The inspectors identified several failures to implement the corrective action program when Unit 1 and Unit 2
ASME Code Replacement and Repair Program requirements for Class 1 and 2 maintenance work quality reviews were not met. On several occasions the licensee did not enter into the plants corrective action program 19 maintenance work packages that did not meet all
10 CFR 50.55a ASME Code or program procedure requirements. In each case, corrective actions were not taken to correct the situation. Over the past year, the licensee had identified technical Code errors in several Class 2 work packages. This reinforced the importance of the quality review process. The inspectors were concerned that since the problem had occurred on multiple occasions during both of the last 2 outages, that if left uncorrected, the issue could become a more safety significant concern. Failure to promptly identify and correct the failure to meet
ASME Code quality requirements for Class 1 and Class 2 repair and replacement work was considered a Non-Cited Violation of
10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, Criterion XVI. The safety significance of this issue was considered very low based on the absence of adverse consequences and the fact that no technical problems were identified at the time of the inspection. Since the issue does not immediately affect a cornerstone, the finding has no color.