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Tennessee Valley Authority Direct Service Power Rate--Schedule Dsd
Person / Time
Site: Watts Bar Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 10/31/2003
Tennessee Valley Authority
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML101400197 (2)



Availability This rate shall apply to the firm electric power requirements of a customer that takes service directly from TVA and that has a contract demand of greater than 25,000 kW.

Base Charges Customer Charge: $1,500 per delivery point per month Demand Charge: $12.75 per kW of billing demand per month, plus an additional

$12.75 per kW per month for each kW, if any, of the amount by which the customer's billing demand exceeds its contract demand Energy Charge: 2.293¢ per kWh per month Adjustment The base demand and energy charges shall be increased or decreased in accordance with the current Adjustment Addendum published by TVA. (In addition, such charges shall be increased or decreased to (a) correspond to increases or decreases determined by TVA in the value of the hydro-generation benefit allocated to residential consumers or (b) ensure that (i) TVA does not pay out more in hydro-allocation credits for sales to residential consumers than it receives in hydro-allocation debits for sales to other consumers or (ii) TVA does not receive more in such debits for sales to other consumers than it pays out in such credits for sales to residential consumers.) Facilities rental charges and reactive demand charges may also be increased or decreased by TVA, effective with the effective date of any such Adjustment Addendum, to reflect changes in the cost of providing for delivery at voltage levels below 161 kV and of providing reactive power, respectively.

Facilities Rental Charge There shall be no facilities rental charge under this rate schedule for delivery at bulk transmission voltage levels of 161 kV or higher. For delivery at less than 161 kV, there shall be added to the customer's bill a facilities rental charge. This charge shall be 36¢ per kW per month except for delivery at voltages below 46 kV, in which case the charge shall be 93¢ per kW per month for the first 10,000 kW and 73¢ per kW per month for the excess over 10,000 kW. Such charge shall be applied to the higher of (1) the highest billing demand established during the latest 12-consecutive-month period and (2) the customer's currently effective contract demand and shall be in addition to all other charges under this rate schedule, including minimum bill charges.

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Reactive Demand Charges If the reactive demand (in kVAR) is lagging during the 30-consecutive-minute period beginning or ending on a clock hour of the month in which the customer's highest metered demand occurs, there shall be added to the customer's bill a reactive charge of 78¢ per kVAR of the amount, if any, by which the reactive demand exceeds 33 percent of such metered demand. If the reactive demand (in kVAR) is leading during the 30-consecutive-minute period beginning or ending on a clock hour of the month in which the customer's lowest metered demand (excluding any metered demands which are less than 25 percent of the highest metered demand) occurs, there shall be added to the customer's bill a reactive charge of 33¢ per kVAR of the amount of reactive demand. Such charges shall be in addition to all other charges under this rate schedule, including minimum bill charges.

Determination of Demand The metered demand for any month shall be the highest average during any 30-consecutive-minute period beginning or ending on a clock hour of the month of the load metered in kW, and such amount shall be used as the billing demand, except that the billing demand for any month shall in no case be less than the sum of (1) 30 percent of the first 5,000 kW, (2) 40 percent of the next 20,000 kW, (3) 50 percent of the next 25,000 kW, (4) 60 percent of the next 50,000 kW, (5) 70 percent of the next 100,000 kW, (6) 80 percent of the next 150,000 kW, and (7) 85 percent of all kW in excess of 350,000 kW of the higher of the currently effective contract demand and the highest billing demand established during the preceding 12 months.

Minimum Bill The monthly bill under this rate schedule, excluding any facilities rental charges and any reactive charges, shall not be less than the sum of (1) the base customer charge, (2) the base demand charge, as adjusted (but excluding the additional portion thereof applicable to excess of billing demand over contract demand) applied to the customer's billing demand, and (3) the base energy charge, as adjusted, applied to the customer's energy takings.

Single-Point Delivery The charges under this rate schedule are based upon the supply of service through a single delivery and metering point, and at a single voltage. If service is supplied to the same customer through more than one point of delivery or at different voltages, the supply of service at each delivery and metering point and at each different voltage shall be separately metered and billed.

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