The inspectors identified a non-cited
Severity Level IV violation (
NCV) of
10 CFR 50.9 for failure to provide complete and accurate information for one licensed operator on his initial license application. The applicant did not meet the American Nuclear Standards Institute /American Nuclear Society (ANSI/ANS) 3.4, 1983, standard for visual acuity without corrective lenses and had a pre-existing medical condition, both of which required a license restriction. The licensee submitted his
NRC Form 396, Certification of Medical Examination by Facility Licensee, along with supplemental medical information, without recommending these restrictions. The NRC imposed a no-solo restriction on the operator's license after reviewing the supplemental information. The failure to certify the need for corrective lenses resulted in an incorrect licensing action by the NRC because a license was issued without a restriction to wear corrective lenses.
Because this issue affected the NRC's ability to perform its regulatory function, it was evaluated using the traditional enforcement process. This finding is of very low safety significance because there was no evidence that the operator endangered plant operations as a result of impaired visual acuity while performing licensed duties since the original issuance of his license. However, the regulatory significance was important because the incorrect information was provided under sworn statement to the NRC and impacted a licensing decision for the individual. The facility licensee took prompt corrective action and submitted
NRC Form 396 requesting to have the operator's license amended with the appropriate restriction. This issue is documented in the facility licensee's corrective action program as Problem Evaluation Report (PER) 72386.