| Q | CCA | Title |
05000254/FIN-2014002-01 | 2014Q1 | | Steam Dryer/Steam Separator Lifting Device Failure to Meet American National Standards Institute (ANSI) N14.6 |
05000254/FIN-2014003-02 | 2014Q2 | H.6 | Post Maintenance Test Fails to Ensure Battery Charger can Perform Function |
05000265/FIN-2014003-01 | 2014Q2 | H.7 | Seismic Scaffold in Contact with Safety-Related Equipment |
05000254/FIN-2014007-02 | 2014Q3 | P.3 | Inadequate Administrative Controls 05000265/2014007-02 |
05000254/FIN-2014007-01 | 2014Q3 | H.9 | Inadequate Rounds Package Acceptance Criteria |
05000254/FIN-2014004-02 | 2014Q3 | H.7 | Inadequate Evacuation Time Estimate Submittals |
05000254/FIN-2014004-01 | 2014Q3 | | Angle Iron Support Installed with Minimal Clearance to Unit 2 Torus Shell |
05000254/FIN-2014008-02 | 2014Q4 | | Non-Conservative DGCW Pump Break Horsepower Assumed in EDG Loading Analysis |
05000254/FIN-2014008-03 | 2014Q4 | | Testing of MSIVs with Instrument Air or Drywell Pneumatic System Aligned to Actuators |
05000254/FIN-2014005-02 | 2014Q4 | | Failure to Submit a Report Required by 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii) |
05000254/FIN-2014005-01 | 2014Q4 | H.13 | HPCI Flood Barrier Degraded |
05000254/FIN-2014008-01 | 2014Q4 | H.1 | Failure to Identify Aging Effects on Plant Equipment and Structures |