IA-86-757, Response to FOIA Request.No Records Subj to Request Located
ML20207A859 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 11/06/1986 |
To: | Curran D HARMON & WEISS |
References | |
FOIA-86-757 NUDOCS 8611110358 | |
Download: ML20207A859 (1) | |
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SulTE 430 WAsurworow, D.C. eoooo-stas GAIL MCGREEVY HARMON ELLYN R. WEISS (2OM 328 3500 DEAN R. TOUSLEY ANDREA C. FERSTER October 21, 1986 fc i ib HAND DELIVERED Donnie H. Grimsley, Director FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST Division of Rules and Records Of fice of Administration U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
[O 7 A-g6-]g/e 7735 Old Georgetown Road /d /$=uR/-[f Be thesda, Ma ryland
Dear Mr. Grimsley:
et seq.,Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. S 552,
. the New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution ("NECNP")
requests that you make available all documents in your possession that related to NRC's conflict of interest policies and conflict ,
4 of interest regulations at 10 CFR Part 0, .Subpart B:
- 1) Any correspondence or other documents relating to the application or applicability of .10 CPR Part 0, Subpart B, to the activities of former NRC Commissioner Joseph A. Hendrie with respect 63 the Seabrook nuclear power plant;
- 2) Any applications made to the NRC by Joseph A. Hendrie {
under 10 CFR 0.735-26(e) for authorization to make communications
- with respect to the Seabrook nuclear power plant;
- 3) All correspondence and other documents that relate to any and applications identified in response to paragraph (2) above; 4)
All certifications made under 10 CFR 0.735-26(e)(2) with respect to any applications identified in response to para-graph (2) .
If, for any reason, you determine that any information iden-l
' tified in response to this request is exempt from disclosure, please provide a detailed description of the withheld material and separately state your reasons for withholding each document or portion thereof.
NECNP is an intervenor in the Seabrook operating license proceeding. The organization intends to use this information in the licensing hearings to further the public's interest in the 8611110358 861106 PDR FOIA CURRANB6-757 PDR
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