Category:Congressional Correspondence
MONTHYEARML23097A0822023-04-0606 April 2023 LTR-23-0084 Senator Charles Schumer Et Al., Letter Regarding Holtec Decommissioning Internationals Decision to Expedite Its Planned Release of Over One Million Gallons of Radioactive Wastewater from the Indian Point Energy Center Into the H ML21235A1012021-09-13013 September 2021 LTR-21-0219-1 Enclosure Response to Senator Chuck Schumer, Et Al., Letter Comments for the July 29, 2021 Government-to-Government Meeting Regarding Indian Point ML21235A1002021-09-13013 September 2021 LTR-21-0219-1 Letter Response to Senator Chuck Schumer Et Al Letter Re Comments for the July 29, 2021 Government to Government Meeting Regarding Indian Point ML21077A2732021-03-25025 March 2021 03-25-21 Letter to the Honorable Charles E. Schumer, Et Al., from Chairman Hanson Responds to Letter Regarding Concerns Related to the Commissions Recent Decision to Deny Hearing Requests in the Indian Point Energy Center License Transfer P ML21054A1992021-02-22022 February 2021 LTR-21-0062 Senator Charles Schumer, Et Al., Concerns Denial of the Hearing Requests Submitted Regarding the License Transfer from Entergy to Holtec for the Decommissioning of Indian Point and Urges the NRC to Reverse This Decision Under It ML21022A2212021-02-0505 February 2021 Letter to Senator Charles Schumer from Margaret Doane Response for NRC to Reconsider Its Decision to Not Allow for a Public Hearing in the Transfer of Indian Points License ML20336A2932020-11-20020 November 2020 Letter to the Honorable Charles E. Schumer Et Al., from Margaret M. Doane, Executive Director for Operations Re a Public Hearing in the Transfer of Indian Points License ML20328A2632020-11-16016 November 2020 LTR-20-0421 Senators Schumer and Gillibrand, and Representatives Lowey, Maloney, and Engel Letter Calling on the NRC to Reconsider Its Decision to Not Allow for a Public Hearing in the Transfer of Indian Points License ML20262H1842020-09-18018 September 2020 Letter from David C. Lew to Senator Kirsten Gillibrand Regarding Indian Point Virtual Plant Safety Assessment, the Proposed License Transfer, and the NRCs Reviews Regarding the 42-inch Alonquin Incremental Market Natural Gas Pipeline ML20262H1382020-09-18018 September 2020 Letter from David C. Lew to Congresswoman Nita Lowey Regarding Indian Point Virtual Plant Safety Assessment, the Proposed License Transfer, and the NRCs Reviews Regarding the 42-inch Alonquin Incremental Market Natural Gas Pipeline ML20087M2782020-03-11011 March 2020 LTR-20-0116 Sandra Galef, Assemblywoman, New York State Legislature, Et Al., Letter Inspector Generals Report on Concerns Pertaining to Gas Transmission Lines at the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant Case No. 16-024 ML20028D5282020-02-13013 February 2020 Letter to the Honorable Charles E. Schumer, Et Al., from Chairman Svinicki, Responds to Request for Extension of Public Comment Period on the Indian Point Center License Transfer Application ML20023B3292020-01-21021 January 2020 LTR-20-0019 Senator Charles Schumer, Et Al., Letter Request for NRC to Extend the Public Comment Period for the License Transfer for Indian Point ML19329C9922019-11-21021 November 2019 LTR-19-0459 Senator Charles Schumer, Et Al., Letter to Holtec Regarding Oversight of the Decommissioning Process and the Potential Transfer of Indian Points Nuclear Regulatory Commission License from Entergy Corporation to Holtec Internatio ML16208A4302016-08-15015 August 2016 Letter to Congressman Maloney from Chairman Burns Responds to This Letter with Concerns Regarding the Restart of Indian Point Energy Center Unit 2 and the Need for a Safety Review of Unit 3 ML16196A3832016-07-14014 July 2016 Acknowledgement Receipt of Letter to Congressman S.P. Maloney Letter Submitted to NRC on 06/17/2016 ML16196A3662016-06-17017 June 2016 LTR-16-0374: Representative Sean Patrick Maloney, Letter Concern with Restarting Operations at Indian Point Unit 2 Without Having Completed a Comprehensive Root Cause Analysis That Includes Metallurgical Testing of the Failed Baffle Bolts ML16146A2332016-06-0303 June 2016 Letter to Senator Kirsten Gillibrand from Chairman Burns Degraded Baffle Former Bolts at Indian Point, Unit 2 ML16146A2022016-06-0303 June 2016 Letter to Senator Barbara Boxer, Kirsten Gillibrand and Cory Booker from Chairman Burns Degraded Baffle Former Bolts at Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant, Salem Nuclear Plants and Diablo Canyon Power Plant ML16145A0722016-05-20020 May 2016 LTR-16-0285 Senator Barbara Boxer Et Al., Letter Degraded Baffle Former Bolts at Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant, Salem Nuclear Plants and Diablo Canyon Power Plant ML16132A3672016-05-10010 May 2016 LTR-16-0268 - Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Congress, Ltr Degraded Baffle Former Bolts at Indian Point, Unit 2 ML16068A2322016-03-29029 March 2016 Letter to Senator Kirsten Gillibrand from Chairman Burns Accidental Release of Radioactive Material Into the Groundwater at the Indian Point Energy Center ML16055A4742016-03-10010 March 2016 Letter to the Honorable Nita Lowey from Chairman Burns Responds to Her Letter Regarding the Recent Tritium Leak at the Indian Point Energy Center ML16050A4322016-02-18018 February 2016 LTR-16-0086 - Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Letter Accidental Release of Radioactive Material Into the Groundwater at the Indian Point Energy Center ML16074A0922016-02-11011 February 2016 02-11-16 Ack Ltr to Congresswoman Lowey Regarding a Tritium-Contaminated Water Leak Into Groundwater at Indian Point Energy Center ML16040A2712016-02-0808 February 2016 LTR-16-0061 - Representative Nita Lowey Letter Recent Tritium Leak Into the Groundwater at the Indian Point Energy Center ML15159A8652015-06-24024 June 2015 Ltr to Congresswoman Nita M. Lowey from Chairman Burns Responds to Her Letter to Build a New Gas Pipeline About one-quarter Mile from the Indian Point Energy Center Units 2 and 3 Reactors ML15153A2082015-06-16016 June 2015 Letter to Congresswoman Nita Lowey, from Chairman Burns Regarding Nuclear Safety at the Indian Point Energy Center Following a Transformer Fire on Ma 9, 2015 (Response) ML13234A0642013-08-20020 August 2013 08-20-13 Acknowledgment Letter to the Honorable Nita Lowey Signed Petition by Residents of New York and New Jersey on the Relicensing Renewal Requests for Reactors 2 and 3 at Indian Point (G20130601) ML13231A2242013-08-19019 August 2013 G20130601/LTR-13-0682-Ticket - Representative Nita Lowey Ltr. Signed Petition by Residents of New York and New Jersey, Urging the NRC to Deny the Relicensing Renewal Requests for Reactors 2 and 3 at Indian Point Entergy Center in Buchanan, ML13231A2222013-08-19019 August 2013 G20130601/LTR-13-0682 - Representative Nita Lowey Letter Signed Petition by Residents of New York and New Jersey, Urging the NRC to Deny the Relicensing Renewal Requests for Reactors 2 and 3 at Indian Point Entergy Center in Buchanan, Ny ML13231A2412013-08-19019 August 2013 Limited Appearance Statement of Nita M. Lowey, U.S. Congress, Opposing Indian Point License Renewal ML13141A3582013-05-0606 May 2013 G20130396/LTR-13-0439 - Senator Kirsten Gillibrand Ltr. Findings from a Recent Gao Report (March 2013) and the Lack of Information as to How Residents Outside of the 10-Mile Emergency Planning Zone Would React in an Emergency ML12340A7112012-07-12012 July 2012 Official Exhibit - ENT000544-00-BD01 - Letter from A. Macfarlane, Chairman, NRC, to E. Markey, U.S. Congressman, Regulatory Commitments (July 12, 2012) ML12233A7072012-07-12012 July 2012 Entergy Pre-Filed Hearing Exhibit ENT000544 - Letter from A. Macfarlane, Chairman, NRC, to E. Markey, U.S. Congressman, Regulatory Commitments (July 12, 2012) ML12318A0302012-03-16016 March 2012 State of New York Pre-Filed Evidentiary Hearing Exhibit NYS000461, Regulations and Policies to Undertake Safety and Other Improvements by NRC Licensees as Part of License Extension Proceedings (EDATS: SECY-2012-0131) ML15331A1592012-03-16016 March 2012 Official Exhibit - NYS000461-00-BD01 - Regulations and Policies to Undertake Safety and Other Improvements by NRC Licensees as Part of License Extension Proceedings (EDATS: SECY-2012-0131) ML12080A1512012-03-13013 March 2012 G20120186/LTR-12-0100/EDATS: SECY-2012-0127 - Ltr. Fm Rep. Nita M. Lowey Concerns About Evacuation Plans for Impacts of a Fukushima-Level Accident at Indian Point ML11270A0772011-09-26026 September 2011 Response of EDO to Representative Lowey Letter Regarding Replacement Power for IP2 and IP3 ML11265A1392011-09-26026 September 2011 G20110686/LTR-11-0482/EDATS: SECY-2011-0514 - Ltr to Rep. Nita M. Lowey Fm R. W. Borchardt Regulation Identification Number (Rule) Flexibility on Relicensing Terms - Indian Point ML11263A2632011-09-16016 September 2011 Letter from the Secretary in Response to Congresswoman Nita Lowey'S Letter of August 15, 2011 ML11263A0102011-08-15015 August 2011 G20110686/LTR-11-0482/EDATS: SECY-2011-0514 - Ltr. Rep. Nita M. Lowey Regulation Identification Number (Rule) Flexibility on Relicensing Terms - Indian Point ML11210B4222011-07-21021 July 2011 G20110552/LTR-11-0432/EDATS: SECY-2011-0430 - Ltr. Nita Lowey Indian Point Safety Concerns CY-92-223, G20110523/LTR-11-0411/EDATS: SECY-2011-0411 - Ltr. from Rep. E.J. Markey to Chairman Jaczko NRC Safety Requirements for Reactors Granted Construction Permits Prior to 19712011-07-14014 July 2011 G20110523/LTR-11-0411/EDATS: SECY-2011-0411 - Ltr. from Rep. E.J. Markey to Chairman Jaczko NRC Safety Requirements for Reactors Granted Construction Permits Prior to 1971 ML11171A5182011-06-22022 June 2011 G20110418/LTR-11-0322/EDATS: SECY-2011-0328 - Ltr to Rep. Nita M. Lowey from R. W. Borchardt NRCs Annual Assessment Meeting for Indian Point Energy Center ML11329A0452011-05-31031 May 2011 Acknowledgement Letter to Honorable Kirsten E. Gillibrand, U.S. Senate, Requesting a Review of All Past Agreements and Exemptions Granted to the Licensee of the Indian Point Nuclear Generating Stations ML11159A1382011-05-26026 May 2011 G20110418/LTR-11-0322/EDATS: SECY-2011-0328 - Ltr. Nita M. Lowey NRCs Annual Assessment Meeting for Indian Point Energy Center ML11147A1002011-05-24024 May 2011 G20110384/LTR-11-0315/EDATS: SECY-2011-0312 - Ltr. from Sen. Kirsten E. Gillibrand Recent Inspection of Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 2 & 3 ML11172A1582011-04-29029 April 2011 G20110462/LTR-11-0259/EDATS: SECY-2011-0367 - Ltr. Sen. Kirsten E. Gillibrand, Indian Point - Safety Concerns ML1109400682011-03-24024 March 2011 LTR-11-0171 - Ltr. Rep. Nita Lowey Urges the White House to Coordinate with the NRC and FEMA to Ensure the Soundness of the Emergency Evacuation Process and Give Full Consideration of the Risks and Consequences Associated with Indian Point 2023-04-06
[Table view] Category:Letter
MONTHYEARIR 05000003/20240032024-12-11011 December 2024 NRC Inspection Report Nos. 05000003/2024003, 05000247/2024003, 05000286/2024003 L-24-017, Report on Status of Decommissioning Funding for Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations2024-12-10010 December 2024 Report on Status of Decommissioning Funding for Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations ML24344A0692024-12-0909 December 2024 Proof of Financial Protection 10 CFR 140.15 IR 07200051/20244022024-11-20020 November 2024 NRC Independent Spent Fuel Storage Security Inspection Report No. 07200051/2024402 (Public) ML24240A1692024-09-18018 September 2024 Cy 2023 Summary of Decommissioning Trust Fund Status IR 05000003/20240022024-08-0606 August 2024 NRC Inspection Report 05000003/2024002, 05000247/2024002, 05000286/2024002 PNP 2024-030, Update Report for Holtec Decommissioning International Fleet Decommissioning Quality Assurance Program Rev. 3 and Palisades Transitioning Quality Assurance Plan, Rev 02024-08-0202 August 2024 Update Report for Holtec Decommissioning International Fleet Decommissioning Quality Assurance Program Rev. 3 and Palisades Transitioning Quality Assurance Plan, Rev 0 ML24171A0122024-06-18018 June 2024 Reply to a Notice of Violation EA-24-037 ML24156A1162024-06-0404 June 2024 Correction - Report on Status of Decommissioning Funding for Reactors and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations ML24151A6482024-06-0303 June 2024 Changes in Reactor Decommissioning Branch Project Management Assignments for Some Decommissioning Facilities IR 05000003/20240052024-05-21021 May 2024 And 3 - NRC Inspection Report Nos. 05000003/2024005, 05000247/2024005, 05000286/2024005, 07200051/2024001, and Notice of Violation ML24128A0632024-05-0707 May 2024 Submittal of 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report L-24-009, HDI Annual Occupational Radiation Exposure Data Reports - 20232024-04-29029 April 2024 HDI Annual Occupational Radiation Exposure Data Reports - 2023 ML24116A2412024-04-25025 April 2024 Annual Environmental Protection Plan Report ML24114A2282024-04-23023 April 2024 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report L-24-007, Report on Status of Decommissioning Funding for Reactors and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations – Holtec Decommissioning International, LLC (HDI)2024-03-29029 March 2024 Report on Status of Decommissioning Funding for Reactors and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations – Holtec Decommissioning International, LLC (HDI) IR 05000003/20240012024-03-20020 March 2024 NRC Inspection Report Nos. 05000003/2024001, 05000247/2024001, and 05000286/2024001 (Cover Letter Only) ML24080A1722024-03-20020 March 2024 Reply to a Notice of Violation EA-2024-010 ML24053A0642024-02-22022 February 2024 2023 Annual Fitness for Duty Program Performance Data Report and Fatigue Management Program Data Report IR 05000003/20230042024-02-22022 February 2024 NRC Inspection Report Nos. 05000003/2023004, 05000247/2023004, 05000286/2023004, and 07200051/2023004 and Notice of Violation ML24045A0882024-02-22022 February 2024 Correction to the Technical Specifications to Reflect Appropriate Pages Removed and Retained by Previous License Amendments ML24011A1982024-01-12012 January 2024 ISFSI, Notice of Organization Change for Site Vice President ML23342A1082024-01-0909 January 2024 – Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Security Inspection Plan ML23353A1742023-12-19019 December 2023 ISFSI, Emergency Plan, Revision 23-04 L-23-019, Proof of Financial Protection 10 CFR 140.152023-12-18018 December 2023 Proof of Financial Protection 10 CFR 140.15 ML23326A1322023-12-0505 December 2023 Issuance of Amendment No. 67, 300 & 276 to Implement the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Only Emergency Plan ML23339A0442023-12-0505 December 2023 Issuance of Amendment No. 68, 301 and 277 Regarding Changes to Implement the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Physical Security Plan ML23338A2262023-12-0404 December 2023 Signed Amendment No. 27 to Indemnity Agreement No. B-19 ML23356A0212023-12-0101 December 2023 American Nuclear Insurers, Secondary Financial Protection (SFP) Program ML23338A0482023-11-30030 November 2023 ISFSI, Report of Changes to Physical Security, Training and Qualification, Safeguards Contingency Plan, and ISFSI Security Program, Revision 28 ML23242A2772023-11-30030 November 2023 NRC Letter Issuance - IP LAR for Units 2 and 3 Renewed Facility Licenses and PDTS to Reflect Permanent Removal of Spent Fuel from SFPs ML22339A1572023-11-27027 November 2023 Letter - Indian Point - Ea/Fonsi Request for Exemptions from Certain Emergency Planning Requirements for 10 CFR 50.47 and 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix E IR 05000003/20230032023-11-21021 November 2023 NRC Inspection Report Nos. 05000003/2023003, 05000247/2023003, 05000286/2023003, and 07200051/2023003 ML23100A1172023-11-17017 November 2023 NRC Response - Indian Point Energy Center Generating Units 1, 2, and 3 Letter with Enclosures Regarding Changes to Remove the Cyber Security Plan License Condition ML23050A0032023-11-17017 November 2023 Letter - Issuance Indian Point Unit 2 License Amendment Request to Modify Tech Specs for Staffing Requirements Following Spent Fuel Transfer to Dry Storage ML23100A1252023-11-17017 November 2023 Letter and Enclosure 1 - Issuance Indian Point Energy Center Units 1, 2, and 3 Exemption for Offsite Primary and Secondary Liability Insurance Indemnity Agreement ML23100A1432023-11-16016 November 2023 Letter - Issuance Indian Point Energy Center Generating Units 1, 2, and 3 Exemption Concerning Onsite Property Damage Insurance (Docket Nos. 50-003, 50-247, 50-286) L-23-012, Master Decommissioning Trust Agreement Changes for Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 1, 2 and 3, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, Palisades Nuclear Plant and the Non-Qualified Trust for Big Rock Point2023-11-13013 November 2023 Master Decommissioning Trust Agreement Changes for Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 1, 2 and 3, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, Palisades Nuclear Plant and the Non-Qualified Trust for Big Rock Point ML23064A0002023-11-13013 November 2023 NRC Issuance for Approval-Indian Point EC Units 1, 2 and 3 Emergency Plan and Emergency Action Level Scheme Amendments ML23306A0992023-11-0202 November 2023 And Indian Point Energy Center, Notification of Changes in Schedule in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.82(a)(7) ML23063A1432023-11-0101 November 2023 Letter - Issuance Holtec Request for Indian Point Energy Center Generating Units 1, 2, and 3 Exemptions from Certain Emergency Planning Requirements of 10 CFR 50.47 and Part 50 ML23292A0262023-10-19019 October 2023 LTR-23-0211-RI Thomas Congdon, Executive Deputy, Department of Public Service, Chair, Indian Point Decommissioning Oversight Board, Letter Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Inspection and Office of the Inspector General Report-RI ML23289A1582023-10-16016 October 2023 Decommissioning International - Registration of Spent Fuel Casks and Notification of Permanent Removal of All Indian Point Unit 3 Spent Fuel Assemblies from the Spent Fuel Pit ML23270A0082023-09-27027 September 2023 Registration of Spent Fuel Casks ML23237A5712023-09-22022 September 2023 09-22-2023 Letter to Dwaine Perry, Chief, Ramapo Munsee Nation, from Chair Hanson, Responds to Letter Regarding Opposition of the Release and Dumping of Radioactive Waste from Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant Into the Hudson River ML23242A2182023-09-12012 September 2023 IPEC – NRC Response to the Town of New Windsor, Ny Board Certified Motion Letter Regarding Treated Water Release from IP Site (Dockets 50-003, 50-247, 50-286) ML23250A0812023-09-0707 September 2023 Registration of Spent Fuel Casks ML23255A0142023-08-31031 August 2023 LTR-23-0211 Thomas Congdon, Executive Deputy, Department of Public Service, Chair, Indian Point Decommissioning Oversight Board, Letter Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Inspection and Office of the Inspector General Report IR 05000003/20230022023-08-22022 August 2023 NRC Inspection Report 05000003/2023002, 05000247/2023002, 05000286/2023002, and 07200051/2023002 ML23227A1852023-08-15015 August 2023 Request for a Revised Approval Date Regarding the Indian Point Energy Center Permanently Defueled Emergency Plan and Emergency Action Level Scheme 2024-09-18
[Table view] |
UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555-0001 September 16, 2011 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY The Honorable Nita M. Lowey United States House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515
Dear Congresswoman Lowey,
I am responding to your letter of August 15, 2011, sent to Chairman Jaczko of the U.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or Commission), in which you raised several concerns related to license renewal for Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 2 and 3 (IP2 and IP3).
Due to the fact that relicensing for the Indian Point plants is currently the subject of adjudication before an NRC Atomic Safety and Licensing Board, I must advise that under agency regulations, the Commission has an appellate role in the adjudicatory proceeding. Because of that role, I trust that you will understand that Chairman Jaczko and the other Commissioners must remain impartial during the pendency of a case, whether it is before a Licensing Board or on appeal to the Commission. I am therefore referring your letter to the NRC staff for response.
A copy of your letter and this response, as well as a response by the NRC staff, when issued, will be served on the participants in the Indian Point proceeding.
Annette L. Vietti-Cook Secretary of the Commission cc: Indian Point Service List
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HOMELAND SECURITY IlLISl "'1~,~,es 18ti) llistdttJ J}ew !lodt At!gust 15,2011 Chairman Gregory B. .laczko U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop 0;.1604 Washington, DC 20555-000 I
Dear Chairman Jaczko:
Regulation Identification Number (RIN) 3150-AD04 (Rule) provides the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) with the power to relicense nuclear facilities. This Rule provides much more flexibility on relicensing terms than the NRC has been willing to utilize.
Specifically, the Rule states that a main concern in determining l'enewal terms was the ability to find replacement power. What the NRC believed to bea "1 0-to-15" year endeavor decades ago could be completed withil1ufewyears today. In fact. New York is 011 COUl'se to have enough pOWer to replace Indian Point by the time Indian Point Reactor 3 would be relicensed. I urge Y01,t to exercise the flexcibi1ity offered to the NRC, given the special circumstances facing Indian Point in Buchanan, New Y01'k. to consider a shorter license renewal teml before an orderly decommissioni11g of the facility .
. Replacement PQ..Wfi:f Regulations controlling the NRC's actions on re1icellsing are outdated. The Rule states that "Utilities contend that they will require 10 to 15 years to plan and build replacement power plants if the operating licenses for existing nuClear power plants are notreilewed"l This statement, issued in 1991. does not reflect modern standards. Replacement power can be zoned, permitted, and built in a fraction of that time.
The Governor of New York has made clear his plan to close Indian Point The New York State Department ofEnvironmental Conservation has rejected a required water permit for the facility to utilize water from the Hudson River to cool reactors. Rather than support relicenshig, the State bas enacted a new siting law to t\.sslstin the constlUctlon ()f power plants, atid is alrea:dy In the process.of approving mtl:ltiple projects that should beon-Hne and in production before Indian Point's licenses expire in 2013 and 2015.
New York has approved a Hudson TransmissiOli P];oject to provide 660 MW, projected to be in service ill 2013; an NRG Repowering Station in Astolia to provide 440 MW. projected to bein service ill 2013; and a U.S. PowerGen South Pier Improvement Project in Braoklyn to provide 100 MW, projected to be 156 FR64943; December 13, 19.91
in service in 2012. Additional projects in the permitting process, including the Champlain Hudson Power Express project, which will provide over 1000 additional megawatts ofpower. These projects alone would meet the peak-demand provided by Indian Point within the next few years.
In the coming months. we will receive additional infonnation from New York State on replacement power and expect New Yol'k to meet expected demand without Indian Point. Therefore, a full 20-year relicense term is not needed.
Special Circumstances You have stated that the NRC is obligated to determine relicensing based on a list offactors which do not include population density, risk of terror threat, evacuation difficulties, or seismic risk. Yet the Rule governing NRC relicensing is not exclusive. Rather, the Rule" states that relicensing must take into account age degradation "but provides leeway for the Commission to consider, on a case~by-case basis, other issues tmique to extended operation.,,2 ,
The location and risks posed by Indian Point clearly walTent a careful. case-by-case relicensing review.
Indian Point, located 35-miles of Times Square, is surrounded by 17 million people within a 50-mile radius. There is yet to be a credible evacuation plan for a ten-mile radius, let alone one that would evacuate the entire population ofNew York City, Westchester and Rockland Counties, and p011ions of Long Island, New Jersey and Connecticut. If ever issues of evacuation and popUlation density should be addressed in relicensing, it is with the Indian Point facility.
, In the wake of the Fukushima disaster, we have been forced to think about the unexpected and unimaginable potential dangers to nuclear facUities. Since that time, U.S. plants have also faced flood dangers. such as the F0l1 Calhoun Nuclear Power Station in Nebraska.
I am deeply concerned that there is no workable pIau to evacuate the population sun*otmding Indian Point safely in the event of a man-made or natural disaster and that Entergy officials continue to utilize antiquated seismic data that we know underestimates potential seismic events. Without basic evacuation procedures, it is nearly impossible to give first responders and the public confidence in plans for unexpected emergencies or for the Federal Emergency Management Acjministl'ation (FEMA) to plan for threats. I do not see how they can best plan for the unexpected when basic evacuation procedures are .
not adequate.
Five-Year License The Rule states that '~there is no minimum ternl for a renewed license" and that "the Commission may revisit this issue in'the 'future as experience with licensee perfonnance .. .is gained.,,3 I believe that this Rule, along with the special Cii'Clllllstances surrounding Indian Point's location, security threat, and replacement power options, should encourage the NRC to support a short-term license renewal such as a five-year renewal.
256 FR 64946; December 13, 1991 356 FR 64964; December 13, 1991
Thei'e is precedent for the NRCto work with states and utilities to penn it operations of an aging nuclear facility for a shorter time than the term oft11e license. The Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station in New Jersey recently anno~Ulced that it will close in 2019; ten years before its renewal license is scheduled to expire. At Oyster Creek., the State Department of Environmental Protection required cooling towers and additional protections not requited by the NRC Rather than adhere to the State's requirements, Excelon agreed to decommission the plant in 2019, making Way for adequate .replacement power options and the safedosureof a plant that had become an cllvironmentalthreat with a history of leaking tTitiuin.
New York may be more willing to work v.rith Entetgy to sustain operationi:! aimed at ail o.rderly decommissioning of the plant. The NRC should take a realistic approach to relicensing that involves State concerns, work with New York and, if Indian Point is qualified, approve a shOTt-term extension while simultaneously begin the deeOl'llmissioiling process as New York approves replagement power. A short-term relicensing, along with an orderly decommissioning, would ensure that replacement power is available and affordahle and would reduce the enviromnetltal and national security threat posed to the r~gion by the plant's continued operation.
Sincerely, Nita M. Lowey Member of Congress
) and 50-286-LR (Indian Point Nuclear Generating Station, )
Units 2 and 3) )
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that copies of the foregoing LETTER FROM THE SECRETARY IN RESPONSE TO CONGRESSWOMAN NITA LOWEYS LETTER OF AUGUST 15, 2011 have been served upon the following persons by Electronic Information Exchange.
Office of Commission Appellate Adjudication U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop O-7H4M Office of the Secretary of the Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop O-16C1 Washington, DC 20555-0001 Washington, DC 20555-0001 E-mail: ocaamail@nrc.gov Hearing Docket E-mail: hearingdocket@nrc.gov U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Sherwin E. Turk, Esq.
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Edward L. Williamson, Esq.
Mail Stop T-3F23 Beth N. Mizuno, Esq.
Washington, DC 20555-0001 David E. Roth, Esq.
Brian Harris, Esq.
Lawrence G. McDade, Chair Andrea Z. Jones, Esq.
Administrative Judge Mary B. Spencer, Esq.
E-mail: lawrence.mcdade@nrc.gov Karl Farrar, Esq.
Brian Newell, Paralegal Richard E. Wardwell U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Administrative Judge Office of the General Counsel E-mail: richard.wardwell@nrc.gov Mail Stop O-15D21 Washington, DC 20555-0001 Kaye D. Lathrop E-mail:
Administrative Judge sherwin.turk@nrc.gov 190 Cedar Lane E. edward.williamson@nrc.gov Ridgway, CO 81432 beth.mizuno@nrc.gov E-mail: kaye.lathrop@nrc.gov brian.harris.@nrc.gov david.roth@nrc.gov Joshua A. Kirstein, Law Clerk andrea.jones@nrc.gov E-mail: josh.kirstein@nrc.gov mary.spencer@nrc.gov karl.farrar@nrc.gov brian.newell@nrc.gov OGC Mail Center
Docket Nos. 50-247-LR and 50-286-LR LETTER FROM THE SECRETARY IN RESPONSE TO CONGRESSWOMAN NITA LOWEYS LETTER OF AUGUST 15, 2011 OGCMailCenter@nrc.gov William C. Dennis, Esq. Thomas F. Wood, Esq.
Assistant General Counsel Daniel Riesel, Esq.
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Victoria Shiah, Esq.
440 Hamilton Avenue Counsel for Town of Cortlandt White Plains, NY 10601 Sive, Paget & Riesel, P.C.
Email: wdennis@entergy.com 460 Park Avenue New York, NY 10022 E-mail: driesel@sprlaw.com vshiah@sprlaw.com Elise N. Zoli, Esq. Phillip Musegaas, Esq.
Goodwin Proctor, LLP Deborah Brancato, Esq.
Exchange Place Riverkeeper, Inc.
53 State Street 20 Secor Road Boston, MA 02109 Ossining, NY 10562 E-mail: ezoli@goodwinprocter.com E-mail: phillip@riverkeeper.org dbrancato@riverkeeper.org Kathryn M. Sutton, Esq. Melissa-Jean Rotini, Esq.
Paul M. Bessette, Esq. Assistant County Attorney Martin J. ONeill, Esq. Office of Robert F. Meehan, Jonathan M. Rund, Esq. Westchester County Attorney Counsel for Entergy Nuclear Operation, Inc 148 Martine Avenue, 6th Floor Mary Freeze White Plains, NY 10601 Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, LLP E-mail: MJR1@westchestergov.com 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004 E-mail: ksutton@morganlewis.com pbessette@morganlewis.com martin.oneill@morganlewis.com jrund@morganlewis.com mfreeze@morganlewis.com Michael J. Delaney, Esq. Manna Jo Greene, Environmental Director Director, Energy Regulatory Affairs Steven C. Filler NYC Department of Environmental Protection Karla Raimundi 59-17 Junction Boulevard Hudson River Sloop Clearwater, Inc.
Flushing, NY 11373 724 Wolcott Ave.
E-mail: mdelaney@dep.nyc.gov Beacon, NY 12508 E-mail: mannajo@clearwater.org stephenfiller@gmail.com karla@clearwater.org 2
Docket Nos. 50-247-LR and 50-286-LR LETTER FROM THE SECRETARY IN RESPONSE TO CONGRESSWOMAN NITA LOWEYS LETTER OF AUGUST 15, 2011 Joan Leary Matthews, Esq. Robert D. Snook, Esq.
Senior Attorney for Special Projects Assistant Attorney General New York State Department Office of the Attorney General of Environmental Conservation State of Connecticut 625 Broadway, 14th Floor 55 Elm Street Albany, New York 12233-5500 P.O. Box 120 E-mail: jmatthe@gw.dec.state.ny.us Hartford, CT 06141-0120 E-mail: robert.snook@po.state.ct.us John Louis Parker, Esq. Sean Murray, Mayor Office of General Counsel, Region 3 Kevin Hay, Village Administrator New York State Department Village of Buchanan of Environmental Conservation Municipal Building 21 South Putt Corners Road 236 Tate Avenue New Paltz, NY 12561-1620 Buchanan, NY 10511-1298 E-mail: jlparker@gw.dec.state.ny.us E-mail: SMurray@villageofbuchanan.com Administrator@villageofbuchanan.com John J. Sipos, Esq.
Charles Donaldson, Esq.
Assistant Attorneys General Office of the Attorney General of the State of New York The Capitol State Street Albany, New York 12224 E-mail: John.Sipos@ag.ny.gov charlie.donaldson@ag.ny.gov Janice A. Dean, Esq.
Assistant Attorney General Office of the Attorney General of the State of New York 120 Broadway, 26th Floor New York, New York 10271 E-mail: Janice.Dean@ag.ny.gov
[Original signed by Christine M. Pierpoint]
Office of the Secretary of the Commission Dated at Rockville, Maryland this 20th day of September 2011 3