IA-85-724, Responds to Appeal Re Denial of FOIA Request for Four Categories of Documents.Appeal Not Appropriate.Document Identified in App to 851209 Ltr Only Document Responsive to Request

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Responds to Appeal Re Denial of FOIA Request for Four Categories of Documents.Appeal Not Appropriate.Document Identified in App to 851209 Ltr Only Document Responsive to Request
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/22/1986
From: Grimsley D
To: Reytblatt Z
FOIA-85-724, FOIA-85-A-43 NUDOCS 8603060296
Download: ML20141N377 (1)



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ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY lewis College of Science and Letters Department of Mathematics October 25, 1985 Mr. Felton e m of Information FRET 4/UM OF INF0HMATl0N Washington, DC 20555 ACT REQUEST


Dear Mr. Felton:

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F0I A PETITIONS AND APPEALS You tyave denied many pieces of information that I requested underUSC 552 and 10 CFR, paragraph 9. One of the arguments which you used,was your claim that the record in question is not in the possession of NRC. Notwithstanding your incorrect interpretation of the Paragraph 9.4,1 request your sending to me in 10 working days the following items in the pos' session of NRC:

a) The listing of fraudulent Zion computer program for leak rate calculations; b) the listing of suspect fraudulent Palo Verde 1 computer program for leak rate calculations; c) correspondence between the Arizona Utility and Regional Office regarding the Fall 1982 leak rate test (list _or_ly at the moment);

d) complete pressure gauge readings and temperature readings f rom LaSalle Icak rate test of 1982 I request that the fee be wavad for these materialWinay A.ch reveal deficient and/or fraudulent practicies of leak rate testing thereby improving the public safety.

Sincere Z. Reytblatt d 0603060296 060122 hhTD -A_43 PDR llT Center Chicago, Illinois 60616 ' 012) 567 3162
