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EN-04-004, Exelon Generating Company, LLC
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/29/2004
From: Nolan M
Trocine L
EA-03-224 EN-04-004
Download: ML040290624 (3)


January 29, 2004 EN 04-004 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT NOTIFICATION OF SIGNIFICANT ENFORCEMENT ACTION Licensee: Exelon Generation Company, LLC (EA-03-224)

Peach Bottom Units 2 and 3 Docket Nos 50-277 and 50-278


ISSUANCE OF FINAL SIGNIFICANCE DETERMINATION AND NOTICE OF VIOLATION This is to inform the Commission that a White Significance Determination Process (SDP) finding and associated Notice of Violation will be issued on or around February 3, 2004, to Exelon Generation Company, LLC, as a result of inspections at the Peach Bottom facility. This White finding, an issue with low to moderate importance to safety that may require additional NRC inspections, involved issues related to the E2 emergency diesel generator (EDG), one of four EDGs that constitute the highly risk important standby emergency AC power system.

Specifically, implementation of a deficient maintenance procedure during installation of EDG cylinder liner adapter gaskets in 1992 eventually allowed combustion gas to leak into the jacket water cooling system over time. This condition ultimately led to a low jacket water pressure condition and an automatic trip of the EDG on September 15, 2003. In addition, corrective actions taken when low jacket water pressure conditions were observed on the E2 EDG in March and April 2003, were inadequate because an action request was closed without resolving the low jacket water pressure condition, which was indicative of a continuing EDG performance problem.

The Notice of Violation was based on two violations. The first, a violation of Technical Specifications, involved an inadequate maintenance procedure that did not incorporate adequate guidance to ensure proper sealing of the adaptor gaskets. The second, a violation of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, Criterion XVI, involved the failure to take adequate corrective actions to correct the condition when opportunities existed to do so in March and April 2003.

These violations are associated with a white significance determination process finding for Unit 2 and a green significance determination process finding for Unit 3. The inspection finding for Unit 3 is Green, an issue of very low safety significance, because there are fewer safety-related electrical loads powered by the E2 EDG on Unit 3.

It should be noted that the licensee has not been specifically informed of the enforcement action. The schedule of issuance and notification is:

Mailing of Final Significance Determination February 3, 2004 Telephone Notification of Licensee February 3, 2004 The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and State of Maryland will be notified.

The licensee has days from the date of the letter in which to respond.

Contacts: Leigh Trocine, OE, 415-2319 James Luehman, Deputy Director, 415-2741

Distribution OWFN ________ OWFN ______ TWFN _______ Regional Offices Chairman _____ EDO OCFO RI RIV Comm. ________ DEDR OP CTR RII Comm. ________ DEDMRS NMSS RIII Comm. ________ OE OCIO Comm. ________ OGC OIG MAIL SECY NRR RES PUBLIC OCA NSIR ACRS PA OI IP STP ML040290624 G:\OECASES\EN-04-004.Peach OE:ES OE:SC LTrocine CNolan 01/19/04 01/19/04 PRELIMINARY INFORMATION - NOT FOR PUBLIC DISCLOSURE UNTIL VERIFICATION THAT LICENSEE HAS RECEIVED ACTION