The following is excerpted from statements recorded by the
RSO on Aug 26th, 2009, concerning contamination discovered by the licensee in [the source storage room] Feb/Mar 2008, of their facility:
1. A source being held in storage was discovered to have external contamination about Feb/Mar 2008. The source was being prepared for an upcoming disposal of sources. The source was in storage in a vault in the [source storage room at their facility]. This room is primarily used to do survey meter calibrations.
2. When the contamination was discovered the techs were directed to not use the room. Any activities (detector calibrations) requiring that area were conducted by the RSO. The area was evaluated for contamination. Spots of contamination were found and found to exist only in the back room area. Decontamination of the area was done. The room was back into use for all techs to use by the summer of 2008.
3. [The RSO] was made aware of the question of personnel contamination the spring of 2009. A device to assess such contamination is not readily available. A scanner to assess any such contamination does exist at the Bethesda Naval Medical Center. [The RSO] has recently made contact with the Commander in charge of the unit and have obtained information necessary to have access to the device. The basic detail for access is a cost of $1200 to have a scan performed.
4. There are policies and procedures in place to deal with contamination.
5. The question of contamination has only been raised recently and through the union as a grievance. An assessment of any contamination requires the availability of the device to obtain the information. Access to a scanner has been found and steps are to be taken to schedule the scan. The initial step will be the approval and allocation of funds to pay for the scan. Then arrangements can be made to have access to the Bethesda Naval Medical Center in order to do the scan.