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Interpretation - Rg 1.33, Meaning of Procedure Implementation Section 6.8.1 of Standard Technical Specifications
Person / Time
Issue date: 04/01/1977
From: Cyr K
To: Wigginton J
RG-1.033, 68579-2471
Download: ML103430556 (9)


128 RECORD #128 TITLE: Interpretation - RG 1.33, Meaning of "Procedure Implementation ... " Section 6.8.1 of STS FICHE: 68579-2471 128

Regulatory Guide 1.33 Issue Date: 4/1/77 034q/-71 INTERPRETATION -- REGULATORY GUIDE 1.33, MEANING OF "PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTATION." AS USED IN SECTION 6.8.1 OF STANDARD TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS PURPOSE The purpose of this guidance is to provide the NRC position concerning adherence to-procedures developed for safety related activities at Nuclear Power Plants.

DISCUSSION 10 CFR 50.36(c)(5) requires licensees to develop Technical Specifications which describe the Administrative Controls~necessary to assure oper-ation of the facility in a safe.manner. ..Paragraph 50.36(c)(5) defines Administrative Controls as.those provisions relating to organization and management, procedures, recordkeeping, review and audit and reporting functions.,-

10 CFR 50.34(b)(6)(ii).requires.licensees to. describe in the final Safety Analysis Report those managerial and Administrative C95trols to be used to assure safe operation. Paragraph 50.34(b)(6)(ii) states that Appendix B, "Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants and for Reprocessing Plants", sets forth the requirements for such controls for nuclear power plants.

Regulatory Guide 1.33, Quality Assurance Program Requirements (Operation).

Revision 1, January 1977 clarifies the.NRC staff position regarding' ANSI N18.7-1976, endorses it with several exceptions and states that it requires the preparation of many procedures to carry out an effective Quality Assurance Program. R.G. 1.33 also states that its Appendix A should be used as guidance to ensure minimum procedure coverage for plant operating activities., including maintenance activities.


Regulatory Guide 1.33 Issue Date: 4/1/77 The Administrative Control Section of the Standard Technical.

Specifications, Section 6.8.1 states that written procedures shall be established, implemented and maintained for activities which include applicable procedures recommended in Appendix "A"

" of Regulatory Guide 1.33. in er ret the term

  • "implemented" as .used in Section 6.8.1 to mean "adhered to."'
  • Procedure Adherence, states that procedures shall be followed and that the'requirements for use of procedures shall be prescribed in writing.

The term "adhered to'.' means that the .actions prescribed by the procedure must be accomplished, it does not mean that the operator, technician or engineer must have a copy of the procedure in hand and sign off each step as the function is performed.

7-IZ June. 17,. 1985 Note to Jim Wigginton. IE HUMBOLDT BAY RADIATION PROTECTIO


S We have reviewed the Humboldt Bay Technical Specification requirements for the Radiation Protection Program. While we recognize that the requirement for radiation control procedures is inartfully drafted and that other sections of the tech. specs. as well as the Standard Tech. Specs. (STS) use the words "prepared, maintained and adhered to", we think the appropriate interpretation of the word "maintained" in the context of the Tech. Spec. is that the procedures not only be kept up-to-date but that they be followed.

It defies common sense to require the licensee to establish procedures to meet Part 20, to "maintain" them up-to-date, yet not to follow them. Given the age of the facility, these procedures were probably among the first

,written and well before the more precise language of the STS was developed. In summary, we think a broader reading of the word "maintain" to include adherence to is consistent with the intent of the Tech. Spec. that the licensee have a radiation protection.program to meet Part 20.

7Karen D. Cyr Attorney Regional Operations and Enforcement cc:

L. Shollenberger, Reg. V

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2. Eacb reportable occurrence -report submitted to the Coamixton shall-be reviewed bi the Plant- Staff Review Co=itzee ud gubzitted to the Manager of Steam Gene~ration for tr2=S=Lttea to the General Office NIucle"r Poa~t Review and Audit Cemitcace.
1. etalled .writte-pjoceduresS Including'appliciabla chock-off Uists'aiind Instructions, shal~l be prepared, and adhered -to.Aorp
  • perattou of All systems and eo~ouent5 bs~g -nu~ea r saistcy 3"p2ications, including:
a. *Noraal. startsps, operation and shutdown of the ;eActor 'and i of .2.1 systems and componeats.

b, Fuiel handling operation.

ekc~~y(s ýr^4vyl # a top TS's Cll 7`?


Amermixent No.6

.6 Act land to be trAfe 9o. eorrect iPecific and foreseen

  • potential alfuinctions of Systeas r cmUponenats,sncludin .

susp*cted prImary system leaks "and ab*o*mal eactivity Cahnges.

'S d.  ;'mo.gency cendl;ios L'vol*n of radioactivity.

iag po:nwtIal or actual rbelass,

&a Ab. nal and emergency operation of the teactor and ot all systems and components*

f. nt Security Plan 'tapleinntation.
2. All pr codures described In 1. above, aid C a I approved by the Plant Stpaprintendent Prior to implementaclou cap tep sy provideS ioapproved pToced"u can be made, *audb.u$

Ithe desination of those persons authozed to approve such echanges. Temporary .ehanese, which clearly do" not change the. .'*

intenteh app of d bytbe approved*

.the approved procedurTe by nueomebers from4 thle 3*.&_UpoInU; 0ZIU¢L*J of the pnaec management ex cpt preas one vhom holds a seior perator licee.

Such t hemo ea chang be docuvended ard, iu apnboprmade, i*clurpored

" i the next o evft of the afrecedprouedure.


4. Zn the event of an emergency Got fovered by an approved procedure.

oparacLons. personnel shall be .nstructed to take action soas 1-. ..

to minimite personnel injury. and danaj. "o the'faciiLLj..


The Site reargency Plan shall provide the aeessary pr*aIrangement aond orjaultation of personnel to deal effectively vith emergencies

-at the Plant so as to -aiftimeradiation expasure. o Plant pers.nutl and the general public. The plan shall describe the specific-duties of Plant persoteils in the event of en accident .or any unplanned Inciden"t producing high :adiation levels. lueriodle drills shall be performed to assure .that aU* p Int pirsonnel ire'* *or4ughly, dilt'lr Vith the plan.

M. O MOAVQAL TKS?!VC or VUC itAuTguatDs STSTM Procedures for testing Of safety system compoenats., mitors, and other equipment having a potential safeguard function shalllbe a descrtbed In Sections II through VIfI. These cests and the frequency of tesitng.are listed in Table tX*o, Operptieul, Testing of Nuclear Safegua:ds Systems. Such uet shall be performed vithin the specified time interval with:

1. A maximum allowable extension not to amueed 2,5% of the cest:

Inte rval.

2,~~ oa~ ~~.. -erval time for a-.jy 3'eo~sjcutjve e8 t' J*J"

2. Atotal intera 51. o n oscgv est interval not to exceed 3.25 tiLmes the specified test Interval.

Amt~~ndmw-A Approptiatle tets shall be erformed foUlm.n$ GaWn:ensUck on MhoSw sI*Stes 0%tch could impilr ther Io oSPeTaLSOn. 1 I

iI.iT ill I 'it


.S. awoou.s of ikIdIDZ tV1-ty*1 iqui and gaseous Vast@s '

roloasod to the -

g. Records of reactor tests or expow- ents.
h. 'Records of ch.argoes =4 in operating Procetures. a I 'Records of twansitn; or operational cyclia.4 fo-hs plant com*.o.ents that ha*e been designed to opente

- S safeli for a 1i-4i:d mwber of twansic:ts p* opoert.ona1 S U

  • S .1.

J. R@0CO~ds Of trzining Irld q a~ifction f4r cur~rent members of the P)BAn: staff.

&Records of 1inseriicv insractions performd

  • PUTM ont to

~these Technical 5Sarcifications..

  • . limrites of Meetincs of the P, -wt-Staff R~e~iew
  • and the Ganoral off-ca N'Velear riant Review andCor-ni~ttc AWLi:
x. Records of Qu.ality ',.ssurznce activities required by' QAltarool.- tho
a. Records of rei~p'~~dfrc~no aeto procedures or equipment o? revies oISf tests and experiments, ,urxuznt L RADTATIn.' PP'M., CTTCfl.'% PMRA'4 Radiation contro'l procedures shall ýc taintained,and

=ado &%avi1zb I

  • radiation exposure and shall'bo consistent with the reqtLiro-cS of 0 CFl 20. The radiatien prd:eeticn prograim zhazll be raLe I

M6 HTO RADIATION M 4 Pursantto ~s po'.iains of Section 20.203(c)) A.10~f Pant 208 the lUcens*e is hereby ~ramnted qiroval to use the zltG-!A1 methods ..eseribed Ain Its arpp1iit.can ja:cJ !4arch 8,, 19671, for acciss to tor.crorry h1ih rzd12t!C~n &-.2s e:blse .c~

t- Lni3 fr pcriod.o 360es dys c-* l0oSs as an excecpion to the Provisitnsof' Section 20.203(c) (4) of 10 CYRi Part.20.


Amend.-nt No. 17 nrt 29V ew- i ýV n4~ V r0 ,~, ,ei~