Press Release-07-056, License Renewal Application for Indian Point Nuclear Plant Available for Public Inspection

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Press Release-07-056: License Renewal Application for Indian Point Nuclear Plant Available for Public Inspection
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Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 05/02/2007
Office of Public Affairs
Press Release-07-056
Download: ML071220287 (1)


NRC NEWS U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Office of Public Affairs Telephone: 301/415-8200 Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 E-mail: Web Site: No.07-056 May 2, 2007LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION FOR INDIAN POINT NUCLEAR PLANTAVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC INSPECTIONThe Nuclear Regulatory Commission announced today that an application for a 20-year renewalof the operating license for the Indian Point nuclear power plant, Units 2 and 3, is available for public review.Indian Point Units 2 and 3 are pressurized water reactors located in Buchanan, N.Y., about 24miles north of New York City. The current operating licenses expire Sept. 28, 2013, for Unit 2 and Dec.

12, 2015, for Unit 3. Unit 1 was shut down in 1974. Indian Point's operator, Entergy Nuclear Operations, submitted the license renewal application April 30. The application is available on the NRC Web site at this address: The NRC staff is currently conducting its initial re views of the applicati on to determine whetherit contains sufficient information required for the formal safety and environmental reviews. If the application has sufficient information, the NRC will formally "docket," or file it and will announce anopportunity for the public to request an adjudicatory hearing on the rene wal request. Additional information about the NRC's review of reactor license renewal app lications is available on the NRCWeb site at:

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