IA-88-137, Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents Re Jc Jones Allegation Investigations.App a Records Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 7)

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Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents Re Jc Jones Allegation Investigations.App a Records Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 7)
Person / Time
Issue date: 03/03/1988
From: Grimsley D
To: Bernabei L
FOIA-88-137 NUDOCS 8803080043
Download: ML20147F801 (3)


.5 CLE AR Rio LATORY COMMISSION %2c eva riovtti %vwna<si i

f F01 A-88-137

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\ INFORMATION ACT (FOlA) REQUEST g3 00 Cat t Newet A Si W accesseet AEOUllita Lynne Bernabeia Esq.

PART 1.-RECORDS Ritt ASED OR NOT LOCATt015ee c4caed Soses)

No agency records owbrect to the roovest have been loca'ed.

No edetonal esency records ovbrect to to reewest have toen loc.ated Agency records Ab,ect to the rMwest that are cont #ed e Appendia are e6rsedy avadetee for Wtdec repection and Corvang in the NRC PutAc 00cwN^t Actr.

1717 H Street. N W., Wphegton. OC igeec, -o,.e swb,ect io es ,e e.t a, a,0.de,-ed e ws e,e toeg ~. ..e. to, p. espect.,, .nd co,v.ee c ~ NRC ,= J Ecom,1717 H Street. N W., Wuhegton, DC e a fonder unoer the FOtA nwmter and reewester name The nonpropretary verwe of the proposeus) that vow eg<ood to accept 'm a 'e.cohone conversaton ** a membe* of my staM e now toeg moos evelable for pwtAc inspeewe and coveg at the NRC Pw4dic Occument Room.1717 H Street. N W . Washiagon. DC , e a folder under the FotA number and 'so eeter none.

Incioned e eformete on how you may obtae accees to and the charges for copreg records placect e tre NRC Pvtec Docwcrent Room,1717 H Street, N W.. Washegton. DC.

Agency records Ab,ect to the rept are enclose $ Any applicatdo charge for copes of the 'ecords provded and pavM procedv esr are noted in the Commeets secton.

F.ecords subsect to the roovest have been referred to another Fe$e$ agencWest for revew and dwect resporse to you ln new of NRC's respones to the reqvest, no further action e boeg taken on appeal lenor cated PART ll.A-tNFORMATION WITHHELD FROM PUBUC Ol5CLOSURt Certae ir forma en e the rooveewd recesos e t+ng w tahead from putAc deciosv e r pwrswant to the Foi A e.emptens oescreed e one for the reasons stated e Pe t n. sec tons 8. C. end 0 Any renesse1 portens of the oocwmeets for wh.cm onty part of tre reco d e tweg wehead we toeg made evadetde foe pwtAc inecocton and copyes e 5 the NRC PwtAc Document R.e,1717 H Street. N W.. Wuhegion. OC. e a fotoer vnoee tNs FotA a wenter aw roouuter nome.

C ,nments Your letter dated February 26s 1988s is not a timely appeal of our denial of May 6 1987.

Therefore your letter has been treated as a new FOIA request.

s We have been informed by OI that the investigation is still ongoing. With regard to that portion of your letter regarding OIA, this is to infonn you that we did not address the subject because we were infonned that OIA had no records.


$4 y . DietCtoa. prv- > as a As s (coens l

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eso3oooo43 oco30'a l PDR FOIA PDR DERNADEsa-137  ;

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Racordt evbgoct to the feQuest that are doectibed in the encloeod Appendices A _ e,e be,n, ,,,hheid in ihe;, ent,,ety o, in pari onde, ,o, A  !

to.maione .nd to, the c.etone moi vorth boio pursuant to s u.s C. ss2(b) and to CF R s mal os NmC noevisiens.

1. The methheW uformaton e procedy csee64ed pwr$went to laecwtwe Oroer 123rd f ExtMPfiON 16
2. The withheld irdormaton redatos poiesy to the etemel pesonnel rwies and procedwies of NRC. tExtMPTON 2) 3 The usehe6d irdormanon e ecoc4 cay esempted from pwbiec decioeure by stetwte erdcated. ItKEMPTON 3) ,

Secoon 141145 of the Atcme tnewgy Act whch prohtwts the deck.e. ire of putncted Date or Formriy meetncted Date (42 U S C. 21412146L Secten 147 of the Atomse targy Act mNeh proherts the deciosure of Unciese+ed Seiegwerds leformetson I42 U $ C. 2167L

4. The wthheld InformeDon e a trade Secret or commercel or feenCel eformaton that es boeg wthheid for the teetorts) educated ltttMPTCN 41 The informaton e corede'ed to be conf 4entel INocese (propnetaryt information.

The eformaton a con 64e'ed to te proprotry eformaten pu rwent to 10 CFR 2 7WdHIL I g The informaten men swtmeted and racerved in conf 4ence from a fore.pn sowrce purwent to 10 CFR 2 7pda2L

6. The withheld informaton corests of intragenev er intrugency records that are not eve 4t4 through decovvy dureg ttgeten. Doctosure of prese:eorel informeron would tend to inhest the open and fremit encharge of ioses eteentet to the Colberative process Where records are methbeid irt ther entre'y. the facts are centnceth irwortmaned wth the credeceanel informaton. There peo are ce receometdv segnogetdo factwel portons tecewee the remese of the facts wowid permit en cerect egwry eto the preoeceened procoes of the egency. ItAEMPTCN b
6. The wthheed eformeDon a enemcted from pwtec cectosu re becewse its dectoswee wowd e reswet e e c$eedy wn*6"emed invason of personei prwecy ttXIMPf60N 6e X R The ethhe64 rdormation corests of Investgetory records coms.eed for new enfo' cement purposes and a beng vetved for the reasontal ed.cated itAIMPTON fl oeciosw,e e on.on. .nd focws of enfm.- .a ,ts .no thw. coww X possery es owwid wer.

tnem wm en to take e fm.moni acton to sneedproc.ed poteetel gweagsoing t.ceuw a or cow d ,eveer a vic4tos e. .coce.

of NRC reqwnsmonte from evestgetors etKLMPTON HAH oecio.w,e ww canauhne enn v .e-a sed .. n e pe, son. pm.cy itxtMPTON tiCn I

The anformaton concets of names of inev4weis and other rdormaten the docto6wre of **wch naed reveal coatstee of corddeetel tow a ces (EK!VPTON hDu

, PART ll C-DENYtNQ OFFICIALS I Purewent to 10 CFR 9 9 and zor 915 of tre U $ %cieer Reputatory Commemon regvnetons. n tes ter arte mrod that the eformaton wthheld e enevt from proocten or onceewre.

and that fts producten or dociosure a contrary to me pwtec eterest. The persons responstee for the een el are those offree doncfed below as oormng oMces and the Dronor.

Ownen of Rwies and Recoros. Office of Aamewstraten. tor any oenee that may be apsemed to the taecweve Drector for Operatore stooi i

4 DENYING OFFICIAL TITLE'OFFCE RECORD $ OtNitD APPELLAtt CFFictat Director, Office of ""'" '"

Ben R_ h vae ---

Investiaations Annandir A .

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] PART 110- APPEAL RIQMTS Vhe derwel by sech denying offic4el identifed in PH1 Il C fney be appened to the Appellate OfficW identrfed in that secton. Any such sproel must to in  !

wraing and must to made wtNn 30 days of recept of the response. Appee's must be addressed as appropriate to the Executive Drector for Coorstens or to the Secretary of the Commeson, V 5. Nucteet Regulatory Commissen, We6Nngton, DC 206E6. end thould CM etate on the envelope end an the letter i I that n is an "Apposi trom en innel FOIA Dec-son



Re: FOIA.88-137  ;


NUMBER DATE DESCRIPTION & EXEMPTION j The Office of Investigations' investigation regarding allegations f of intimidation and harassment, and safety problems at TVA by 1 James C. Jones is still ongoing and is being withheld in its  !

entirety pursuant to Exemption 7(A),

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