Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Unit 2 | |
Event date: | 02-19-2013 |
Report date: | 04-19-2013 |
Reporting criterion: | 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i)(B), Prohibited by Technical Specifications |
3662013002R00 - NRC Website | |
General Electric - Boiling Water Reactor Energy Industry Identification System codes appear in the text as (EIIS Code XX).
The OPDRVs in Table 1 were performed while in Mode 5 without an operable secondary containment, contrary to Technical Specifications (TS) The NRC recognized that such activities may need to be performed during refueling outages while activities were underway with the BWROG to formulate acceptable generic changes to BWR Technical Specifications. NRC Regulatory Issue Summary (RIS) 2012-11 communicated this guidance to the industry along with Enforcement Guidance Memorandum (EGM) 11-003, Revision 1 that allowed implementation of specific interim actions as an alternative to full compliance with the Technical Specifications while the improvements in the Technical Specifications are under development with the BWROG. Required interim actions specified in the EGM were incorporated into plant procedure 31- GO-OPS-025-0: OPERATIONS WITH THE POTENTIAL TO DRAIN THE REACTOR VESSEL (OPDRV). This procedure was then utilized on three occasions during the 2013 HNP-2 Refueling Outage.
Table 1: HNP-2 OPDRVs Performed February 2013 OPDRV Activity Start End LPRM Removal and Replacement 02/19/2013, 0908 EST 02/19/2013, 1848 EST CRD Drive Removal and 02/20/2013, 1130 EST 02/21/2013, 1115 EST Replacement HCU Venting and Recoupling 02/25/2013, 1505 EST 02/26/2013, 1048 EST
Implementation of RIS 2012-11 and EGM 11-003, Revision 1 interim actions during the HNP-2R22 Refueling Outage was a planned activity. As such, no cause determination was performed for the events.
REPORTABTLITY ANALYSIS And SAFETY ASSESSMENT This event is reportable in accordance with 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i)(B) as operations prohibited by the HNP-2 Technical Specification, which prohibits performing activities identified as OPDRVs in Mode 5 while secondary containment is inoperable..
OPDRVs discussed in this report were performed during the 2R22 Refueling Outage and were accomplished using interim actions provided by the NRC in EGM 11-003, Revision 1. HNP-2 adhered to the NRC plain language meaning of OPDRV activities that could potentially result in draining or siphoning the RPV water level below the top of the fuel. This included evolutions involving aligning and realigning plant systems prior to achieving steady-state water level control, without taking credit for mitigating measures. HNP 2 also met the requirements which specify the minimum makeup flow rate and water inventory based on OPDRV activities with long drain down times. Further, an adequate defense in depth was maintained to minimize the potential for the release of fission products with secondary containment not operable by (a) monitoring RPV level to identify the onset of a loss of inventory event, (b) maintaining the capability to isolate the potential leakage paths, (c) prohibiting Mode 4 (cold shutdown) OPDRV activities, and (d) prohibiting movement of irradiated fuel with the spent fuel storage pool gates removed in Mode 5. All other Mode 5 Technical complete 1.1,a, If unsure, obtain peer review from 10 CFR 50.59 qualified individual. 1 — (C
- f.1 a Has Sacoort ill Owl c4Eoptaled to uottaai each dtxumint? F-1 YES I—i NO 1.2. Does this letter require posting per 10 CFR 19? if YES, ensure posting after submittal. r fri 1.3. Does this letter contain Safeguards Information? If YES, do NOT scan to SNC Intranet. Enter Special Handling instructions below and review with the AA. 17 P' 1.4. Does this letter contain information to be withheld from public disclosure (e.g., Proprietary or Non-Safeguards Security-Related Information)? if YES, do NOT scan to SNC Intranet. If Proprietary, include appropriate affidavit. Enter Special Handling Instructions below and review with the M.
r 17.
1.5. Does this letter contain sensitive, limited access or distribution items? If YES, enter Special Handling Instructions below and review with the M. - p.
Special Handling Instructions CIick here to enter text.
1.6. Oath or Affirmation Required? If YES, verify proper letter template is used. r" P- 1.7. Verification Required? if YES, use the guidance of NL-006-GL04. r Pr 1.8. Office of External Affairs and General Counsel Consultation Required? If YES, obtain concurrence signature in Section ii.
r F.-, 1.9. Engineering Independent Technical Review (ITR) Required? If YES, obtain concurrence signature in Section 11. r- w 1.10. Challenge Board Required? If YES, complete I.10.a. 1— F; 1.1 a a Ku Sacco II Dew Iii Mouovirra rasuar) r i YES p1 No , 1.11 RLE Signature: Sharon Beverly ..., 4 ,,,,.
- Date: 4/4/2013 1.12 Licensing Peer Review Signature: Steve Ti a, Date: 4/4/2013 ‘,1 )(J.
IV.1. Does this letter contain Commitments? If YES, complete 1.a and 1.b.
IV.1.a Has the NL Principal Licensing Engineer been notified? rl YES n NO IV.1.b Has Section Ili been completed for each Commitment? r-) YES El NO Southern Nuclear Operating Company Nuclear
Licensing COMPANY ,.„.s.,..— s„,„...de Form Licensing Action and Concurrence NL-006-F03 Version 1.0 1,13 Signature:
N/A Date:
Office of External Affairs and General Counsel 1,14 "Signature:
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Independent Technical Reviewer SECTION IV — FINAL REVIEW AND APPROVAL (Mark "NA" for signatures that are not required, including individual signing letter) NL Manager or Supervisor:
NL Director-. FNP Vice President N/A Date: HNP Vice President: N/A Date: VEGP Vice President:
N/A Date: Vice President N/A Date: Engineering Vice President: N/A Date:
Fleet Operations Executive Vice President: N/A Date: RLE Final Review-.
Date: 4 /19 /13 Admin (date and distribution):74-14411-Ke— Date: Aofik Date: q1141(3 cr(2_, Date:
Southern Nuclear Operating Company Nuclear SOUTHERN A Licensing COMPANY E. to e
- Stryr Your Odor Form
NL-006-F04 Version 1.0 NOTE: This checklist is completed by the RLE and retained per Step 6.2.7 of NL-006-001, "Administrative Processing of NRC Correspondence.
Check all applicable boxes and assemble related documents into the record file package.
NL LETTER / CORRESPONDENCE NUMBER: NI L- 13 - 014a I/ Verification and Validation copy of letter, if required (NL-006-003, "Outgoing NRC Correspondence," Steps 6.3.3, 6.3.4, 6.4.4 and 6.4.7).
D Pre-job briefing notes (NL-006-003, "Outgoing NRC Correspondence," Section 6.2.2).
El Copies/references of regulatory precedent, previous submittals, etc.
a'List of documents reviewed. (See NL-006-GLO3 "Guidelines for Preparing Submittals"). Er Completed Licensing Action and Concurrence Form (NL-006-F03, "Licensing Action and Concurrence").
El" Copies of relevant CRs and Als.
El Relevant e-mail correspondence. El Relevant telephone conversation records.
q Correspondence with NRC, such as RAls.
El Licensing Project Plan, if required. (NL-006-GL06, "Guidelines for Preparation of Licensing Project Plans") 1=1 Supporting documentation and/or a verification package, in accordance with NL-006-GL04, "Guidelines for Verification of Submittals," if required.
DI Challenge Board notes, if performed.
q PRB/SRB Meeting Minutes, if required.
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