IA-92-205, Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.No Agency Records Subj to Request Have Been Located

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Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.No Agency Records Subj to Request Have Been Located
Person / Time
Issue date: 07/01/1992
From: Grimsley D
To: Curran D
FOIA-92-205 NUDOCS 9301070037
Download: ML20126K129 (1)


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RLOut Sit H Diane Curran P ART L- AGE NCY RECORDS RE LL ASED 08 NOT LOCAllD !5ee ched ed tiones!

No aynty f e(ot ds riuf gect to the requt%t Fave twen located


  • No bddit tonal affoc y f M ord5 lu!qect to the reaua51 have ts*en loc 4 tad.

Requeste d f M.ords are avaEaD i e through another pubhc dH;tobution proyam Lee Comments section.

Arncy records sub;m.t to the request that a'e identibed b Append.xies) are a rexf y au4tde for pubhc mywctior' and copy.ng at the NHC Pubhc Document Room. 2120 L Street. N W . Wrkngton. DC.

Arnry records sutyett to the request the re identif ed i in Append:s ted are be ng made asadabic for pubhc inspect +on and coprog at the NRC Putac Document Room. 2120 L St eet. N W Oshmgton. DC. .n a fo: der under the F OI A numtwr The nonproprietar , versico of the proposa::s) that you a irt**d to out pt in a te!t phone (<.rwersat.on w'th a member of my staf f is fiaw being ma'.1e awa 'sbie f ui pubhc mspec t,on and copy >ng at the N A C Pubtc Dmument Roon 2120 t Street. N W . WWgon, DC. m a f<dder under this F OI A nur+er.

Ayncy recordi subpr.t to the rease st that re identi fmd m App odMesi ma/ be evwed and cop ed at the N RC local Pubbt Doument Room +ntthed m the Comment section inc!cs.,d n mtornato 1 on hm you may ct ta n auns to and the che s for (opy aq records ic:sted at the twHC Putac Document Hoom,2120 L Street N W , WNungton DC Arney records substt to the request are enciosod Pecordi sutyer t to the request have been rW"ed to another I ederat arm ybed for rev+w and d rm t re,ponw to you fees Y ou wm be biUed by the N H C f or feas totasg 5___._ .____ _

You M rwene a refund from the N RC m ihe awunt o' $ _ _

in oew of NRC s rew;anse to this request no fo rmer action is tiemq taken on appM letter dat*J .No _

PART 11. A-lNF ORM ATION WITHHE LD F HOM PUBLIC DISCLOSUHL Certam mformation in the reqamo recorm : berg withnekt from put3hc chsetours pursaant to i*e e.emptiora describect m and for the recons sta:ed 6n part II, H. C, and D. Any released pornar s o' the documents for Abch omy part of the record is bem9 ^ >thheld are tremg marte avausble f or patA inspection and copyma in the NHC Pubhc Document Doo% 2120 L St reet, N W., Washmf on DC m a folder under thu F OI A numbe:r.

VME NTS CpIn a telephone conversation with Ms. Mary Jean Pool on June 30, 1992, you indicated that you were only interested in rcCords not in the NRC's Public Document Room.

A UHi., DiH 6 C10H,0 V SioN OF F )# )OV Of M up V Af ION AND PU(n lLAT QNS Sf R V h.[S C/ }OW O My 'jp i

9301070037 920701 PDR FOIA

!h' CURRAN 92-205 PDR

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