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New Jersey Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Discharge Monitoring Report
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 03/15/2006
From: Joyce T
Public Service Enterprise Group
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Environmental Protection Agency
Download: ML060870280 (34)


{{#Wiki_filter:PSEG Nuclear LLC Po. Box 236, Hancoc1hs Bridge, New Jersey 08038-0236 MAR 15 2006 0 PSuE Nuclear LLC LR-E06-01 11 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED ARTICLE NUMBER: 7004 2510 0005 2135 5321 Department of Environmental Protection Division of Water Quality Bureau of Permit Management P.O. Box 029 Trentor, N.J. 08625-0029 NEW JERSEY POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT SALEM GENERATING STATION NJPDES PERMIT NJ0005622

Dear Sir:

Attached is the Discharge Monitoring Report for the Salem Generating Station for the month of February 2006. This report is required by and prepared specifically for the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP). It presents only the observed results of measurements and analyses required to be performed by the above agencies. The choice of the measurement devices and analytical methods are controlled by the EPA and the NJDEP, not by the company, and there are limitations on the accuracy of such measurement devices and analytical techniques even when used and maintained as required. Accordingly, this report is not intended as an assertion that any instrument has measured, or that any reading or analytical result represents the true value with absolute accuracy, nor is it an endorsement of the suitability of any analytical or measurement procedure. If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact Brendan Daly at i:856) 339-1169. Sincerely, Thomas P. Joyce Site Vice President - Salem zinc Attachments 95.2168 REV 7/99

LR-EOE6-01 11 NJPDES DMR 2 MAR 1 5 2006 C E xecutive Director, DRBC (JSNRC - Docket numbers 50-272 & 50-311

LR-E06-01 11 3 MAR 1 5 2006 NJPDES DMVR EXPLANATION OF CONDITIONS February 2006 The following explanations are included to clarify possible deviation from permit conditions. General - The columns labeled "No. Ex" on the enclosed DMR tabulate the number of daily discharge values outside the indicated limits. Data reporting and accuracy reflect the working environment, the design capabilities and reliability of the monitoring instruments and operating equipment. Deviations from required sampling, analysis monitoring and reporting methods and periodicities are noted on the respective transmittal sheet. Results reported on the Discharge Monitoring Report forms are consistent with permit limits, data supplied from contract laboratories, the December 1993 revision of the NJDEP DMR Instruction Manual and specific guidance from DEEP personnel.

MAR 1 ; 2006 LR-E06011 11 NJPDES DMR 4 EXPLANATION OF EXCEEDANCES February 2006 The following exceedances are included in the attached report and explained below. DSN No. EXPLANATION No Exceedances

LR-E06-01 11 5 MAR 152006 NJPDES DMR COUNTY OF SALEM STATE OF NEW JERSEY I, Thomas P. Joyce, of full age, being duly sworn according to law, upon my oath depose and say:


I am the Site Vice President-Salem for PSEG Nuclear, and as such am authorized to sign Salem's Discharge Monitoring Reports submitted to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection pursuant to the Station's New Jersey Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit.


I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe the submitted information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including the possibility of fine and imprisonment.


The signature on the attached Discharge Monitoring Reports is my signature and I am submitting this affidavit in satisfaction of the requirement that my signature be notarized. Thomas P. Joyc Site Vice President'- Salem Sworn and subscribed before me this /4> day of March 2006. r Ann L Shimp N 3tary Public of New Jersey My Com mission Expires October 17,2007

Newv Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Division of Water Quality Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report Submittal Form I I I I ->~itzjr) Pth-sivi1 j 1VLViN~LVUll<Rif rVKiViO IVUN viI UKIJi UVUA I IVN: I oAonth I Day I Yea IMYearh FACA-sOutfallrFACA NJ0005622 2-1 2006d To 1 jj 28 AC S Otal FC PERMITTEE: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC ALLOWAY CREEK NEAK RD - PO BOX 236/N21 ILANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 LOCATION OF ACTIVITY: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC ALLOWAY CREEK NECK RD LOWER ALLOWAYS CREEK, NJ 08038-0000 REPORT RECIPIENT: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC PO BOX 236/N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REGION / COUNTY: Southern / Salem County CHECK IF APPICABLE: [n No Discharge this Monitoring Period EII Monitoring Report Comments Attached WHO MUST SIGN The highest ranking official having day-to-day managerial and operational responsibilities for the discharging facility shall sign the certification or, in his absence a person designated by that person. For a local agency, the highest ranking operator of the treatment works shall sign the certification. Where the highest ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall also sign the second certification at the bottom of this page. If the local agency has contracted with another entity to operate the treatment wvorks, the highest-ranking official of the contracted entity shall sign the certification. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of and/or imprisonment, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.9(B). The New Jersey water Pollution Control Act provides for penalties up to $50,000 per violation. Thomas P. Joyce. Site Vice President - Salem N/A NAME AND TITLE OF PRIN ECUTIVE OFFICER, AUTHIORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL EXEC 6 TIV OFFICER, AUTHORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR GRADE AND REGISTRY NUMBER (IF APPLICABLE) 03/15/2006 856-339-2086 DATE AREA CODE/PllONE NUMBER

  • For a local agency where the highest-ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall sign the followving certiflcation:

I ;cxiiiy under penaltiy of iaw and in accordance with N.J.S.A. 58:10A-6F(o) ihat h have reviewed the attached discharge monitoring reports. N/A N/A N/A DATE N/A AREA CODE/PIIONE NUMBER NAME AND TITLE SIGNATURE



C-tIu CONTIN Effluent Gross Value,01MQAV -1DAMX DE--C Temperature, S LE 0 C .lMEASUREMENTl l t*j l g l 5 a ll a l / D / e n 001p2i PA x OGCy-~-CLCTD 00010 2 _R_ IT lEffuent Net Value lRE UIREMEs t i t* -l lMO'A- .1 -~'IDAX Lab Certification # SAMPLE MEASUREMENT /73 2 7 0 7/ l_ l / 7 99999 99 REPORT REREPO REPORT


REQUIREMENi Lab# b#.Lab# Lab#- - Lab#I Lab I l J I ': -{- t~~f I. -',t*t~ II t< *** *l ; -; f***-- -:l -->. tt** .t l- --7; 7, l I-.1 ; :;, s

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Comments: If there are any questions in regards to the monitoring report form, please contact Susan Rosenwinkel of the BPSP - Region 2 at (609)292-4860 or via email at ''. P r - r n C r a t o D t : / 1 2 0P a e 1 o 1 Pre-Piint Creation Date: 11112006 Page10of 1

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Division of Water Quality Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report Submittal Form I 1--.fU U 1 'U Us S*U ~ I 5t~* t -U sU.t _t. I -I r~jirniuS rinivII I 1VsPJiL 1LjUjiiN rriim'iiy IVIU4iN I ulk1iA LU'JA I I'J1N: I Month I Day I Year I I FACBa-ySe Outfall FACB NJ0005622 2 1 1 2006 To 1212 061FC WOtalFC PERMITTEE: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC ALLOWAY CREEK NEAK RD - PO BOX 236/N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 LOCATION OF ACTIVITY: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC ALLOWAY CREEK NECK RD LOWER ALLOWAYS CREEK, NJ 08038-0000 REPORT RECIPIENT: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC PO BOX 236/N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REGION / COUNTY: Southern I Salem County CHECK IF APPICABLE: ElI No Discharge this Monitoring Period El Monitoring Report Comments Attached WHO MUST SIGN The highest ranking official having day-to-day managerial and operational responsibilities for the discharging facility shall sign the certification or, in his absence a person designated by that person. For a local agency, the highest ranking operator of the treatment works shall sign the certification. Where the highest ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall also sign the second certification at the bottom of this page. If the local agency has contracted with another entity to operate the treatment works, the highest-ranking official of the contracted entity shall sign the certification. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of and/or imprisonment, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.9(B). The New Jersey water Pollution Control Act provides for penalties up to $50,000 per violation. Thomas P. Joyce. Site Vice President - Salem NAME AND TITLE OF PRINCIPAL EXECU FFICER, AUTHORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR N/A GRADE AND REGISTRY NUMBER (IF APPLICABLE) 03/15/2006 856-339-2086 DATE AREA CODE/Ph1ONE NUMBER SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFF (UTIIORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR I

  • For a local agency where the highest-ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall sign the following certification:

I ceiiify wUndei peiianiy oui aw and in accordance with N.J.;.A. 58:iOA-rF(;j) that i have reviewed the attached discharge monitoring reports. N/A NAME AND TITLE N/A DATE N/A AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER SIGNATURE

Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report PERMITNUMBER: MONITORED LOCATION: MONITORING PERIOD: NJ0005622 FACB SW Outfall FACB 2/1/2006 TO 2/28/2006 PI 46814 FACILITY NAME: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC 1 NO. FREQ. OF SAMPLE PARAMETER QUANTITY OR LOADING UNITS QUALITY OR CONCENTRATION tUNIT S EX. AN ALYSIS TYPE Temperature, SAMPLE 00010 G .ER I REORT - RE Continuous CONTIN Raw Sewfinfluent REOWREME 1 S; Temperature, SAMPLE oC MEASUREMENT ./3.S /.5 / V Co>Ae.,RU CK',//tI 00010 1 .ET'* REPORT l 4*3. Contnlu COUT' Effluent Gross Value 01 MOA -01.. -OAacMX.

l Temperature, PEAMrTLE.-

4I` OC MEASUREMENT l ^^^**^___^^^**____ l . 7 l 1i. 6 l E l.C // 2; cA. G7 5 001 PRi .RP~


DE.C/DyLT 01MOAV 1DM Effluent Net Value l _l__ - l -l l l ° ° _ _lDE._ll lLab Certification # TempertureSAMPLE I MEASUREMENT /73 £7lCC 3/ l l / 7 1 PERMrT - REPORT REPORT5NolOA:'P3NOT AP L REOUIREMENT I ab # - LabI Lb# Lab#. Lab# _L ab a L., I -lI __; ---- I;-:-*I-: _- __I ___t La__ 2 M l l QUF EM N lL 6 k l *.............. ll. - Lab.1 Comments: If there are any questions in regards to the monitoring report form, please contact Susan Rosenwinkel of the BPSP - Region 2 at (609)292-4860 orvia email at'. l Pr -PitCeto ae. 1120 a e1o Pre-Ptint Creation Date:. 11112006 Page I of 1

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Division of Water Quality Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report Submittal Form I I II rijrjjrna IrirjsIt'III - V1U1114Ut~ 1r¶IIN4 rniuODM NTO E OC TOq NJ0005622 I Mlontli I Day I Year TO MonthI DayIYe~a~r FACC - SW Oufl FACC 1 2 1 1 2006 1 1 2 12 2i~ 0 06 PERMITTEE: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC ALLOWAY CREEK NEAK RD - PO BOX 236/N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 LOCATION OF ACTIVITY: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC ALLOWAY CREEK NECK RD LOWER ALLOWAYS CREEK, NJ 0803 8-0000 REPORT RECIPIENT: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC PO BOX 236/N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REGION / COUNTY: Southern / Salem County CHECK IF APPICABLE: Cl No Discharge this Monitoring Period LI Monitoring Report Comments Attached VI-TO MUST SIGN The highest ranking official having day-to-day managerial and operational responsibilities for the discharging facility shall sign the certification or, in his absence a person designated by that person. For a local agency, the highest ranking operator of the treatment works shall sign the certification. Where the highest ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall also sign the second certification at the bottom of this page. If the local agency has contracted with another entity to operate the treatment works, the highest-ranking official of the contracted entity shall sign the certification. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. -I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of and/or imprisonment, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.9(B). The New Jersey water Pollution Control Act provides for penalties up to $50,000 per violation. Thomas P. Joyce. Site Vice President - Salem NAME AND TITLE OF RINCIPAL EX<E OFFICER, AUTHORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVEAFFICiR, AUTHORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR N/A GRADE AND REGISTRY NUMBER (IF APPLICABLE) 03/15/2006 DATE 856-339-2086 AREA CODE/PIIONE NUMBER

  • For a local agency where the highest-ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall sign thefollowing certification:

I txiiify uniuid punlahjy of law and in accordance wiLiN J...A. Jo:iuiA-oiF(S) imat i have reviewed the attached discharge monitoring reports. N/A NAME AND TITLE N/A N/A DATE N/A AREA CODE/PHIONE NUMBER SIGNATURE

Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report PERMITNUMBER: MONITORED LOCATION: I Pi 46814 MONITORING PERIOD: FACILITY NAME: NJ0005622 FACC SW Outfall FACC 2/1/2006 TO 2128/2006 PSEG NUCLEAR LLC VK1'fNO. FREQ. OF SAMPLE PARAMETER QUANTITY OR LOADING UNITS QUALITY OR CONCENTRATION UNITS EX. ANALYSIS TYPE Flow, In Conduit or 1 ! o, j 1 l I r.I /u.. Thru Treatment Plant co____ A,' 50050 G PE 0 ORT MGD a ,..C C: Raw S w Lu R E O1MOAV O1DAMX j S-- i;flu t.i Thermal Discharge SAMPLE Million BTUs per Hr MEASUREMENT /3 s' //D94> C-A, c 00015 2 ~R~ REPORT ~ 30600

  • Iay
CLCTD, Effluent Net Value l-I:RMEn 01MOAV OiDAMX M8TU/l

-,--.Q', 4 -~ -l~.. .Ic Lab Certification # MEASUREMENT / 7.?7 C'(s j(7 e's-/' 99999 99 PEPOT REPORT REPORT R E PO RT!,- REPORT; N NOT AP Lb EOREMENT La# L Lab l - .QLab,' Comments: If there are any questions in regards to the monitoring report form, please contact Susan Rosenwinkel of the BPSP - Region 2 at (609)2924860 or via email at ''. Pre-Pdnt Creation Date:. 1/1/2006 Page 1 of I . Pre-Print Creation Date:. 11112006 Page 1 of I

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Division of Water Quality Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report Submittal Form I I NJPDES PERMIT MONITORING PERIOD MULNI1L)RMJ LULANIIUN: NJ0005622 Ionth Day I Year To I Day Year 048C-SW Outfall 48C NJO0562 12 1 1 2006 [Jo j 12 1206 14C-S ufl 8 PERMITTEE: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC ALLOWAY CREEK NEAK RD - PO BOX 236/N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 LOCATION OF ACTIVITY: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC ALLOWAY CREEK NECK RD LOWER ALLOWAYS CREEK, NJ 08038-0000 REPORT RECIPIENT: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC PO BOX 2361N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REGION / COUNTY: Southern / Salem County CHECK IF APPICABLE: i No Discharge this Monitoring Period EI Monitoring Report Comments Attached VHIO MUST SIGN The highest ranking official having day-to-day managerial and operational responsibilities for the discharging facility shall sign the certification or, in his absence a person designated by that person. For a local agency, the highest ranking operator of the treatment works shall sign the certification. Where the highest ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall also sign the second certification at the bottom of this page. If the local agency has contracted witl another entity to operate the treatment works, the highest-ranking official of the contracted entity shall sign the certification. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of and/or imprisonment, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.9(B). The New Jersey water Pollution Control Act provides for penalties up to $50,000 per violation. Thomas P. Joyce. Site Vice President - Salem NAME AND TITLE OF PR NCIPAL EXECPOFFICER, AUTHORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR ~~/ WC,-,--4~6 Z K i' I SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFV/CER, 4UTIIORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR N/A GRADE AND REGISTRY NUMBER (IF APPLICABLE) 03/15/2006 DATE 856-339-2086 AREA CODEIPIIONE NUMIBER

  • For a local agency where the highest-ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall sign thefollo wing certification:

Icertifyunderpenaltyoflaw and in accordance with N.J.S.A. 58:iOA-r6F(5) that I nave reviewed the attached discharge Hiuiniiuillg reports. N/A NAME AND TITLE N/A SIGNATURE N/A DATE N/A AREA CODE/PIIONE NUMBER

Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report PERMIT NUMBER: MONITORED LOCATION: NJ0005622 048C SW Outfall 48C PI 46814 40NITORING PERIOD: FACILITY NAME: 9I1I2006 TO 212812006 PSEG NUCLEAR LLC INO. FREQ. OF SAMPLE PARAMETER Ks.4 QUANTITY OR LOADING UNITS QUALITY OR CONCENTRATION UNITS EX. ANALYSIS TYPE Flow, In Conduit or SA `f Thru Treatment Plant .j f V3J .J C /5' Cl~evz;9 50050 1 REPORT REPO1RT REQUIREMENT, OMA ODM MGD 1D..C..T Effluent Gross Value II_____ _________ t., Solids, Total SAPL MEASUREMENT c f.... I S uspended__ 00530 1 ERT 3- -100 lot OMPOS Effluent Gross Value REURET 9.0MOV1DX Nitrogen, Ammonia SML Total (as N) MEASUREMENTZ Z?.i/'1,4 00610 1 PERMIT. 2 57 /onh CM Effluent Gross Value RUREETOMOAV O. 1DA X MI Petroleum SAMPLE/ Hydrocarbons MEASUREMENT //~ 00551 1 PERMIT 10-5 GL2IMonth, ~GRAB' Effluent Gross Value REQUIREMENT. .~OIMOAV-51~' 01DAMX-Carbon, Tot OrganicSAPE... (TOC) ~~~MEASUREMENT 7 /A,./ c 00680 1 REPORT50 W-2/ot COMPOS EfletGosVle REQUIREMENT -- 02)ZI1MOAV 011DAMX i~ Lab Certification# MEASUREMENT 7- '2 999 99R~r REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT-- "No Applic NOT AP Lab REQUIREMENT ab# Ub A Lab#U Lb#0 Lab Comments: If there are any questions in regards to the monitoring report form, please contact Susan Rosenwinkel of the l3PSP - Region 2 at (609)292-4680 or via email at ''. Pre-Print Creation Date:. 11112006 Page I of 1

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Division of Water Quality Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report Submittal Form NJPDES PERMIT MONITORING PERIOD MONIlORElD) L0UAtl l(N: NJo005622 I 2nt IDay I Year ITo I 2 2li Dal Year 481A - SW Outfall 481A NJ020622 2 1 2006 To JJ21 8 1206j PERMITTEE: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC ALLOWAY CREEK NEAK RD - PO BOX 236/N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 LOCATION OF ACTIVITY: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC ALLOWAY CREEK NECK RD LOWER ALLOWAYS CREEK, NJ 08038-0000 REPORT RECIPIENT: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC PO BOX 236/N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REGION / COUNTY: Southern / Salem County CHECK IF APPICABLE: [l No Discharge this Monitoring Period El Monitoring Report Comments Attached WHO MUST SIGN The highest ranking official having day-to-day managerial and operational responsibilities for the discharging facility shall sign the certification or, in his absence a person designated by that person. For a local agency, the highest ranking operator of the treatment works shall sign the certification. Where the highest ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall also sign the second certification at the bottom of this page. If the local agency has contracted with another entity to operate the treatment works, the highest-ranking official of the contracted entity shall sign the certification. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of and/or imprisonment, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.9(B). The New Jersey water Pollution Control Act provides for penalties up to $50,000 per violation. Thomas P. Joyce, Site Vice President - Salem NAME AND TITLE OF PRINCIPAL EXEC OFFICER, AUTHORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR SIGNATURE OPRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE 4iFICE4t AUTHORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR N/A GRADE AND REGISTRY NUMBER (IF APPLICABLE) 03/15/2006 DATE 856-339-2086 AREA CODE/PI1ONE NUMBER

  • For a local agency withere the highest-ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall sign the following certiflcation:

I certify under penalty of law and in accordance with N.J.S.A. 58:1 UA-6F(5) that I have reviewed the attached discharge monitoring reports. N/A NAME AND TITLE N/A N/A DATE N/A SIGNATURE AREA CODE/PIIONE NUMBER

Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report PERMIT NUMBER: MONITORED LOCATION: A P1,46814 ,IONITORING PERIOD: FACILITY NAME: NJ0005622 481 A SW Outfall 481 A 211/2006 TO 2128/2006 PSEG NUCLEAR LLC PARAMETER QUANTITY OR LOADING UNITS QUALITY OR CONCENTRATION UNITS EXf ANALYSIS TYPE Flow, In Conduit or SAPL I-... Thru Treatm ent Plant I M t A butI M t rlj 1 -'-/ 6_ ~ / ~ ' / (, A /~ 50050 1 PEMT REPORT REPORT:, MG /Da y CLCT ,RE9!UIREMENT I- - 1M A 0I D M1X Effluent Gross Value pH ~~~~~~MEASUREMENT 7 57 7~/ ~ / . Q $ ~ 0 0 0 E ~ r* .6 .0 ' 9 0-' 1 W e kG R A B3 00400 7 PE O T - -- R EP R 1 W ekG A REQUIREMENT 01 DAMN -OO M Intaken F rom s Strea m

    • .*D A

I LC5O tatr 96h A cuSAMPLE-MEASUREMENT C 0 3b7/V 0 Ce1 A&, A' COO6-:: TA S lREQUIREMENT: 01 DAMN"- %EFFLDA X~ Chlorie Pro duct e dam SAMPLE I MEASUREMENT C CC 0/( 0 ) f:0 0 C 1-/A' 6' 2--A CPOXA 1 PERMIT 03-0.03N e ear.A Effluent Gross Value RQIEETO M A 1 A XM I Chlorine Produced Oxidants MEASUREMENT

  • .C*.**

< 0 1 2./ C" X~ 7 / RE O T023/Weekt GRAB


EfletGosVle REQUIREMENT O7~~1MOAV. 'OIDAMX Opt l ont 2Gross.*alu-C o m e n s : h e p e m it e e is r e q i r d t p r f r m c u e o x i it t s ti g n a m i i m m o o e e p r s e t a t v e C W o u f a l h il D N 8 C s e i n r u t d t t a t o u t a l.- Prlo Prin t Cre tonuc d at : 1 1 2 0 a e 1 o Pre-Print Creation Date: 11112006 Page 1 of 2



NOT AP Lab REOUIRE EN: - L b.# L b# Lb# L ab. # <aOLn l -= -.;. *4..


.-.i** -6>.

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f.. ; t; Comments: The permittee is required to perform acute toxicity testing on a minimum of one representative CWS outfall while DSN 48C Is being routed to that outfall. Pr .Pin CetoDa:. 1//20 Pa I2o Pro-Print Creation Date:. 11112006 Page 2 of 2

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Division of Water Quality Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report Submittal Form NJPDES PERMIT' MONItORING PE-IOD MViOi1ORED LOCATiiON: NJ0005622 Mont i Day Ya r To Year 2 l DYear 482A - SW Outfall 482A N00622 1 2006 To 2 28 2006 PERMITTEE: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC ALLOWAY CREEK NEAK RD - PO BOX 236/N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 LOCATION OF ACTIVITY: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC ALLOWAY CREEK NECK RD LOWER ALLOWAYS CREEK, NJ 08038-0000 REPORT RECIPIENT: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC PO BOX 236/N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REGION / COUNTY: Southern / Salem County CHECK IF APPICABLE: III No Discharge this Monitoring Period MI Monitoring Report Comments Attached WHO MUST SIGN The highest ranking official having day-to-day managerial and operational responsibilities for the discharging facility shall sign the certification or, in his absence a person designated by that person. For a local agency, the highest ranking operator of the treatment works shall sign the certification. Where the highest ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall also sign the second certification at the bottom of this page. If the local agency has contracted with another entity to operate the treatment works, the highest-ranking official of the contracted entity shall sign the certification. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of and/or imprisonment, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.9(B). The New Jersey water Pollution Control Act provides for penalties up to $50,000 per violation. Thomas P. Joyce. Site Vice President - Salem N/A NAME AND TITLEOF RINCIPAL EXEC 'OFFICER, AUTHORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE

  • For a local agency where the highest-ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall sign the folloiving certiflcation:

1 certify under penalty of law and in accordance with N.J.S.A. 58:i0A-6F(-) that i have reviewed the attached discharge m1lliiu idli zepoiUs. N/A NAME AND TITLE N/A N/A N/A DATE AREA CODE/PIIONE NUMBER SIGNATURE

surtace water DISCharge Monitoring Report Pi 46814 PERMIT NUMBER:- NJ0005622 MONITORED LOCATION: MONITORING PERIOD:_ 21112006 TO 2/28/2006 FACILITY NAME:' 482A SW Outfall 482A PSEG NUCLEAR LLC f PARAMETER QUANTITY OR LOADING UNITS QUALITY OR CONCENTRATION UNITS NO. ARALYSOS SAMPLE-Flow, In Conduit or SAMPLE E.. ANA.SI....TYE. Thru Treatment PlantI [ 505_1PRMT REPORT ,REPORT I /iDay ~ CALCTD. 00400 1 PERwmI 90...ek~RA Effluent Gross Value 01D MODA XS pH SAMPLE... MEASUREMENT 7.3 c 00400 7 9EOR.EP R A1/ eek mGRA In a e F om S r a ,'IE E T01 DAM N 01D AM X, SAMPLE MEASUREMENT 7C Ael AN A 1PERMIT REPORT/Y ar O M O Ef l e t G o s V l eRE OUIREMENT 0 D A N Chlorie Produtedm O x d n sMEASUREMENT .C , Q. L. 5 1 2/ /. f ~ / '~9.:/t) Ca o -~/ C hlorineo Po du e SAMPLECO PO Effluent G ross Value R O IE E TO M A 1 A XM I / e kG A Optionk2GRAB Co m ns h emte iCeurdtPefrOauetxct etn o ii u foerprsnaieC Sotal hl S 8Isbig otdt htotal Pre-rintCretionDat:. 11/206 P ge 1of Pre-Print Creation Date:. 11112006 Page 1of2


0AMX Lab Certification#

SAM PLEy q // s / MEASSUMRPEMENT /7.7-7 o C_?2 7 V3 /.... 99999 99 R.PORT REPORT REPORT-REPORT REPORT-No App.ic NOT Ap Lab REOUIREMENT, Lb# L'b# 'Lbb# La Comments: The permittee is required to perform acute toxicity testing on a minimum of one representative CWS outfall while DSN 48C is being routed to that outfall. .~-dtCeto ae:1120 ae2o Pre-Print Creation Date: 11112006 Page 2 of 2

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Division of Water Quality Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report Submittal Form I-- -I fl rfl I~ NJPDES iE;RMIT VMOUNITORlNG PtNLidiMOD IVILUVIL UAiiJ LJLA I wi: I

NJ0005622 lI Month I Day I Year To l I

Yl20 483A - SW Outfall 483A NJ05622 1 1 061212_1 20T J 06 j PERMITTEE: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC ALLOWAY CREEK NEAK RD - PO BOX 236/N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 LOCATION OF ACTIVITY: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC ALLOWAY CREEK NECK RD LOWER ALLOWAYS CREEK, NJ 08038-0000 REPORT RECIPIENT: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC PO BOX 236/N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REGION / COUNTY: Southern / Salem County ChIECK IF APPICABLE: El No Discharge this Monitoring Period El Monitoring Report Comments Attached VHIO MUST SIGN The highest ranking official having day-to-day managerial and operational responsibilities for the discharging facility shall sign the certification or, in his absence a person designated by that person. For a local agency, the highest ranking operator of the treatment works shall sign the certification. Where the highest ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall also sign the second certification at the bottom of this page. If the local agency has contracted with another entity to operate the treatment works, the highest-ranking official of the contracted entity shall sign the certification. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of and/or imprisonment, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.9(B). The New Jersey water Pollution Control Act provides fornpenalties up to $50,000 per violation. Thomas P. Joyce. Site Vice President - Salem NAME AND TITLE OF PRINCIPAL EXE. IVE OFFICER, AUThORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIV/OFF ER, AUTHORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR N/A GRADE AND REGISTRY NUMBER (IF APPLICABLE) 03/15/2006 DATE 856-339-2086 AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER

  • For a local agency where the highest-ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall sign the folloiving certification:

I certify under penalty of law and in accordance with N.LS.A. 58: i OA-6F(5) that i have reviewed the attached discharge monitoring rpUol is. N/A NAME AND TITLE N/A N/A DATE N/A SIGNATURE AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER

Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report PERMIT NUMBER: MONITORED LOCATION: __MONITORING PERIOD: PI146814 FACILITY NAME:' NJ0005622 483A!§W Outfall 483A 2/1/2006 TO 2128/2006 PSEG NUCLEAR LLC GNo.1 FREQ. OF SAMPLE PARAMETER QUANTITY OR LOADING UNITS QUALITY OR CONCENTRATION UNITS EX.~ ANALYSIS TYPE Flow, In Conduit or SML I I.. t tI I Thru Treatment Plant [MEASUREMENT _......'5 4......(~/ E f f l u e n G r s a u1E U R M N R I M O A V 7 O1 D A X A E P- '-O_ _ 1*T. -I 0 0 0 1P E R M I <T D:; / e kG A REO UIRE M ENT. ~-,- ~ 4 ***011AM1D A M X, Effluent Gross Value REQUIREMENT p H ~~~~~~~ S A M P L E

  • *7 3*
  • 7 6

4 4 0 0 4 0 0 7 E 1/ W e ektG R A B

  • C O X 1 RAr0 30

.5 D A M X / W e k R A Effluent Gross Value SuUR M '0 O V. 1D M pHSAMPLE-Oxd nsMEASUREMENT 7C / 00 P00 1 R EP O R T 0.2 J IE PeRk G R A B E f f l u e n t G o s s V a l u eR E Q U IR E M E N T -O M A 1 A XM / T aem

perature, ea O xi an sMEASUREMENT Ce t. t 5

' /?, ~ 7 v 0 0 0 1 0I1R EE R M T R E P O R TA E O TD E / a yC N Eff luent Gross Value 0iunn~ 1MO VOD M CPre-P d n C r at o D a e` G//2 0R a g e 1oB Pre-Print Creation Date:. 11112006 Page 1 of 2

Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report PERMIT NUMBER: MONITORED LOCATION: MONITORING PERIOD: Pi 46814 FACILITY NAME: NJ0005622 483A SW Outfall 483A 2/1/2006 TO 2128/2006 PSEG NUCLEAR LLC NO. FREQ. OF SAMPLE PARAMETER QUANTITY OR LOADING UNITS QUALITY OR CONCENTRATION UNITS EX. ANALYSIS TYPE Lab Certification# SAMPLE / - I N E O SAMPLE E E9999 99RE REPOR....EPORT l R O1R N i Lab EMN aib# Lab# b `Lab L#I Lab_____________________ I Comments: Any questions in regards to the monitoring report form can be directed to S. Rosenwinkel of the BPSP - Region 2 at (609)292-4860. Pre-Print Creation Date: 1/1/2006 Page 2 of 2 Page 2 of 2 Pre-Print Creation Date: 11112006

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Division of Water Quality Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report Submittal Form NJIVDES PERivilT UviONLTurdkNGPiERtIOJ MUNITOKM)ED LUCAllON: [ NJO005622 llI Month Day I Year T I lIonth IDay I Ye 484A - SW Outfall 484A NJ000622 1 2062To J 1 2006 PERMITTEE: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC ALLOWAY CREEK NEAK RD - PO BOX 236/N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 LOCATION OF ACTIVITY: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC ALLOWAY CREEK NECK RD LOWER ALLOWAYS CREEK, NJ 0803 8-0000 REPORT RECIPIENT: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC PO BOX 236/N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REGION / COUNTY: Southern / Salem County CHECK IF APPICABLE: 0 No Discharge this Monitoring Period El Monitoring Report Comments Attached WHO MUST SIGN The highest ranking official having day-to-day managerial and operational responsibilities for the discharging facility shall sign the certification or, in his absence a person designated by that person. For a local agency, the highest ranking operator of the treatment works shall sign the certification. Where the highest ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expendituires and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall also sign the second certification at the bottom of this page. If the local agency has contracted with another entity to operate the treatment works, the highest-ranking official of the contracted entity shall sign the certification. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of and/or imprisonment, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.9(B). The New Jersey water Pollution Control Act provides for penalties up to $50,000 per violation. Thomas P. Joyce, Site Vice President - Salem NAME AND TITLOF RINCIPAL EXECITIVE OFFICER, AUTHORIZED AGENTj OR *LICENSED OPERATOR SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE FFI 1, AUTHORIZED AGENT, OR -LICENSED OPERATOR N/A GRADE AND REGISTRY NUMBER (IF APPLICABLE) 03/15/2006 DATE 856-339-2086 AREA COI)E/PIIONE NUMBER

  • For a local agency where the highest-ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall sign the following certif cation:

I cenify under penalty of law and in accordance with N.i.N.A. 5: UA-6F(5) that i have reviewed the attached discharge monitoring reports. N/A NAME AND TITLE N/A SIGNATURE N/A DATE N/A AREA CODE/PhIONE NUMBER

Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report PI 46814 PERMIT NUMBER: NJ0005622 MONITORED LOCATION: 484A SW Outfall 484A MONITORING PERIOD: 2/11/2006 TO 2128/2006 FACILITY NAME: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC NO1 FREQ. OF SAMPLE PARAMETER QUANTITY OR LOADING UNITS QUALITY OR CONCENTRATION UNITS EX. ANALYSIS TYPE Flow, In Conduit or SAMPLE l I t I 7..... I Thru Treatment Plant __/J J _ /4 Ht 50050 1 PR t


'REPORT '1 I a ~ 7 CALCTD Effluent GrossValue l EuEwl - O1MOAV OIDAMX MGD l


MEASUREMENT 7 3 7 / c/ G 0 0 4 0 0 1 E se;$' -4 ;+, s o* 6 s0 9 . 0::

.e e

G R A B;- ~ Effluent Gross Value REOUIREMEN' 01DA X S r pH MEASUREMENT 7l***. 7 3 ll 7 67 l G c/-/2 ', 00400 7 PER~,I.T E OR.E O R 1 W ekG A REOU RE ENT OIA N 0.. 1DAMX Su lIntake From Streaml -Z lV-; ll° lLC50 Statre 96hr Acu llilll.

llll, p

l SAMPLE MEASUREMENT 7...Ce /J-I 7_7~C 1 g A C y p rin o d o n_ T A N6A 17-i :PE~mr :;< 50EEFFOR T 2/ earGC O P O lEffluent Gross Value lill lREQUIREMENT0 l O L 7 ' -c -tI--^^: 1'* ' ;1 IChlorine Produced 0 01DAW SAMPLE lOxidants lMEASUREMENT l & Cf/z/' l lEffluent Gross Value lREOWREMENT l IMOAV OIlOAMXl lMl M l. Chlorine Produced Oxidants MEASUREMENT 0lD l/G l Effluent Gross Value 0 '1DR;X MGIL Option 2 QL t [ Comments: The permitlee is required to perform acute toxicity testing on a minimum of one representative CWS outfall while DSN 48C is being routed to that outfall.l ePints CratoRDte. 1//2 0 P Ieof Pre-Print Creation Date:. 11112006 Page 1 of 2

Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report PERMITNUMBER: MONITORED LOCATION: MONITORING PERIOD: Pi 46814 NJ0005622 484A SW Outfall 484A 211/2006 TO 2/28/2006 FACILITY NAME: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC UNITSFREQ. OF SAMPLE PARAMETER QUANTITY OR LOADING UNITS QUALITY OR CONCENTRATION UNITS EX. ANALYSIS TYPE Temperature, SAMPLE oC MEASUREMENT I 7 l/. -L--- //Z--- 6-/ 00010 1 ERMrr l .i REPORT-DEG.C ID CON N Effluent Gross Value REQU REMENT -^__ .I V. O1OA-;lX Lab Certification #SML MEASUREMENT /773 2 7 G C __3__._ 7 / 99999 -RiPORT vREPORT.. ---:---REPORT - -- 7REPORT - -".":REPORT otApliTAP L ab ~~~~PERM rr a o p l cN REOUIREMENT Lab# Lab# 0 LLb# ab# Comments: The permittee is required to perform acute toxicity testing on a minimum of one representative CWS outfall while DSN 48C is being routed to that outfall. Pre;-Print; Crea;.. ...y*4&. tio & ni bae 1//20 Pag 2 of 2 Pre-Piint Creation Date: 11112006 Page 2 of 2

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Division of Water Quality Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report Submittal Form NJPDES PERMIT MONITORING I'EIUtOD MONITORED LOCATION: I Month I Day IY l 20lol l8l06 485A-eSW Outfall 485A NJ0005622 12 1 1 2006 1To L 21 8j 206 145 WOtl45 PERMITTEE: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC ALLOWAY CREEK NEAK RD - PO BOX 236/N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 LOCATION OF ACTIVITY: REPORT RECIPIENT: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC ALLOWAY CREEK NECK RD PO BOX 236/N21 LOWER ALLOWAYS CREEK, NJ 08038-0000 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REGION / COUNTY: Southern / Salem County CHECK IF APPICABLE: 0I No Discharge this Monitoring Period I Monitoring Report Comments Attached WHO MUST SIGN The highest ranking official having day-to-day managerial and operational responsibilities for the discharging facility shall sign the certification or, in his absence a person designated by that person. For a local agency, the highest ranking operator of the treatment works shall sign the certification. Where the highest ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall also sign the second certification at the bottom of this page. If the local agency has contracted with another entity to operate the treatment works, the highest-ranking official of the contracted entity shall sign the certification. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of and/or imprisonment, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.9(B). The New Jersey wvater Pollution Control Act provides for penalties up to $50,000 per violation. Thomas P. Joyce, Site Vice President - Salem NAME AND TITLE OF PRINCIPAL EXECU~ FFICER, AUTHORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR / (4 T L-/Ai N/A GRADE AND REGISTRY NUMBER (IF APPLICABLE) 03/15/2006 856-339-2086 DATE AREA CODE/PIIONE NUMBER I I I SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFF/CER. KUTHIORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR

  • For a local agency wthere the highest-ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall sign the folloiving certification:

I I certify under penalty of law and in accordance with N.J.S.A. 58: 1 UA-61-(5) that I have reviewed the attached discharge monitoring reports. N/A N/A SIGNATURE N/A N/A DATE AREA CODE/PIIONE NUMBER NAME AND TITLE

Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report PERMIT NUMBER: MONITORED LOCATION: I PI 46814 V4ONITORING PERIOD: FACILITY NAME:, NJ0005622 485A SW Outfall 485A 211/2006 TO 2/28/2006 PSEG NUCLEAR LLC INO. FREO. OF SAMPLE PARAMETER QUANTITY OR LOADING UNITS QUALITY OR CONCENTRATION jUNITS EX NLSS TYPE Flow, In Conduit or SAMPLE I,... Thru Treatm ent Plant{ 4 )II_ _2 // 4, C / Effluent Gross Value IREU EMN 01 OA AMMG 50 0 50 0 1 I E PRER P R TIr t a y AL T I IU 1 p H S A M P L E 1 MEASUREMENT 7 3

  • 76

/ t e5' g i, 9 7 0 0 4 0 0 1 ~ 6 ~ 9.0 ! /W e e kG A 0 0 4 0 0_ _7 LR E P O RT__ _E P O RT__ ~REQUIREMENT-- 1 AM E f f l u e n Gr o s s V a l uem _A__ pH ~SAMPLE Cy rn d nMEASUREMENT.*..7 0 4 0 7REQUIREM ENT R E O REEP RFFL ~e G A Intake n Grom s Str a mlu eD M N0 D A LClorState ProduAcu SAMPLE C y p r i n o d o n ~~~M E A S U R E M E N T

  • * *C

/ V0 £ ~ i L ~ A REQUIREMENT 01GAMABFF E ff lu e n t G ro s s V a lu e _ _0__ _M__ _M M__ Chlorine Produced O x i d a n t s ~~~~M E A S U R E M E N T / / 4 /

/ /C

/ C ~ / 2 - / R E U IR E M EN T 0 30 53 W e' G A Effluent Gross ValueOI AV1D MMG. O p t i o n 1 L Chlorine prite Producedpromact oict etngo inm mo oerpesnaieCW ufllw ieDS 8 sben ote otatotal Pre-Pdnt Creation Date: 11112006 Page 1of2

Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report PERMITNUMBER: MONITORED LOCATION: MONITORING PERIOD: Pi 46814 FACILITY NAME: NJ0005622 485A SW Outfall 485A 2/1/2006 TO 2128/2006 PSEG NUCLEAR LLC PARAMETER QUANTITY OR LOADING UNITS QUALITY OR CONCENTRATION 1 UNITS lEX. ANALYSIS TYPE Temperature, l S /. I ,/ lEtffluent Gross Value l REU~ EME______ r_____****__________ El EGC l l Lab Certification # MEASUREMENT / 7J 2 7 c> '3 // /_ 99999 99

NibREPO RT E.;Not Applic NOTAP Lab LEOR LME ab#

Lb RE Lb Comments: The permittee is required to perform acute toxicity testing on a minimum of one representative CWS outfall while DSN 48C is being routed to that outfall.. Labr e rtiftic eation SaeAM1120 6 PaeLEo Pre-Print Creation Date:. 11112006 Page 2 of 2

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Division of Water Quality Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report Submittal Form NJPDES 1ERMM1l MUNIrliuNG rEI'iOL) MONIT1OUREDJ LOCATION: I Month I Day I Year I l ol i 2e 20j 486A-SW Outfall 486A NJ0005622 2 1 1 2006 To 2 2820146-SWOtal8A PERMITTEE: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC ALLOWAY CREEK NEAK RD - PO BOX 236/N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 LOCATION OF ACTIVITY: REPORT RECIPIENT: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC ALLOWAY CREEK NECK RD PO BOX 236/N21 LOWER ALLOWAYS CREEK, NJ 08038-0000 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REGION / COUNTY: Southern I Salem County CHECK IF APPICABLE: LJ No Discharge this Monitoring Period DI Monitoring Report Comments Attached WlHO MUST SIGN The highest ranking official having day-to-day managerial and operational responsibilities for the discharging facility shall sign the certification or, in his absence a person designated by that person. For a local agency, the highest ranking operator of the treatment works shall sign the certificatinn. Where the highest ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall also sign the second certification at the bottom of this page. If the local agency has contracted with another entity to operate the treatment works, the highest-ranking official of the contracted entity shall sign the certification. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of and/or imprisonment, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.9(B). The New Jersey water Pollution Control Act provides for penalties up to $50,000 per violation. Thomas P. Joyce. Site Vice President - Salem NAME AND TITLE OF P NCIPAL EXECU7"FICER, AUTHORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR .4o-nWc' ieiA-m SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OF&CER,KUTIIORIZED AGENT, OR LICENSED OPERATOR N/A GRADE AND REGISTRY NUMBER (IF APPLICABLE) 03/15/2006 856-339-2086 DATE AREA CODE/PIIONE NUMBER

  • For a local agency wvhere the highest-ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall sign the followving certification:

I certify under penalty of law and in accordance with N.J.S.A. 58:iOA-6F(5) that i have reviewed the attached discharge monitoring reports. N/A NAME AND TITLE N/A N/A N/A SIGNATURE DATE AREA CODE/PIIONE NUMBER


7 *5' 7

7 .. /,4 00400 7 RE RTR P T 1/Week G A Ina eFo te mREQUIRIEMENT. 01IDAMN O~_ -7 1 DAMX S Chlorine Producaled pHSAMPLE ~6 , I OxdnsMEASUREMENT 7-3 /k / el< (5 C)4 Ef l e n r ss V luDEUI E ENA O M A O ID A M X ' Chlorine Produced OxdnsMEASUREMENT C. ov3/'cov -,'Al4, / 0C O 103.2 3/Week GRAB -.PERWrT MG/L REQUIREMENT j 0OMOAV O1 DAMX Effluent Gross Value O L 4 : C o m n s : A y q e s inlioe a d strh e m n t r i g r p r t frec n b i r cePtr. R s e w neoodhuc e d e g o a 6 9 2 9 - 8 0 Pre-rin Cratin Dte:. 1/1200SPaeMPofE Pre-Print Creation Date:. 11112006 Page 1 of 2

Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report PERMIT NUMBER: MONITORED LOCATION: I NJ0005622 486A SW Outfall 486A 2 PI 46814 MONITORING PERIOD: 211/2006 TO 2128/2006 FACILITY NAME: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC G 1O FREQ. OF 1SAMPLE PARAMETER QUANTITY OR LOADING UNITS QUALITY OR CONCENTRATION UNITS EX. ANALYSIS TYPE Lab Certification# JEAuLEJ i 73> j l v I I l / _. I 99999 99 REPORT REPORT REPORT-~- HREPORT--' -bREPORT NTAP 9 9 999 1 _ _I_ _ _Nd o t A p P ic i N O T,__A P Lab -b V# Lab

-_H, Lb L-b I

I Comments: Any questions in regards to the monitoring report form can be directed to S. Rosenwinkel of the BPSP - Region 2 at (609)292-4860. Pre-Ptint Creation Date: 11112006 Page 2 of 2

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Division of Water Quality Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report Submittal Form NJPDES PERMIT MONITORING PERIOD MONIOKREID LOCATION: l I Month I Day I Year I T 487B-SW Outfall 487BIX NJ0005622 12 I 2006 To LIJ428I 206 8B S Otal 47 PERMITTEE: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC ALLOWAY CREEK NEAK RD - PO BOX 2361N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 LOCATION OF ACTIVITY: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC ALLOWAY CREEK NECK RD LOWER ALLOWAYS CREEK, NJ 08038-0000 REPORT RECIPIENT: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC PO BOX 236/N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REGION / COUNTY: Southern / Salem County CHECK IF APPICABLE: J No Discharge this Monitoring Period El Monitoring Report Comments Attached WVIIO M\\IUST SIGN The highest ranking official having day-to-day managerial and operational responsibilities for the discharging facility shall sign the certification or, in his absence a person designated by that person. For a local agency, the highest ranking operator of the treatment works shall sign the certification. Where the highest ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall also sign the second certification at the bottom of this page. If the local agency has contracted with another entity to operate the treatment works, the highest-ranking official of the contracted entity shall sign the certification. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of and/or imprisonment, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.9(B). The New Jersey water Pollution Control Act provides for penalties up to $50,000 per violation. Thomas P. Joyce. Site Vice President - Salem N/A NAME AND TITLE OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVOF , AUThORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICER/UTIIO{IZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR GRADE AND REGISTRY NUMBER (IF APPLICABLE) 03/15/2006 856-339-2086 DATE AREA CODE/PIIONE NUMBER

  • For a local agency where the highest-ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall sign the folloiving certiflcation:

I certify under penalty of law and in accordance with N.J.S.A. 58:I OA-6F(5) that I have reviewed the attached discharge monitoring reports. N/A NAME AND TITLE N/A SIGNATURE N/A N/A DATE AREA CODE/PIIONE NUMBER

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Division of Water Quality Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report Submittal Form NJPDES PERMIT MONF1ORIN&G P'bRtOI) MUNIIUKEMI LOCATION: I Month I Day I Year I 2006 I Day IYe 489AY-eSW Outfall 489A NJO005622 2 1 1 2006 To 1 3j2 1206 89-SWOtal4A PERMITTEE: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC ALLOWAY CREEK NEAK RD - PO BOX 236/N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 LOCATION OF ACTIVITY: REPORT RECIPIENT: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC ALLOWAY CREEK NECK RD PO BOX 236/N21 LOWER ALLOWAYS CREEK, NJ 08038-0000 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REGION / COUNTY: Southern / Salem County CHECK IF APPICABLE: LI No Discharge this Monitoring Period _ Monitoring Report Comments Attached WHO MUST SIGN The highest ranking official having day-to-day managerial and operational responsibilities for the discharging facility shall sign the certification or, in his absence a person designated by that person. For a local agency, the highest ranking operator of the treatment works shall sign the certification. Where the highest ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall also sign the second certification at the bottom of this page. If the local agency has contracted with another entity to operate the treatment works, the highest-ranking official of the contracted entity shall sign the certification. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of and/or imprisonment, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.9(B). The New Jersey water Pollution Control Act provides for penalties up to $50,000 per violation. Thomas P. Joyce, Site Vice President - Salem NAME AND TITE PRINCIPAL TIVE OFFICER, AUTHORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR S R O P ATIE A SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTtE OF4ICER, AUTHORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR N/A GRADE AND REGISTRY NUMBER (IF APPLICABLE) 03/15/2006 856-339-2086 DATE AREA CODE/PIIONE NUMNIBER

  • For a local agency where the highest-ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall sign thefollowing certification:

I certity under penalty of law and in accordance with N.J.S.A. 58:iOA-6F(5) that I have reviewed the attached discharge monitoring reports. N/A NAME AND TITLE N/A SIGNATURE N/A N/A DATE AREA CODE/PIIONE NUMBER


  • 1

///----/- -/1>; G 50050 t... '- :.NT REPORT j--: REPORT 'O I..... .......-.-.. :....-'iot -CLT" 5000 1 VERM Ot MOA. oDX 1/Mnth D CAL-T 5004001 E 6R90EPORT,,.GAB REGUIREMENT, '"1 OiAMOOAA Effluent Grass Value-Sli sw, To t pHSAMPLE MEASUREMENT 73 SuspendedS REQUIREMET 01

ll AMX

- l 01Ml Effluent G ross V alue ____;._-_.______--._.__.- ^= IPetroleum Hydrocarbons MPEURM ,5 ,'2 ,y /,t Effluent Gross Value RERMENTl

ACarbon, Tot Organic

.A.LE Suspended MEASUREMENT l l 00580 1 PEIIRPR 01Month GRAB3 Effluent Gross Value EMENT M


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