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Transmittal of Discharge Monitoring Report for March 2012
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 04/24/2012
From: Fricker C
Public Service Enterprise Group
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Environmental Protection Agency, State of NJ, Dept of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Permit Management
Download: ML12145A364 (124)


{{#Wiki_filter:PSEG Nuclear L.L.C. P.O. Box 236, Hancocks Bridge, NJ 08302 APR 24 2Z012 ,1.SCH12-017 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED ARTICLE NUMBER: 7007 2560 0002 0170 0948 0 PEG Nuclear L.L. C. Department of Environmental Protection Division of Water Quality Bureau of Permit Management P.O. Box 029 Trenton, N.J. 08625-0029 NEW JERSEY POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT SALEM GENERATING STATION NJPDES PERMIT NJ0005622

Dear Sir:

Attached is the Discharge Monitoring Report for the Salem Generating Station for the month of March 2012. This report is required by and prepared specifically for the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP). It presents only the observed results of measurements and analyses required to be performed by the above agencies. The choice of the measurement devices and analytical methods are controlled by the EPA and the NJDEP, not by the company, and there are limitations on the accuracy of such measurement devices and analytical techniques even when used and maintained as required. Accordingly, this report is not intended as an assertion that any instrument has measured, or that any reading or analytical result represents the true value with absolute accuracy, nor is it an endorsement of the suitability of any analytical or measurement procedure. If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact Mark P y le (8 5 6 ) 3 3 9 -2 3 3 1. v a-;l a Sincer Carl . Fricker Site Vice President - Salem Attachment (12 DMR's) ale d 1 N { C Executive Director, DRBC Iva e "4.. USNRC - Docket numbers 50-272 & 50-311

EXPLANATION OF CONDITIONS March 2012 Included in this months report is LR-E12-0041 which was previously submitted to your office and describes a sewage overflow to DSN-487. Also included is the NJPDES Biomonitoring Report Form for March 2012's Acute Toxicity for DSN 485. The following explanations are included to clarify possible deviation from permit conditions. General - The columns labeled "No. Ex" on the enclosed DMR tabulate the number of daily discharge values outside the indicated limits. Data reporting and accuracy reflect the working environment, the design capabilities and reliability of the monitoring instruments and operating equipment. Deviations from required sampling, analysis monitoring and reporting methods and periodicities are noted on the respective transmittal sheet. Results reported on the Discharge Monitoring Report forms are consistent with permit limits, data supplied from contract laboratories, the December 2007 revision of the NJDEP DMR Instruction Manual and specific guidance from DEP personnel. EXPLANATION OF EXCEEDANCES March 2012 The following exceedance(s) are included in the attached report and explained below. EXPLANATION No Exceedances

COUNTY OF SALEM STATE OF NEW JERSEY I, Carl J. Fricker of full age, being duly sworn according to law, upon my oath depose and say:


I am the Site Vice President - Salem for PSEG Nuclear, and as such am authorized to sign Salem's Discharge Monitoring Reports submitted to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection pursuant to the Station's New Jersey Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit.


I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe the submitted information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including the possibility of fine and imprisonment.


The signature on the attached Discharge Monitoring Reports is my signature and I am submitting this affidavit in satisfaction of the requirement that my signature be notarized. 2 / Carl J. Fricker Site Vice President - Salem Sworn and subscribed before me this day of April 2012 SHERI L KEYES Commission # 2051967 Notary Public, State of New Jersey My Commission Expires January 15, 2014 BC Site Vice President - Salem Director - Regulatory Affairs Nuclear Environmental Affairs - Manager Helen Gregory Chem File SCH12-017

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Division of Water Quality Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report Submittal Form NjPDES PERMIT MONITORING PERIOD MONITORED LOCATION: NJ0005622 Month12y Ter Mont Da20 Yea FACA - SW Outfall FACA NJ052 1 201 To 331 02 PERMITTEE: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC 80 PARK PLAZA NEWARK, NJ 07101 LOCATION OF ACTIVITY: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION ALLOWAY CREEK NECK RD HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REPORT RECIPIENT: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC PO BOX 236/N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REGION / COUNTY: Southern / Salem County CHECK IF APPLICABLE: E-No Discharge this Monitoring Period F-1 Monitoring Report Comments Attached WHO MUST SIGN The highest ranking official having day-to-day managerial and operational responsibilities for the discharging facility shall sign the certification or, in his absence a person designated by that person. For a local agency, the highest ranking operator of the treatment works shall sign the certification. Where the highest ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall also sign the second certification at the bottom of this page. If the local agency has contracted with another entity to operate the treatment works, the highest-ranking official of the contracted entity shall sign the certification. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of and/or imprisonment, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.9(B). The New Jersey water Pollution Control Act provides for penalties up to $50,000 per violation. Carl J. Fricker, Site Vice President - Salem NAME AND TITLE OF P1 E7TIVE OFFICER, AUTHORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR SIGNATURE OF I NCJPAL EX'ECUTIVE OFFICER, AUTHORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR DA: N/A GRADE AND REGISTRY NUMBER (IF APPLICABLE) 04/24/2012 TE 856-339-1102 AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER

  • For a local agency where the highest-rankdng operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall sign the following certification:

I certify under penalty of law and in accordance with N.J.S.A. 58: I OA-6F(5) that I have reviewed the attached discharge monitoring reports. N/A NAME AND TITLE N/A SIGNATURE N/A N/A DATE AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER

PERMIT NUMBER: NJ0005622 ,vionhtoring Report MONITORED LOCATION: MONITORING PERIOD: FACA SW Outfall FACA 3/1/2012 TO 3/31/2012 P1 46814 FACILITY NAME: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATI!P NO. FREQ. OF SAMPLE PARAMETER QUANTITY OR LOADING UNITS QUALITY OR CONCENTRATION UNITS EX. ANALYSIS TYPE Temperature, SAMPLE oC 00010 G ERE ORT REPORT Continuous ci R a w S e w /in flu e n t E R M '"7' O M O A V I 0 D A M Temperature, EAMPLE oC 00010 1 R PERMG C 7; ontinuo us C O NTIN Effluent G ross Value 01 ,O A',*

  • 1*
  • DA MX 4I Temperature, SAMP OC 0 0 0 1 0 2 PERM I '

T DEEQR TC 1/3ay 7" -G7CI Effluent Net Value ROUIREME' OAV 1AX l L '7*4 7<

      • 7

Lab Certification # EASUREMENTI 99999 99 REOR REPORT'4*<~ab REPORT 7 REPORT C"7REPORT <'<<Not Applic NOT AP '7"'HEEN Lab '7 Libr 07~~ Ln7 7Lab P La I 0Lab

      • '/'

7 ~ ~ "77 Comments: If there are any questions in regards to the monitoring report form, please contact Susan Rosenwinkel of the BPSP - Region 2 at (609)292-4860 or via email at "". Pre-Print Creation Date: 1/1/2012

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Division of Water Quality Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report Submittal Form NJPDES PERMIT MONITORING PERIOD MONITORED LOCATION: NJ0005622 Year I Mont Day Year FACB - SW Outfall FACB 3 Mot 2012 To 31 2012 PERMITTEE: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC 80 PARK PLAZA NEWARK, NJ 07101 LOCATION OF ACTIVITY: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION ALLOWAY CREEK NECK RD HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REPORT RECIPIENT: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC PO BOX 236/N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REGION / COUNTY: Southern / Salem County CHECK IF APPLICABLE: -- No Discharge this Monitoring Period F-Monitoring Report Comments Attached WHO MUST SIGN The highest ranking official having day-to-day managerial and operational responsibilities for the discharging facility shall sign the certification or, in his absence a person designated by that person. For a local agency, the highest ranking operator of the treatment works shall sign the certification. Where the highest ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall also sign the second certification at the bottom of this page. If the local agency has contracted with another entity to operate the treatment works, the highest-ranking official of the contracted entity shall sign the certification. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of and/or imprisonment, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.9(B). The New Jersey water Pollution Control Act provides for penalties up to $50,000 per violation. Carl J. Fricker, Site Vice President - Salem NAME AND TITLE OF PRIN E.CUTIVE OFFICER, AUTHORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR SIGNATURE OF PRINC1IAL ECUTIVE OFFICER, AUTHORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR N/A GRADE AND REGISTRY NUMBER (IF APPLICABLE) 04/24/2012 856-339-1102 DATE AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER

  • "For a local agency where the highest-ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall sign the following certification:

I certify under penalty of law and in accordance with N.J.S.A. 58:1OA-6F(5) that I have reviewed the attached discharge monitoring reports. N/A NAME AND TITLE N/A N/A N/A DATE AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER SIGNATURE

PERMIT NUMBER: NJ0005622 ,.v,,,Uring Keport MONITORED LOCATION: MONITORING PERIOD: FACB SW Outfall FACB 3/112012 TO 3/31/2012 P1 46814 FACILITY NAME: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATIP NO. FREQ. OF SAMPLE PARAMETER QUANTITY OR LOADING UNITS QUALITY OR CONCENTRATION UNITS EX. ANALYSIS TYPE Temperature, oC 00010 G Raw Sew/influent SAMPLE MEASUREMENT I to "A I ýý'o C"Vlý CownN PERHMI1 T H EOIELEN T DEG.C Continuous CONTIN OL I Temperature, oC 00010 1 Effluent Gross Value Temperature, oC 00010 2 Effluent Net Value Lab Certification # 99999 99 Lab SAMPLE MEASUREMENT I l 't I x) n1 I 10cu)TV DEG.C SAMPLE MEASUREMENT I 'vi I ýo.,;), I 10 1 'ID4 I CAIXTO I DEG.C SAMPLE MEASUREMENT I~ IPA \\ý, L F~EMF. REPOR REPORT FIR UUIRE MENT I Lb# _ Lab -RE POR T I REPORT V REPORT~ Lab bLa# QL: I ~4*** I1 comments: If there are any questions in regards to the monitoring report form, please contact Susan Rosenwiikel of the BPSP - Region 2 at (609)292-4860 or via email at "". re-Print Creation Date: 1/1/2012

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Division of Water Quality Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report Submittal Form NJPDES PERMIT MONITORING PERIOD MONITORED LOCATION: NJ005622 Year To Da Year FACC -SW Outfall FACC N0522 jMth1 2012 To L_3A31212 PERMITTEE: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC 80 PARK PLAZA NEWARK, NJ 07101 LOCATION OF ACTIVITY: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION ALLOWAY CREEK NECK RD HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REPORT RECIPIENT: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC PO BOX 236/N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REGION / COUNTY: Southern / Salem County CHECK IF APPLICABLE: -- No Discharge this Monitoring Period E--] Monitoring Report Comments Attached WHO MUST SIGN The highest ranking official having day-to-day managerial and operational responsibilities for the discharging facility shall sign the certification or, in his absence a person designated by that person. For a local agency, the highest ranking operator of the treatment works shall sign the certification. Where the highest ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall also sign the second certification at the bottom of this page. If the local agency has contracted with another entity to operate the treatment works, the highest-ranking official of the contracted entity shall sign the certification. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of and/or imprisonment, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.9(B). The New Jersey water Pollution Control Act provides for penalties up to $50,000 per violation. Carl J. Fricker, Site Vice President - Salem_ NAME AND TITLE OF PRIf ?ECUTIVE OFFICER, AUTHORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR SIGNATURE OF PRIN9IS'AL EXECUTIVE OFFICER, AUTHORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR N/A GRADE AND REGISTRY NUMBER (IF APPLICABLE) 04/24/2012 856-339-1102 DATE AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER

  • For a local agency where the highest-ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall sign the following certification:

I certify under penalty of law and in accordance with N.J.S.A. 58:1OA-6F(5) that I have reviewed the attached discharge monitoring reports. N/A N/A NAME AND TITLE SIGNATURE N/A N/A DATE AREA CODE/PHONE NIJMRFI?

.,W111LU1111y neport PI 46814 PERMIT NUMBER: NJ0005622 MONITORED LOCATION: FACC SW Outfall FACC MONITORING PERIOD: 3/1/2012 TO 3/31/2012 FACILITY NAME: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATIIP t'omments: If there are any questions in regards to the monitoring report form, please contact Susan Rosenwinkel of the BPSP - Region 2 at (609)292-4860 or via email at "". -e-Print Creation Date: 111/2012

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Division of Water Quality Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report Submittal Form NJPDES PERMIT MONITORING PERIOD MONITORED LOCATION: NJ2005622 Mt2 Toh[_ayIYea 31 202 048C - SW Outfall 48C 33 3 202021T PERMITTEE: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC 80 PARK PLAZA NEWARK, NJ 07101 LOCATION OF ACTIVITY: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION ALLOWAY CREEK NECK RD HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REPORT RECIPIENT: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC PO BOX 236/N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REGION / COUNTY: Southern / Salem County CHECK IF APPLICABLE: El No Discharge this Monitoring Period E Monitoring Report Comments Attached WHO MUST SIGN The highest ranking official having day-to-day managerial and operational responsibilities for the discharging facility shall sign the certification or, in his absence a person designated by that person. For a local agency, the highest ranking operator of the treatment works shall sign the certification. Where the highest ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall also sign the second certification at the bottom of this page. If the local agency has contracted with another entity to operate the treatment works, the highest-ranking official of the contracted entity shall sign the certification. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of and/or imprisonment, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.9(B). The New Jersey water Pollution Control Act provides for penalties up to $50,000 per violation. Carl J. Fricker, Site Vice President - Salemn NAME ND TTLE F PA ECUTIVE OFFICER, AUTIIORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR SIGNATURE 4' PRIIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICER, AUTHORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR N/A GRADE AND REGISTRY NUMBER (IF APPLICABLE) 04/24/2012 856-339-1102 DATE AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER

  • For a local agency where the highest-ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall sign the following certtfication:

I certify under penalty of law and in accordance with N.J.S.A. 58:1OA-6F(5) that I have reviewed the attached discharge monitoring reports. N/A N/A NAME AND TITLE SIGNATURE N/A DATE N/A AREA CODE/PHt)NIONP NIIIN,,

%....,,v,, m report PERMIT NUMBER: MONITORED LOCATION: MONITORING PERIOD: NJ0005622 048C SW Outfall 48C 3/1/2012 TO 3/31/2012 P1 46814 FACILITY NAME: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATiO 00680 1 Effluent Gross Value "I 11-E11"T~ R PORT 50 ~~ 01 MOAV <01 DAMX MG/L QL jLab Certification #SAMPLE j )9999 PLKTREOT REPORT~ REPORT R E~PORT REPRT .a H URMN a Lab

  1. Lab#

ftLb a

omments: If there are any questions in regards to the monitoring report form, please contact Susan Rosenwinkel of the BPSP - Region 2 at (609)292-46B0 or via email at ""..

Pe-Print Creation Date: 1/1/2012

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Division of Water Quality Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report Submittal Form NJPDES PERMIT MONITORING PERIOD MONITORED LOCATION: NJI005622 moil __20,2 To 481A - SW Outfall 481A NJ~u5u3 3 7 tDyT 31 2012 PERMITTEE: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC 80 PARK PLAZA NEWARK, NJ 07101 LOCATION OF ACTIVITY: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION ALLOWAY CREEK NECK RD HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REPORT RECIPIENT: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC PO BOX 236/N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REGION / COUNTY: Southern / Salem County CHECK IF APPLICABLE: D No Discharge this Monitoring Period D Monitoring Report Comments Attached WHO MUST SIGN The highest ranking official having day-to-day managerial and operational responsibilities for the discharging facility shall sign the certification or, in his absence a person designated by that person. For a local agency, the highest ranking operator of the treatment works shall sign the certification. Where the highest ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall also sign the second certification at the bottom of this page. If the local agency has contracted with another entity to operate the treatment works, the highest-ranking official of the contracted entity shall sign the certification. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of and/or imprisonment, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.9(B). The New Jersey water Pollution Control Act provides for penalties up to $50,000 per violation. Carl J. Fricker, Site Vice President - Salem NAME AND TITLE OF PR ýýAUTIVE OFFICER, AUTIHORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR SIGNATURE OF PRIN IPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICER, AUT1HORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR N/A GRADE AND REGISTRY NUMBER (IF APPLICABLE) 04/24/2012 856-339-1102 DATE AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER

  • For a local agency where the highest-ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall sign the following certification:

I certify under penalty of law and in accordance with N.J.S.A. 58:tOA-6F(5) that I have reviewed the attached discharge monitoring reports. N/A N/A SIGNATURE N/A N/A AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER NAME AND TITLE DATE

-... =-.,.,,.,,,,,w,119 Keport PERMIT NUMBER: MONITORED LOCATION: MONITO NJ0005622 481A SW Outfall 481A 3/1/2012 P1 46814 RING PERIOD: TO 3/31/2012 FACILITY NAME: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATIiW PI 46814 NO. FREQ. OF SAMPLE PARAMETER QUANTITY OR LOADING UNITS QUALITY OR CONCENTRATION UNITS EX. ANALYSIS TYPE II~rI Flow, In Conduit or SAMPLE Vo" P Lro Thru Treatment Plant MEASUREM ENT 50050 1 PORT REPORT RE MGD ~/ayACT Eff luent G ross Value F'LrE b NT M OAV' 01 DAM, X Q qL~ pH SAMPLE MEASUREMENT Is Th~ I) 00400 1 Eff uent Gross Value pH 00400 7 Intake From Stream LC50 Statre 96hr Acu Cyprinodon TAN6A 1 Effluent Gross Value 01 DAMN 0DM SU SAMPLE I MEASUREMENT jo I I su SAMPLE MEASUREMENT t O 03 (c~N PERMIT I WREOUIREPMENT ,2/Year %EFFL COMPOS OL Chlorine Produced Oxidants

  • CPOX 1 Effluent Gross Value Option 1 SAMPLE MEASUREMENT C(-

zN 0 _E LUýREMENT -]. -3 MG/L QL I *.'** Chlorine Produced Oxidants 1CPOX 1 Effluent Gross Value )*ption 2 SAMPLE MEASUREMENT o', (oA 1REPORT ~0 I> MOAV 01DAMX~ MG/L ~ I t .omments: The permittee is required to perform acute toxicity testing on a minimum of one representative CWS outfall while DSN 48C is being routed to that outfall. I l-e-Print Creation Date: 111/2012

=, 2V%* SL 1 g repor PERMIT NUMBER: MONITORED LOCATION: NJ0005622 481A SW Outfall 481A P1 46814 MONITORING PERIOD: FACILITY NAME: 3/1/2012 TO 3/31/2012 PSEG NUCLEAR LL C SALEM GENERATW NO. FREQ. OF SAMPLE PARAMETER QUANTITY OR LOADING UNITS QUALITY OR CONCENTRATION UNITS EX. ANALYSIS TYPE Temperature, SAMPLE oC MEASUREMENT ?0 00010 1 PEHMIT REPORT REPORT DEGC I/Day CONTpNR Effluent Gross Value EQ1 0 I 0 D. -IX Lab Certification # MEASUREMENT V13ar 99999 99 PE REOR REPORT -EPO-T RE-PO R-REPORT Not Applic NOT AP Lab QUE14NT4 Lab # Lab # Labi Lab# La Al L iomments: The permittee is required to perform acute toxicity testing on a minimum of one representative CWS outfall while DSN 48C is being routed to that outfall. -e-Print Creation Date: 1/1/2012

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Division of Water Quality Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report Submittal Form NJPDES PERMIT MONITORING PERIOD MONITORED LOCATION: Month Day I Year FMonth DyV Year NJ0056223 2012 To -T12 482A - SW Outfall 482A PERMITTEE: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC 80 PARK PLAZA NEWARK, NJ 07101 LOCATION OF ACTIVITY: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION ALLOWAY CREEK NECK RD HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REPORT RECIPIENT: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC PO BOX 236/N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REGION / COUNTY: Southern / Salem County CHECK IF APPLICABLE: E-No Discharge this Monitoring Period El Monitoring Report Comments Attached WHO MUST SIGN The highest ranking official having day-to-day managerial and operational responsibilities for the discharging facility shall sign the certification or, in his absence a person designated by that person. For a local agency, the highest ranking operator of the treatment works shall sign the certification. Where the highest ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall also sign the second certification at the bottom of this page. If the local agency has contracted with another entity to operate the treatment works, the highest-ranking official of the contracted entity shall sign the certification. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of and/or imprisonment, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.9(B). The New Jersey water Pollution Control Act provides for penalties up to $50,000 per violation. Carl J. Fricker, Site Vice President - Salem NAME AND TITLE OF PR1NC/ElC3 VE OFFICER, AUTHORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR SIGNATURE OF PR NCHIP*EXEQ6TIVE OFFICER, AUTHORIZED AGENT, OR -LICENSED OPERATOR N/A GRADE AND REGISTRY NUMBER (IF APPLICABLE) 04/24/2012 856-339-1102 DATE AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER

  • For a local agency where the highest-ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall sign the following certification:

I certify under penalty of law and in accordance with N.J.S.A. 58:IOA-6F(5) that I have reviewed the attached discharge monitoring reports. N/A N/A SIGNATURE N/A N/A DATE AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER NAME AND TITLE

.,VOW1,tLuMIg rieport PERMIT NUMBER: MONITORED LOCATION: MONITORING PERIOD: NJ0005622 482A SW Outfall 482A 3/1/2012 TO 3/3112012 P1 46814 FACILITY NAME: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATIIW FREQ. OF ANALYSIS 0 1/Neek ~GRAB SU rl,;L I -Bk I 0 SU LC50 Statre 96hr Acu SAMPLE MEASUREMENT 0 Cyprinodon TAN6A 1 Effluent Gross Value rEQ

IENI, pw OiDAMN~A 2/Year

%EFFL COMPOST QL Chlorine Produced SAMPLE MEASUREMENT C OtIE-.t CCUO lr4 0 C(*C--t V Oxidants ICPOX 1 Effluent Gross Value Option 1 Chlorine Produced )xidants

  • CPOX 1 "ffluent Gross Value

)ption 2

The permittee is required to perform acute toxicity testing on a minimum of one representative CWS outfall while DSN 48C is being routed to that outfall.
  • e-Print Creation Date: 1/1/2012

mINW1111Lurlng iieportP464 PERMIT NUMBER: NJ0005622 P1 46814 v v MONITORED LOCATION: 482A SW Outfall 482A MONITORING PERIOD: 3/1/2012 TO 3/3112012 FACILITY NAME: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATIrW NO FREQ. OF SAMPLE PARAMETER QUANTITY OR LOADING UNITS QUALITY OR CONCENTRATION UNITS EXI ANALYSIS TYPE Temperature, oC 00010 1 Effluent Gross Value Lab Certification # 99999 99 Lab SAMPLE MEASUREMENT 0b (_6w-t t K K~~ V FRT~ REPORTa ~ ~1MAV O1DAMVX 1/Day DEG.C ~CONTIN WEAS ESMPEN -1 Z I I~ L~ IPIA u'L .omments: The permittee is required to perform acute toxicity testing on a minimum of one representative CWS outfall while DSN 48C is being routed to that outfall. ,e-Print Creation Date: 1/1/2012

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Division of Water Quality Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report Submittal Form NJPDES PERMIT MONITORING PERIOD MONITORED LOCATION: NJ0005622 Month Day YeIr T IDaYeai 483A - SW Outfall 483A 3 1 201 jj 0ý12 PERMITTEE: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC 80 PARK PLAZA NEWARK, NJ 07101 LOCATION OF ACTIVITY: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION ALLOWAY CREEK NECK RD HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REPORT RECIPIENT: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC PO BOX 236/N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REGION / COUNTY: Southern / Salem County CHECK if APPLICABLE: No Discharge this Monitoring Period L-- Monitoring Report Comments Attached WHO MUST SIGN The highest ranking official having day-to-day managerial and operational responsibilities for the discharging facility shall sign the certification or, in his absence a person designated by that person. For a local agency, the highest ranking operator of the treatment works shall sign the certification. Where the highest ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall also sign the second certification at the bottom of this page. If the local agency has contracted with another entity to operate the treatment works, the highest-ranking official of the contracted entity shall sign the certification. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of and/or imprisonment, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.9(B). The New Jersey water Pollution Control Act provides for penalties up to $50,000 per violation. Carl J. Fricker, Siw, Vice President - Salem I///7 NAME AND TITLE OF 7PR A1 CUTIVE OFFICER, AUTHORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR N/A GRADE AND REGISTRY NUMBER (IF APPLICABLE) 04/24/2012 856-339-1102 DATE AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER SIGNATURE OF PRINCI 4L EXECUTIVE OFFICER, AUTHORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR

  • For a local agency where the highest-rankdng operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall sign the following certification:

I certify under penalty of law and in accordance with N.J.S.A. 58: lOA-6F(5) that I have reviewed the attached discharge monitoring reports. N/A N/A NAME AND TITLE SIGNATURE N/A N/A DATE AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER


      • 1/Day~

CALCTD Effluent Gross Value 0 MOAV 01.DAMX MGD pH SAMPLE'7

      • 0 00400 1 PE.0i

1lJWeek GRAB Eff uent Gross Value 1DN 1 -DAMX pHMEAS'EMNT E' SAMPLE 0 00400 7 FromREPORT SREPORT N Week '.GRAB Intake From Stream RUI RErJMeN 01 DAIO N '0~~A 1DANIXSUA I QL ~A Chlorine Produced SAMPLE MEASUREMENT C-oz2 2 tz 0 J(WC-=t4 Oxidants

  • CPOX 1 Effluent Gross Value Option 1 Chlorine Produced Oxidants
  • CPOX 1 Effluent Gross Value Option 2 Temperature, oC 30010 1 Effluent Gross Value

() MOV 1 DAMX MG/L MESAMPLE MEASUREMENT (o - 10 1 I A MG/L SAMPLE MEASUREMENT 10 1k0ý Ic t% PF* A. v . 1 <1MOAV 0, 1DAMX DEG.C -L .omments: Any questions in regards to the monitoring report form can be directed to S. Rosenwinkel of the BPSP - Region 2 at (609)292-4860. '-e-Print Creation Date: 1/1/12012

,*v,,,,nI 1119 rieporl PERMIT NUMBER: MONITORED LOCATION: MONITORING PERIOD: FACILITY NAME: NJ0005622 483A SW Outfall 483A 3/1/2012 TO 3/31/2012 PSEG NUCLEAR PI 46814 LLC SALEM GENERATIR NO. FREQ. OF SAMPLE PARAMETER QUANTITY OR LOADING UNITS QUALITY OR CONCENTRATION UNITS EX. ANALYSIS TYPE Lab Certification # SAMPLE MEASUREMENT V 2sal M k(0(0 99999 99 Lab p-MT REPORT REPORT" P E O"IREME?4rN Lab #La Comments: Any questions in regards to the monitoring report form can be directed to S. Rosenwinkel of the BPSP - Region 2 at (609)292-4860.

  • e-Print Creation Date: 1/1/2012

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Division of Water Quality Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report Submittal Form NJPDES PERMIT MONITORING PERIOD MONITORED LOCATION: I006 Month Day-YerMonth Da Y I NJ005622 M a To 3___3 2 484A - SW Outfall 484A PERMITTEE: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC 80 PARK PLAZA NEWARK, NJ 07101 LOCATION OF ACTIVITY: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION ALLOWAY CREEK NECK RD HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REPORT RECIPIENT: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC PO BOX 236/N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REGION / COUNTY: Southern / Salem County CHECK IF APPLICABLE: No Discharge this Monitoring Period E-Monitoring Report Comments Attached WI-H MUST SIGN The highest ranking official having day-to-day managerial and operational responsibilities for the discharging facility shall sign the certification or, in his absence a person designated by that person. For a local agency, the highest ranking operator of the treatment works shall sign the certification. Where the highest ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall also sign the second certification at the bottom.of this page. If the local agency has contracted with another entity to operate the treatment works, the highest-ranking official of the contracted entity shall sign the certification. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of and/or imprisonment, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7: 14A-6.9(B). The New Jersey water Pollution Control Act provides for penalties up to $50,000 per violation. Carl J. Fricker, Site Vice President - Salem NAME AND TITLE OF% TE, <IVE OFFICER, AUTHORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR N/A GRADE AND REGISTRY NUMBER (IF APPLICABLE) 04/24/2012 856-339-1102 DATE AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAt EXECUTIVE OFFICER, AUTHORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR

  • For a local agency where the highest-ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall sign the following certification:

I certify under penalty of law and in accordance with N.J.S.A. 58:10A-6F(5) that I have reviewed the attached discharge monitoring reports. N/A N/A NAME AND TITLE SIGNATURE N/A N/A DATE AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER


  • ,R-W REP0RT REPORT MGD 1a....

1 y iCALCTD Effluent Gross Value REQUIRT O MAV01DAX 1> OL -

      • N*NNNNN N

N**NN MEASUREMENT 1**** 7 -*t o*we&* G**** 00400 1 ~ -~~ '6ýO< 90' 'l 1Week NGRAB~ EF=, %EFFL D IA I S Effluent Gross Value RET .01 WAX pHMEASUREMENT

        • 0

-4 --t 00400 7 REP'RT"REP"ORT IN7'k~ GRAB Intaket WNT '02IAMN 0 ~~10AMX S IdanFrom Stream E** LC5O Statre 96hr Acu Cyprinodon [E .M11 k c -wco-,t4 (qt TAN6A 1 11r31N T 5 %EFFN 2IYear COMPOIS Effluent Gross Value QUIN RE D A PA N NNN~ý D*ý N ,N .N N N Chlorine Produced SL SAME Oxidants MASUREMEN

            • C-z 14 CoOe-W cp-

=4 cZT4

  • CPOX 1 PERMI O's NN MG/L 1ek GA Effluent Gross Value REURMN0***N N***N 1MOAV 01 ODAMXN Option 1 N

N/ ***NSN )xdNts MEASUREMENT1 CA* O~ 1i I't.wec G-91AS~ Effluent Gross Value RQIEET NNNNN ,nM~ ~ lM ')ption 2 'N IN 'L NN

omments: The permittee is required to perform acute toxicity testing on a minimum of one representative CWS outfall while DSN 48C is being routed to that outfall.

I e-Print Creation Date: 1/1/2012


omments: The permittee is required to perform acute toxicity testing on a minimum of one representative CWS out-fall while DSN 48C is being routed to that outfall.

e-Print Creation Date: 1/1/2012

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Division of Water Quality Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report Submittal Form NJPDES PERMIT MONITORING PERIOD MONITORED LOCATION: Sf Day I Year Io Day Year-- NJ005622 2012 1 12I 485A - SW Outfall 485A PERMITTEE: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC 80 PARK PLAZA NEWARK, NJ 07101 LOCATION OF ACTIVITY: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION ALLOWAY CREEK NECK RD HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REPORT RECIPIENT: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC PO BOX 236/N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REGION / COUNTY: Southern I Salem County CHECK IF APPLICABLE: [-- No Discharge this Monitoring Period [: Monitoring Report Comments Attached WHO MUST SIGN The highest ranking official having day-to-day managerial and operational responsibilities for the discharging facility shall sign the certification or, in his absence a person designated by that person. For a local agency, the highest ranking operator of the treatment works shall sign the certification. Where the highest ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall also sign the second certification at the bottom of this page. If the local agency has contracted with another entity to operate the treatment works, the highest-ranking official of the contracted entity shall sign the certification. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of and/or imprisonment, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.9(B). The New Jersey water Pollution Control Act provides for penalties up to $50,000 per violation. Carl J. Fricker. Site Vice President - Salem NAME AND TITLE OF



  • For a local agency where the highest-ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall sign the following certification:

I certify under penalty of law and in accordance with N.J.S.A. 58:10A-6F(5) that I have reviewed the attached discharge monitoring reports. NAME AND TITLE N/A N/A SIGNATURE N/A N/A AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER DATE


  • A*>


1. -1 0

'L~ett 00400 1 Effluent Gross Value pH 00400 7 Intake From Stream su SAMPLE MEASUREMENT "?.;L Ijo I 't".I Gmcýa~3 REQUIREMENT U<REPORT REPORT s SU QL LCS0 Statre 96hr Acu Cyprinodon MEASUREMENT TAN6A IPEsoI Effluent Gross Value [i 4010*N

  • ,1E¶N L=

o I I Chlorine Produced SAMPLE MEASUREMENTI 'Oxidants

  • .CPOX I Effluent Gross Value Option 1 "hlorine Produced

)xidants CPOX 1 .ff luent Gross Value )ption 2 Cc-Mal Z.N Nxo Lt 1 0o (Jofezs "It-f ~

  • I
  • ~~~0.3;


The permittee is required to perform acute toxicity testing on a minimum of one representative CWS outfall while DSN 48C is being routed to that outfall.

ý-e-Print Creation Date: 1/1/2012

viunitoring Heport PERMIT NUMBER: MONITORED LOCA TION. P1 46814 NJO005622 485A SW Outfall 485A 3


11112012 TO 3/31/2012 FACILITY NAME: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATIW NO. FREQ. OF SAMPLE PARAMETER QUANTITY OR LOADING UNITS QUALITY OR CONCENTRATION UNITS EX. ANALYSIS TYPE Temperature, SAMPLE k I T I R MEASUEMENRT. o CTON 00010 1 ~ PENWIT~ FEOR REOR 1 /Day COTIN Eff luent Gross Value 0 1 MOAV 010 MX, DE. Lab Certification # SAMPLE MEASUREMENTý 1 W ~ s 999 99 R REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT Not Applic NOT AP Lab RE99 OUMNIRT Lab # Lab Lab# Lab# Lab #7 OL "omments: The permittee is required to perform acute toxicity testing on a minimum of one representative CWS outfall while DSN 48C is being routed to that outfall. -e-Print Creation Date: 1/1/2012

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Division of Water Quality Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report Submittal Form NJPDES PERMIT MONITORING PERIOD MONITORED LOCATION: NJ0005622 Month I Day I Year Month I Day Year 4 d I Mn 2012 To + 1_ 486A - SW Outfall 486A PERMITTEE: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC 80 PARK PLAZA NEWARK, NJ 07101 LOCATION OF ACTIVITY: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION ALLOWAY CREEK NECK RD HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REPORT RECIPIENT: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC PO BOX 236/N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REGION / COUNTY: Southern / Salem County CHECK IF APPLICABLE: E-No Discharge this Monitoring Period Monitoring Report Comments Attached WHO MUST SIGN The highest ranking official having day-to-day managerial and operational responsibilities for the discharging facility shall sign the certification or, in his absence a person designated by that person. For a local agency, the highest ranking operator of the treatment works shall sign the certification. Where the highest ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall also sign the second certification at the bottom of this page. If the local agency has contracted with another entity to operate the treatment works, the highest-ranking official of the contracted entity shall sign the certification. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of and/or imprisonment, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.9(B). The New Jersey water Pollution Control Act provides for penalties up to $50,000 per violation. Carl J. Fricker, Site Vice President - Salem SNA M ATUR LE OF .PRINCI A EX CUTI VE OFFICER, AUTHORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR SIGNATURE OF PR INCIMLPP EXkgUTIVE OFFICER, AUTHORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR N/A GRADE AND REGISTRY NUMBER (IF APPLICABLE) 04/24/2012 856-339-1102 DATE AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER

  • For a local agency where the highest-ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall sign the following certification:

I certify under penalty of law and in accordance with N.J.S.A. 58:10A-6F(5) that I have reviewed the attached discharge monitoring reports. N/A N/A NAME AND TITLE SIGNATURE N/A N/A DATE AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER


  • .*.**LCT Effluent Gross Value IEM 01MOAV 01

-DAMX ,2-pHSAPLE MEASUREMENT '.1.7 `7-9 0 Y(*** GA** 00400 1 . E RMI ~ 9 ,Os 01DAMXGRA Effluent Gross Value v30AEPLfRMENT 01DAMN&i. 0DM S U* ~ ~ pH SAMPLE [MEASUREMET*******0 QAr 00400 7 1 REPORT REPORT SU 1Alle~ek GRAB Intake From Stream H; F7 OIDAPAMN 01DAMX' Chlorine Produced O xidants EASUREME W C z¶e N t4 CPOX 1 T ,3 MG/ L05 >W '/ RA Effluent Gross Value Pr Q LIMN 01MOAV 01DAMX Option 1 1Q .*,',,'[ IChlorine Produced MEASUPEMENT o' Oxidants ESRMNIk6-Wz G"


-R 0.2 )3"Week GRAB' Effluent Gross Value FýRSQI IRLYL 01MNOAV'.,01 DAMIX Temperature, SAMPLE D***S* /*******9I ocMEASUREMENT 1' C octtt* DO~O


Effluent Gross Value -01 MOAV'

  • 01DAMX D

Domments: Any questions in regards to the monitoring report form can be directed to S. Rosenwinkel of the BPSP - Region 2 at (609)292-4860. re-Print Creation Date: 1/1/2012


  • ý6(a I

99999 99 Lab PEHMT REORT REPORT' ~REUISMNT Lab # La ~'REPORT REPORT'A REPORT Lab 9~7 Lab# Lab# QL omments: Any questions in regards to the monitoring report form can be directed to S. Rosenwinkel of the BPSP - Region 2 at (609)292-4860. re-Print Creation Date: 1/1/2012

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Division of Water Quality Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report Submittal Form NJPDES PERMIT MONITORING PERIOD MONITORED LOCATION: NJ0005622 [Moth 2 Toa I Mont 487B - SW Outfall 487B 1 1 2012 To 1 3 1 31 1 2012 PERMITTEE: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC 80 PARK PLAZA NEWARK, NJ 07101 LOCATION OF ACTIVITY: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION ALLOWAY CREEK NECK RD HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REPORT RECIPIENT: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC PO BOX 236/N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REGION I COUNTY: Southern / Salem County CHECK IF APPLICABLE: 0 No Discharge this Monitoring Period El Monitoring Report Comments Attached WHO MUST SIGN The highest ranking official having day-to-day managerial and operational responsibilities for the discharging facility shall sign the certification or, in his absence a person designated by that person. For a local agency, the highest ranking operator of the treatment works shall sign the certification. Where the highest ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall also sign the second certification at the bottom of this page. If the local agency has contracted with another entity to operate the treatment works, the highest-ranking official of the contracted entity shall sign the certification. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of and/or imprisonment, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.9(B). The New Jersey water Pollution Control Act provides for penalties tip to $50,000 per violation. Carl J. Fricker, Site Vice President - Salem NAME AND TITLE OF PRINC 4P! XE IVE OFFICER, AUTHORIZED AGENT, OR

  • For a local agency where the highest-ran/ing operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall sign the following cert/fication:

I certify under penalty of law and in accordance with N.J.S.A. 58:10A-6F(5) that I have reviewed the attached discharge monitoring reports. N/A N/A NAME AND TITLE SIGNATURE N/A DATE N/A AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Division of Water Quality Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report Submittal Form NJPDES PERMIT MONITORING PERIOD MONITORED LOCATION: NJ005622 MonthI y Year Day Year 489A - SW Outfall 489A PERMITTEE: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC 80 PARK PLAZA NEWARK, NJ 07101 LOCATION OF ACTIVITY: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION ALLOWAY CREEK NECK RD HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REPORT RECIPIENT: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC PO BOX 236/N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REGION / COUNTY: Southern / Salem Comity CHECK IF APPLICABLE: l--] No Discharge this Monitoring Period El-Monitoring Report Comments Attached WHO MUST SIGN The highest ranking official having day-to-day managerial and operational responsibilities for the discharging facility shall sign the certification or, in his absence a person designated by that person. For a local agency, the highest ranking operator of the treatment works shall sign the certification. Where the highest ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall also sign the second certification at the bottom of this page. If the local agency has contracted with another entity to operate the treatment works, the highest-ranking official of the contracted entity shall sign the certification. 1 certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of and/or imprisonment, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7: 14A-6.9(B). The New Jersey water Pollution Control Act provides for penalties up to $50,000 per violation. Carl J. Fricker, Site Vice President - Salem NAME AND TITLE OF PRI TIVE OFFICER, AUTHORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR SIGNATURE OF PRIN*rPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICER, AUTHORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR N/A GRADE AND REGISTRY NUMBER (IF APPLICABLE) 04/24/2012 856-339-1102 DATE AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER

  • For a local agency where the highest-ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall sign the following certification.-

I certify under penalty of law and in accordance with N.J.S.A. 58:1OA-6F(5) that I have reviewed the attached discharge monitoring reports. N/A NAME AND TITLE N/A SIGNATURE N/A N/A DATE AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER


CALCTD, Effluent Gross Value 01 DANIX pH SAMPLE (I

MEASUREMENT '1ri-4 ~ r G i 00400 1 P1RMt 8f 1 60 9.0? u 1/Molth GRAB Effluent Gross Value RQUIRESIN MF W. ODAMN 0 01 DAMN1X Solids, Total SAMPLE I Suspended 00530 1 1,PERMI MGL /iMonh 2GRAB Effluent Gross Value RUE O1AX,1-VK QL Petroleum SAMPLE

      • (

SAMPLEI 00551 1 1 PEMI VjIoth CRAB Effluent Gross Value I h.........NQ01 A. O 01.DAMOX.... Carbon, Tot Organic MEASEMPET

          • &&0 MREASUREMENT (TOC) 00680 1 REPOMRT' 50 MG/

I/Month< GRAB Eff luent Gross Value RE_:UIREFMEN14T 01 MOAV -01 DAMIX Lab Certification # MESAMPLE TX MASUREMENT(J 99999 99 2 REPORT REPORT R TREPORT2 REPORT ~Not Applic ~NOT AP iLab REOUIRMPJ Lab #Lab La 4 L ab Lab; P Domments: If there are any questions in regards to the monitoring report form, please contact Susan Rosenwinkel of the the BPSP - Region 2 at (609)292-4860 or via email at "". re-Print Creation Date: 1/1/2012

PSEG Nuclear LLC P.O. Box 236, Hancocks Bridge, NJ 08038-0236 MAR 30y Eon Nuclear LLC LR-E12-0041 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED ARTICLE NUMBER: 7011 1570 0001 8889 5456 Administrator of Water Compliance and Enforcement New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection 401 East State Street, 4th Floor East PO Box 422 Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0422 RE: PSEG Nuclear LLC - Salem Generating Station NJPDES Permit No. NJ0005622 NJDEP Case No. 12-0326-171251 Follow up Report

Dear Sir/Madam:

As a follow up to the call made to the NJDEP hotline at 5:12 pm on 03/2612012 and assigned case 12-0326-171251, PSEG Nuclear LLC ("PSEG Nuclear") is submitting this update concerning a reported release of approximately 1,500 to 2,000 gallons of raw sewage via outfall DSN 487 which discharges stormwater to the Delaware River. This release was also reported to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission pursuant to that agency's reporting requirements. PSEG conducted an investigation in accordance with our problem identification and resolution process. The summary result of this investigation indicates that the volume of raw sewage that was released via DSN 487 to the Delaware River was < 300 gallons and not 1,500 to 2,000 gallons as originally estimated. The raw sewage overflowed from sewage manhole 22A and traveled to Storm Drain Manhole #8 located approximately 10 feet from Sewage Manhole 22A. Storm Drain MH8 drains to DSN 487 which discharges to the Delaware River. The discharge was secured with a combination of sand bags and absorbent boom to block the flow into MH8. The approximate start time of the discharge was 13:20 on 03/26/2012. The discharge stop time was 15:20 on 03/26/2012.

LR-E12-0041 NJDEP Residual material from MH8 was vacuumed out and the area around the manhole was remediated by 7:30 pm on 03/26/2012. If you have any questions or need any additional information regarding this information, please contact Christopher White at (856) 339-3301. Manager - Nuclear Environmental Affairs

LR-E12-0041 NJDEP C NJDEP Southern Enforcement Office One Port Center 2 Riverside Drive, Suite 201 Camden, NJ 08102 Attn: Mr. Steven Mathis U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 Delaware Emergency Management Agency Attn.: Janet Chomiszak 165 Brick Store Landing Road Smyrna, DE 19977

Maplewood Testing Facility 200 Boyden Ave, Maplewood, NJ 07040 tel: 973.761.1981 0 PSEG Power LLC TO: William Gamon Biggs FROM: Eric Schindelheim


Salem Generating Station Bioassay Analysis DATE: 3/13/2012 During the week of 02/27/2012, 8 samples were collected by personnel of the Analytical Group of the Electrical Division of Maplewood Testing Services for analyses. The complete sample descriptions and test results appear in the attached report. The Acute Toxicity samples were analyzed by New England Bioassay Inc. of Connecticut. Please contact Eric Schindelheim at (973) 761-1173 if you require further information.

PSEG,Power LLC MA PLEWWOOD TESTING SERVICES REPORT 200 Boyden Avenue Client: William Gamon Biggs Title Technical Analyst Maplewood, New Jersey 07040 (973) 761-1173 ANALYTICAL DATA REPORT Location Project Name: Date of Report: Hancocks Bridge Bioassay Analysis 3/13/2012 NJDEP Laboratory 07180 Field Laboratory Date & Time of Sample No Sample No Sample Location/Description Sample Collection Influent #1 ANA12000136 Salem Generating Station Aqueous sample, Unit 2, 485 Ciro 22, 02/28/2012 1430 C32-1494 Effluent #1 jANA12000137 {Salem Generating Station Aquoussamle Unit 2, 485 Circ 22,10/82243 IC32-1495 02/28/2012 1430 Influent #2 ANA12000138 I Salem Generating Station Aqueous sample, Unit 2, 485 Circ 22, 02/29/2012 1430 C32-1496 02/29/20121430 Effluent #2 ANA12000139 Salem Generating Station Aqueous sample, Unit 2, 485 Ciro 22, 0 C32-1497 02/29/2012 1430 Influent #3 ANA12000 140 1 Salem Generating Station Aqueous sample, Unit 2, 485 Circ 22, C32-1498 03/01/2012 1430 Effluent #3 ANAl200014.1 Salem Generating Station Aqueous sample, Unit 2, 485 Circ 22, I C32-1499 03/01/2012 1430 Influent #4 ANAl2000142 j Salem Generating Station Aqueous sample, Unit 2, 485 Circ 22, C32-1500 03/02/2012 1430 Effluent #4 ANA12000143 Salem Generating Station Aqueous sample, Unit 2,485 Ciro 22, I ~ ~~~C32-1501030/1213 Laboratory Manager - Analytical Ch-oup Electrical Division Reported By saf

MAPLEWOOD TESTING SERVICES NJPDES ANALYSIS REPORT STATION: Salem Generating Station PARAMETER SAMPLING SAMPLE LAB SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS POINT NO. NO. SAMPLED RESULT DATE TIME UNITS BY DILUTION RL Arnmonia-N Aqueous sample, Influent #1 ANA12000136 02/28/2012 <0.100 03/13/2012 1009 mg/L SAF 1 0.100 Unit 2, 485 Citc 22, C32-1494 Ammonia-N Aqueous sample, Effluent #1 ANA12000137 02/28/2012 <0.100 03/13/2012 1019 mg/L SAF 1 0.100 Unit 2, 485 Circ 22, C32-1495 Ammonia-N Aqueous sample, Influent #2 ANA12000138 02/29/2012 <0.100 03/13/2012 1021 mg/L SAF 1 0.100 Unit 2, 485 Circ 22, C32-1496 Ammonia-N Aqueous sample, Effluent #2 ANA12000139 02/29/2012 <0.100 03/13/2012 1024 mg/L SAF 1 0.100 Unit 2, 485 Circ 22, C32-1497 Ammonia-N Aqueous sample, Influent #3 ANA12000140 03/01/2012 <0.100 03/13/2012 1026 mg/L SAF 1 0.100 Unit 2, 485 Circ 22, C32-1498 Ammonia-N Aqueous sample, Effluent #3 ANA12000141 03/01/2012 <0.100 03/13/2012 1028 mg/L SAF 1 0.100 Unit 2, 495 Cire 22, C32-1499 Ammonia-N Aqueous sample, Influent#4 ANA12000142 03/02/2012 <0.100 03/13/2012 1031 mg/L SAF 1 0.100 Unit 2, 485 Circ 22, C32-1500 i Method Numbers: Ammonia: SM4500NH3 B&D Reported By saf ý?tý Laboratory Manager Analytical Group Electrical Division

STATION: Salem Generating Station PARAMETER SAMPLING SAMPLE LAB SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS POINT NO. NO. SAMPLED RESULT DATE TIME UNITS 1 BY DILUTION RiL Ammonia-N Aqueous sample, Effluent #4 ANA12000143 03/02/2012 <0.100 03/13/2012 1034 mgfL SAF 1 0.100 Unit 2, 485 Circ 22, C32-1501 Method Numbers: Ammonia: SM4500NI13 B&D Reported By saf Laboratory Manager Analytical Group Electrical Division



Spikes and Duplicates Ammonia Analysis Date 3/13/2012 Field Sample No. Efft Lab Sample No. ANAl2000136 Sample Result (mg/L) <0.100 Spike Added (mg/L) 0.500 Spike Added (mg/L) 0.500 Spike Sample conc 1 (mg/L) 0.528 Spike Sample cone 2 (mg/L) 0.519 RPD % 1.72 Spike % Recovery 1 106 Spike % Recovery 2 104 Quality Control Check Sample Analysis Date 311312012 QC Sample ID NH4CI QC Sample Result 0.412 True Value 0.500 % Recovery 82.4 Methodology and MDL's Method Number SM4500NH3D MTS Method Number ANA-97-04 RL, mg/L 0.100 QCSUM-022812

O PSEG Power LLC Maplewood Testing Services 200 Boyden Ave, Maplewood, NJ 07040 New Jersey Cert. # 07180 973-761-1173 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD pg of _ Lab Work Order #: p14 Check: PROJECT NAME: M PARAW~TER AND METHOD SAMPLER: COLLECTOR'S NAME(S): NO T 7 )OF R# Preserved Bottles FIELD ID POINT OF COLLECTION TAINERS STA. NO. DATE TIME o f, STATION LOCATION LAB#

  • 5___"

' tM) (- IA2? f43g X< C32--l~cil 2-At_ f L'*-. _i14I ~~l~ j3z At_ Relinquished by: Date/Time Received by: Relinquished by: ] Date/Time jReceived by: Relinquished by: _________________Date+Time __________Received for Laboratory by: Date+Time ?/'. I Remarks: Original - Report Canary - Laboratory File GW = Groundwater 0W = Drinking Water WW= Wastewater Pink - Customer MATRIX CODES AQ = Aqueous W = Wipe SO = Soil C = Cassette SL = Sludge F = Fly Ash Sample Temp Check = Turnaround Time: 95-1446 REV. 7/07 L-159


1. Request Form
  • ht/

absent /na 2. Sample Preserved no /na

3. Sample Temperature at Receipt:.C I

I _ý_ Laboratory N,,um.ber's -)Y Date Received: 3 woNý: Custodian Signmature: _________ Laboratory Sample Removed By Date and Time Reason For Sample Removal Date and Time Number Removed (List Test Parameters) Retured 3(O. IL3,, Oh - - sl, K 1 % [. ______________________2A_________ a )_________________________________ -I ______________1_____________ _______________en____________If I I I

NJPDES BIOMONITORING REPORT FORM - ACUTE TOXICITY Permit No.: NJ[ 0005622 ] DSN f 485 Facility name: r PSEG Nuclear LLC - Salem Generating Station Facility address: [ Artificial Island Lower Allowavs Creek, NJ 08038 Facility contact person: [ Mr. William Gamon Biggs phone #: [ (856) 339-2678 Acute toxicity laboratory: r New England Bioassay, Inc. 77 Batson Drive [i Manchester, CT 06042 Acute laboratory certification No.: [ CT405 I Test Specifications: Effluent type (e.g., final, predisinfection): [ Final Effluent Test type (check one): Static Renewal (6-hr)__ Renewal (24-hr) X Flow-through__ Test Results: Test starting date: [ 02/29/12 Completion date: [ 03/04/12 Test endpoint (check one): LC50X_ NMAT_ EC50 LC50/EC50 (% effluent): [ > 100% ] 95% Confidence interval: NA Highest percent mortality in any test concentration (if applicable): [ 5% Test concentration: F 90% 1 Test organism: [ Sheepshead Minnow (common name) "I, s, t Cyrprinodon variegagts (scientific name) I Quality Control Summary:. Control mortality: [. 0% Temperature maintained within 20' + 2°C? Yes X Dissolved oxygen levels always greater than 40% saturation? Yes X Two or more concentrations exhibit a trend deviation? Yes Certification: Accuracy Of report certified by: I i v J(/bo~ratory Supervisor No No No X e-3-I)) ) ý Date Revised 9/96

Test Organism Data: Test organism source (check one): Cultured Commercial hatchery X (specify)[ Aquatic BioSystems: Fort Collins, Colorado Test Organism Acclimation: Is the culture water and test dilution water the same, and is the culture water temperature and dilution water temperature identical? Yes No X If yes, proceed to Test Design section. Fish and Grass Shrimp. Initial number of organisms: [920+ Total acclimation period: [< I day] day, Acclimation period to 100 percent dilution water at the specified test temperature and test salinity: [received in ASW at 25 +/- 2 ppt; NEB dripped in fresh ASW at 25 +/- 2 ppt until testing] Number of mortalities: [ 0% ]% Test organism age at start of test (days): [ 11 days ] jIlvsid and Cladoceran: Initial Number of Organisms: Test organism age at start of test (days): Culture water source: Culture water salinity: Culture water temperature: Dilution water source: Dilution water salinity upon collection: Number of mortalities: [N/A ] (N/A (N/A ] (N/A ] (N/A (N/A I (N/A ]% Test Design: Number of effluent test concentrations: Number of replicates/test concentration: Number of test organisms/replicate: Volume of liquid in test chambers (liters): Flow-through bioassay exchange rate: ( [ 9 2 10 0.5 N/A (cycles/day) Effluent Sampling: Plant sampling location: f Outfall 485 (#1, #2, #3, & #4 samples) Effluent type: [ Cooling Water Discharge (check one): Continuous X Intermittent Effluent sample type: 24-hr. composite X_ 6-hr composite Grab Other (Describe)_ Sample Data taken upon Sample Collection Arrival at laboratory Use in Toxicity Test Beginning Ending Date/Time Date/Time D.O. PH Date(s) Time(s)a 02/27/12 1430 02/28/12 1430 9,9 mg/L 7.0 SU 02/29/12 1315 h 02/28/12 1430 02/29/12 1430 9.6 mg/L 6.6 SU 03/01/12 1315 h 03/01/12 1430 03/02/12 1430 9.3 mg/L 8.0 SU 03/02/11 1335 h 03/02/12 1430 03/03/12 1430 7.1 mg/L 6.8 SU 03/03/11 1345 h a - Indicates time test concentrations were mixed after warming to test temperature Maximum sample holding time (hours): [ <24 h I Testing location (check one): On-site Remote Laboratory.X Revised 9/96

Effluent Sample Adjustments: Were any salinity adjustments made? Yes X No If yes, specify the source of sea salts, brine or water used: [ Instant Ocean Artificial Sea Salts (Aquarium Systems; Mentor, OH) Were any pH adjustments made? Yes No X If yes, specify the reagent used [ 3 NHCI -, the amount used[ Not required 1 The pH level upon sample collection (initial pH): [6.6 to 8.0 SU ] The pH level after the addition of the sea salts (drifted pH) [8,0-8.2 SU The adjusted pH level [ not required ] Was the effluent sample filtered in any manner? Yes No X If yes, please specify the mesh size: [ N/A J Were any adjustments to the levels of chlorine made? Yes No X If yes, specify the dechlorination agent used [ N/A _I and the amount of reagent used N/A Specify the chlorine levels prior to [< 0.05 mg/L] and after addition of the reagent[ N/A 3 Was an additional control included in the test containing the dechlorination agent? Yes_ NoX Dilution Water: Effluent receiving water: [ Delaware River Dilution water source: [ Instant Ocean Artificial Salt Water (25 +/- I popt salinity; 130 mg!L as CaCO3 Alkalinity)] (If reconstituted water is used specify type) If a substitute dilution water (i.e. not the receiving water) was used, had its use been approved by NJDEP in the acute methodology questionnaire? YesX_ No Collection location: Collection date(s): Test Results: N/A N/A 24 hours 48 hours 72 hours 96 hours LC50/EC50 (% Effluent): [> 100%] [> 100%] [> 100%] [> 100%] Calculation method: [ Observation NOTE: Attach the statistical printouts used to determine the LC50 value, and the mortality data sheets. Is the calculated LC5O/EC50 valid according to the specifications of the method used? Yes X No Miscellaneous: Were any exposure chambers aerated during the test? Yes NoX If yes, specify concentrations and duration, including the lowest percent saturation reached prior to aeration and at what time: N/A Were the test organisms observed for appearance and behavior at least daily? Yes__ X__ No NOTE: Attach a copy of the acute toxicity test bench sheets with observation coded for each day, NOTE: Attach a copy of the raw data sheets for physical-chemical measurements performed during the test to the test report form. Revised 9/96

New England Bioassay, a Division of GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. wwwn. nebio. corn New England Bioassay a DIvisIon of GZA Geognvironmontal, inc. 77 Bason Drive Manchester, CT 06042 860-643-9560 FAX860-646-7169 ACUTE TOXICITY TEST REPORT (FEBRUARY 2012) PSEG Nuclear LLC Salem Generating Station Permit No. NJ 0005622 (DSN 485) 21 March 2012 Performed by: New England Bioassay, Inc. 77 Batson Drive Manchester, CT 06042 NJ Laboratory Certification Number: CT405 GZA GeoEnvironmencal, 111c.

Client: Project i Dischar* Number NJ-PDES Job Nun Test Nui Test Mat Sample I Test Dat Test Dur Test Met Test Spei Name: ge Serial


PSEG Nuclear LLC Salem Generating Station 485 (#1, #2, #3, & #4 samples) Number: NJ 0005622 nber: 05.0044750.00 nber: Influent Acute Toxicity Test: 12-351 Effluent Acute Toxicity Test: 12-352 terial: Influent [C32-1494, C32-1496, C32-1498, and C32-1500] Final Effluent - DSN 485 [C32-1495, C32-1497, C32-1499, and C32-1501] )ates: 27-28 & 28-29 February; 29 Feb-i March & 1-2 March 2012 es: 29 February-4 March 2012 ation: 96-h Static Renewal hods: NJDEP Regulations Governing the Certification of Laboratories and Environmental Measurements, 1996 (N.J.A.C. 7:18). eies: Sheepshead Minnow (Cyprinodon variegatits) Source: Aquatic Biosystems, Inc. Age: 11 days old g Water: Delaware River Water:. Artificial Saltwater Sheepshead Minnow: Cyprinodon variegatus Influent Acute Toxicity Test Effluent Acute Toxicity Test 24-h LC50: > 100% influent 24-h LC 50: > 100% effluent 48-h LC50: > 100% influent 48-h LCso: > 100% effluent 72-h LC50: > 100% influent 72-h LC50: > 100% effluent 96-h LC50: > 100% influent 96-h LCso: > 100% effluent Receivin[ Dilution' Results:

FEBRUARY 2012 ACUTE TOXICITY TEST REPORT PSEG -Nuclear LLC Salem Generating Station Permit No. NJ 0005622 DSN 485 21 March 2012 INTRODUCTION This report contains results of 96-h static-renewal toxicity tests with sheepshead minnows (Cyprinodon variegatus) initiated during February 2012. Acute toxicity testing was performed using four sets of 24-h composite effluent or influent samples collected during 27 February-2 March 2012 from the Salem Generating Station of PSEG Nuclear LLC in Lower Alloways Creek, New Jersey. The acute toxicity tests were conducted by exposing immature C. variegatus to the effluent or influent samples for a period of 96 h (test dates: 29 Feb-4 March 2012). All toxicity test work reported here was performed at New England Bioassay (NEB) in Manchester, CT for PSEG. MATERIALS AND METHODS Sample Collection and Handling Four 24-h composite samples of final effluent were collected during 27 February-2 March 2012 from discharge outfall 485 at PSEG's Salem Generating Station in Lower Alloways Creek, NJ. Concurrent with the effluent collection, four 24-h composite samples of influent were also collected. Samples were collected by PSEG MTS staff. Samples for acute toxicity testing (Table 1) were returned to PSEG's Maplewood Testing Facility (MTS) by PSEG personnel; samples were then packed on ice and shipped to NEB by overnight courier (samples #1, #2, #3), or driven to the NEB laboratory by PSEG courier (sample #4). Sample receipt dates were 29 Feb, 1, 2, and 3 March 2012. Copies of chain of custody documentation are in Appendix A.

2 TABLE 1. DESCRIPTION OF INFLUENT AND EFFLUENT SAMPLES FROM THE SALEM GENERATING FACILITY COLLECTED BY PSEG-MTS STAFF DURING FEBRUARY AND MARCH 2012 FOR STATIC-RENEXYAL ACUTE TOXICITY TESTS Sample Sample Date Sample NEB Description (time) Type ID Nos. EFFLUENT SAMPLES Final Effluent #1 02/27-28/12 24-h Composite C32-1495 (DSN 485) (1430-1430 h) Final Effluent #2 02/28-29/12 24-h Composite C32-1497 (DSN 485) (1430-1430 h) Final Effluent #3 02/29/12-03/1/12 24-h Composite C32-1499 (DSN 485) (1430-1430 h) Final Effluent #4 03/01-02/12 24-h Composite C32-1501 (DSN 485) (1430-1430 h) LNFLUENT SAMIPLES Influent #1 (485) 02/27-28/12 24-h Composite C32-1494 (1430-1430 h) Influent #2 (485) 02/28-29/12 24-h Composite C32-1496 (1430-1430 h) Influent #3 (485) 02/29/12-03/1/12 24-h Composite C32-1498 (1430-1430 h) Influent #4 (485) 03/01-02/12 24-h Composite C32-1500 (1430-1430 h)

3 Standard wet chemistry analyses [pH, dissolved oxygen, specific conductivity, salinity, total residual chlorine (TRC), hardness and alkalinity] were performed on influent and effluent samples upon receipt at NEB (Table 2). TRC was measured by using a Fisher CL Titrimeter (Model 397). Salinity of influent and effluent samples ranged from 7 to 10 parts per thousand (ppt). Salinity was adjusted to 25 +/- 1 ppt by addition of Instant Ocean artificial sea salts before use in testing. After salting, the pH of the influent and effluent samples ranged from 8.0 to 8.2; no pH adjustments with 3 N hydrochloric acid were required. Samples were not dechlorinated before use in testing. Test Organisms Test organisms used in acute toxicity testing were sheepshead minnows, Cyprinodon variegatus, obtained from a commercial supplier (Aquatic Biosystems, Fort Collins, CO). Sheepshead minnows (age: 11 days old at test initiation) were acclimated upon receipt to artificial saltwater at a salinity of 25 +/- 2 ppt and a temperature of 20' +/- 2oC until test initiation. Organisms were healthy and free from disease before use in testing. Fish behavior was observed and recorded during testing; raw data sheets are provided in Appendix A. Test Methods Acute test procedures were performed in accordance with the NJDEP document titled "Regulations Governing the Certification of Laboratories and Environmental Measurements" (N.J.A.C. 7:18, 1996, 2003). Sheepshead minnow acute toxicity tests were initiated on 29 February 2012 (Test Day 0) with samples (effluent or influent) collected during 27-28 February 2012. Tests were renewed for the next three days (Test Days 1, 2, and 3) with samples collected during 28-29 Feb, 29 Feb-1 March, and 1-2 March 2012. Sheepshead minnows were exposed to nine test concentrations (6.25, 12.5, 25, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100% effluent or influent) plus an artificial saltwater (ASW) control. The ASW was prepared by adding Instant Ocean artificial sea salts (Aquarium Systems, Mentor, Ohio) to Milli-Q prepared deionized water to produce a salinity of 25 +/- 1 ppt. The ASW was stored in a carboy and aerated before use in testing.

4 TABLE 2. INITIAL WET CHEMISTRY RESULTS FOR FINAL EFFLUENT AND INFLUENT SAMPLES COLLECTED FROM THE SALEM GENERATING STATION IN LOWER ALLOWAYS CREEK, NJ DURING FEBRUARY AND MARCH 2012 Analysis Performed Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) Temperature (°C) pH (SU) Sp. Conductivity (ýtmhos/cm) Salinity (ppt) TRC (mg/L) (Amperometric method) Hardness (mgfL as CaCO3) Alkalinity (mg/L as CaCO3) Ammonia, as N (mg/L)* 773 <4 Salem Generating Station Effluent

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4 9.9 9.6 9,3 7,1 1.4 2.3 2.2 0.4 7.0 6.6 8.0 6.8 0

10220 11190 12170 7 7 7 10 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 1300 55 <0.100 1300 50 <0,100 1300 60 <0.100 1300 70 <0,100 Salem Generatina Station Influent Analysis Performed Dissolved oxygen (mgIL) Temperature ('C) pH (SU) Sp. Conductivity (,ttmhos/cm) Salinity (ppt) TRC (mg/L) (Amperometric method) Hardness (mg/L as CaCO3) Alkalinity (mg/L as CaCO3) Ammonia, as N (mg/L)*

  • Amnonia analyses performed by MTS.
  1. 1 10.2 1.2 7.2 7990 7

< 0.05 1000 55 <0.100 Salem Generating Station Influent

  1. 2
  2. 3 10.1 8.9 1.5 2.0 6.9 8.0 10250 10850 115 7


  1. 4 7.0 0.2 6.9 90 10 0.05 00 70

<0. 100 < 0.05 1100 50 <0,100 < 0.05 1200 60 <0.100 12

5 Sheepshead minnow tests contained 10 animals per replicate with two replicates per test concentration, including the control. Test volume per replicate was 500 mL and test solution depth was approximately 6.2 cm in each test chamber. Mean test temperatures and individual temperature readings were 20' +/- 2°C. Effluent and influent salinity was 25 +/- 1 ppt. Aeration was not required during the 96-h tests. Reference toxicant tests using sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) are routinely performed with sheepshead minnows obtained from Aquatic Biosystems, Inc. to monitor organism sensitivity. Statistical Analysis Survival data for fish tests were analyzed for acute adverse effects (death) by determining daily LC50 values. The LC50 is a statistically-estimated effluent concentration which is lethal to 50% of test organisms at time of observation. When adequate mortality data were available,. LC50 values were determined by using computer packages based on U.S. EPA's 1993 acute guidance manual. RESULTS Results of 96-h static-renewal acute toxicity tests indicated that Salem effluent and influent samples collected during 27 February-2 March 2012 were not acutely toxic to sheepshead minnows. The 96-h LC 50 values for final effluent and influent were > 100% sample (Table 3). Survival of minnows exposed to the 6.25% to 100% effluent concentrations was >_95% at 96 h (Table 4). The influent samples collected concurrently with the effluent samples exhibited no significant acute toxicity to sheepshead minnows. Survival of sheepshead minnows was > 95% in the 6.25% to 100% influent concentrations at 96 h (Table 4). Survival of C. variegatus was 100% in the artificial saltwater controls at test completion for both the effluent and influent tests. Surviving organisms appeared healthy and were swimming normally in all concentrations for the test duration. Raw toxicity data sheets and printouts for statistical analyses of the acute tests are in Appendix A.

6 TABLE 3. RESULTS OF ACUTE TOXICITY TESTS PERFORMED ON SALEM GENERATING STATION EFFLUENT AND INFLUENT SAMPLES Test Test Test LC50 95%Confidence Species ID No. Day (% effluent) Limits Acute Tests Test Dates: 29 Feb-4 March 2012 Final Effluent C variegatus 12-352 24 h > 100a N/Ab 48 h > 100 N/A 72 h > 100 N/A 96h > 100 N/A Influent C. variegatus 12-351 24 h > 100 N/A 48 h > 100 N/A 72 h > 100 N/A 96 h > 100 N/A a LC50 values for test days 1 through 4 were determined by observation. b N/A: Not applicable.

7 TABLE 4. SURVIVAL RESULTS FOR 96-H STATIC-RENEWAL ACUTE TOXICITY TESTS WITH FINAL EFFLUENT AND INFLUENT SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING 27 FEBRUARY-2 MARCH 2012 FROM THE SALEM GENERATING STATION WITH Cyprinodon variegatus (TEST DATES: 29 FEBRUARY-4 MARCH 2012) Test Concentration Daily Survival (%)a (% Effluent) 1 2 3 4 Final Effluent ASW CONTROLb 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) (ID NO. 12-352) 6.25 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 12.5 100(0) 100(0) 100(0) 100(0) 25 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 50 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 60 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100(0) 70 100(0) 100(0) 100(0) 100(0) 80 100(0) 100(0) 100 (0) 100(0) 90 95 (1) 95 (1) 95 (1) 95 (1) 100 100(0) 100(0) 100(0) 100(0) Influent ASW CONTROLb 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) (ID NO. 12-351) 6.25 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 12.5 loo (o) loo (o) loo (o) loo (o) 25 100(0) 100(0) 100(0) 100(0) 50 100 (0) 100(0) 100(0) 100(0) 60 100 (0) 100(0) 100(0) 100(0) 70 100(0) 100(0) 100(0) 100(0) 80 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 90 100(0) 100(0) 100(0) 100(0) 100 95 (1) 95 (1) 95 (1) 95 (1) a Number outside parentheses represents daily C. variegatus survival as parentheses represents number of organisms dead out of 20. b ASW Control: Laboratory-prepared artificial saltwater. a percentage; number inside

8 Reference Toxicant Testini Reference toxicant tests using sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) are routinely conducted with the same cohort of sheepshead minnows obtained from Aquatic Biosystems (AB) to monitor organism sensitivity; sheepshead minnows used in the influent and effluent toxicity tests were obtained from AB. For the February 2012 testing with AB-purchased fish (test dates: 29 Feb-4 March-2012; NEB Test ID No. 12-386), 96-h survival data were used to calculate a LC50 value for the purchased C. variegatus. Per NJDEP, the test was conducted at 200 +/- loC. The 96-h LC50 was estimated at 4.243 mg/L SDS. Survival of control fish was 100% at test completion (96 h). Copies of statistical summary sheets and cumulative summation-control charts for SDS for AB sheepshead minnows are in Appendix A. CERTIFICATION I certify that the toxicity test data presented in this report were obtained under my direction or supervision in accordance with protocols of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. The information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. Laboratory Supervisor Date


Sample Check-In Form Client PSE&G Test ID No. aAr Sample Salem Generating Station Project No. (5,n L -b, Sample ID No. o / Collection Date, to a Sample Type Influent Collection Time to NA'-6 Shipment: Container Number \\ Type Qttdbe Size _ _L-Preservative: Ice Packs Ice Cubes* Frozen *,K Cool Warm/Melted Initial Chemistry Data: Analysis Date "JJkZ Time tC.'3Z Technician JL0 Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) LL2- & Meter # [A Temperature (°C)iZ i Meter # 3.qg pH (SU)_ Meter # 113 Conductivity (pmhos/cm) f7fi Meter # I -j Salinity (ppt) j Meter# 16-Total Residual Chlorine (mg/L) Initial Z0, Na 2S2O3 added (g) Final Hardness (mg/L as CaC0 3) 1O0O Alkalinity (mgIL as CaCO3) 625-Meter # 1)

== Description:== Color LI-o -?) 0 Odor AQyý Clarity Other Sample Storage: )/t-.*76 ___09, _______ Date/Time Volume Removed Purpose Approx. Volume Tech. 7,79 .Initial: i,0 L K-Disposal: Reviewed by: Reviwedby:Date: L5 /9~ J

Sample Check-In Form Client PSE&G Test ID No.. Sample Salem Generating Station Project No. h. Sample ID No. &u,% 10( 0 Collection Date to Sample Type Influent 44P2, Collection Time to Shipment: Container Number-]- Type Size j jL-Preservative: Ice Packs Ice Cubes Frozen X Cool Warm/Melted Initial Chemistry Data: Analysis Dateý11 [ 12-Time Technician ' f Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) (0, 1 Meter# iA Temperature (OC) ( Meter# jL pH (SU) Meter # Conductivity (pmhos/cm) L'.0 Meter # 3 Salinity (ppt) Meter #JIj Total Residual Chlorine (mg/L) Initial Na2S2O3 added (g) Final Hardness (mglL as CaCO 3) 110) Alkalinity (mg/L as CaCO3) g5 Meter# #

== Description:== Color R -'a-V-) Odor___________ Clarity Other Sample Storage: tJ.g-Date/Time Volume Removed Purpose Approx. Volume Tech. I k I1nitial: f l. _L_ .5. - Dis lFinal: Disposal: Reviewed Date: (ý5) 9I/ a-

Sample Check-In Form Client PSE&G Test ID No. Sample Salem Generating Station Project No., b)5 -W-rO SampleID No. Collection Date to 3 .to Sample Type Influent 4 Collection Time_,:ý.to Pi. Shipment: Container Number Type.{ l.* 2 Size L Preservative: Ice Packs Ice Cubes V Frozen _ Cool Warm/Melted Initial Chemistry Data: Analysis Date Time J/i Technician Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) Meter # Temperature (°C) Meter # pH (SU) Meter# Conductivity (pmhos/cm) j0j2" Meter # Salinity (ppt) j Meter # 1 Total Residual Chlorine (mg/L) Initial Na 2S 2O 3 added (g) Final -CO,O* Hardness (mg/L as CaCO3) / Y Alkalinity (mg/L as CaCO3) &0 Meter # __._

== Description:== d Color rOdor .*ft Clarity Other A-AM)*.( Sample Storage: Nt c UY' Date/Time Volume Removed Purpose Approx. Volume Tech. Initial: 10L 1.26ct e,o 5 L 'ls-*,. k%" ck _ L- __ __ __,__ __ _ __ __lFinal:

  • <A Disposal:

Z Reviewed by: D9 Date:

Sample Check-In Form Client PSE&G Test ID No. Sample Salem Generating Station Project No. n, 7'a. Sample ID No._ _ ____5_-_ 1_____ Collection Date. to g /, Sample Type Influent "RL Collection Time to Shipment: Container Number TypeC*c*-.'ky-E Size 10 L Preservative: Ice Packs Ice Cubes V Frozen ,,/ Cool Warm/Melted Initial Chemistry Data: Analysis Date _ Time GZO* $ Technician Dissolved Oxygen (mgIL) fl, O Meter # A Temperature (°C) 0.,I, Meter# SqS5 pH (SU) (ý.cl Meter# ý6 Conductivity (pmhos/cm) 11 rcO Meter # 1-7 Salinity (ppt) tO Meter # Total Residual Chlorine (mg/L) Initial Na 2S20 3 added (g) Final _ -,___0,_ Hardness (mg/L as CaCO3) 1,OO Alkalinity (mg/L as CaCO 3) 70 Meter #

== Description:== Color '*Y -L ' Odor _ Clarity -JO"tyo\\ Other_ Sample Storage:

  • Yt,.b Wct.k-A\\-*V coot-e" Date/Time Volume Removed Purpose Approx. Volume Tech.

,IInitial: 10 L- __F Final: Disposal: Reviewed by: Lw Date: Date:

Client PSE&G Maplewood Testing Facility Address 200 Boyden Avenue Maplewood, NJ 07040 Contact Mr. William Gamon Biggs Sample Salem Generating Station Influent Test Species Cyprinodon variegatus Source Aquatic BioSystems Lot No..CV]J,AA (ýi-M Age Days Test Chamber Size 800 mL Test Chamber Volume 500 mL Test ID No. Project No. ,0. No. Organisms per Test Chamber 10 No. Organisms per Concentration 20 No. Organisms per Control 20 Start Date/Time ilt1 '/345 End Date/Time. I J3 Test Type 96-h Static Acute Renewal Laboratory Control (Dilution Water) Day Lot Number Salinity Alkalinity ppt mgIL as CaCO3 0 elof-*oA 0 a5 1~ AS-B 2 ,SDPZ Aeration Required? [ ] Yes K No; Test Day: ) Acute Toxicity Results Hour LC,0 95% Conf. Limits NOAEC 24-h /jd. t-48-hlo 72-h >161-t1 6Y 96-h 1 5i3Pj7 Reviewed by: Date: 3.*i19 I,/

Client PSE&G Sample ID Influent Test Start _n,* - Salem Generating Station Test ID No. 5 Project No. T0e' Test Species Cyprindon variegatus I-,/I Test Day 0 (Oh) Test Day 1 (24 h) Test Day 2 (48 h) Test Day 3 (72 h) Date/Time:. q!/,@/1/1 Date/Time: 3J\\/ 12> , 110 Date/rime:3)AahQl a -Date/-ime:-1.*5MI. 13t Conc. Test iluiion Total Test Dilution Total Test Dilution Total Test Dilution Total Solution Water Vol. Solution Water Vol. Solution Water Vol. Solution Water Vol. Control o low 0 11000 1M ]COO )M0L C 1C2C 1000 6.25% [,g 59& cij &.5 937.5 1000 L? u5. (&* G-7. COC) 12.5% J&) c fp~5 J1 CC)0 1ý)~ ?r/7 ~ ~ 37 0X 25% o0( 7o /o10 950 1,50 IW(OO*50 -750 Iooo &5 7Jc 1_DO 50% 5 )*) /c '5o 6D too 56Z z 5oo r3xý ý 60% OJD GM / (jf L IC ICOO LOcii qcýD 10i co w C<C) W)) lI)CI3 70% rlaD 6o0 /00r -ic(0 ' 20 1000 -IC 3cD 'IDDD 67M~ ZP (CMO 80% n 02a /Ce) ýM am& IOo0 ?C-acc C)OD g0Q) am (Oco2 90% q00 noo t/oo cT 1CKD t scb q 00 oo lc booo 100% 0 MC)o 10=1 OD Ic o II0 Sample,1 ID No. j 0 1,, 11 III Reviewed by: Reviewed by: Date: / I

Client PSE&G Sample ID Salem - Influent Test Start /* -/,. Test ID No. Species Cyprlnodbn varegatus Project No. 6! (5 (Z ,aX -Y U Test Conc. 6.25% Test Hour O h old new 24 h old 7 ) 7.3 new 48 h old 7.7' new 72 h old -7. -new 96 h old new Reviewed by: Date:

Client PSE&G Sample ID Salem - Influent Test Start /pn/o~o aretu Species Cpnodon variegatus TestIDNo. A,_35( Project No. &,569& ZV1ZA Sample Salinity and pH Adjustment Sample pH Initial Artificial Final pH 3N HCI pH Hour Tech. Volume Initial Salinity Sea Salt Salinity after salting Volume Final 0 nL 'm__ .5 ppt J//I ppt

  • mL 24 -

)" YD mL _7_ 1". ppt g a5 ppt mL 48 5 ck-c mL ~.-7 ~7 ppt /o -. ,_5 g ppt mL 72 96 Reviewed by: Reviewed by: (~ii~/J~9 Date: Date: 3 J9 /10,

Client PSE&G Sample ID Salem - Influent Test Start ___ _________ Species Cypino'don variegatus Test ID No. /'- 60/ Project No. 62* /VV ?/*?i , &) Reviewed by: Date: 0 Zý//t

Client PSE&G Sample ID Salem - Influent Test Start ino 1/ '130 Species Cybrino on variegatus Test ID No. 51 Project No.

  • , 1y' Reviewed by:

Revewe by: Date: Date: ?, /,ý // -)ý

Client PSE&G Sample ID Salem - Influent Test Start Species Cykrinodon variegatus Test ID No. /* a 7l/ Project No. "K W-30, 0) Reviewed by: Date: Reviewed by: D a t e: - 3

Client PSE&G Sample ID Salem - Influent Test Start inýnv riau Species Cyt~rino~on variegatus Test ID No. /-2/ Project No. N,, m'"OJ Test Conc. Dissolved Oxygen (mgIL) Replicate Temperature (oC) Replicate A I B pH (SU) Replicate A I B Salinity (ppt) Replicate A B Test Hour A B -~ -1 Oh old new R. I 1~.o 24 h old new -7~3 -73 100% 48 h old n-_ew 72 h old -7 -7, j new ~ 17.0 jq-b 1 q,I I~.o 1. 2Ž 8.i ?.0 RO,0 I1qO

  • 2S

~I. -I~* ~I 4 96 h old new R 10l,3 lc~.3 r - ~ I - Reviewed by: Date: I /

Client Test Start Test Species PSE&G -Salem influent 4 Irg q //,,? A-) /,ýýpj Cy~prin6don v-r-iegatus Test ID No..//,?- Project No. = Technician: Observations: Hour: 0_ Date:_________ Conc. Rep. Number Observations/Behavior Surviving ASW /_ Cont. B A 6.25% B 12.5% A 1 B /0 25% A )/( B /0 60% /0 B /0 Reviewed by: Y" Date: Date:

Client PSE&G.- Salem Influent Test Start, Test Species GCprinodon variegatus Test ID No. 1o) / Project No. IJ)51/I-OTD Ad) Technician: 6-i Observations: Hour: Date: .2 b /q.I-I Conc. Rep. Number Observations/Behavior Surviving 70% A 16 80% B lo 100% A ( A B A B I z, Iýr -&Wx,--- Reviewed by: Date: 3 A I /

Client PSE&G - Salem Influent Test Start Test Species Cyprin6don ('ariegatus Test I-D No. IQJ o/ Project No. 06,IM MO -) Observations: Hour: 2 Date:, 1 i Technician: CrL Conc. Rep. Number Observations/Behavior Surviving ASW A Cont. B 6,25% A___ A /0 12.5% B (o A /0 25% B 10 B 50% B I0 60% B Reiwdby*ae Reviewed by: Date: jl/ý?Y 11"2-Wb aAmj c (x C t4-

Client PSE&G - Salem Influent Test Start

  • ,*._q/Iq

/* Test Species Cypr/nod&In variegatus TestlDNo.j


Project No. Technician: Observations: Hour: A - Date: 3 11 1 P" Conc. Rep. Number Observations/Behavior Surviving 70% B A /0 B co_ 90%0 100% A) A B A B V, 32Dd-Date: Reviewed by: .?A /i 1//

Client PSE&G - Salem Influent Test Start _ýJgqj -- *5s Test Species Cyp'rinodon variegatus Test ID No.,*- 3e'( Project No. )(.f.j"2,Z Technician: f Observations: Hour: 44?_ Date: (ý LW-lW Conc. Rep. Number Observations/Behavior %Surviving 2ýepx~ax h&.a-kgt a)A n~r6 mu s no-k-r-A A ASW A 10

Cont, B

A 6.25% A 12.5% 10 B3 A 25% /) 50%/ A 1 B 60 10_ _ 60%I B l Reviewed by: Date: 3/all.0- / /

Client PSE&G - Salem Inflent Test Start I / I L Test Species Cyprincddon ",driegatus Test ID No. l/i1-,J* Project No. 65,05U(17,,'&\\ Technician: W}S-Observations: Hour: 1K-Date: i kL Conc. Rep. Number Observations/Behavior Surviving 70% 10 80% 10__ B A0 90% B D_ 100% A /D_ A B t A B /_ Reviewed by: Date: 3 f /

Client PSE&G,- Selem Influent Test Start LoIo D 5 Test Species CyprinbdoA' vatfe gatus Test ID No. 51 Project No. S nTM50 J) Technician: VM Observations: Hour: a Date: 8 3 a I1a Conc. Rep. Number Observations/Behavior Surviving ASW Cont. B, 6.25% 12.5% C 25% 50% B B LB E0 Date: 3 / sll ý- Reviewed by:

Client PSE&G - Salem Influent Test Start aLaq IU Test Species Cyprinhdonfvariegatus Test ID No. Project No. k*L'Yi)L(9' Technician: Observations: Hour: _ 7a_ Date: __ _ __ _ ___- Conc. Rep. Number Observations/Behavior Surviving 70% B 0 80% 0 R 0 B 100% B A B A B Reviewed by: (:(a1Dte Reviewed by: Date:

Client PSE&G -Salem Influept Test Start P I Al I Lf - Test Species Cyprirodoh'variegatus Test ID No. -61 Project No. Technician: (pD Observations: Hour: _ (. Date: 3[LI z12_ Conc. Rep. Number Observations/Behavior Surviving ASW Cont. B 625% B 10 A125 B 25% B 50O% B Revewd b: ate ow Reviewed by: Date: 1 i,

Client PSE&G - Salem Influent Test Start Cpnon vIegats Test Species " J.nocd~n vaie ga/us Test ID No,. Project No. _,_ Technician: &* [*f. Observations: Hour: Date: ',;1 uLA Conc. Rep. Number Observations/Behavior Surviving 70% 80% A 90% _0 B A B A B Reviewed by: Date: 3/19*t!2-

NEB SALTWATER SPECIES ACCLIMATION RECORD Species: 2 ooClient: sq)e-v_ Quantity:

  • Mortality upon arrival

__Test ID: Source: Lotl* A(6 (0A~~-08 0 ge

  • Mortality > 10% - Notify management Allowable Mortality:

> 5% mortality = Notify management. Allowable Acclimation: Fish = No more than 50% tank volume water change over a 12 (twelve) hour period, Mysids = Need to be +/- 2 ppt of test dilution water; Water Chemistry IF Observations Sal. Do D.O. p.H. Temp-Alkal Sedn Behavioral organisms Mortalities Date (mg/L) (SU) (C) * (mg/L) (t) Feedings observations look Comments/Treatment type stressed? ,r... Er ,r, /?4 e -~' ~ A = Normal, B = Erratic mov, C = Dead Yes / No AM NOONJ PM

  1. of dead Organisms removed from tank

~ u... E~ tZ) Y~

Control 96-h Length and Wet Weight Measurements Client PSE&G Salem - I l Species Cyprinodon variegalus Test ID No.________ ID Number 6 7 8 9 10 WetWeight O,)L-o09 g ,OOjZ" g,00132-g 0,OVIZ&g 0*O,1O30g Total Length L4 mm L,' mm q.9 mm (4 mm -4 r9mm Control B ID Number 1 2 3 4 5 Wet Weight 0,OOI39 g 0,00150g 0,00153 g O,0 .g O, 0QI~g Total Length mm 5Q mm mm mm mm ID Number 6 7 8 9 10 Wet Weight ,0 045g-O, OO),** 5 g 0OOI51 g OOOI0-Kog o,o* 2-* g Total Length 50 mm 4' { mm 5, m m m H, q mm L4, 6 mm Reviewed by: V~2d-D)a te:

Sample Check-In Form Client PSE&G Test ID No. /,, Sample Salem Generating Station Project No. 65,(1,/', Sample ID No. 3 j I 1'_ Collection Date to ';/k Sample Type Effluent -.f-Collection Time//36 to to Shipment: Container Number_ Type Cube-Size L L Preservative: Ice Packs Ice Cubes jj Frozen Y Cool Warm/Melted Initial Chemistry Data: Analysis Date ?/*z*//L Time [O05b Technician Lo Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) g Meter # )A Temperature (°C) Meter pH (SU) Meter # [ 6 Conductivity (pmhos/cm) 7-30 Meter#

  1. t7 Salinity (ppt)

Meter # 4 Total Residual Chlorine (mg/L) Initial D__ 0:_ _ Na2S203added (g) Final <__ /_ __ Hardness (mg/L as CaCO 3) IZ0Q Alkalinity (mg/L as CaCO 3) Meter6#

== Description:== Color L, Q4 -Rc6. Odor Io* Clarity-Other Sample Storage: i t-tkt_' 'lJ 7 \\ Date/Time Volume Removed Purpose Approx. Volume Tech. _______________CInitial: [OL-TO Disposal: V. 7YuU&-- Reviewed by: ReviewedD byate: '3 6' A L-

Sample Check-In Form Client PSE&G Test ID No. r-Sample Salem Generating Station Project No. J,5)3'D-, SamplelDNo. Collection Date to -w)/* Sample Type Effluent 2_ Collection Time to Shipment: Container Number__L Type SizeCj 0--- Preservative: Ice Packs Ice Cubes Frozen_.* Cool_ Warm/Melted. Initial Chemistry Data: Analysis Date Te !7> 1.. Time Technician Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) ! t Meter # 1A Temperature (°C) Meter # pH (SU) Meter # Conductivity (pmhos/cm) 1 0 22 Meter # Salinity (ppt) Meter # (, Total Residual Chlorine (mgIL) Initial -9, 9S" Na 2S2 O3 added (g) Final .<, (. Hardness (mgIL as CaCO 3) Alkalinity (mgIL as CaCO3) S7( Meter # 1

== Description:== Color 4JJ-0§*r n Odor 1110MV& Clarity Other Sample Storage: 4 DatelTime Volume Removed Putpose Approx. Volume Tech. Initial:_1_ Disposal:,__________ Final: Sq 'Disposal: "Reviewed by: Reviewd by:Date: No~~(~

Sample Check-In Form Client PSE&G Test ID No. Sample Salem Generating Station Project No, ), rMV Sample ID No. e2ý,-,N9 Collection Date LI-to 31!L. Sample Type Effluent Collection Time to /l5 Shipment: Container Number Type _Ld

  • f" Size

/O L Preservative: Ice Packs Ice Cubes Frozen _ Cool Warm/Melted Initial Chemistry Data: Analysis Date *

  • //*.

Time Technician 4= Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) Q-5 Meter # /}- Temperature (OC) Meter # h,450 pH (SU) Meter # /6 Conductivity (pmhos/cm) iiig. Meter # Salinity (ppt) Meter # Total Residual Chlorine (mg/L) Initial 46, Na 2S2O 3 added (g) Final Hardness (mg/L as CaCO 3) I*Cc0 Alkalinity (mg/L as CaCO 3) / Meter # /_6

== Description:== Color ZOdor Clarity gOther Sample Storage: j//.7, rpt'A--/ b (.Of Date/Time Volume Removed Purpose Approx. Volume Tech. 6k' Initial: /0 L Final: -L. Disposal: Reviewe by Date:t Reviewed by: Date:

Sample Check-In Form Client PSE&G Test ID No. -, r Sample Salem Generating Station Project No. 0 /, Sample ID No.df* Collection Date ?/ to 3.. Sample Type Effluent tjt-* Collection Time to/3 Shipment: Container Number I Type C(ktW) ' Size. Preservative: Ice Packs Ice Cubes N! Frozen ,,_/ Cool Warm/Melted Initial Chemistry Data: Analysis Date i/3 L\\ Time (J7*$ Technician Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) , I Meter # A Temperature (°C) 0)-l Meter # Fk pH (SU) (0, Meter # f6 Conductivity (pmhos/cm) 0, 1-70 Meter# 17 Salinity (ppt) 1O Meter # Total Residual Chlorine (mg/L) Initial < 0, Na 2S 2O 3 added (g) Final Hardness (mg/L as CaCO3) I23o Alkalinity (mg/L as CaCO 3) -70 Meter # B

== Description:== Color Odor _ \\O'. Clarity d**. Other A Lfx..,, SampleStorage: Ik~ 1/2)&[L-Co* Date/Time Volume Removed Purpose Approx. Volume Tech. ,3i 4d i nitial: [(t-oinal: l5 Disposal: Reviewed by: 4-,j Dat: 32' (P Date: 3 /Y/ I ý_

Client PSE&G Maplewood Testing Facility Address 200 Boyden Avenue Maplewood, NJ 07040 Contact Mr. William Gamon Biggs Sample Salem Generating Station Effluent Test Type 96-h Static Acute Renewal Test Species Cyprinodon variegatus Source Aquatic BioSystems Lot No. U.V/A op4 (n-RIB Age 'Days-_ Test Chamber Size 800 mL Test Chamber Volume 500 mL Test ID No. I* Q-" 4v-Project No. Of., 0U'ý- o, No. Organisms per Test Chamber 10 No. Organisms per Concentration 20 No. Organisms per Control 20 Start Date/Time o1/._q //. 6)/ g30O End Date/Time3*P-tld @ k305 Laboratory Control (Dilution Water) Day Lot Number Salinity Alkalinity ppt mg/L as CaCO3 1 FIO"&-OcIQ 'R5IR 2 CoL- -b n& Z5 U15 2 Reviewed by: .~ t 4 Aeration Required? [ ] Yes [/ No; Test Day: AV/4 Acute Toxicity Results Hour LC, 0 95% Conf. Limits NOAEC 24-h > /oo 48-h 1i" 72-h 96-h D 0166( Date: 3

Client PSE&G - Salem Generating Station Sample ID Effluent Test Start 2s,-* i*O (--A, 33/.3 Test Species.yprindon variegatus Test ID No. J2*,ý6Q Project No. C) o'66PYd), I Test Day (Oh) Test Day 1 (24 h) Test Day 2 (48 h) Test Day 3 (72 h) D Date/Time:-3/1 ~Lt -*A5 Date/Time: */,*%,1_ @ 1* Date/Time: 3(313) [134: Conc. Test Dilution Total Test Dilution' Total Test Dilution Total Test Dilution Total Solution Water Vol. Solution Water Vol. Solution Water Vol. Solution Water Vol. Control 0 Ob I-D 0 t)1000. J (D IODDx ICon 0 ( 1_00c 6.25% j0 Z 3 /OV(ýro ýa7~\\O ~5 q3y. 7&~~Q 12.5% )c90 /o" 1; Z 1000 Id5 ?75 )OyO Y; IyC lO 25% IO0 ao -150 [15 0 0 7 ID ioC a 2-7 [0o 50% 5ý /X) I

57) 5 00

)oo /C 5o0 6oo (ODD X D wxO 60% )10 /000l4.,M (DO ) qL tJ*- (OM L:fJ \\oc 70% 7*z 00 /W '700 o0 0 \\cjO -7C 30D 1000 D O ICo0 80% 8* mO-7 i 900 \\ ooo q t 'o o 90% 9WD !6 /00 qoo( 1000bo qOo Im Ia~ ~ Coo 100% 0 MOD Sample T _3-ID No. 00(o 0 4x~o 100o I COD 0 iODb IOM [00D, oy.~ Reviewed by: Date: ,,*<*/<Z f f

Client PSE&G Sample ID Salem - Effluent Test Start c( Species Cyprinod6n variegatus TestIDNo. U_-36a Project No. o,0o6qq'766, o6 Meter Record Sample Salinity and pH Adjustment Sample pH Initial Artificial Final pH 3N HCI pH Hour Tech. Volume Initial Salinity Sea Salt Salinity after salting Volume Final 0 A* () mL S ppt /!1 g cppt 8c6 mL 24 C mL 7Pl t pt b.3g 9 5 ppt "O mL 48 p1(21 J60O mL -7 *Co ppt /1)3. g ppt mE 72 96 I-ý g(r~nr -7 q /*, r",tl 7 I, 91 Reviewed by: Reviewed byJat: ate: /9//

Client PSE&G Sample ID Salem - Effluent Test Start 9./3,9 O

  • )

Species Cyprinodon variegatus Test ID No. _.-__ - ?)___ Project No. -.D5 'S7C0 5 ) Reviewe byai tLk-Dae Date: 31M ,9-Reviewed by:

Client PSE&G Sample ID Salem - Effluent Test Start ndon vaigas Species _Cyprinodon variegatus Test ID No._________ Project No. ac5, _*60 7'oL & Test Conc. Dissolved Oxygen (mglL) Replicate Si-Temperature (Oc) Replicate pH (0C) Replicate Salintiy (ppt) Replicate Test Hour A B A B A B A B Oh old new 7r4-cq-oO 12.5% 24 h old -7. -7. -4 vva O 19o IS


S new .1 48 h old V.O IkD 1q, o i,. new 7-td C. 72 h old j( ý9tbO1 O new S53~ S 96 h old new 7L, T.L4 -7, 9 ~ j1~ZY~II j~9': ~'~l*~ ~5~z2s: Reieedby VDte Date: /@/" Reviewed by: / /

Client PSE&G Sample ID Salem - Effluent Test Start___ ld_____ _____ Testc DNo. / -_3"* 0 Species Cyprinfodon 'variegatus Project No. 5 O 7V(Y Test Conc. 60% Test Hour O h old new 24 h old -7, 'd -7.0 new 48 h old 2, I new I ,0 72h old (0. C. new E7, 96 h old new Reviewed by: Date: 3 ( r

Client PSE&G Sample ID Salem - Effluent TestStart y no varie s Species Cyphnod variegatuIs Test ID# /a-Project# # ), Temperature Test Conc. Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) Replicate o@ Temperature (-C)_ Replicate pH (0C) Salintiy (ppt)

  • I 4~. ~I Test Hour Reolicate Replicate f~I

.1 I-A B A B I Oh old A Z'C9-B A B new ne-{°c

  • .0
  • i*/

24h old -7,1 71 1 q. 0 R 1___ 9,.0 new [ -/ 48 h old -TO'


~ J _~ c~ 70% 72 h old new (,oRq RO iR,0 - 4 I I -4.. -7.-7 Ri( I. - .9. ~4 I 4 I ~ 96 h old new 75 J'~. 5 S. Dissolved Temperature pH Salinity Test Oxygen (mgIL) (OC) (SU) (ppt) Conc. Test Replicate Replicate Replicate Replicate Hour A B,, A B -A B A B 0 h old 24h old -7. "7 aO 1CV. SO i 9 new 79 80% 48h old au AU' / 72 h old i.2. eq I(.O RO SK I .I new 7-7 96 h old 76' '.( 1-Z 19.L[ Date: /% Reviewed by: / I

Client PSE&G Sample ID Salem - Effluent Test Start n/ 6 arigatu Species Cyplrinod n variegatus Test ID No. /J -3,6ý Project No. 65e7J /7150, Test Conc. Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) Replicate A B Test Hour Temperature (0C) Replicate A B pH (oC) Replicate Salintiy (ppt) Replicate

  • +*

A B A B Oh old new ,q.rff iPCýiK ~I ~,i 24,h old _.9, -0_ I1

9. O 0

__.O o new -go-fo "IL -, 48 h old q_,_ 8c1

4) __.-.

ne __2 90% 72 h old new 7.0 -7 Nv'o 19,q lco )9,e3 96 h old new ,75 .i.

  • I~I

+ I new Temperature Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) Test

Conc, Temperature

(°C) Replicate Test Hour Replicate A B 0 h old new Xc? 100% 24h old 7.1 a'. 48 h old j new 72 h old "/, -7.0 new A IThO B F o 19,D pH Salinity (SU) (ppt) Replicate ReplicatE A B A .o g~

  • d o

~ ~Km ~

  • . t 2s-e B

19 I, 60 q~ 19,-7 t -J ) 96 h old new 5 1q93 '9.q Reviewed by: Date: Reviewed by: Date:

Client PSE&G - Salem Effluent Test Start3 Q/a! ,ý,v Test Species 7)pritodon-Variegatus Test ID No. 1,9-36,a Project No. Oý )V /7( 6 )l Technician: 670-Observations: Hour: 0 Date:. Z~ a Cone. Rep. Number Observations/Behavior Surviving Cont. B lo 6.25% /6 B /D 12.5% /0 25% B [ C ) B A (Q 60% Bl, ý V, ý) ia C " ýAl-Reviewed by: Date: 3/g,',- /

Client Test Start Test Species Observations: PSE&G - Salem Effluent a/AahiLýý P336 Cyptnoddn variegatus Test ID No. 1A Project No. 05",076-2ffA3 Technician: Hour: Date: Qo ' Conc. Rep. Number Observations/Behavior Surviving 70% A [ B /0 100% B A B B Reviewed by: Date: 31S11,ý, f /

Client PSE&G - Salem Effluent Test Start a 5q /,q_/* Test Species Cy/brinddon variegatus Test ID No. 1j-36,ý Project No. V ) Technician: ) Observations: Hour: 24 Date: *h_ Conc. Rep. Number Observations/Behavior Surviving A &cAll .5~ ke+m+-VV, uo-rCdvv, YN$C4wfd-ASW Cont. B 6.25% B 10 12.5% B 10 25% 0 50% A __0_ B 61 A60%_ 6B T/'ý 'I (ý Z 4 ý Date: 3 ,-/,

  • Reviewed by:

I /

Client Test Start Test Species PSE&G - Salem-Effluent £~ /*Y92) Cyp inocdontvarlegatus Test ID No. 9 Project No. Technician: PC) Observations: Hour: Date: s/ Iý 11a Conc. Rep. Number Observations/Behavior Surviving B 10 80%/ ___0__ B 0 90% A B 100% B, A B A B Reviewed by: Date: 39/L '-/

Client PSE&G - Salpm Effluent Test Start

LL2 I.//

.U "- Test Species Cyprirodo' variegatus Test ID No. /*,- 3*'o Project No. Technician: Observations: Hour: ý- Date: '3 bI Ic2 Conc. Rep. Number Observations/Behavior Surviving ,4QA 5-n C G-pg'r_ L _A14 2 L& r& foi t*w.t rL Lj-*( A ASW 10 Cont. B ID A 6.25% /0_ B C> A 12.5% B A 25% ID B D A 50% FB A I 60% B B_ Reviewed by: L*. (J'ttZ-* Date: /2/,/

Client Test Start Test Species PSE&G - Salem Effluent Cyprinboý6-n Aviegatus Test ID No. ! -315-Project No. 06', -.,'Z. c) Technician: Observations: Hour: L48 Date: la o Conc. Rep. Number Observations/Behavior Surviving A 70% O ID B A 800/o 10 B I 90% B __0 A B A B A B Reviewe by: ate Reviewed by: Date:,! LFd-

Client PSE&G - Salem Effluent Test Start Qir)q7 77 13.1_ Test Species Cypribodcn viariegatus Test ID No. Project No. Technician: PD Observations: Hour: -7,- Date: 3 13[\\,a Conc. Rep. Number Observations/Behavior Surviving ASW Cont. B 10 6.25% B 10 12.5% B 25% B 10 50% B B Reviewed by: Date: 3/A?/// 2-I f

Client PSE&G - Salem Effluent Test Start Q5)q/ 7 ne T,0 Test Species Cyp/nodbn variegatus - Test ID No. /c -3.* Project No. Technician: Observations: Hour: -7a Date: 8 1l IDI Conc. Rep. Number Observations/Behavior Surviving 70% B 80% B 90% B 100% A B A B Reviewed by: Date: a I f

Client PSE&G - Salem Effluent Test Start, / Test Species Cylrinodbn varlegatus Observations: Hour: (0 Date: 31 LI I 2-Test ID No. Project No. Technician:V. I tiD Conc. Rep. Number Observations/Behavior Surviving A S W A____ Conti B 6.25% B 12.5% B 25% FB A 10 50% B t Aoo 10_ y~ 1~~IH-Reviewed by: Date:

Client PSE&Q - Salem Effluent Test Start (- 1336 Test Species Cyprihoddn v7ariegatus. Test ID No. Project No. Technician: P / Cb Observations: Hour: (o Date: 5/ 1 /21 Conc. Rep. Number Observations/Behavior Surviving 70% B 10 80% B ID A 90% B10 A1000%_ B I_ __D_ Reviewed by: Reviewed by: ate Date:

NEB SALTWATER SPECIES ACCLIMATION RECORD Species:. o Client: S )erv eQuantity: Mortality upon arrival _ Test ID: Source: Lkot #: Cv 1,2 A6 (0-ýD e Age:..~ jc _ Mortality >10% - Notify management Allowable Mortality: > 5% mortality = Notify management. Allowable Acclimation: Fish = No more than 50% tank volume water change over a 12 (twelve) hour period. Mysids = Need to be +1-2 ppt of test dilution water. Water Chemistry Observations )Sal. Do Da D.O. pH Temp. Alkal. Feedings Behavioral organisms Mortalities Comments / Treatment type ae (mg/L) (SU) (C) (mgIL) (ppt) observations look M stressed? " tr.*.,.'.*',-,.".*i


.". :':i*2:~i" AM NOON PM A = Normal, B = Erratic mov. C = Dead Yes I No

  1. of dead organisms removed from tank

-.~,, a - u (4 2~L-C) - (L ';A:

Initial Fish Measurements Source: Aquatic BioSystems Lot Number:/ Species: Cvprinodon varieaatus ID Number 1 2 3 4 5 WetWeight O. C)LL) g

0. C1,3LQ g

g 0_,2,g/ g g g Total Length I./ mm mm Ll.

  • mm 4,0 mm mm ID Number 6

7 8 9 10 WetWeight 6. O0/-/ g

0. -i//?

g 0.0/) g

0. OO/o g

9.6h5/ 2$6s_ g Total Length mm 4-,5 m m m1. m m m /5 m m mm ID Number 11 12 13 14 15 Wet Weight )?/6Le g g7.6o0//j/5gg 0.00,57) g )0/007E g Total Length 4/-,/ mm mm mm


7 mm mm ID Number 16 17 18 19 20 WetWeight O. D/C) g g )//. g 0O,9//9 g 0,),Oe g Total Length "16 mm mm .L/ mm mm mm Reviewed by:- V Date: 35

Control 96-h Length and Wet Weight Measurements Client PSE&G Salem - EOP2 Species Cyprinodon variegatus Test ID No..I --. 9d, Control A ID Number 1 2 3 4 5 WetWeight oO lf2-go, 0 0110 g O.OCll g O,OO/bZ 02033i(g Total Length LI 9-mm mm LZ 2. mm 5-1 mm 19fl mm ID Number 6 7 8 9 10 WetWeight 0,0g7-C),, QOj33'g oOOL-5Og 0, 01q 5 g O, Ol(15) g Total Length 9-0 mm Lt.' mm


3 mm 5' 2-mm

a. 0 mm Control B ID Number 1

2 3 4 5 Wet Weight ,0 0 15 L g 0, 0OI3H g , 1 OOI2-g( OO qOlL o(g 0, O0104g Total Length mm M. m j mm mm L4,. mm ID Number 6 7 8 9 10 Wet Weight 0,0012) g O,0QILf(g 0,0OOJ2-g O,OOIq.og OOOJ114 g Total Length f, mm 5ý S mm


2-mm 5 mm q, mm Reviewed by: Date ýk i Date: 3 /,f/ L,ý-

New England Bioassay A division of GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. 77 Batson Drive Manchester, CT 06042 Phone: 860-643-9560 Fax: 860-646-7169 P'SE-6 -&TLm Xo~aedt+/- £J7&erit # I Chain 'fCustody C" Company Name: PS E" - -_SW1tyW Project Name/#: 0 W-75-6, 0 0 Invoice To: POO#: Samples Collected By (Print): 0.-4 44-dd /e1 ( iC 0-17 l4 Report To:. (3 Address: Phone: I Email: ý01_/Jl_ 10,_ Ac-&, Fax:( Chemical Analysis - SAMPLE IDENTIFICATIONS Date Sa rro d Time Sampled Composite Grab Attach Permit Specifications 2 2lr tf-' I Ll 3 4 If you are uncertain of the following test parameters, please attach a copy of the appropriate pages from your permit 1 ANALYSIS 1 2 1 3 4 ANALYSIS T1 323 4 MAIM Stormwater (if yes, proceed to relinquish section) Pimephales promelas ( hours/days) POTW Effluent Cyprinodon variegatus ( hour& d Groundwater Menidia beryllina ( hours/days) Non-Contact Cooling Water ER E ."T.-.;,: Industrial Effluent V" 24 hours Other 48 hours ~ ~ ~ ~ 96 hours Definitive LC50 / 7 days Pass/Fail (Screening or NOAEL) A XT ,,,AdA,1J 'RA!Jf V' Chronic 20'C R! -I!- -kW. 1, 25 Daphnia pulex (<24 hrs) 'MI4ELIýA Mysidopsisbahia ( hours/days) SALINITY (if saltwater testing) ppt V1 I Ceriodaphnia dubia (<24 hrs) Dilution water HARDNESS ( mg/L as CaCOa)

Li'PAK. WaIGfiq DIMENSIONAL LARGE SHIPPER WEIGHT PACKAGE RELEASE. q fl .EXPRESS ' : "(INT'L) DOCUMENTS -*-T -a ONLY Lo 0 17X 8 3 REfERENCE NUMBER 1001 o IPSEG'- MAPLEWOOQ A ) TI -11MM9-yo"N 0. TELEPHONE 97.3-761-1964 IZ 1X8 36A :22 1000 3934 III I11 1I IIIII 11ll .1l1l1il 11llll 1l 1 I1I 11 I3I2 1 0I9 4 IZ X~2k2 Q022 f ESTING. 200 BOYDEN AVE MAPLEWOOD CO, m 0 "6 j~I 4t r ii~i~ ii." 22.. 10 2 4; .*DAE ,,SH.IM NT 4 1 *a& -ff -eA I 7 f)( /*.~ '/ vi~ 't7 0101911202509 1110 S United Parcl ,Sc , L e. Parcel Service, L~ouisville, RY SHIPMENT 1 1X8.3 6VA79 XIIQ V

JI i.' PAK W[H HAKA I E I-] EXPRESS. (INT'L) D DOCUMENTS t! ONLY SATURDAY DELIVERY 1Z Ix8 36A 22 1.0o01 3943 lZ 1z 36A 22 113943 -OO BOYDEN AVE a)0 AK b' n 1/4? IZ:1 1X8 316A 2n, 11301 3943. I II'1 l flfl lI U II'I IIUIIIII 1 IIIIIII I Ii H1 "IIX& . 3 2 IGou 3943 I O~ATE O twip~ SP M 1X63 ~A Xt.R '7ý7, 6,rx

6) (~992~~

AA tlt~. glalgll2a2eag iiia s United Parce~5erv)ce, Louisvflle, KY

PSEG -Salerr T4ucpgLrit / New England Bioassay A division of GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. 77 Batson Drive Manchester, CT 06042 Phone: 860-643-9560 Fax: 860-646-7169 (e3 - A(4?&) (es -/ /V 7) Chain of Custody Company Name: P -F " - S kcry-r\\ Project Name/#: 05' O0('Q-5Q,

0. 00 Invoice To:

PO#: Samples Collected By (Print): D A Y14 Ci Jo ReportTo: c9 P*--(- ,,*t7-Address:,*.2oo ke6kd*.t 6 .ý -*OJ z Phone:( 9 '72'lb '( Fax: Email: Chemical Analysis - SAMPLE IDENTIFICATIONS Date Sa nr d Time Sampled Composite Grab Attach Permit Specifications 2 .6 L-3 3 4 If you are uncertain of the following test parameters, please attach a copy of the appropriate pages from your pernit ANALYSIS 1 2 3 4 ANALYSIS 1 J2 3 4 Stormwater (if yes, proceed to relinquish section) Pimephalespromelas ( hours/days) POTW Effluent Cyprinodon br egatus ( Iz-l Z hour ay, Groundwater Menidia beryllina ( hours/days) Non-Contact Cooling Water U4 IJN9 1iiCj pJIdb) Re 6 Industrial Effluent 24 hours Other 48 hours 96 hours Definitive LC50 7 days Pass/Fail (Screening or NOAEL) l_ l Chronic 20'C ,~25C Daphnia pulex (<24 hrs) r's/A. Mysidopsis bahia ( hours/days) SALINITY (if saltwater testing) ppt Ceriodaphnia dub/a (<24 hrs) Dilution water HARDNESS ( mg/L as CaCO,) Relinquished Date: I / Accepted by-Date:, Time'. T 'o ime: toI z., Relinquished by: Date: Accepted by: Date: Time: Time: Relinquished by: Date: Accepted by: Date: Time: Time: REMARKS/NOTES:




1111Z IIII III lll IIIX 3 2 0 8 "IZ 1X5 3hA 22.IIODD 3563-


  • .200 BOYDEN AVE..

MAPLEWOOD TELEPHONE 973-761-1964 m I n."

  • "nn

_3Afl3 031019112028139 1110 S lr~aed pa IIq ,Z 1X:&-1ý6A,22 1000 3863 Dl FSIEEE IDNUMBER e,,r;c ou! A 4' 2 A -. ~a~- .g* IA-.

New England Bioassay A division of GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. 77 Batson Drive Manchester, CT 06042 Phone: 860-643-9560 Fax: 860-646-7169 Company Name: - P5 E&- - e-M Project Name/#: O,, /))N '7!) -6 Invoice To: PO#:. Samples Collected By (Print): D0 A pu-Jo V / Chain of Custody Report To. SOI IrY oe Address: 2--:'

  • A.

,A9z1f/6 &dc/A-1'3 Phone: (*7>) 9'76Y-/(e(4.Fax:_( Email: Chemical Analysis - SAMPLE IDENTIFICATIONS Date Sa. rno d Time Sampled Composite Grab Attach Permit Specifications -d 31/ / C/ 036 2 -) i'-/,t9c

  • -?;L J I//-~

J j /4 IKI 3 4 I f you are uncertain of the following test parameters, please attach a copy of the appropriate pages from your permit ANALYSIS 1 2 3 4 ANALYSIS 1 2 3 4 Stormwater (if yes, proceed to relinquish section) Pimephales promelas ( hours/days) POTW Effluent Cyprinodlon vardegatus ( /hours! ay ) Groundwater Menidia beryllina ( hours/days) Non-Contact Cooling Water AD[ Industrial Effluent 24 hours Other 48 hours


~ ~ 96 hours Definitive LC5I 7 days Pass/Fail (Screening or NOAEL) MM .t*g 211fFIN Chronic 20°C ~INVER 25BR-'TC Daphnia pulex (.<24 hrs) Mysidopsis bahia ( hours/days) SALINITY (if saltwater testing) ppt Ceriodaphnia dubia (<24 hrs) Dilution water HARDNESS ( mg/L as CaCOQ)

h 40 kPRNENUMBER 7-1001 WE SA R WEIGHT DIMEN L LARGE 1 P S ~ ~< WEIGHT PAXAI j MI.$Fll FTEXPRESS .(LNT'L) DOCUMENTS EIONLYb TURDAY DELIVERY 1Z 1X8 36A 22 1000 3881 1Z IXA ý16A 22 1000 3AAI .71 PSEG:- MAPLEWOOD 200 BOYDEN AVE, MAPLEWOOD TESTING [3EL76I 19NE 973-761-1964. I Kos> frcalh ~i~$%/P64~ .:1 k sa... U I.- Vs"' 1ZiX*8 6A 22-1000 36*61 IZ l IX8ZI 3X6A,722 1i0001 3&t I DATE Ok SHIPtMENT. SHIPMENT 2X5 bA73 XbIK 7 IlL.--. ID NUMBER .A [ girl qp .5.' ~. ~1 United Parcel Service, Louisville, KY I' I.


  • 0 0

(~N REFERENCE NUMBER 1001 PSEG - MAPLEWOOD TESTING 200 BOYDEN AVE F EXPRESS LJ(INAL) DOCUMENTS ONLY SATURDAY DEULVERY 1Z IXA 36A 22 iO00 3?2* I1111 1 Z-8lI 3IIIIIIIIIII6I 2II2I Hltl l III 37ll 12 1X8 36A 22 10100 3872 so 97346-1NE6" 973-761-1964: MAPLEWOOD NJ0704 Ac=-t" 1EH E ijq 7-m 4. -. / I I ý. 1-1/390 12 1X 8 3 6A 2 2 IDOE) ý1872 i 2 6 111 H SHiPMENT ID NUMBER 1X83 6A791 K .010191.1202699 1110 3 SEdPre eicLusilK UnitQd Pafeel Secvicý,, LQui5ville, KY zjnf.

New England Bioassay A division of GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. 77 Batson Drive Manchester, CT 06042 Phone: 860-643-9560 Fax: 860-646-7169 Company Name:- PS E&- S-a r Project Name/#: 05, (XY4'*,50, Co* Invoice To: PO#:_ Samples Collected By (Print): PS E 6 -Z3%(kM 146eA + E;Fý I Lký Chain of Custody Report To: f*"ý --- 2f"S, sg'ý Address: 2-0 9,, dý,LcAub. Phone:(O' 9 ) -M23 '/ '( Fax: Email: Chemical Analysis - SAMPLE IDENTIFICATIONS Date Sa rro d Time Sampled Composite Grab Attach Permit .... _Specifications 2 e3a /501/ 3-4 1_*-.-k3-(.0, 9C 3 4_ 1 If you are uncertain of the following test parameters, please attach a copy of the appropriate pages from your permit Relli ushedby. Date: 5 ZI (Z. Accepted y: Date Time: I by 9 qu~s Date: Ac tedb;Dt Re ýobuy, : Date:.p te Time: I( h lz

ý ie Relinquished by:

Date: Accepted by: Date: Time: Time: REMARKS/NOTES:

NEW ENGLAND BIOASSAY ACUTE TOXICITYDATA FORM COVER SHEET FOR REFERENCE TOXICANT LC50 TESTS CLIENT: ADDRESS: CONTACT SAMPLE TYPE: New England Bioassy, Inc. 77 Batson Drive Manchester, CT 06040 Kim Wills Reference Toxicant - Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate -C.vaig~ieatu TESTIDNO:. COC NO: NA PROJECT NO: I. STOCK SOLUTION PREPARATION SDS Lot Number: I3 SDS Stock Concentration: 200 g/L Stock Solution Volume: ,5C_ _ mL SDS Calculated : .JCNMýD g SDS Weighed: 0. -. k D,-1 g IL TEST SOLUTION PREPERATION Test Sol'n Vol.: 16.0) mL Control 0 rnL 1.5 g/L mL 3.0 gfL -ML 6.0 g/L imL 12.5 g/L nC0 iL 25.0 g/L 00 tint Vol. Stock Used: 38qA mL Vol. Remaining: "t, 0mtL (Calculated Vol, Remaining: mL (Measured) III. DILUTION WATER SOURCE ASW Lot No: Salinity: _ ppt Alkalinity : ___, mg/L as CaCO3 &j Authorization: Invertebrate TYPE OF TEST TEST SET UP (TECH, INIT.): teL-RESULTS OF Daphniamamna LC5o TEST DEFINITIVE fX] SCREEN [1 RANGE r I RENEWAL r 1 METHOD LCso (g/L) 95% CONFIDENCE LLvIITS (g/L) TEST SPECIES: Cyprinodon variegatus BINOMIAL DISTIBUTION: NEB LOT#: (" ]'Q" (A I MOVING AVERAGE ANGLE: AGE: / Days PROBLT: TEST SOLUTION VOLUME: 700 (nL) TRIMMED SPEARMAN KARBER: NO. ORGANISMS PER TEST CHAMBER: 10 OTHER: NO. ORGANISMS PER CONCENTRATION: 20 NOAEL: NO. ORGANISMS PER CONTROL: 20 NOAEL: NO - OBSERVED - ACUTE - EFFECT LEVEL START DATE: _AT. A0,_ END DATE: *AT______ COMMENTS: DATE: ( I REVIEWED BY :

New England Bioassay, Inc. Reference Toxicity Test Data Sheet rEB Test#: I 1. -3&AL-Test Oraanism: Cvnrinodnn vwrihnhus Project #: Age: It Hour~as/6 Facility N; New Enqland Bioassay, Inc. Date Sampled: Tactfli+N~ A P I-j, re I .Beginning Date:A/o]q. Time: /6&257 ] 1 Date Received: Sample I[ Reference Toxicant - SDS Dilution Water Source:

  • -H-dntJ

?s-NEB Lab Synthetic Conc. Number of Dissolved Temperature pH Sal (mg/L) Surviving Oxygen (°C) ppt Organisms (mg/L) 0 24 48 72 96 0 24 48 72 96 0 24 48 72 196 0 24 48 72 96 0 ASWAj!O AO 1 l0 %I 7,3 rC 7J /?R, ?,'1-77 79 9.C ;O s B ID 10 io 10 10 -7._ 7, b (O.S O !.0 ,0_ (TO 1.5 A 0 1 o 0 7, ,0 R,_ j 8.+/- P '.c, .0 .O s B D io ,o to 10 7.5 7b(Ci. I9 /(0 TO D (9


o r*0 3.0 A 10 10 l o 10 0 7 17,q 7,4" (l.7 , 2.. ) ( 13 [R,4 .- -7.B &D 8:6 -IS B ~Q10 10 I 10 -o -5 (9~ "72L~ 9~iVO 6.0 A ID 3" 0' 7.S --3 _;7 *.7 )9 _q,( -7.* S , 0, B a__ 7 3 17". -7,5 12.5 A I0 C,,,_ 74 02l. 25 A IO C°'*

  • 2,_

z-5 Tech Int. FT LC50 1 Confidence Interval A-NOEC Computational Method 1 2 ( -ýd,ufL Y1 Q I 2aoo (Ikr I Analyst(s) Signature





.00 .9537D-04 3.00


.00 .9537D-04 6.00


100.00 .9537D-04 12.50


100.00 .9537D-04 25.00



Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate: Cyprinodon variegatus MAY 2010 - FEB 2012 15.0 T 12.0 + E 03 9.0 X 6.0 X X X 3.0 U.U i Ii i i i i !i i Icc 0 cco F C) 0 cO 0 0c'J 0 C') (C) (0 c0 0Z 04 C:) CO 04 Test Date S LC5O Mean LC50 2 STD Test ID Date LCs0 Mean LC50 STD -2STD + 2STD CV % 30-1700 30-1743 30-2007 10-1766 10-1775 10-1788 10-1781 10-1795 11-9 11-195 11-388 11-570 11-854 11-854 11-1071 11-1091 11-1454 11-1707 11-2377 11-2537 11-2755 12-24 12-243 12-386 6/10/2010 6/23/2010 8/11/2010 9/17/2010 10/8/2010 11/16/2010 11/4/2010 12/2/2010 1/4/2011 2/3/2011 3/9/2011 4/7/2011 5/17/2011 5/17/2011 6/22/2011 7/1/2011 8/1/11 9/2/2011 10/19/2011 11/9/2011 12/13/2011 1/5/2012 2/1/2012 2/29/2012 7.8 6.7 5.4 6.3 8.4 4.6 4.7 4,7 4.6 4.7 5.8 6.5 8.7 6.5 7.0 7.2 8.7 8.7 5.8 4.9 5.4 4.2 4.2 4.2 7.1 7.2 7.1 7.0 7.0 6.9 6H8 6.6 6.5 6.4 6.3 6.2 6.3 6.2 6.2 6.3 6.3 6.4 6.4 6.3 6.3 6,2 6.2 6.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5 5.0 5.1 5.0 4.9 4,'9 4.7 4.4 4,2 4.0 3.9 3.8 4.0 3.8 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.8 3.8 3.7 3.6 3.6 3.4 3.3 3.1 9.2 9.3 9.2 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 8.9 8.8 8.7 8,5 8.7 8.6 8.6 8.6 8.8 9.1 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.1 9.1 14.8 48 h 14.4 48 h 14.5 48 h 14.8 48 h 14.9 48 h 15.8 96 h 17.4 48 h 18.6 48 h 19.0 48 h 19.4 48 h 19.7 48 h 18.2 48 h 19.5 48h 19.0 96 h 18.7 48 h 18.6 48 h 19.9 48 h 20.4 48 h 20.6 48 h 21.2 48 h 21.4 48 h 22.4 48 h 23.5 48 h 24,7 96 h

MAPLEWOOD TESTING SERVICES NJPDES ANALYSIS REPORT STATION: Salem Generating Station PARAMETER Ammonia-N Ammonia-N Ammonia-N Ammonia-N Ammonia-N Ammonia-N Ammonia-N Ammonia-N SAMPLING POINT Aqueous sample, Unit 2, 485 Circ 22, C32-1494 Aqueous sample, Unit 2, 485 Circ 22, C32-1495 Aqueous sample, Unit 2, 485 Circ 22, C32-1496 Aqueous sample, Unit 2, 485 Circ 22, C32-1497 Aqueous sample, Unit 2, 485 Circ 22, C32-1498 Aqueous sample, Unit 2, 485 Circ 22. C32-1499 Aqueous sample, Unit 2, 485 Circ 22, C32-1500 Aqueous sample, Unit 2, 485 Circ 22, C32-1501 SAMPLE NO. Influent #1 Effluent #1 Influent #2 Effluent #2 Influent #3 Effluent #3 Influent #4 Effluent #4 LAB SAMPLE NO. ANAl2000136 ANA12000137 ANA120Q0138 ANA12000139 ANA12000140 ANA12000141 ANA12000142 ANA12000143 DATE SAMPLED 02128/2012 02/28/2012 02/29/2012 02/29/2012 03/01/2012 03/01/2012 03/02/2012 03/02/2012 RESULT <0.100 <0.100 <0.100 <0.100 <0.100 <0.100 <0.100 <0.100 DATE 03/13/2012 03/13/2012 03/13/2012 03/13/2012 03/13/2012 03/13/2012 03/13/2012 03/13/2012 TIME 1009 1019 1021 1024 1026 1028 1031 1034 ANALYSIS UNITS mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mgfL mg/L mg/L mg/L BY SAF SAF SAF SAF SAF SAF SAF SAF DILUTION 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 RL .0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 Method Numbers: Ammonia: SM4500NH3 B&D Reported By saf

Test Organism Data: Test organism source (check one): Cultured Commercial hatcheryX (specify)r Aquatic BioSvstems; Fort Collins, Colorado Test Organism Acclimation: Is the culture water and test dilution water the same, and is the culture water temperature and dilution water temperature identical? Yes No X If yes, proceed to Test Design section. Fish and Grass Shrimp: Initial number of organisms: 920+] Total acclimation period: [< 1 day] day, Acclimation period to 100 percent dilution water at the specified test temperature and test salinity: [received in ASW at 25 +/- 2 ppt; NEB dripped in fresh ASW at 25 +/- 2 ppt until testing] Number of mortalities: [ 0% ]% Test organism age at start of test (days): [ 11 days Mysid and Cladoceran: Initial Number of Organisms: Test organism age at start of test (days): Culture water source: Culture water salinity: Culture water temperature: Dilution water source: Dilution water salinity upon collection: Number of mortalities: [ N/A I [N/A ] [N/A [N/A [N/A N/A_ ] [N/A i [N/A ]% Test Desi4n: Number of effluent test concentrations: Number of replicates/test concentration: Number of test organisms/replicate: Volume of liquid in test chambers (liters): Flow-through bioassay exchange rate: (( [ [ [ 9 2 10 0.5 N/A ( I ] ] (cycles/day) Effluent Sampling: Plant sampling location: [ Outfall 485 (#1, #2, Effluent type: F Cooling Water Discharge (check one): Continuous X Effluent sample type: 24-hr. composite X 44"1 JQ, -1A *-,r 3 ITS. Lx. Tr, aaJMIJJA-o~ J] 1 Intermittent 6-hr composite Grab Other (Describe)[ b-Sample Data taken upon Sample Collection Arrival at laboratory Use in Toxicity Test Beginning Ending Date/Time Date/Time D.O. PH Date(s) Time(s)' 02/27/12 1430 02/28/12 1430 9.9 mg/L 7.0 SU 02/29/12 1315 h 02/28/12 1430 02/29/12 1430 9.6 mg/L 6.6 SU 03/01/12 1315 h 02/29/12 1430 03/01/12 1430 9.3 mg/L 8.0 SU 03/02/11 1335 h 03/01/12 1430 03/02/12 1430 7.1 mg/L 6.8 SU 03/03/11 1345 h a - Indicates time test concentrations were mixed after warming to test temperature Maximum sample holding time (hours): [ <24 h 1 Testing location (check one): On-site Remote Laboratory.___ Revised 9/96

Sample Check-In Form Client PSE&G Test ID No. A-Sample Salem Generating Station Project No. b.)1 mm-, Sample ID No. Collection Date to *W Sample Type Influent 4.-t Collection Time ) to Shipment: Container Number -f Type Jh Size II L Preservative: Ice Packs Ice Cubes Frozen _ Cool Warm/Melted Initial Chemistry Data: Analysis Date L. Time / Technician 4.k Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) Meter# ,A Temperature (°C) Meter # R4g pH (SU) Meter# 1f2 Conductivity (pmhos/cm) /*

  • Meter#

Salinity (ppt) Meter # Total Residual Chlorine (mg/L) Initial Na 2S 20 3 added (g) Final -(0.O*& Hardness (mg/L as CaCO 3) /J ) Alkalinity (mgIL as CaCO 3) LOfO Meter #____

== Description:== Color f r V'e-*

OdorrjM, Clarity

("I n Other __ Sample Storage: A-,U. Date/Time Volume Removed Purpose Approx. Volume Tech. 3 Final: /0& Disposal: I 4A fl' 0 - &ý 4t 4 -7Mk tO _I Reviewed by:_ Reviwedby:Date: 9I /?I

Sample Check-In Form Client PSE&G Test ID No. Sample Salem Generating Station Project No. Sample ID No. ______/___ Collection Date le"l>* to ,XA, Sample Type Influent ifLiH Collection Time 0,/. to Shipment: Container Number Type(U(}7k',-C-(\\ Size !Q L. Preservative: Ice Packs Ice Cubes V Frozen Cool Warm/Melted Initial Chemistry Data: Analysis Date _-Z Time C*S, Technician Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) 7, Meter # [A Temperature (°C)


Meter # S.qL} pH.(SU) (&.. cl Meter # 16 Conductivity (pmhos/cm) 14 *c5qCQ Meter # 1-7 Salinity (ppt) 10 Meter # Total Residual Chlorine (mgIL) Initial <e,O - Na 2S20 3 added (g) Final 6 0.,6 Hardness (mg/L as CaCO3) IOO Alkalinity (mg/L as CaCO3) 70 Meter #

== Description:== Color D -OUY-ý Odor _ Clarity t_**_ýý Other ______ Sample Storage: ..e,. \\czk-,v-* cooje Date/Time Volume Removed Purpose Approx. Volume Tech. I a sm-'s" Initial: '(0 L- _ *? Final: Disposal: L~JJ Reviewed by: Date: ~ G~-/ J2K P = U) rdlý Ark 44,ý Reviewed by: Date: lmaLi W

Sample Check-In Form Client PSE&G Test ID No. Sample Salem Generating Station Project No. Sample ID No e26" j'M Collection Date 10-to Sample Type Effluent A5 Collection Time 14 to Shipment: Container Number I Type ad)ýtLaDr Size /0 L Preservative: Ice Packs Ice Cubes ___ Frozen__ Cool Warm/Melted Initial Chemistry Data: Analysis Date T/ Time Technician Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) )-3 Meter # / Temperature (°C) Q2 Meter # pH (SU) g.) Meter # 18 Conductivity (pmhos/cm) i1/g Meter # / Salinity (ppt) IT Meter # /ý05 Total Residual Chlorine (mgIL) Initial 46, 4E Na2S20 3 added (g) Final Hardness (mg/L as CaCO3) /360 Alkalinity (mg/L as CaCO 3) L Meter # /1

== Description:== Co lorl Za" -r& 'i-, I Odor r4w* Clarity rity-_w Other

fl77LZ, Sample Storage: A/.E, 0-0pj-/,/7 (QO77 Date/Time Volume Removed Purpose Approx. Volume Tech.

...... *Initial: /aO L Final: 57L.- Disposal: Ld 0 = LJ rq AA4ý4*obuvj Lk'-t4-Reviewed by: Date: Reviewed by: Date:

4 b Sample Check-In Form Client PSE&G Test ID No. --3 Sample Salem Generating Station Project No. 05, Sample ID No.n q-I Collection Date to to Sample Type Effluent =WL4 Collection Time to Shipment: Container Number I Type CUbý)tW*' Size )0 L_ Preservative: Ice Packs Ice Cubes __ Frozen -,_/ Cool Warm/Melted Initial Chemistry Data: Analysis Date 3/31 t1 Time OQSS Technician VO Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) '7. 1 Meter # A Temperature (*C) Q.Li Meter # ______, pH (SU) Meter# # Conductivity (pmhos/cm) 12, 1"70 Meter # 17 Salinity (ppt) to Meter # Total Residual Chlorine (mgIL) Initial < 0, 09S Na 2S 20 3 added (g) Final Hardness (mg/L as CaCO3) 1)O Alkalinity (mg/L as CaCO3) 70 Meter # t3

== Description:== Color Odor / Clarity -C. J 06 Other A,fL .J SampleStorage: h!6k 1J&U<-,N, C -ckC-Date/Time Volume Removed Purpose Approx. Volume Tech. 313/lA zOMM Initial: .01.- V0) Final: 5 L Disposal: Reviewed by: 4 7 2"U* Date: 3/* 5/}}