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2004 Discharge Monitoring Report - Quality Assurance (DMR-QA) Study 24 Provider-Graded Test Results
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 10/26/2004
From: Howard S
Tennessee Valley Authority
To: Mcadoo M
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, State of TN, Dept of Environment & Conservation
Download: ML043020267 (15)


Tennessee Valley Authority, Post Office Box 2000, Soddy-Daisy, Tennessee 37379-2000 October 26, 2004 Mr. Mark McAdoo State of Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Division of Water Pollution Control Enforcement & Compliance Section 6t' Floor, L&C Annex 401 Church Street Nashville, Tennessee 37243-1534 Mr. McAdoo:

2004 DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT - QUALITY ASSURANCE (DMR-QA) STUDY 24 PROVIDER-GRADED TEST RESULTS Please find enclosed the provider-graded test results of the 2004 DMR-QA Study 24 Laboratory Performance Evaluation obtained by TVA Sequoyah Nuclear Plant and supporting Laboratories as required by NPDES Permit TN0026450.

Please contact me at (423) 843-6700 if you have any questions or comments.

Sincerely, At&

A)CcA do Stephanie A. Howard Principal Environmental Engineer Signatory Authority for J. Randy Douet Site Vice President Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Enclosure cc (Enclosure)

Mr. Wayne Turnbull EPA Region IV ESDIASBILE&QAS 980 College Station Road Athens, Georgia 30605-2720 Chattanooga Environmental Assistance Center Division of Water Pollution Control State Office Building, Suite 550 540 McCallie Avenue Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402-2013 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555 Pred on dcydW pp

ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE ASSOCIATES The Industiy Standardt October 19, 2004 Stephanie A Howard Tennessee Valley Authority PO Box 2000 SB-2A Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Soddy Daisy, TN 37384-2000 Enclosed is your final report for ERA's Proficiency Testing Study, DMR-QA 24 Your final report includes an evaluation of every result submitted by your facility to ERA. Please note that reports were sent on your behalf to both the USEPA DMR-QA office, and your state or regional DMR-QA Coordinator.

If you have any "Not Acceptable" evaluations for the DMR-QA 24 Study, a letter of corrective action and an order form for the required remedial samples are attached for your convenience. If there is no order form or standards listed for your in-house or outside laboratories, than ERA recommends that you contact your DMR QA Coordinator for their corrective action requirements. This concludes the DMR-QA 24 Study.

Thank you for your participation in ERA's Proficiency Testing Study, DMR-QA 24. If you have any questions, please contact myself or Curtis Wood, Quality Assurance Director, at 1-800-372-0122.

Sincerely, Shawn Kassner Proficiency Testing Manager attachments smk 6000 West 54th Ave., Arvada, CO 80002 800-372-0122 fax (303) 421-0159 NVLAV4


October 19. 2004 Stephanie A Howard Tennessee Valley Authority PO Box 2000SB-2A Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Soddy Daisy, TN 37384-2000 In my role as ERA's Quality Assurance Director, I have ensured that all aspects of ERA's Proficiency Testing Study, DMR-QA 24, have been reviewed for compliance with all USEPA technical and program requirements In effect during this study. To all of you who were asked to provide additional information as we were processing your data packages, thank you for your patience and assistance.

All aspects of ERA's DMR-QA 24 Study, from standard manufacture to final report generation, were completed by ERA in accordance with the "National Standards for Water Proficiency Testing Studies Criteria Document", USEPA December 30, 1998. ERA has reviewed all of the data that is contained in this report and has made every possible effort to make it complete, accurate and compliant.

However, if you find anything in your report that you feel is incomplete or inaccurate or have any quality related issues, please call me directly at 1-800-372-0122. As required by ERA Standard Operating Procedure for Handling Product and Service Problems (SOP 0150, Rev.7.0), we will initiate an internal investigation and take corrective action as appropriate.

Sincerely, Curtis J. Wood Quality Assurance Director 6000 West 54th Ave., Arvada, CO 80002 800-372-0122 fax (303) 421-0159 MVI N



DMR-QA 24 Permittee Name:

Tennessee Valley Authority NPDES Permit Number TN0026450 Customer Code:

T2033-02 Report Prepared by:

Environmental Resource Associates Arvada, Colorado October 19, 2004 Page 1 of 12 ProficiencyTesting Studies / Quality Control Standards

": 2"39 6000 West 54th Ave., Arvada, CO 80002 1-800-372-0122 fax 303-421-0159 www.eraqccom

ENVROEsoRSNMsOcNTEs DMR-QA 24 Definitions & Study Discussion NPDES Permit Number: TN0026450 Customer Code: T2033-02 DMRQA Study Definitions:

Report Issued: 10/19/04 Study Dates: 06/03/04 - 09/03/04 DMRQA Study Discussion:

The Reported Value Is the value that the laboratory reported to ERA.

The ERA Assigned Values were established per the USEPA's guidelines contained In the National Standards for Water Proficiency Testing Studies Criteria Document, December 1998.

The Acceptance Limits and Warning Umits are established per the USEPA's guidelines contained In the National Standards for Water Proficiency Testing Studies Criteria Document, December 1998.

The Performance Evaluation:


= Reported Value falls within the Acceptance Limits.

Not Acceptable = Reported Value falls outside the Acceptance Limits.

Check for Error = Reported Value falls within the Acceptance Limits and outside of the Warning Limits No Evaluation = Reported Value cannot be evaluated The Method Description Is the method the laboratory reported to ERA.

ERA's DMR-QA 24 Study has been reviewed by ERA Senior Management and certified compliant with the requirements of the USEPA's National Standards for Water Proficiency Testing Studies Criteria Document (December 1998). ERA Is a NIST NVLAP accredited PT Provider (Lab Code 200386-0).

ERA's DMR-QA 24 Study standards were examined for any study anomalies. A full review of all homogeneity, stability, and accuracy verification data was completed.

All analytical verification data for all analytes In ERA's DMR-QA 24 standards met the acceptance criteria contained in the USEPA's National Criteria Document for Water Proficiency Testing Studies, December 1998.

The data submitted by participating laboratories was also examined for study anomalies. There were no study anomalies found during the review of the study data.

The DMR-QA 24 Study report shall not be reproduced except In Its entirety and not without the permission of the participating laboratory. The report must not be used by the participating laboratory to claim product endorsement by NVLAP or any agency of the U. S. government If you have any questions regarding ERA's DMR-QA 24 Study, please contact Shawn Kassner, Proficiency Testing Manager, or Curtis Wood, Quality Assurance Director, at 1-800-372-0122.


Page 2 of 12 Proficiency Testing Studies / Quality Control Standards Lah Co": "Ses4 6000 West 54th Ave., Arvada, CO 80002 1-800-372-0122 fax 303-421-0159

ENVIRONMENTL (4i RESOURCE ASSOCIATES, DMR-QA 24 Final Report NPDES Permit #: TN0026450 Customer Code: T2033-02 Permit Holder:

STEPHANIE A HOWARD Report Issued: 10/19104 PRINCIPAL ENV ENGINEER Study Dates: 06103104 - 09103104 TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY PO BOX 2000 SB-2A SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT SODDY DAISY, TN 37384-2000 423-843-6700 Performance Reported Assigned Acceptance Warning Method USEPA Analyte Evaluation Value Value Limits Limits Units Description Lab Code Study Trace Metals Aluminum t 520 435 - 605 463 577 pgWL DMRQA024 Arsenic t 302 251 -355 268-338 pg/L DMRQA024 Cadmium t 218 185 - 248 196-238 pg/L DMRQA024 Chromium t 280 242-318 255-305 pglL DMRQAu24 Cobalt t 409 359-i5 376-442 pgLDMR 02i

~ i..........


CoPPert CheckforError 324 348 314-384 326-372 pg/L EPA 220.2 TN00016 DMRQA024 w ig..

~ i..........


W............. iFK iR Y..........

irntAcpale 45 59-517 41.47 gI.

EA207TO I6 DRA 4 Lead t 321 277 - 364 291 - 350 pgQL DMRQA024 I..........................................................................

Manganese t 252 225 - 280 234 -271 pg/L DMRQA024 MercurYt 11.2 8.36-14.0 9.30-13.1 pg/L DMRQA024


Nickel t 538 483 - 603 503-583 pg/L DMRQA024


Selenium t 822 653 - 952 702 - 902 pg/L DMROA024 i~...............................................................................................................................................~i........................................................................

Vanadium t 321 287 -352 298-341 pgIL DMRQA024 t Indicates analytes Induded in ERA's NISTINVLAP acreditaton. Lab Code 200386.0 Page 3of 12 NL ProficiencyTesting Studies / Quality Control Standards 6000 West 54th Ave., Arvada, CO 80002 1-800-372-0122 fax 303-421-0159

0 vENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE ASSOCIATES9 DMR-QA 24 Final Report NPDES Permit #: TN0026450 Customer Code: T2033-02 Permit Holder:

STEPHANIE A HOWARD Report Issued: 10/19/04 PRINCIPAL ENV ENGINEER Study Dates: 06103104 - 09103104 TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY PO BOX 2000 SB-2A SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT SODDY DAISY, TN 37384-2000 423-843-6700 Performance Reported Assigned Acceptance Warning Method USEPA Analyte Evaluation Value Value Limits Limits Units Description Lab Code Study Trace Metals (Continued)

Zinc t 648 573 -730 599-704 pg/L DMRQA024 Demands BODit 75.3 38.0-113 50.4-100 mg/L DMRQA024


CBODt 64.8 29.1 -101 41.0-88.7 mg/L DMRQA024 COD t 121 91.2-140 99.3-132 mg/L DMRQA024 TOC t 47.9 40.0- 55.2 42.5-52.7 mg/L DMRQAO24 Nutrients AmmoniaasNt 17.2 13.4-20.8 14.6-19.6 mgI.

DMRQA024 Nitrate as N t 11.4 9.02-13.5 9.77-12.8 mg/L DMRQA024 Otho-phosphate as P t 2.50 2.13 - 2.89 2.26-2.77 mg/.

DMRQA024 Total K!eldahl Nitrogen t 16.7 12.1-20.7 13.6-19.3 mg/I.

DMROA024 Total phosphorus as P t Acceptable 3.46 3.67 2.79 -4.31 3.04 -4.06 mg/L EPA 365.4 TN00016 DMRQA024 t Indicates analytes Included In ERA's NIST/NVLAP accreditation. Lab Code 200386.0 awn Page 4of 12 NVLaFl ProficiencyTesting Studies I Quality Control Standards c

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6000 West 54th Ave., Arvada, CO 80002 e-N 800-372-0122 fax 303-421-0159


RESOURCE ASSOClATES9 DMR-QA 24 Final Report NPDES Permit #: TN0026450 Customer Code: T2033-02 Permit Holder: STEPHANIE A HOWARD Report Issued: 10/19104 PRINCIPAL ENV ENGINEER Study Dates: 06103104 - 09103104 TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY PO BOX 2000 SB-2A SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT SODDY DAISY, TN 37384-2000 423-843-6700 Performance Reported Assigned Acceptance Warning Method USEPA Analyte Evaluation Value Value Limits Limits Units Description Lab Code Study Miscellaneous Analytes Total Residual Chlorine t Acceptable 1.17 1.14 0.890 -1.39 0.974 -1.31 mg/L EPA 330.4 TN00999 DMRQA024


Cyanide totalt 0.574 0.397-0.740 0.454 -0.682 mg/l DMRQA024 pH t Check for Error 8.18 8.43 8.18-8.67 8.26-8.59 S.U.

EPA 150.1 TN00999 DMROAO24


Phenolics, total t 1.32 0.726-1.91 0.923-1.71 mg/L DMRQA024 Non-filterable residue ITSS t Acceptable 80 89.9 69.8-97.1 74.4-92.6 mg/L EPA 160.2 TNO0016 DMRQA024 Grease & Oil (Gravimetric) t Acceptable 21 24.0 14.5 - 29.0 16.9 26.6 mg/L.

EPA 1664A TN00016 DMRQA024


Grease & Oil (Infrared) t 29.5 21.3-32.0 mg/L DMRQA024 t Indicates analytes Induded in ERAs NIST/NVLAP accreditafon. tLab Code 20038680 e

Page 5of 12 NYL^n ProficiencyTesting Studies I Quality Control Standards 6000 West 54th Ave., Arvada, CO 80002 1-800-372-0122 fax 303-421-0159

0 vENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE ASSOCIATES9 DMR-QA 24 Final Report NPDES Permit #: TN0026450 Customer Code: T2033-02 Permit Holder: STEPHANIE A HOWARD Report Issued: 10119/04 PRINCIPAL ENV ENGINEER Study Dates: 06103104 - 09103104 TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY PO BOX 2000 SB-2A SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT SODDY DAISY, TN 37384-2000 423-843-6700 Performance Reported Assigned Acceptance Warning Method USEPA Analyto Evaluation Value Value Limits Limits Units Description Lab Code Study Additional Analytes Antimony t

.417 289-503 325-468 pg/L DMRQA024 Barium 618 531-704 pg/L DMRQA024 W........

Beryllium t 210 178-237 188-227 pg/L DMRQA024 Boron Acceptable 709 667 541 -854 pg/L EPA 200.7 TN00016 DMRQA024


Molybdenum t 113 94.8-130 101-124 pgl DMRQA024 Svet 151 129.-173 136 -166 WgIL DMRQA024 Strontium t 163 138-187 147 -179 WI/

DMRQA024 Thali7um t 704 568-609-75 WIig-DMR.A024 Calcum t 35.4 31.5 -40.3 32.9-38.8 mg/L DMRQA024

- i-....... - - - - - - - - --

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Magnesium t 24.2 21.2 -27.1 22.1. -26.1 mg/R Calcium Hardness (CaCO3) 88.4 74.2 - 105 mg/L DMRQA024 Total Hardness (CaCO3) t 188 171 -206 177 -200 mg/L DMROA024 Nlaate; Nitie s N 11.4 9.02-13.5 mgIL DMRQA024 t Indicates analytes Induded In ERAs NIST/NVLAP accreditation. Lab Code 200386-0 aw Page 6of 12 NYL Proficiency Testing Studies / Quality Control Standards 1-e 6000 West 54th Ave., Arvada, CO 80002 1-800-372-0122 fax 303-421-0159 infoceraqc'com

0 vENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE ASSOCIATES6 DMR-QA 24 Final Report NPDES Permit #: TN0026450 Customer Code: T2033-02 Permit Holder:

STEPHANIE A HOWARD Report Issued: 10/19/2004 PRINCIPAL ENV ENGINEER Study Dates: 06103/04 - 09/03104 TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY PO BOX 2000 SB-2A SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT SODDY DAISY, TN 37384-2000 423-843-6700 Anal. Test Conditions Test Endpoint Performance Reported Assigned Acceptance Units Method USEPA Lab No.

Evaluation Value Value Limits Description Code Fathead minnow (Method Code 15) 0756 7-day Short term Chronic, Daily Renewal, MHSF NOEC Survival 50.0 12.5-100 0805 7ayShoterm Chronic. ai y.Renewa;MHSF IC25 (ON) Growth ep ile 51.8 39.5

13. i 5

Ei 100 NC0i230 0809 7-day Short term Chronic. Daily Renewal, MHSF IC25 (SN) Growth 43.2 15.4 - 71.0 aily.Rene

5. 0 1...................................................................

0810 7-day Short term Chronic, Daily Renewal, MHSF NOEC (ON) Growth 25.0 12.5-50.0 C...............d.....

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0811 7-dy Sh;ort terrn Chronic. Daily Renewal, MHSF NOEC; (SN) Growth 25.0 12.5 -50.0 Cerlodaphnla dubla (Method Code 21) 0766 7-day Short term Chronic, Daily Renewal, MHSF NOEC Survival 25.0 12.5-50.0 0767 7-ay Short term Chronic, Daily Renewal, MHSF IC25 Reproduction Acceptable 30.7 26.0 14.6-37.4 EPA 1002 NC01230 07i8 7-dayShort term Chronic, Daily Renewal, MHSF NOEC ReproductUon 25.0 12.5-50.0 All analytes are Included In ERA's NIST/NVLAP (200386-0) and A2LA (1539-01) accreditatilons.

Page 7of 12 ProficiencyTesting Studies I Quality Control Standards 6000 West 54th Ave., Arvada, CO 80002 1-800-372-0122 fax 303-421-0159 infooeraclic.corn wwmeraqccorn

0 \\ENVIRONMENTAL fw RESOURCE ASSOCIATESO DMR-QA 24 Study Summary Report NPDES Permit #: TN0026450 Permit Holder:

STEPHANIE A HOWARD PRINCIPAL ENV ENGINEER TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY PO BOX 2000 SB-2A SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT SODDY DAISY, TN 37384-2000 423-843-6700 Customer Code: T2033-02 Report Issued: 1011912004 Study Dates: 06103/04 - 09103104 Anal. Test Conditions Test Endpoint Reference Reference Total#

Total 1 Total # Not Total #

Study No.

Toxicant Code Toxicant Name Reported Acceptable Acceptable No. Eval. Failure Rate Fathead minnow (Test Code 11) 0752 48Hr., Acute, Non-Renewal, 20r C, MHSF LC50 004 (NH4)2HP04 53 52 1

0 1.89 Fathead minnow (Test Code 13) 0754 48Hr., Acule, Non-Renewal. 250 C, MHSF LC50 004 (NH4)2HP04 60 58 2

0 3.33 Fathead minnow (Test Code 14) 0755 48Hr., Acute, Non-Renewal. 25 C. 20% 0MW LC50 004 (NH4)2HP04 18 18 2

0 11.1 Fathead minnow (Test Code 15) 0756 7-day Short term Chronic, Dally Renewal, MHSF NOEC Survival 004 (NH4)2HP04 65 64 1

0 1.54 0808 7-day Short term Chronic, Dally Renewal, MHSF IC25 (ON) Growth 004 (NH4)2HPO4 57 53 4

0 7.02 0809 7.ayShor termChronic,Daily Renewal, MHSF IC25 (SN) Growth 004 (NH4)2HP04 27 24 3

0 11.1

-- -6........ '6 -- - -

0810 7-day Short term Chronic. Daily Renewal, MHSF NOEC (ON) Growth 004 (NH4)2HP04 59 58 1

0 1.69


0811 7-day Short term Chronic, Daily Renewal, MHSF NOEC (SN) Growth 004 (NH4)2HP04 30 29 1

0 3.33 J }

Page 8of 12 ProficiencyTesting Studies / Quality Control Standards C.ofs 2....0 6000 West 54th Ave., Arvada, CO 80002 1-800-372-0122 fax 303-421-0159 wwweraqc.corn

0 vENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE ASSOCIATESO DMR-QA 24 Study Summary Report NPDES Permit #: TN0026450 Permit Holder:

STEPHANIE A HOWARD PRINCIPAL ENV ENGINEER TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY PO BOX 2000 SB-2A SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT SODDY DAISY, TN 37384-2000 423-843-6700 Customer Code: T2033-02 Report Issued: 1011912004 Study Dates: 06/03/04 - 09/03104 Anal. Test Conditions Test Endpoint Reference Reference Total #

Total #

Total # Not Total #

Study No.

Toxicant Code Toxicant Name Reported Acceptable Acceptable No. Eval. Failure Rate Fathead minnow (Test Code 16) 0759 7-day Short term Chronic, Daily Renewal, 20% DMW NOEC Survival 001 KCI 19 16 3

0 15.8 0812 7-dayShort termChronic.DailyRenewal.20%DMW IC25 (ON) Growth 001 KC 19 17 2

0 10.5 0813 7-dayShortter ChronIc DailyRenewal, 20%DMW IC25 (SN) Growth 001 i

1i 8

3 0

27.3 08i4 7

S t

h Daily Renewal, 20% DMW NOEC (ON) Growth 001 KCI 17 15 2

0 11.8 0815 7-day Short term Chronic, Daily Renewal, 20% DMW NOEC (SN) Growth 001 KCI 12 10 2

0 16.7 Cerlodaphnla dubla (Test Code 17) 0762 48Hr., Acute Renewal, 200 C, MHSF LC50 001 KCI 13 13 0

0 0.00 Ceriodaphnla dubla (Test Code 18) 0763 48Hr., Acute Renewal, 20° C, 20% DMW LC50 001 KCI 7

7 0

0 0.00 Cerlodaphnla dubla (Test Code 19) 0764 48Hr., Acute Renewal, 250 C, MHSF LC50 001 KCI 52 47 5

0 9.62 6000 We.

Ath Ave., Arvada, CO 80002 Page 9of 12 Proficiency Testing Studies / Quality Control Standards Lob Cefti 2t...

1-800-372-0122 fax 303-421-0159 ww aqccom

0 El\\NVIRONMENTUAL RESOURCE ASSOCIATESs DMR-QA 24 Study Summary Report NPDES Permit #: TN0026450 Permit Holder:

STEPHANIE A HOWARD PRINCIPAL ENV ENGINEER TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY PO BOX 2000 SB-2A SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT SODDY DAISY, TN 37384-2000 423-843-6700 Customer Code: T2033-02 Report Issued: 1011912004 Study Dates: 06103104 - 09/03104 Anal. Test Conditions Test Endpoint Reference Reference Total #

Total #

Total # Not Total #

Study No.

Toxicant Code Toxicant Name Reported Acceptable Acceptable No. Eval. Failure Rate Cerlodaphnla dubla (Test Code 20) 0765 48Hr., Acute Renewal, 25 C, 20% DMW LC50 001 KCI 19 17 2

0 10.5 Cerlodaphnla dubla (Test Code 21) 0766 7-day Short term Chronic, Daily Renewal, MHSF NOEC Survival 001 KCI 64 63 1

0 1.56 0767 7-day Short term Chronic, Daily Renewal, MHSF IC25 Reproductlon 001 KCI 62 59 3

0 4.64 0768 7-day Short term Chronic, Daily Renewal. MHSF NOEC Reproductlion 001 KCI 64 59 5

0 7.81 Cerlodaphnla dubla (Test Code 22) 0769 7-day Short term Chronic, Daily Renewal, 20% OMW NOEC SurvIval 001 KCI 26 25 1

0 3.85 0770

-ay Shor trm ChrIcDaily Renewal. 20% DMW O1O; Re.1 K

29 19 10 0


0771 7-day Short term Chronic. Daily Renewal, 20% DMW NOEC Reproduction 001 KCI 27 26 1

0 3.70 Daphnia magna (Test Code 32) 0788 48Hr., Acute, Non-Renewal, 20° C, MHSF LC50 001 KCI 21 18 3

0 14.3 Page 10f 12 Proficiency Testing Studies / Quality Control Standards.

6000 West 54th Ave., Arvada, CO 80002 1-800-372-0122 fax 303-421-0159 InfoCeracic.corn

0v ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE ASSOCIATESs DMR-QA 24 Study Summary Report NPDES Permit #: TN0026450 Customer Code: T2033-02 Permit Holder:

STEPHANIE A HOWARD Report Issued: 1011912004 PRINCIPAL ENV ENGINEER Study Dates: 06103104 - 09103104 TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY PO BOX 2000 SB-2A SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT SODDY DAISY, TN 37384-2000 423-843-6700 Anal. Test Conditions Test Endpoint Reference Reference Total#


Total # Not Total#

Study No.

Toxicant Code Toxicant Name Reported Acceptable Acceptable No. Eval. Failure Rate Daphnla pulex (Test Code 36) 0792 48Hr., Acute, Non-Renewal, 20° C, MHSF LC50 001 KCI 16 15 1

0 6.25 Daphnla pulex (Test Code 38) 0794 48Hr., Acute, Non-Renewal, 250 C, MHSF LC50 001 KCI 26 24 2

0 7.69 Mysid (Test Code 42) 0798 48Hr.. Acute, Non-Renewal, 200 C, 40 FSW LC50 001 KCI 33 33 0

0 0.00 Mysid (Test Code 43) 0799 7-day Short term Chronic, Daily Renewal. 40 FSW NOEC Survival 001 KCI 23 22 1

0 4.35 08i1 7-day Short termr Chronic, Daly Renewal, 40 FSW IC25 (ON) Growth 001 KCI 20 19 1

.0-------6..00 0817 Short term Chronic, Daily Renewal, 40 FSW IC25 (SN) Growth 001 KCI 14 13 1

0 7.14 0818 7-day ShoWrttermChronic, Daily Renewal, 40 FSW NOEC (ON) Grow 001 KC; 20

19 1

5.00 081..7. day. Short.term. Chron..

a Re w l4..N C( )G t


14................ 122...........


0897dySor enCr

nic, Dlly W

Renwa, 40FSW NOEC (SN) Growth 001 KI1122014.3 Eln&

Page 11 of 12 Proficiency Testing Studies / Quality Control Standards NVLA Lab CedWt 2903U4 6000 WL Ath Ave., Arvada, CO 80002 1-800-372-0122 fax 303-421-0159 wA

ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE ASSOCI TESe DMR-QA 24 Study Summary Report NPDES Permit #: TN0026450 Permit Holder:

STEPHANIE A HOWARD PRINCIPAL ENV ENGINEER TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY PO BOX 2000 SB-2A SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT SODDY DAISY, TN 37384-2000 423-843-6700 Customer Code: T2033.02 Report Issued: 1011912004 Study Dates: 06103104 - 09103104 Anal. Test Conditions Test Endpoint Reference Reference Total #

Total #

Total # Not Total #

Study No.

Toxicant Code Toxicant Name Reported Acceptable Acceptable No. Eval. Failure Rate Inland silverside (Test Code 44) 0803 48Hr., Acute, Non-Renewal, 20 C. 40 FSW LC50 001 KCI 32 32 0

0 0.00 Sheepshead minnow (Test Code 46) 0804 48Hr., Acute, Non-Renewal, 20 C, 40 FSW LC50 001 KCI 11 11 0

0 0.00 Sheepshead minnow (Test Code 4T) 0805 7-day Short term Chronic, Daily Renewal, 40 FSW NOEC Survival 001 KCI 10 10 0

0 0.00 0820 7-day Short term Chronic. Daily Renewal, 40 FSW IC25 (ON) Growth 001 KCI 9

9 0

0 0.00

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~............ 6 i...........................

0821 7-day Short term Chronic, Daily Renewal, 40 FSW IC25 (SN) Growth 001 KCI 4

4 0

0 0.00 0822 7-day Short term Chronic, Daily Renewal, 40 FSW NOEC (ON) Growth 001 KCI 9

9 0

0 0.00 0823 7day Shot term Chronlc, Daily Renewal, 40 FSW NOEC (SN)G 001 K

5 5

0 0

0.00 Page 12of 12 ProficiencyTesting Studies / Quality Control Standards Lob tr "0340?

6000 West 54th Ave., Arvada, CO 80002 1-800-372-0122 fax 303-421-0159 Infooeraqc.corn wwweraqc.corn