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Figure 5 Aux. Bldg. Elevation 565' 0
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 03/30/2004
- No Known Affiliation
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML041070126 (2)


240 one bounda&y between the -Boric Acid Addition TUnks room forms As noted above, wll 2257, whih copartmentprsizaonuponaHELB within adjoining room and corridor 241, Would beluibjected to the :for 227.

corridor 241 not include witf 'isHEB model the 227. According to C-NSA000.024M, line in the representation of the HEB area on page 15byofthe by a 2dotted An artificl "banieef is indicated CONSA-00. 004 modeled as the Room 227 HELB aea is represented Calculation. The re that yellow area m Fig. S below.

l9lue AUX. Bldg. EleVation 565'-O" Walls that are colored &numbered are masonry walls.

Thinner red lines tire doors.

7 Room 227 HELBModel Are; H ' HELB Hold Door 22605

]orln;r~tan only rtOlTE Drawing Is a fough approximation 2 of the Room 227 HELB arashows the border of the area The drawing in Calculation C-NSA-00. masonr wals and solid doors.'7 As noted between concrete walls, with a solid line, nottodistinuishig opening Cordor 241 and the doorway to Room 232 were shown as dotted lines indicatng above, the borders without barries._,r,.-.

OE 2-M0037 Diesel Fire Pump can not be prperly cooled during forebay 02-03347 53/ Maintenance to 07119102 temperatures '52 F orwhen attempftng 4o pump and Icelwater slurty. Implement

__I_ mplement ECR 0340625.

OE 03.0006 Decay Heat Pump #1vbrationlievels higher than normal. 03-01399 05/17/04 Order In Planning 02h9/03 Order 200049138. 03-07021 EDG # and #2 do not meet lSARquirements duri Integrated Submittal SFAS tesing. At time zero. It does ni meet Ninimum frequency and Feb 2004 10E 03iO009 voltage requirements. Approval Rei Affairs 02114103 LAR 03-0017 submittal b NRCthenf NRC spproat. 03-00949 10t2;YW Relmer OE 03-0015 Tomado differential pressure and seismic analysis of masonry walls In 02-07989 10114/02 the Aux Building. Revise masonry wall caics under CR 03-2910. 03.01132 032910 12tl5104 DES 03-0399 Bair The Station Batteries 2N and 2P have ei with degraded positive end Mid-Cycle OE 03-0016 plate supports. 03-05984 Outage Orders in Planning 0725/03 Repace battery2N rder 200008602. 03-06 Replace ibattery 2P, Vrder20008585.

OE 03-O019 .EDG Fuel Oil Tank-(Week Tank) 12 Transfer Pump Motor hasl Order h Plannig 08/it/03 insulation resistance. FReplace MP105 2 Order 200067207. 63-06665 111104 l_ Planning

OE 021 CAC SW Piping Design Temperature & Transient Leads. 03.04655 DES 08112103 Evaluate SW pipinn stresses based upon change In therma1 boads. 03-06651 09101l04 Hookc OE V3-0323 Intake Structure Fan MC099-3 (SW Vent Fan #3) is operating at I 1 % PES 07/14103 full bad amps. System inoperable tt gerater than 86F ambient air 03-05616 3/1504 Malnhardt temperature. ECR 03-0481-00.

OE 03-0032 Service Water tow requirements. 03*7524 09/09M3 Fornal design bas'Is ko SW11ow6oW;REVS. calcs, procedures O 031

.and instrumentation. 0348367 DES

' 03-9568 03t22104 Na]Uth Decay Heat -13A. 13B, 14A and 14B Seat Leakage.

OE 03.0039 DevelopECR 0307 for DH13s nd DF14%. 0715W04 DES 10/08/03 Implement ECR 03-0579. Ma0623 12115/05 Na uch Diesel Generators #1and #2 tubing clanWsinstalledhncorrectiy.

GE03-03042 Determine correct damp installation. Install dimps correctly, as 03/0504. DES- Ridlon

.12)16/03 needed. 03-10956 DH61,*OH Pump I Discharge to Uake-up and Puification and Spent

`E .03-M4 Fuel Pool Demineratzer Isolation, valve leakby. Rework DFHI1, Order 03S-880 14RFO Steagall 101.5/03 200065416. 03-10966 EDG load rating at 65F outdoor destgn temperature should be less QE 03-0044 than Tech Spec rating Nf2838 Kw St-90 F. Re-rate EDB at higher . 3/12/04 DES 11/24)03 ambient temperatures? PE-and DES to resolve differences. 0311148 Naluch

.OE 04-0002 Radiation Monitor Transmitters RT4597AA. RT4597AB. RT4597BA.

1/23104 RT45978E, RT459AA, RT4598AB, RT45988A and RT4598BB are 04059 2/27104 T. She"ic powered from 0 power sources using non-Q fuses And fuse blocks for Osaton. Replaceedstingfuses with equlvalentdQ uses.

OE 04-0003 Thee is a void In the hoor at the base of Door 428, the entrance lo Low 1254 Voltage Switchgear Rooth #1.This vodd was made during the recent 04-00832 2127 J. Brunkhorst HEL8 modification of Door428.

OE 04-0004 The High Pressure Injection (HPI) Pump minimum redrcilation flowrate 04-01050 SP3218 - B. Smith 2/6/04 design basis has been revised. The new minmumflow requirement for 2/1804 the HPI Pumps Is 53 to 57 gpm.

. DB-SP-03218 and DS-SP-03219 (HPI Pump 1 and 2 Quartey Tests) SP3219 -

acceptance criteria needs to oe revised to reflect the new recirculation 3/29/04

. flow requirements prior to Operations perfomiing these surveillance tests.

OE 04-0005 EDO #1 and #2 do not meet USAR requirements during a Loss of Off- 04-01214 Submittal Reg Affairs 2/13/04 site Power (LOOPX For Load steps I and 2, the EDG voltage -does not Feb 2004 Relmer meet minimum USAR requirements. For Load step 1, the EDM Approval frequency does not meet mfnimum USAR requirements. Load Step 1 Is 10122/04 bounded by the LOOP/LOCA event (evaluated under DE 03-0009).

while Load step 2 Is not bounded by the LOOP/LOCA evenL LAR 03-0017 submittal to NRC then NRC approval.