AEP-NRC-2023-24, Notification of Ph Non-Compliance for Turbine Room Sump
ML23102A151 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Cook ![]() |
Issue date: | 04/12/2023 |
From: | Scarpello M Indiana Michigan Power Co |
To: | Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Document Control Desk |
References | |
AEP-NRC-2023-24 | |
Download: ML23102A151 (1) | |
INDIANA MICHIGAN POWER" An AEP Company BOUNDLESS ENERGY-April 12, 2023 Docket Nos.: 50-315 50-316 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Indiana Michigan Power Cook Nuclear Plant One Cook Place Bridgman, Ml 49106 AEP-NRC-2023-24 10 CFR 50.4 Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 NOTIFICATION OF PH NON-COMPLIANCE FOR TURBINE ROOM SUMP
- 1. Letter from C. A. Blosser, Indiana Michigan Power Company, to J. Klang, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality - Great Lakes and Energy, "Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Groundwater Discharge Permit GW 1810102," dated March 29, 2023.
- 2. Letter from C. A. Blosser, Indiana Michigan Power Company, to J. Klang, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality - Great Lakes and Energy, "Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Groundwater Discharge Permit GW 1810102. March 29, 2023 Notification Letter Revised," dated April 4, 2023.
By Reference 1 and 2, Indiana Michigan Power Company, the licensee for Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant (CNP) Units 1 and 2, submitted to the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality - Great Lakes and Energy, a notification of pH non-compliance for Outfall 00D (Turbine Room Sump).
On March 24, 2023, a discharge occurred from Outfall 00D that was below the minimum pH permit limit of 6.5. Approximately 39,000 gallons of water were discharged to the on-site absorption pond with a pH value between 3.5 and 6.0. The next discharge, which also occurred on March 24,2023, had returned within proper pH limits. The cause of this event is still being evaluated and details will be provided in the follow up 60-day notification. CNP has not observed any environmental impact from this discharge.
Reference 1 and 2 is provided, as an enclosure to this letter, in accordance with CNP's Technical Specification, Environmental Protection Plan, Section 5.4.2, "Non-Routine Reports."
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 2 AEP-NRC-2023-24 This letter contains no new or revised commitments. Should you have any questions please contact Chris A. Blosser, Environmental Manager, at (269) 465-5901, extension 2579.
Michael K. Scarpello Regulatory Affairs Director
KMH/sjh Letter from C. A. Blosser, Indiana Michigan Power Company, to J. Klang, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality - Great Lakes and Energy, "Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Groundwater Discharge Permit GW 1810102. March 29, 2023, Notification Letter Revised," dated April 4, 2023.
Letter from C. A. Blosser, Indiana Michigan Power Company, to J. Klang, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality - Great Lakes and Energy "Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Groundwater Discharge Permit GW 1810102," dated March 29, 2023.
EGLE - RMD/RPS J.B. Giessner-NRC Region Ill NRC Resident Inspector N. Quilco - MPSC R. M. Sistevaris - AEP Ft. Wayne S. P. Wall - NRC Washington, D.C.
A. J. Williamson -AEP Ft. Wayne
ENCLOSURE TO AEP-NRC-2023-24 Letter from C. A. Blosser, Indiana Michigan Power Company, to J. Klang, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality-Great Lakes and Energy, "Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Groundwater Discharge Permit GW 1810102. March 29, 2023 Notification Letter Revised," dated April 4, 2023.
Letter from C. A. Blosser, Indiana Michigan Power Company, to J. Klang, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, Great Lakes and Energy "Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Groundwater Discharge Permit GW 1810102," dated March 29, 2023
A unit of American E/8ctrlc Power Ms. Jen Klang - District Supervisor Michigan Department Environment, Great Lakes and Energy Surface Water Quality Division 7953 Adobe Road Kalamazoo, MI 49009-5026 April4,2023
Dear Ms. Klang,
Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Groundwater Discharge Pennit GW 1810 I 02 March 29, 2023 Notification Letter Revised lndlaaa Mlchlpn Power Cook Nuclear Plant One Cook Place Bridgman, Ml 49106 In the subject correspondence sent to your office on March 29, 2023, Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant noted an error. In the second paragraph, the date of March 24, 2023 was incorrectly specified as March 27, 2023. The revised letter is attached with the corrected date.
If you have any questions, please contact me at (269) 465-5901, ext. 2579.
Christopher A. Blosser Chemistry and Environmental Manager Att.
Mr. Daniel Burlingame - EGLE Kalamazoo
April 4, 2023 GW Pennit GW1810102 Page2 I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted on this and all attached documents, and based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the infonnation, I believe the submitted information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant subm
- ling false infonnation, including lhe poss;bilily of fine and ;mprisonmenl.
C.A. Blosser Chemistry and Environmental Manager.
INOIANA iiill MICHIG.AN POWER' A unit of Amldcln Ellctrlc Power Ms. Jen Kiana - Disbict Supervisor Michigan Depanment Environment, Great Lakes and Ene1JY Surface Water Quality Division 7953 Adobe lload Kalamazoo, MI 49009-5026 March 29, 2023
Donald C. Cook Nuolear Plant Groundwa1er Discharge Permit GW 1810102
Dear Ms. Kiana,
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Cook Nuclear Plant One Cook Place Bridaama, Ml 49106 lnd.-Mlchipal' A. required by Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant (CNP) Groundwater Discharge Permit (OWl810102), Part I, Section 11, Compliance Requiremenra, CNP is providing nolificalion or a pH noncompliance for Outfall 00D (Turbine Room Sump). On Much 27, 2023, CNP bec:ame aware of this noncompliance during the preparation oftbe monthly Discharge Momtorina Repon submittal.
On March 24, 2023, between the time periodof21:40 hours to 22:00 houn, a dischargeoc:cwmt f'romOutflllOOD that was below Ille minimum pH permit limit of 6.5. Approximately 39,000 gallons of water were discharged to the on-site absorption pond with a pH value betweea 3.5 and 6.0. The next discharge, which occurred on March a-1; 2023, at 22:20 hours had mumed to a within limits pH value of9.4.
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CNP inspects the on-site absorption pond on a weekly basis and have not observed any environmental impact from this discharge. A grab sample pH was obtained and analyzed on March 27, 2023, with a value of 7.8. With this notification CNP bas met the requirements specuaed in Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant (CNP) Grouadwater Disdtarae Pennit (GW1810102), Part I, Section 11 Parts a through c and will provide a follow*up 60 day letter as required in Section 11, partd.
If you have any questions, please contact me at (269) 465*5901, ext. 2579.
Christopher A. Blosser Chemistry and Environmental Manaaer c:
Mr. Daniel Burlingame* EGLE Kalaqmoo USNRC perTc:cbnical Specifications, Appendix B
March 29, 2023 OW Pennit GW1810102 Pagc2 I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted on this and all auachcd documents, and based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining lhe information, I believe the submitted information is true, accurate and compleco. I am aware that there are sipificant Pf_ --*""*......... thcpoatbilityofllrloud i.,,...._,.,
C.A. Blosser Chemistry and Environmental Manager.
_,MICHIGAN POWIR' A unit of American Electric Power Ms. Jen Klang - District Supervisor Michigan Department Environment, Great Lakes and Energy Surface Water Quality Division 7953 Adobe Road Kalamazoo, Ml 49009-5026 March 29, 2023
Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Groundwater Discharge Permit GW 1810102
Dear Ms. Klang,
Indiana Micblaan Powu Cook Nuclear Plant One Cook Place Bridgman, Ml 49106 As required by Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant (CNP) Groundwater Discharge Permit (GWI8l0102), Part I,Section I I, Compliance Requirements, CNP is providing notification of a pH noncompliance for Outfall 00D (Turbine Room Sump). On March 27, 2023, CNP became aware of this noncompliance during the preparation of the monthly Discharge Monitoring Report submittal.
On March 24, 2023, between the time period of 21 :40 hours to 22:00 hours, a discharge occurred from Outfall 00D that was below the minimum pH permit limit of 6.5. Approximately 39,000 gallons of water were discharged to the on-site absorption pond with a pH value between 3.5 and 6.0. The next discharge, which occurred on March 27, 2023, at 22:20 hours had returned to a within limits pH value of9.4.
CNP inspects the on-site absorption pond on a weekly basis and have not observed any environmental impact from this discharge. A grab sample pH was obtained and analyzed on March 27, 2023, with a value of7.8. With this notification CNP has met the requirements specified in Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant (CNP) Groundwater Discharge Permit (GWI8l0102), Part I,Section I I Parts a through c and will provide a follow-up 60 day letter as required in Section I I, part d.
If you have any questions, please contact me at (269) 465-5901, ext. 2S79.
Christopher A. Blosser Chemistry and Environmental Manager c:
Mr. Daniel Burlingame - EGLE Kalamazoo USNRC per Technical Specifications, Appendix B
March 29, 2023 GW Pennit GWl8J0102 Page2 I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the infonnation submitted on this and all attached documents, and based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the infonnation, I believe the submitted infonnation is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant ff_
tion, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment.
C.A.Blosser Chemistry and Environmental Manager.