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Pseg/Allegation Project Plan
Person / Time
Site: Salem, Hope Creek  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 08/31/2005
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML052490451 (2)


- r PSEG / Allegation Project Plan Post-March 18 Management Meeting Prepare meeting summary with slides attached - Br. 3 Evaluated IAT interview & review process -

Ferdas & Cahill evaluated March 23; concerns communicated to Bakken; corrective actions implemented.


March 28 Demonstration & Speech Speech reviewed; D-note on March 24 informed Commissioners; alleger established as public; alleger's speech placed in ADAMS

.J April 13 & 14 Site Visit by Commissioner Merrifield Wiggins - Region I manager participating; briefed on April 9 Briefing package sent to Merrifield Merrifield interested in messages to Ferland and to plant staff-Br. 3 Effort in progress (SQ Information in this racora was de~e.ed in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, exemptions Si 2A FOIA-ZO-O i J' 4

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5m 16 U.,r.3\\Allegation SCWE\\Project Plan April 12