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Forwards Draft 1998 Impep Rept Which Documents Results of Review Held in Region I Ofc on 980126-30.Informs That Review Team Recommended That Region I Nuclear Matls Program Be Found Adequate to Protect Public Health & Safety
Person / Time
Issue date: 02/27/1998
From: Paperiello C
To: Miller H
Shared Package
ML20203L432 List:
NUDOCS 9803060047
Download: ML20203L431 (4)


  • February 27, 1998 MEMORANDUM TO: Hubert J. Mill;;r, R:gional Administretor R'gion i FROM: Carl J. Pi.periello, Director [0riginal signed by:]

Office of Nuclear Mate-ial Safety and Safeguards


DRAFT 1998 REGION I INTEGRATED MATERIALS PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PROGRAM REPORT In January, a team from the Offices of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS), State Programs, and the State of Texas performed an Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP) review of the Region I nuclear materials program. The IMPEP review process is described in NRC's Management Directive 5.6. Regional materials programs are evaluated every two years, under IMPEP, using five performance indicators common to regional and Agreement State programs, and additional non-common indicators specific to NRC s four regions.

Attached for your review is the draft IMPEP report which documents the results of the review held in your offices on January 26-30,1998. Mr. Scott Moore, of this Office, was the team leader for the Region i IMPEP review. The review team's recommendations were discussed with you, Mr. Blough Mr. Pangburn, and other regional managers and staff on January 30, 1998. The review team's proposed recommendation is that the Region I nuclear materials program be found adequate to protect public health and safety. The final determination of Region I program adequacy, based on the review team's report, will be made by a Management

{ Review Board (MRB) composed of NRC managers and an Agreement State program manager who serves as a liaison to the MRB.

I in accordance with procedures for implementation of IMPEP, we are providing you with a copy of the draft team report for review before submitting it to the MRB. Your review of this draft report should focus on its factual correctness. I am asking that you provide your response to me

within two weeks of receipt of this letter, if you need more time to review and comment, please contact Mr. Moore. We can provide up to, but not more than, two additional weeks.

The IMPEP team will review your response, make necessary enanges to the report and issue it to the MRB as a proposed final report. We will coordinate with Region I in scheduling the date for the ensuing MRB meeting. If you have any questions regarding the attached draft report, please contact us.



As stated b t' +

cc: A. R. Blough, RI _).g }y Ed e g

G. Pangburn, RI N ,1 9 @,fl oi NE CONTACT: Scott Moore, NMSS/IMNS X N' j (301)415-7875 l} l DISTRIBUTIOlt NEXT Pf.GE 9&'f;L.

8 hOb DOCUMENT NAME: g:riletter.wpd

  • See Previous Concurrence h$ kf hk[3 hh b I

@g 0" l IMOB* IMOB* IMNS* NMSS //o Ga. v q NA ' SMoore/II FCombs DCool CPape(fiello

_ DAL. 2/26/98 2/26/98 2/26/98 }/} 7 /98 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY CbQ -


February 27, 1998

- MEMORANDUM TO: Hubert J. Miller, Regional Administrator Regiou !



NRC Central File IMNS r/f l NMSS r/f PDR YES ,X, NO l


LRakovan, OSP KSchneider, OSP

GDeegan JGreeves, DWM MFederline, DWM JHickey, DWM RUleck, DWM SMerchant CMaupin, OSP WSilva, Ten T ETenEyck, FCSS JDeCicco FCombs LCamper JPiccone J

.) -


MEMORANDUM TO: Hubert J. Mill:r, R:gion;l Administrator R:gion l FROM: Carl J. Paperiello, Director Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards I


DRAFT 1998 REGION I INTEGRATED MATERIALS PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PROGRAM (IMPEP) R ORT in Jan;ary, a team from the Offices of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (N S), State Programs, and the Staie of Texas performed an IMPEP review of the Region I nu ear materials program. The IMPEP review process is described in the Nuclear Reg tory Commission's Management Directive 5.6. Regional materials programs are ev uated everly two years, unde. IMPEP, using five performance indicators common to regio I and Agreement State programs, and additional non-comr:.on indicators Jpecific to NRC's fo' regions.

Attached for your review is the draft IMPEP report which documents the r sults of the review held in your offices on January 26-30,1998. Mr. Scott Moore, of this O ice, was the team leader for the Regio,11 IMPEP review. The review team's recommet. tions were discussed with you, Mr. Blough, Mr. Pangbum, and other regional managers apd staff on January 30, 1998. The review team's proposed recommendation is that the Re@ ion i nuclear materials program be found adequate to protect public health and safety,ye final determination of Region I program adequacy, based on the review team's repo,rt, will be made by a Management Review Board (MRB) composed of NRC managers and an AAreement State Program manager who serves as a liaison to the MRB. ,/

In accordance with procedures for implementation of IlhPEF, we are providing you with a copy of the draft team report for review before submitting 1t to the MRB. Your review of this draft report should focus on its factual correctness. I am asking that you provide your response to me within two weeks of receipt of this letter. Ifybu need more time to review and comment, please contact Mr. Moore. We can provide up'to, but not more than, two additional weeks.


The IMPEP team will review your responp', make necessary changes to the report and issue it to the MRB as a proposed final report.fWe will coordinate with Region I in scheduling the date for the ensuing MRB meeting. If yo4have any questions regarding the attached draft report, please contact us.


As stated cc: A. R. Blough, RI /

G. Pangburn, RI'


CONTACT: Scott Moore, NMSS/lMNS (301)415-7875 DISTRIBUTibN: NEXT PAGE E Krm 4 DOCUMENT NAME: g:rdetter wpd ( g, FAQ To receive a copy of this document. indicate in the box: 8 h Jt "C"= Copy w/o att/enci. "E" = Go 3y w/att/enct "N" = No copy h D W 0>y OFC Ifp9S E IMQQ 6 IMN8% # NMSS NAME klko$re/ll & No$bs [ ool' CPaperiello DATE 2 / 2 t, /98 2 /2L /93 kI l6 /98 / /98 l OFFICIAL RECORD COPY l


Februa ry 27, 1998

_ MEMORANDUM TO: Hubsrt J. Miller, Regional Administrator Region I FROM: Carl J. Paperiello, Director [originalsigned'by:]

Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards



] In January, a team from the Offices of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS), State Programs, and the State of Texas performed an Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP) review of the Region I nuclear materials program. The IMPEP review process is described in NRC's Management Directive 5.6. Regional materials programs are evaluated every two years, under IMPEP, using five performance indicators common to regional and Agreement State programs, and additional non-common indicators specific to NRC's four '


Attached for your review is the draft IMPEP report which documents the results of the review held in your offices on January 26-30,1998. Mr. Scott Moore, of this Office, was the team leader for the Region i IMPEP review. The review team's recommandations were discussed with you, Mr. Blough, Mr. Pangbum, and other regional managers and staff on January 30, 1998. The review team's proposed recommendation is that the Region i nuclear materials program be found adequrte to protect public health and safety. The final determination of Region I program act quacy, based on the review team's report, will be made by a Management Review Board (MRB) composed of NRC managers and an Agreement State program manager who serves as a liaison to the MRB.

In accordance with procedures for implementation of IMPEP, we are providing you with a copy of the draft team report for review before submitting it to the MRB. Your review of this drait report should focus on its factual correctness. I am asking that you provide your response to me within two weeks of receipt of this letter, if you need more time to review and comment, please contact Mr. Moore. We can provide up to, but not more thsn, two additional weeks.

The IMPEP team will review your response, make necessary char.ges to the report and issue it to the MRB as a proposed final report. We will coordinate with Region I in scheduling the date for the ensuing MRB meeting. If you have any questions regarding the attached draft report, please contact us.


As stated cc: A. R. Blough, RI G. Pangburn, RI CONTACT: Scott Moore, NP NS (301)415-7875 DISTRIBUTION: NEXT PAGE DOCUMENT NAME: g tiletter.wpd

  • See Previous Concurronce OFC IMOB* IMOB* IMNS* NM513 _O NAME SMoore/ll FCombs DCool vff CPapehello DATE 2/26/98 2/26/98 2/26/98 ]J)_7 /98 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY
