35 inches Nozzle comer thickness, t' = 5753 inches,, approximate Kit = 000 (no the rmal effects) hl1/2 Kip-applied= 38 90 ksi*inc Craick Depth, a = 1 438 inches Saafety Factor = 1,50 Temperature Adjustment = F (appilied after bolt-up, instrument uncertainty)

'5"0 Height of Water for a Full Vessel = 8'3jl,7*5 inches Pressure Adjustment 30...

ý0 psig (h ydrostatic pressure head for a full vessel at 70OF)

Pressure Adjustment = 25 0 psig (inistrument uncertainty)

Referen ce Pressure = .11106' psig (pressure at which the FEA stress coefficients are valid)

U'nit Pressure = 11,563 .psig (h'ydrostatic pressure)

Fllange RTNDT = .20.0 F ... > All EFPY Gauge P-T P-T Curve Fluid Curve 10CFR50 Temperature K~C Ki p Temperature Adjustments (OF) 2 (ks*inch1/ ) (ksi*inch112 ) (OF) (psig) 65.0 84.20 56.13 70 0 65.0 84.20 56.13 70 313 67.0 86.28 57.52 110 313 69.0 88.44 58.96 110 1461 71.0 90.70 60.47 110 1499 73.0 93.05 62.03 110 1539 75.0 95.49 63.66 110 1581 77.0 98.03 65.35 110 1625 File No.: 1100445.303 Page 20 of 38 Revision: 1 F0306-01 RI i

VStructural Integrity Associates, Inc.

Table 6: CNS, Beitline Region, Curve B, for 32 EFPY Plant = CNS

  • Component= beilfne Vessel thickness, t 375 inches Vessel Radius, R 110.375 inches ART 105.8 -F ======> 32 EFPY 12 K1, 6.38' ksi'inch "

Safety Factor .2:00 M=. 2.147 Temperature Adjustment .5.0. "F (applied after bolt-up, instrument uncertainty)

Height of Water for a Full Vessel 831:75 inches Pressure Adjustment .30:08 psig (hydrostatic pressure head for a full'essel at 70=F)

Pressure Adjustment = 25.0 ipsig (instrument uncertainty)

Heat Up and Cool Down Rate= 100 *F/Hr Gauge Adjusted Fluid Temperature Pressure for Temperature K(, K%, for P-T Curve P-T Curve 2

11F1 lksiilnch"I lkMnch" l F1

°F siel 65.0 42.37 17.99 70.0 0 65.0 42.37 17 99 70.0 353 67.0 42.74 18.18 72.0 357 69.0 43.13 1837 74.0 362 71.0 43.54 1858 76.0 366 73.0 43.96 18.79 78.0 371 75.0 44.40 19.01 80.0 376 77.0 44.86 19.24 82.0 381 79.0 45.33 19.47 84.0 387 81.0 45.83 19.72 860 392 83.0 46.34 19.98 88.0 398 85.0 46.88 20.25 90.0 404 87.0 47.44 20.53 92.0 411 89.0 48.02 20.82 94.0 417 91.0 48.62 21.12 96.0 424 93.0 49.25 21.43 98.0 431 95.0 49.91 21.76 100.0 439 97.0 50.59 22.10 102.0 446 99.0 51.30 22.46 104.0 454 101.0 5204 22.83 106.0 463 103.0 52.80 23.21 108.0 471 105.0 53.60 23.61 1100 481 107.0 54.44 24.03 112.0 490 109.0 55.30 24.46 114.0 500 111.0 56.21 24.91 116.0 510 113.0 5715 25.38 118.0 521 115.0 58.12 25.87 120.0 532 117.0 59.14 26.38 122.0 543 119.0 60.20 26.91 124.0 555 121.0 61 30 27.46 126.0 568 123.0 62.45 28.03 128.0 581 125.0 63.64 28.63 130.0 594 127.0 6488 29.25 132.0 608 129.0 66.18 29.90 134.0 623 131.0 67.52 30.57 136.0 638 133.0 68.92 31.27 138.0 654 135.0 70.38 3200 140.0 671 137.0 71.90 32276 142.0 688 139.0 73.48 33.55 144.0 706 141.0 75.12 34.37 146.0 725 143.0 76.83 35.22 148.0 744 145.0 78.61 36.11 150.0 764 147.0 80.47 37.04 152.0 785 149.0 82.39 38.01 154.0 807 151.0 84.40 39.01 156.0 830 153.0 86.49 40.05 158.0 854 155.0 88.67 41.14 160.0 878 157.0 90.93 42.27 162.0 904 159.0 93.29 43.45 164.0 931 161.0 95.74 44.68 166.0 958 163.0 98.29 45.95 168.0 987 165.0 100.95 47.28 170.0 1,017 167.0 103.71 48.66 172.0 1,049 169.0 106.59 50.10 174.0 1,081 171.0 109.58 51.60 176.0 1M115 173.0 112.70 53.16 178.0 1,151 1750 115.95 54.78 180.0 1.188 177.0 119.32 56.47 182.0 1,226 179.0 122.84 58.23 184.0 1,266 181.0 126.50 60.06 186.0 1.307 File No.: 1100445.303 Page 21 of 38 Revision: 1 F0306-OIRII

VStructural Integrity Associates, Inc.

Table 7: CNS, Beitline Region, Curve B, for 54 EFPY Plant = Cl§.


Vessel thickness. t = "5375'i inches Vessel Radius. R 110370 inches ART 13"1i2 =F ======- 54 EFPY K.  : 3S ksf"nch"'

Safety Factor = 2.

Temperature Adjustment 5:0 F (applied aster bolt-up. instrcment uncettainty)

Height of WaterftoaFull Vessel 83,1i 5I. inches Pressure Adjustment 300:. psog(hydrostatic pressure head for a fhtlcssel at 70"F)

Pressure Adjustment = 2508 . psog (nutrment uertainty(

Heat Up and Coot D-oc Rat. 100 . F/Hr Gauge Adjuted Fluid Temperature Presre for Temperature K,. K,, for P-T Curme P-T Curme

(*F1 tko0n501 Issleoinch'I( *'F) Ipsn) 05.0 38.72 10.17 700 80.0 30.72 18.17 700 312 07.0 38.94 t5 28 72.0 314 59.o0 39n 18.40 74.0 317 71.0 39.42 18.52 78.0 320 73.0 30.07 1t.85 78.0 323 75.0 3994 1t.70 80.0 326 77.0 40.21 10.91 82.0 320 79.0 40.50 17.00 84.0 332 81.0 40.80 17.21 800 335 83.0 41.11 1730 000 339 00.0 41.43 17.52 000 342 87.0 41.77 17.09 92.0 346 00.0 42.12 17.87 04.0 350 91.0 4248 18.00 96.0 354 93.0 4208 1024 980 359 95.0 4325 1043 140.0 363 97.0 4366 18004 1020 368 gg.0 44 0 18085 104.0 373 101.0 4453 19.08 100.0 378 103.0 45.00 19 31 1080 383 105.0 4548 1955 110.0 388 107.0 4598 1980 112.0 394 109.0 4650 20.06 114.0 400 111.0 47.04 20.33 110.0 408 113.0 47.01 20.81 11.0 413 115.0 48.20 20.01 1200 419 117.0 408.81 21.21 122 0 428 110.0 49.44 21.53 124 0 433 121.0 30.11 21.86 1280 441 123.0 50.00 22 21 128.0 449 125.0 51.52 22.57 130.0 457 127.0 52.2" 22.94 132.0 465 129.0 53.04 23.33 134.0 474 131.0 53."' 23.73 136.0 483 133.0 54.89 24.18 138.0 493 135.0 55.57 24.59 1400 503 137.0 50 40 20.05 142.0 513 139.0 57.43 25.53 1440 524 141.0 58.42 28.02 146.0 535 143.0 59 45 28.53 1480 547 145.0 60.52 27.07 1500 559 147.0 81.84 27.63 152.0 572 149.0 82.80 2 21 1540 585 151.0 S4.01 20.81 1580 599 153.0 65.27 20.44 158.0 613 155.0 80.57 30.10 1000 628 157.0 87.94 30.78 1820 643 159.0 89 5 31.40 1840 658 181.0 70.83 32.22 1680 870 183.0 72.36 32.09 108.0 893 185.0 73.00 3379 1700 711 167.0 7583 34.82 172.0 730 109.0 77.30 35.49 1740 750 171.0 79.16 36.39 iio0 770 1730 81.04 37.33 178.0 792 175.0 30.30 190.0 814 177.0 85 02 39.32 1820 837 170.0 87.13 40.38 1840 801 181.0 89 34 41.48 180.0 880 183.0 91 03 42.62 1880 012 1850 04.01 4381 1900 939 187.0 0049 40.00 10240 07 1890 00.00 46.35 194.0 996 191.0 101.76 47.89 198.0 1.027 1930 104.56 40.09 198.0 1.058 10050 107.48 50.55 200.0 1.092 1070 11051 52.00 202.0 1.126 1990 113.08 5304 2040 1.182 201,0 110.94 55.28 206.0 1,199 203.0 120.30 56.99 208.0 1.238 2050 123.92 58.77 210.0 1.278 207.0 127 02 8082 212.0 1.320 File No.: 1100445.303 Page 22 of 38 Revision: I F0306-01 RI

CStructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

Table 8: CNS Bottom Head, Curve B for All EFPY Plant =r C

,NS Component =L Bott6mHead (penetrations portion)

Bottom Head thickness, t = 3681" inches Bottom Head Radius, R = i*O 51 inches ART= 28;O 'F ...... > All EFPY Kit 1'.73 ksi-inch112 Safety Factor = 2.0 Stress Concentration Factor = 3.00 (bottom head penetrations)

Mm 2.417 Temperature Adjustment = °F (applied after bolt-up, instrument uncertainty)

Height of Water for a Full Vessel = inches Pressure Adjustment = .30.0 psig (hydrostatic pressure head for a full wessel at 70°F)

Pressure Adjustment = 100 psig (instrument uncertainty)

Heat Up and Cool Down Rate = - °F/Hr Gauge Adjusted Fluid Temperature Pressure for Temperature KaC KMm for P-T Curve P-T Curve 2

(6F) (ksi*inch11 ) (ksi*inch112 ) (°F) (Psig) 65.0 76.66 37.46 70 0 65.0 76.66 37.46 70 582 67.0 78.43 38.35 72 597 69.0 80.28 39.27 74 613 71.0 82.20 40.23 76 629 73.0 84.20 41.23 78 646 75.0 86.28 42.27 80 664 77.0 88.44 43.36 82 682 79.0 90.70 44.49 84 701 81.0 93.05 45.66 86 721 83.0 95.49 46.88 88 742 85.0 98.03 48.15 90 764 87.0 100.68 49.47 92 786 89.0 103.43 50.85 94 810 91.0 106.30 52.28 96 834 93.0 109.28 53.78 98 859 95.0 112.38 55.33 100 886 97.0 115.62 56.94 102 913 99.0 118.98 58.63 104 942 101.0 122.48 60.38 106 972 103.0 126.12 62.20 108 1,003 105.0 129.92 64.09 110 1,035 107.0 133.86 66.07 112 1,068 109.0 137.97 68.12 114 1,103 111.0 142.25 70.26 116 1,140 113.0 146.70 72.48 118 1,178 115.0 151.33 74.80 120 1,217 117.0 156.15 77.21 122 1,258 File No.: 1100445.303 Page 23 of 38 Revision: 1 F0306-01RI I

VStructural Integrity Associates, Inc.

Table 9: CNS Bottom Head-CDP Nozzle, Curve B for All EFPY Plant . C.,

Component = W el-

.PI essure ,Nozzle ART 08' °F ......

  • . > ALL EFPY Heat up/Cool down Rate -1.

.. O Fr Nominal Vessel Radius, R F: *.. inches Vessel Thickness, t, -: 1b' inches Nozzle Thickness, t, 0.28 inches Kit appjje  ::: ~ Ki3t ~' ; ' ksi*inchl/ 2 ksiinchs Kip-applied =,.*, 3 5 i,-

17, ksi~inchl/

Height of Water for a Full Vessel = inches Reference Pressure = . 't0OOiO,&psig Pressure Adjustment= P j psig (hydrostatic pressure head for a full vessel at 70°F)


Pressure Adjustment psig (instrument uncertainty)

Gauge Adjusted Fluid Temperature Pressure for Temperature K~C Kip for P-T Curve P-T Curve (6F) (ksi*inch'12) (ksi*inchlI 2) (7F) (psig) 65.0 76.66 37.46 70.0 0 65.0 76.66 37.46 70.0 1,010 67.0 78.43 38.35 72.0 1,035 69.0 80.28 39.27 74.0 1,062 71.0 82.20 40.23 76.0 1,089 73.0 84.20 41.23 78.0 1,117 75.0 86.28 42.27 80.0 1,147 77.0 88.44 43.36 82.0 1,178 79.0 90.70 44.49 84.0 1,210 81.0 93.05 45.66 86.0 1,243 83.0 95.49 46.88 88.0 1,278 85.0 98.03 48.15 90.0 1,314 87.0 100.68 49.47 92.0 1,352 89.0 103.43 50.85 94.0 1,391 91.0 106.30 52.28 96.0 1,431 93.0 109.28 53.78 98.0 1,474 95.0 112.38 55.33 100.0 1,518 97.0 115.62 56.94 102.0 1,564 File No.: 1100445.303 Page 24 of 38 Revision: 1 F0306-01 RI i

CStructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

Table 10: CNS Upper Vessel, Curve B for All EFPY Plant =' CNS Component =i Upper.Vessel ART= 20.0- °F ======> All EFPY Vessel Radius, R = , '1",i:375 inches Nozzle comer thickness, t = 5.&7531 nches, approximate K,t = 63145 ksi*inch112 2

Klp-applied = ' .90 ksi*inch 1 Crack Depth,a= . 438 "i nches Safety Factor = .. 2:!*0' Temperature Adjustment = 50 'F (applied after bolt-up, instrument uncertainty)

Height of Water for a Full Vessel = 831:75 .i nches Pressure Adjustment = 30 0, psig (hydrostatic pressure head for a full vessel at 70'F)

Pressure Adjustment = 25. psig (instrument uncertainty)

Reference Pressure = "*.j000 psig (pressure at which the FEA stress coefficients are \alid)

Unit Pressure =, ,1563 psig (hydrostatic pressure)

Flange RTNDT = 2060 'F ======> All EFPY Gauge P-T P-T Fluid Curve Curve Temperature KiC Kip Temperature Pressure

(*F) (ksilinch )

112 (ksi*inch' )

12 (°F) (psi9) 65.0 84.20 10.37 70 0 65.0 84.20 19.46 70 313 67.0 86.28 20.51 140 313 69.0 88.44 19.26 140 440 71.0 90.70 20.06 140 461 73.0 93.05 20.91 140 482 75.0 95.49 21.80 140 505 77.0 98.03 22.73 140 529 79.0 100.68 23.71 140 554 81.0 103.43 24.74 140 581 83.0 106.30 25.82 140 609 85.0 109.28 26.95 140 638 87.0 112.38 28.15 140 668 89.0 115.62 29.40 140 701 91.0 118.98 30.71 140 734 93.0 122.48 32.09 140 770 95.0 126.12 33.54 140 807 97.0 129.92 35.04 140 846 99.0 133.86 36.63 140 887 101.0 137.97 38.30 140 929 103.0 142.25 40.04 140 974 105.0 146.70 41.87 140 1021 107.0 151.33 43.79 140 1071 109.0 156.15 45.80 140 1122 111.0 161.17 47.90 140 1176 113.0 166.39 50.10 140 1233 115.0 171.83 52.39 140 1292 File No.: 1100445.303 Page 25 of 38 Revision: 1 F0306-01RI1

$StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

Table 11: CNS Curve C for 32 EFPY Plant =* NS:

Curve A Leak Test Temperature = 0 14f.0 F Curve A Pressure -1,1i0 psig Unit Pressure = 1,563 psig (hydrostatic pressure)

Flange RTNDT = 20.01 oF P-T Curve P-T Curve Temperature Pressure 80.00 0 80.00 50 80.00 100 80.00 150 80.00 200 88.08 250 95.00 300 95.00 312 180.00 313 180.00 350 180.00 400 180.00 450 180.00 500 180.00 550 180.00 600 180.00 650 183.34 700 188.60 750 193.35 800 197.70 850 201.70 900 205.40 950 208.84 1000 212.07 1050 215.09 1100 217.96 1150 220.65 1200 223.21 1250 225.65 1300 File No.: 1100445.303 Page 26 of 38 Revision: I F0306-01 RI I

CStructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

Table 12: C1 TS Curve C for 54 EFPY Plant CNS 0

17.0 F Curve A Leak Test Temperature =

Curve A Pressure = 1.,100.0 'psig Unit Pressure= 1,563 ,psig (hydrostatic pressure)

Flange RTNDT = 20.0 OF P-T Curve P-T Curve Temperature Pressure 80.00 0 80.00 50 80.00 100 80.00 150 80.00 200 88.08 250 99.65 300 110.24 312 180.00 313 180.00 350 180.00 400 180.00 450 180.00 500 188.52 550 196.21 600 202.86 650 208.74 700 214.01 750 218.75 800 223.10 850 227.09 900 230.79 950 234.25 1000 237.47 1050 240.49 1100 243.35 1150 246.06 1200 248.61 1250 251.05 1300 File No.: 1100445.303 Page 27 of 38 Revision: 1 F0306-01R1 I

CStructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

Hoop Stress due to Shutdown Transient 12000

  1. First (Bounding) Thermal Load Case at Time = 6792 sec 10000 E Second Thermal Load Case at Time = 6792 sec 8000 Location4 1/4 Thickness 6000

~BoundingThermal Load Case 4000 "*

  • Stress Free ReferenceTemperature = 70°F y = -45.27X3 + 931.75x 2 - 6463.6x + 11322 2000 Kit= 11. 1 ksi-Vin, R2= 1 0 2 4 1

-2000 Second Thermal Load Case Stress Free Reference Temperature = 550°F

-4000 - y = -45.141x 3 + 937.34x 2 - 6507.2x + 10261 Kit = 9.47 ksi-Vin, R2 = 1

-6000 Depth Along Limiting Nozzle Path (in)

Figure 1: Feedwater Nozzle Path Stress Distribution File No.: 1100445.303 Page 28 of 38 Revision: I F0306-01RIi

CStructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

1,300 1,200 1,100 1,000 In 900 0.


800 700 U)

U) 600 w 500 IL 400 300 200 100 0

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 MINIMUM REACTOR VESSEL METAL TEMPERATURE ('F)

Figure 2: CNS (Hydrostatic Pressure and Leak Test) P-T Curve A for 32 EFPY File No.: 1100445.303 Page 29 of 38 Revision: 1 F0306-0 I RI

rStructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

1,300 1,200 1,100 1,000 a.

.. 900 Ul cn U) 800 0


  • 700

_z I--

..- I 600 U) 500 U)

'U 0.

400 300 200 100 0

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 MINIMUM REACTOR VESSEL METAL TEMPERATURE (°F)

Figure 3: CNS (Hydrostatic Pressure and Leak Test) P-T Curve A for 54 EFPY File No.: 1100445.303 Page 30 of 38 Revision: 1 F0306-OIRI

StructuralIntegrity Associates, IncO CNS Pressure Test (Composite Curve A), 32 EFPY 1,300 1,200 1,100 1,000 0.

uJJ 7900 U) 800 I-- 3 LU 2700 I--

  • 600

-J (0 500 400 300 200 100 0

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 MINIMUM REACTOR VESSEL METAL TEMPERATURE (OF)

Figure 4: CNS (Hydrostatic Pressure and Leak Test) Composite P-T Curve A for 32 EFPY File No.: 1100445.303 Page 31 of 38 Revision: I F0306-01RIH

CStructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

CNS Pressure Test (Composite Curve A), 54 EFPY 1,300

- ItiI~I I -Composite Curve A

-ii i : i ,


-VI z: il 1,100 -----

I _ -


-a ZJ 900 800 0


z 700 i

110F, 633 psig A


400 70°F, 313 psig Ii 300 110'F, 313 psig 200 100 (f Temp:

70°F Bol't up 0

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 MINIMUM REACTOR VESSEL METAL TEMPERATURE (OF)

Figure 5: CNS (Hydrostatic Pressure and Leak Test) Composite P-T Curve A for 54 EFPY File No.: 1100445.303 Page 32 of 38 Revision: 1 F0306-01RI j

VStructural Integrity Associates, Inc.0 1,300

- Beltline Region 1,200 F -- Bottom Head

-I1 - Upper Vessel 1,100

-61,000 a.

-J UJ900 LU I I


-if I I

0 I.-

800 VI II I 700 I z


- =Lý 1-/i M

LU 600 70F,58 sig Ftl,' 1!


U, IL 500 IIIII1711Y,I 400 70,33ppsig 300 I70*F, 313 psig I [F 140°F, 313 psig 'I I I I I I 200 -.1 Temp:I t II 100 7j-7 0

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 MINIMUM REACTOR VESSEL METAL TEMPERATURE (fF)

Figure 6: CNS P-T Curve B (Normal Operation - Core Not Critical) for 32 EFPY File No.: 1100445.303 Page 33 of 38 Revision: 1 F0306-01RI )

$Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.

1,300 1 tI

-- -- *B e lt in e R e g io n 1,200 ii ... -Bottom Head I-----1/ -=

Upper V sl 1,100 I1L------------____

-61,000 I I!i  ! , i 0.

-.J S I i i!*1I uJ

'I) 900

'U I i I o 800 I I I I- I I I I I I I

z' 700 M 600 w


U) uJ 500 w.

70T 5821 1s 400 70, p 13sig p 31 3Si 1400F, ]

300 I -I I 200 Bolt-up - - ,

Temp: - _1 100 700F - - I I:l 0

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 MINIMUM REACTOR VESSEL METAL TEMPERATURE ('F)

Figure 7: CNS P-T Curve B (Normal Operation - Core Not Critical) for 54 EFPY File No.: 1100445.303 Page 34 of 38 Revision: I F0306-01 RI

CStructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.8 CNS Normal Operation- Core Not Critical (Composite Curve B), 32 EFPY 1,300 I I I I I

-Composite Curve B I

1,200 I

1,100 I

I a._


- ~ji I I~1I.I

~~I 11E II I111 I

U)Un V) goo UJ w

o I- 800

- -.1- -

I I z 700 if I--

. 600 UJ U)

U) 500 U.

re 400 70*,313psig 300 I 140T, 313 psig -

200 BolNu L

100 0

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 MINIMUM REACTOR VESSEL METAL TEMPERATURE (°F)

Figure 8: CNS (Normal Operation - Core Not Critical) Composite P-T Curve B for 32 EFPY File No.: 1100445.303 Page 35 of 38 Revision: 1 F0306-OIRII

CStructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc!

CNS Normal Operation - Core Not Critical (Composite Curve B), 54 EFPY 1,300 I 1 1 1 1i 1 1 I:1[1111 1,200

-V -- LComposite Curve B zLzLzLzLzLzLz HHLJFF[F I 1,100 1,000 D.

..J iJn Co 900 uJ o 800 600

'A n,

U.' 700 z

w S600 LU no Co 500 Lu.

a-4I 400 -- *F313 Fg I-Ii140pi31 i g 300 Te I 200 0

70 F 100 iii 4 - K I arz

.9. k 0

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 MINIMUM REACTOR VESSEL METAL TEMPERATURE ("F)

Figure 9: CNS (Normal Operation - Core Not Critical) Composite P-T Curve B for 54 EFPY File No.: 1100445.303 Page 36 of 38 Revision: 1 F0306-01RIJ

CStructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

CNS Normal Operation - Core Critical Composite Curve C, 32 EFPY 1,300 1,200 I

1,100 1,000


02 0.

--900 i i1 1 _'

w U.

I I W800 0



0700 I-- -T 1 j 600 8O -- .24plg - -

w 3 .- - - --

- I 50 0 w


400 F18 . 313JPS 300 F -

200 Mini mum Core Critical ~7ti7T 17 100 Temperature:

800F 0

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 MINIMUM REACTOR VESSEL METAL TEMPERATURE (fF)

Figure 10: CNS P-T Curve C (Normal Operation - Core Critical) for 32 EFPY File No.: 1100445.303 Page 37 of 38 Revision: 1 F0306-01RI

CStructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

CNS Normal Operation - Core Critical Composite Curve C, 54 EFPY 1,300 1,200 1,100

-1,000 w, 900 U,

uJ 7800 I.-

UJ z

600 uL I

  • 500 w

1111 180F, 503 psig CL a.

400 i1'10'F, 313psilg I

300 t'

-- T--

]180T, 313psig J ; I L I 9q7F, 297 psig 200 ErýV, 1 psig IT I

I I j I I I I I I 1 I Minimum Core Critical 100 Temperature:

80°F 0 h 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 MINIMUM REACTOR VESSEL METAL TEMPERATURE (F)

Figure 11: CNS P-T Curve C (Normal Operation - Core Critical) for 54 EFPY File No.: 1100445.303 Page 38 of 38 Revision: 1 F0306-01IRI

CStructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.


P - T CURVE INPUT LISTING File No.: 1100445.303 Page A- I of A-3 Revision: I F0306-01R1

CStructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.!

32 EFPY Input Listing:

Instrument Uncertainty


Reactor Vessel Metal Temp 5 'F [10]

Reactor Vessel Pressure 25 psig [10]

Geometry Vessel Radius 110.375 in. [8]

Vessel Shell thickness 5.375 in. [8]

Bottom Head Thickness 6.8125 in. [8]

Bottom Head Radius 110.5 in. [8]

Feedwater Nozzle Thickness 10.87 in. [15]

Bottom Head Thickness (CDP Nozzle) 3.1875 in. [8]

Core Differential Pressure Nozzle Thickness 0.281 in. [16]

ART/RTNDT 32 EFPY Limiting Beltine 105.8 °F [5]

Limiting Bottom Head 28 *F [7]

Limiting Upper Vessel (Feedwater) RTNDT 20 °F [7]

Flange Material (Bolt-up) RTNoT 20 'F [7]

Safety Factor/Stress Concentration Factor Core Not Critical (Curve B) Core Critical (Curve C) 2 [3]

Pressure (Curve A) 1.5 [3]

Lower Penetrations (SCF) 3 [3]

During Pressure Test (near isothermal conditions) 0 ksivin [3]

Water 3

Density 62.4 lb/ft Assumed Pressure 1250 psig [9]

Full Water Elevation (pressure head) 831.75 in [11]

Hydrostatic Test Pressure 1563 psig Calculated Static Head Pressure Adjustment 30.0 psig Calculated Assumed Temperature Bolt Up Temperature 70 *F [12]

Increment 2 0F Assumed Rate of Temp Change Heat Up and Cool Down Rate 100 *F/hour [8]

File No.: 1100445.303 Page A-2 of A-3 Revision: 1 F0306-OIRI

CStructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

54 EFPY Input Listing:

Instrument Uncertainty


Reactor Vessel Metal Temp 5 °F [10]

Reactor Vessel Pressure 25 psig [10]

Geometry Vessel Radius 110.375 in. [8]

Vessel Shell thickness 5.375 in. [8]

Bottom Head Thickness 6.8125 in. [8]

Bottom Head Radius 110.5 in. [81 Feedwater Nozzle Thickness 10.87 in. [151 Bottom Head Thickness (CDP Nozzle) 3.1875 in. [81 Core Differential Pressure Nozzle Thickness 0.281 in. [161 ART/RTNDT 54 EFPY Limiting Beltine 131.2 'F [5]

Limiting Bottom Head 28 'F [7]

Limiting Upper Vessel (Feedwater) RTNDT 20 'F [7]

Flange Material (Bolt-up) RTNDT 20 °F [7]

Safety Factor/Stress Concentration Factor Core Not Critical (Curve B) Core Critical (Curve C) 2 [3]

Pressure (Curve A) 1.5 [31 Lower Penetrations (SCF) 3 [3]

KIt During Pressure Test (near isothermal conditions) 0 ksiVin [3]

Water 3

Density 62.4 Ib/ft Assumed Pressure 1250 psig [9]

Full Water Elevation (pressure head) 831.75 in [11]

Hydrostatic Test Pressure 1563 psig Calculated Static Head Pressure Adjustment 30.0 psig Calculated Assumed Temperature Bolt Up Temperature 70 *F [12]

Increment 2 °F Assumed Rate of Temp Change Heat Up and Cool Down Rate 100 °F/hour [8]

File No.: 1100445.303 Page A-3 of A-3 Revision: 1 F0306-01 RI